Chapter 3 (Azla's POV)

Chapter 3 (Azla's POV)

A Chapter by Bryan A.

Written by Brittany Marie


Chapter 3 (Azla's pov)

I couldn't help, but notice this new guy that just strutted through the door. He was just another guy staring at me insanely. But there was something different about him. I turned around quickly and looked at him and I saw him staring at me smiling just like before when I turned around. His eyes caught my attention the most. The golden sunlight peeking through the window reflected off his watery baby blue eyes. His shaggy black hair fell just right over his gorgeous eyes. I couldn't help, but notice his smile. When he smiled at me every part of me just lightened up.

"Azla Gem." My teacher called out. "Please turn around and pay attention to what we are talking about."

"Oh o-ok, sorry sir." I stuttered. I get nervous when people call on me in the middle of class. I could have swore I heard that new guy laugh. I turned around again and he was still looking at me smiling. Then for the rest of the class, I tried my hardest to face forward. The bell rang and good thing because I was about to turn around again. I darted up and quickly grabbed my stuff and dashed out the door. I think he was still in class talking to someone. I think he was talking to Michelle. I quickly got it out of my head and went downstairs for my second class.

He wasn't in that class and I was kind of disappointed yet relieved at the same time. I wanted to see him, but at the same time I didn't want to feel his strong stare burning in the back of my head. All of my classes went by like a breeze. I headed for the crowded lunch room hoping to see his gorgeous face and his perfect body, but there was no sign of him. Everyone had this lunch and usually I saw everyone, but he wasn't here. Maybe he left early.

"Hey Azla, come sit with us." I heard Lexi's perky voice call to me.

"Um, ok." I sighed. I walked over to their table and took a seat next to Natalie.

"So you are definitely coming to cheer leading tryouts, right?" She was still bugging me about this.

"Yea I am." I said.

"Awesome I can't wait, I am just so excited." She was smiling like an insane person. The rest of the lunch went by with Lexi's and Natalie's voice gossiping about some girl that puked in the classroom while I was still thinking about the new guy. He was just so mysterious.

I rode the bus home like usual while every guy on the bus was staring at me which was so unusual. I got off the bus and it was raining hard out. I wanted it to stop because I was getting soaked. But I ran into the house quickly. No one was home, so I decided to head upstairs into my room. I was on my computer doing my homework when all of a sudden I started to get extremely hot. I went down stairs to check the thermostat and it said 50 degrees Fahrenheit which means that the house would usually be freezing, so I turned it down to 40 degrees and it was still blazing hot. I could feel the sweat dripping off my face. I ran upstairs and took off my clothes because I was sweating so bad and I just put on my bikini (just in case my mom comes home and sees me naked.) I had no idea why it was excruciatingly hot in here. I heard a car pull up in the driveway and I could hear very clearly the key turning and I was all the way upstairs. What is going on with me? My mom walked in the door and her face turned blue like instantly.

"Azla Marie!" She yelled at me from downstairs. Her voice was so loud that it was painful. I dashed downstairs in a heartbeat. "Why the hell are you wearing a bikini?!"

"Because it is really hot in here, can't you feel it?" I asked her.

"No, all I can feel is the frostbite on my body! It is freezing in here!" She ran over to the thermostat and cranked it up to 70 degrees.

"Mom, it is sooooo hot in here though!" I practically yelled.

"Are you running a fever or something?" She came over and felt my forehead. "Ow!" She said quickly taking her hand off my forehead. "You feel painfully hot! I have never felt something that hot before in my life." She exclaimed with a very confused and worried look on her face.

"Well maybe it's because I took a very hot shower earlier or something." I said trying not to make a big deal about it because I didn't want her to get worried and then take me to the hospital, I hate hospitals They are so creepy and gross. "Well I got to go upstairs and finish my Creative Writing homework." I said rushing the words out of my mouth and then running upstairs.

"Ok well I am going to check on you later and feel your forehead." She said and I could hear her perfectly.

I have no idea what is happening to me. My body is on fire and I can hear perfect! What is going on with me?! I sat in my room for about an hour with my fan on high (which was very loud) and I was naked this time lying on the hardwood floor. I was starting to cool off and I felt normal again. My hearing went back to normal too. I got up and I was freezing. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a 'GO SHARKS' t-shirt. The sharks are my school's mascot. I went back on my computer and finished my homework still wondering what just happened to me. I was also still thinking about the new guy. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. He was just so amazingly gorgeous. All of these thoughts were racing through my head and I fell asleep at my desk.

© 2009 Bryan A.

My Review

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yay... there's not another chapter... yipee....

but it was still AWEsome!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Ooh, I absolutely loved it!!! I love how it makes you wonder whats happening next.

=P keep writing, I am SOOOO curious!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

I love all of it...everything was amazing, I wish you would write more I'm very interested in your work.


Posted 15 Years Ago

i liked it! keep writing!
i have a prediction that she is going to be a wolf shape shifter of some sort!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Hmmm, very intriguing. I can't wait to read more. You guys make a great writing pair!

Posted 15 Years Ago

This story is quite impressive, enjoyable...EtC.
Both of you guys are pretty good writers

Posted 15 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on February 15, 2009


Bryan A.
Bryan A.


Don't click here! My name is Bryan Alexander Freemon. I'm bored out of my mind, so I figured I'd update my bio. I'm 18 years old, my birthday is January 24. My favorite show is Supernatu.. more..

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