![]() Poem: There Are No WordsA Poem by D. L. HutsonThere just aren’t any words to truly describe An omniscient Omnipotent and an all-powerful God How he stepped out from the pages of eternity While still being in eternity, and created the world from A to Z All living and nonliving things, including you and including me And there are just no words to describe how a God so infinite, incredible and so great and mighty can have someone like me on his mind Because even before there was an “in the beginning” Long, long, long, long, Long, long ago Ancestors and ancestors and ancestors before God Elohim decided that there would be a me The Alpha and Omega knew my name And knew how I would even come to be How I would be the product of an adulterous affair And How many would call me and think me a mistake An accident that never should or was supposed to be And that same thinking I myself would even come to believe He knew and yet, he decided that there would still be a me He foresaw my life and went through all my days And even saw everything that they would contain He smashed all my mountains and broke every chain David slayed a giant with a rock But Jesus with 3 nails severed all my guilt and shame Broke generational curses and set me free Placed himself in my path so my life would be Exactly what he destined and planned for me So me and everyone will see That He absolutely, positively, did not accidentally create me He opened my eyes to see that in all of it The good and the bad The happiness and all the times of sad The joys and the pains And all the losses and all the gains That HE all along was there with me, for me, by me, in me And surrounding me with his all-sufficient grace and mercy There just are no words to truly describe How a God so faithful and true can have Saw all my decisions and heard all my private thoughts before I was conceived And still decide that his unconditional, beautiful love would still be for me The stripes and pain his body endured on that cross for me There just are no words He already had gone before me And made provisions for me, my seed and even my seed’s seed Meaning it all for my good All for his glory My life His story There just aren’t any words to truly describe. How God can be so amazing because at this very moment He is in all the moments of my yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is shielding and protecting me. in all my griefs and sorrow He the way, the truth, and the life He is, was, and forever will be. The author of time, creator of me The very reason for my worship and And the cause of my praise The why I can get up every morning and sing. And I can testify of my faith. His amazing grace The reason I can give all glory to his name. There are no words. Because when I think about him and all he's done When I think about everything, he’s saved me from When I think about everything he is, was, and will be. I can’t express all the feelings it brings. My heart cannot describe it neither my mind can define No words will ever be able to truly describe how magnificent he truly is How good he’s been after all these years No words will ever be able to describe or equal in value Or will be able to weigh just what He’s worth Nothing and no one in the heavens or earth So I'm just going to stay by His feet and get lost in his presence. And wait for his glorious return. Cause There are no words.
Demetria Hutson © 2024 D. L. Hutson |
Added on January 23, 2020 Last Updated on January 22, 2024 Author![]() D. L. HutsonKINGDOM-MINDED, TXAboutHey, I'm just a crazy, fun-loving young woman. Born in 1976 - I'm a housewife with 3 girls and 2 step boys. This life ain't always been easy. But it has been interesting. I've learned that if God bri.. more..Writing