

A Story by Kyle A. Smith

i did this in two days for my creative writing class its about 9000 words 8818 actually lol



“There he goes!” she panted as I passed a crowd of panicked women. My arms were straight and aerodynamic behind me. My long, dark hair was smooth as it whipped behind, catching my ears at times. The dark figure was looming far ahead as I raced to catch him. He kicked up dust as he went making it hard to see anything but the outline of his black figure. But my eyes were different; it seen through the deception from the start. I knew not of this man’s origin, but my sight defiantly seen something of interest inside of his own. One look sent him rocketing away at an awful speed, giving way to chase; this made him suspect to be a spy. From the beginning there were always two defiant clans, and power was distributed amongst. Now, in these latter years, my own family has shrunk 100 this past year. The Shades of the Solid were decreasing day by day from our one enemy, the Spores of the Fist. Now, I give chase to one of that same enemy after thousands of years of fighting and conflict.
The possible Spore was trailing now; I was catching. His sprint, dying, I could hear his labored breathing now. He sensed me gaining as he took a left down a miserable alley. The sun cast the entire crevice in darkness, concealing the man. I stopped at the entrance with a skid kicking up more dust from its sandy embrace. Through the dust and darkness I had seen nothing; not one stir, not one shadow moving. My sword was still in its sheathed prison. I touched the tip of it, pulling it out, freeing a small portion of its metallic structure ready to strike if need be. I stood indifferent in my red and white robe. The wind threw the scattering dust away, and caused my hair to furl around even more.
“Show yourself. I know very much that there is indeed a dead end.” I took the sword completely out making a sound that I knew all too well throughout my days. “Or face my steel,” I finished.
I stood for several moments, hearing, listening, unnerved and unmoving. I started to weigh my options while having reminiscing thoughts going in and out of my mind. My outside reflected someone strong; my inside was a mess, as it was actually hard to focus through the haze of thoughts that were bombarding. My sword was still pointed toward the opening; I crept inside slowly, as the wind picked up. I seen a flash in t he dark of the alley, along with a sound; a very very familiar one. I blocked the man’s attack with ease, creating a spark to momentarily illuminate his scruffy face behind a hood. I tried to parry but he resisted powerfully. I felt the wall behind me getting closer and a common panic started to set in; still, I showed no indication on the outer surface.
We swiped twice and kicked up dust apparently as it engulfed the alleyway. Each swing was met with a steel strike. I kicked widely in front of me in hopes of knocking the strange man aback. I said to myself that I was not going to back down; not again. My sword scraped the wall, as I took advantage of the sparks. He stood tall and erect, facing me with his weapon outstretched to his side. I took advantage once more as the darkness suddenly encroached back and swing. He must have moved back. He shouted and our blades connected once more.
“Spore! Lay down your weapon you mocking seed!” I pushed the man back with my own, and sought to find an open target but only met his own steel. “I shall not stoop to the floor and smell such a bud from your own sword!” I cried out as I tried to get it all out; to intimidate, to distract. It seemed to no avail for several seconds as we remained in a standstill.
“Spore, you call me? I am nothing of such a disrespectful coven. Let us cease this friend. We must talk.” I felt the pressure of his blade off my own; I carefully heeded his words and put my own away making that…sound once more. The dust was still thick around us both. I heard the sound of footsteps, and the man walked out of the alley; I with him. The daylight was blinding, yet I did not squint towards the man; in fact, I had to look up. His back was turned to me; I noticed he wore the skin tight clothes of an assassin.
“I am an Optimal; I long to become one with the darkness, the Shade.” He breathed it out with a sigh thoughtfully. “I did not know who to turn. I followed you for several days. I suspected you a Shade. My suspicions were revealed today as I had seen the meeting. I know that there is not much left, and now you must all deal with secrecy. My services could be employed greatly in your missions; I am quite skilled.” He stopped and turned his head slightly to his back, at me. “Or you must kill me; I know too much,” he said with a joyous tone, through a grin.
I stood taken aback. My choice was heavy, yet the decision could affect everything. The man I gave way to chase wanted nothing more to become a part of the Shade. He made a very strong argument; we are in dire need of his services of stealth. But the one thing ringing through my mind was the question, could we trust him? If there was a moment in a battle where we needed him, would he give fight, or give flight? My face still showed a blank expression to his statements. I closed my eyes for several minutes, letting him know that there was some indication of thought racing throughout my mind.
“Sir, I regarded every possible scenario I can muster at this moment. I have made a decision, yet I do not know your name.”
