

A Poem by gunagya sokal

dream pop.

(TV girl- the blonde)

turn your eyes, do you see me?
standing drenched in the cold, wet rain;
my heart aches for your love,
but your cold embrace and your shallow answers,
shoot a deep void within.

an echoed presence;
where did you go?
knock on your door and it doesn't open;
the water brings me down, to my knees;
and the roses in my hands,
along the pathways, slipping into the drains;

and the shattered peices of glass on the floor,
dishes turned to cold;
where was I lost? dear,
would you pull me out of my labyrinth?
as my hand bleeds across our dinner table.

walk into the bedroom, find your clothes;
a glimpse of the storm.
open the drawer beneath the lamp;
find your pills, a memoir;
and a portrait of us, I hold;

listening to your lore and fall asleep.

© 2024 gunagya sokal

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beautifully written. Great job!

Posted 5 Months Ago

gunagya sokal

5 Months Ago

thank you so much! much appreciated :)
This was beautifully written. I could feel her grief while reading. Very well done.

Posted 9 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

gunagya sokal

9 Months Ago

thank you! happy to hear that. ^^

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2 Reviews
Added on January 7, 2024
Last Updated on January 7, 2024


gunagya sokal
gunagya sokal

Hi, I'm a casual writer by hobby and i like to put my thoughts on paper. Do let me know what you think! more..
