the dark beach, and me stood

the dark beach, and me stood

A Poem by gunagya sokal

i love title fight.

abyss, swallow me whole;

beauties i witness,
shifting phases of the moon, concurrent waves of the ocean;
the sand beneath my feet, passing
through, effervescent;
at the break of dawn.

storm, so raging;
droplets, one by one; spot my skin
oh, smooth solace, rain;
as i stand with my arms open, wing spanned;
let the thunder clash; through the crack of clouds down,
to shatter my bones within.


© 2024 gunagya sokal

My Review

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Featured Review

Thank you for your fine poem. Your imagery is very effective to the degree that parts of me wanted to soar away in the winds of your words. Is there anything more thrilling than to be in the presence of majesty greater than anything we can accomplish? A great storm, a dramatic sunrise, a great waterfall... those things which teach us how small we are

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

gunagya sokal

3 Months Ago

hi, thank you so much for your review vol! i was very pleased to hear this from you :) it is indeed .. read more

3 Months Ago

I am a retired creative writing teacher, and take poetry very seriously. My best adv.. read more
gunagya sokal

3 Months Ago

thanks vol, i'll keep you in mind dearly. peace


Thank you for your fine poem. Your imagery is very effective to the degree that parts of me wanted to soar away in the winds of your words. Is there anything more thrilling than to be in the presence of majesty greater than anything we can accomplish? A great storm, a dramatic sunrise, a great waterfall... those things which teach us how small we are

Posted 4 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

gunagya sokal

3 Months Ago

hi, thank you so much for your review vol! i was very pleased to hear this from you :) it is indeed .. read more

3 Months Ago

I am a retired creative writing teacher, and take poetry very seriously. My best adv.. read more
gunagya sokal

3 Months Ago

thanks vol, i'll keep you in mind dearly. peace

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1 Review
Added on June 25, 2024
Last Updated on June 25, 2024


gunagya sokal
gunagya sokal

Hi, I'm a casual writer by hobby and i like to put my thoughts on paper. Do let me know what you think! more..