“My name?” he asked thoughtfully. “Ah, there it is,” he stated as if he had not known from the start. “Myke is my birth-name.”
I nodded. “Come with me then, if you want to join our ranks that is. We shall let the Council decide. This time, we should be more vigilant to actually catch a stalker if so need be, until wait to the very end…”
Myke was startled at this as he turned around to fully face me; his face was stricken with frustration. “You known of my presence? For how long!?”
“We’ve known for quite awhile now actually. We could hear your breathing. We could hear your light footsteps. We knew, but did not say. Alas, this has hurt us on time…” I trailed off thinking deeply of the events that coursed through the past few days.
We turned to walk on, “what do you mean?”
“We deliberately said the wrong information to each other in case you had overheard. We wanted the Spore’s to know of our plans without actually knowing of our plans. We thought you were a spy.”
We walked in silence for several minutes until I told him to meet me at the north chapel entrance at dusk tonight; he was to wait in shadow until my signal.
“The council is to meet tonight, first I must rally them. Until then, good-bye stranger.” I bowed respectively and we both went our ways. I turned to look behind to watch the man leave. I turned to see an empty street; he had disappeared.
I nodded to myself and turned back to leave. I had so much to do. All of the other Shades looked to me for answers, but I was never much of a talker. But I did listen very well. I have been a shade all my life. One of the oldest surviving Shades, but the youngest member at Eighteen. They looked up to me. They expected me to call the shots. Taking note of this I suggested us to break our clan’s tradition and form us as a secret society and to take up double lives; the Spores were not fooled, it just made it that much harder for them to track us and kill us off with their massive numbers.      
There were about only a hundred left due to them throughout this city. In every city across the plain there were three kinds of people: the neutrals or Optimals as we call them, the Spores whose only goal is domination, and us, the Shades. What is our purpose? Why do we exist? I asked myself these but could only come to terms with a certain goal of our own. To protect this world from the evil Esper family, the sole leaders of the Spore’s everywhere. They’re ranks grew by the day, while ours…even though they have been consistent for the past six months, are significantly lower. My family was the bloodline that started the Shades; an anti-Spore organization. We alone, the Smeths, took it upon ourselves to take their empire down. That. Is my only purpose.
            (But you’re human just like the rest of them)
No I am not. I pushed that thought away and continued down the lonely road. I looked up to the sun, seeing that it was noon. It almost seemed too lonely.
I started to pick up the pace slowly, trying not to gain any attention from the men and women seated inside the buildings. I tried looked more bored than I was before; it seemed impossible.
I gritted my teeth in anger at my reoccurring thoughts. It was becoming harder to control but I need to press onward towards the destination. I placed my hand upon the hilt of my sword, poised to strike. I walked on, spying around my local. Watching, listening. I delved in secrecy, turning away from confrontation.
(Is this all you know of in this life?)
Maybe…I have a job to do. I must go through it without thoughts.
(But you are human, aren’t you?)
I am, but a refined one.
That always made the thoughts end. Telling myself I am a better man than most. Doubt still coursed through my skull, and my grip upon the hilt became a vice due to an anger building. I looked up again and spied where I needed to be; The Bearing Mountains Bar. I stood in front of its massive door. The grain of the wood seemed new with no wear; I wondered how he kept it so nice. It was heavy and creaked when I had opened it. My gloved hand, sadly, could not touch such a wondrous grain. The air inside was thick and heavy with smoke. I heard conversations from all sides. It was dim and smelled like wood.
I looked at all the faces before I sat down. Some twenty or thirty people, none of the ones I need to talk to. I sat at the front and told the barkeep to bring me water. He laughed, and so did I inside. The man was a fellow Shade and a high rank named Kuhne built short. He asked me no questions after he had gotten what I had requested. The water went down cold through my parched and dusty throat. I drank it all in one gulp and sit it down hard.
“Is Shutler here? I urgently need to speak with him.”
“Eh? Shutler…let me think…when was the last time he showed up to work!” he laughed a big hearty laugh like he always does, showing his pure white fangs. “Come round back m’boy. He is always open for whatever expense.” He flashed a knowing smile. Quite the deceiver Kuhne is, I think at least. He would have fooled me. I welcomed his warm gaze with a stone face as I walked around the counter to the other side, his hands motioning me towards the door behind me. After I was in through the dusty red curtain that hung over it, I heard him go right back on with this conversation. Just like if nothing had transpired, I chuckled. (I don’t even exist anymore).
My wondering eyes gazed upon several portraits that hung along the hall to the back room. Each were masterfully done, and all recognizable as one of my most trusted Shade. Neck Welson was his name, and his steady hand was not just useful for the brush and pencil I am afraid…I have sent him on many a mission before to silence a silencer from the Spores. All without fail; I chuckled again inside. There were so many memories of this place as being our main base over the past years.
When I had entered the room there were five men sitting in nice chairs around each other. Each one looked more startled than the next as they had seen me. My face paled no expression. Not even anger, but they knew. I had given them orders not to conspire here in numbers and that only Shutler was to remain on watch here.
I closed my eyes and rattled off their names. “Neck, Durf, Jordo, and Anp. Leave us at once. I have business to attain to.” I walked towards where Shutler had sat, and took the seat opposite of him. I didn’t care how conspicuous it was to have four men leave the back room on a busy day. They had angered me.
(Should I punish them later?)
“Shutler, why were they here.” It was a statement not a question. “Answer me please,” I sought out to strike him down with my words. I could hear his gulp from across the open room.
“I do not know, sir.”
There was a silence that took over the room for several moments. The air was thick with a smell of a fire. It was to be permeated with a tension for the evening though.
“Let us get to business than, shall we? As you do not have any answers on why four of my men were accompanying you here, then I shall press the matter forward to something that is actually relevant.”
(Oh how I hated talking.)
He seemed to be listening intently now as his back was off the chair, and was leaning towards me. I sat with my legs crossed, and holding my hands. I sucked in deeply taking in the rich air.
“No need to speak Shutler,” I mused. “You can hold this grudge until the day you die even. You shall respect me as a leader of the Shade organization. Now, there is a…rather interesting new recruit that has come forward with an intention of trying to be one with us. His name is Myke and is trained in the stealth. He has been searching for us ever since we disbanded an open market. Now as you know, there was a so called spy that has been to several of our meetings, and has even gone as far as to infiltrate our more…robust guardsmen ship. He is the very same.”
I had seen his eyes get large.
“A most excellent find my lord, when shall he be inducted?” he seemed excited.
“We shall have to call a very urgent meeting of the other three Council members.”
He sat back thoughtfully. The tone of the room seemed to change before my eyes as the moments before had never happened.
“Very well Keyyle.” it smiled warmly as I took it with a nod.
“Farewell. You know where to meet. I shall see you there.”
With a swipe of my cloak I took the exit back into the main bar to find that most had cleared out already after an hour of talking. There were virtually no Shades present anymore. Not even Kuhne was anywhere to be found. My eyes darted wildly around in frenzy. My hand was already on the handle. This was one thing I knew better than anything; to fight. I’ve been doing it all my short life.
(What a life.)
I shall fix this life for the future generations.
I told this to myself always to hide my true aspirations; to sit and write my own story, learning to pen, and learning to use a different weapon filled with ink. That was my true dream. My thoughts were not focusing from what my eyes took in; nothing of interest. I scanned the room once, than twice again. My hand was still wrapped tightly around the fine engraved handle at my side. I heard a plausible faint shout coming from beyond the main wooden door. Immediately I had jumped over the counter, my robe flying through the air, my cloak wisping around.
Running towards the heavy door, I jumped in a spinning kick, my foot colliding with the door, crashing into it, making it fly open. I landed out in the sun drenched street. Two bodies lay in the middle of small commotion. My dark hair now trailing behind me, and sword unsheathed, I ran to it with my eyes still adjusting to the hard light. Surely there were two Spores against four Shades; the very same that I had sent out. There were many others there, all Shades. They all stood in the back while they watched their brothers fight. There were strict orders that did not allow them to fight, instead they all acted as Optimals and cheered on a certain side.
My sword, out, I jumped over the massive crowd and came down with a sickening thud onto a Spore, decapitating the man where he stood.
(He didn’t even have a chance.)
My speed was unmatched even by my fellow Shades. I ran to the other, and sunk my sword deep into the man’s right chest. I pushed the man down into the dusty road, sinking my weapon deep; he was trapped.
“Who sent you.” Once again, more of a statement, rather than a question.
No answer. I pushed the sword farther, causing more blood to pour.
“Why have you come?” I sincerely asked this time.
He coughed up blood in an attempt to talk. “We have come…” his breathing was labored. “ To collect information about…” He passed out, so it seemed. I took my sword from the body, and made it into a corpse by slicing into the soft tissue of the throat.
“Sir, this man says he knows you.”
I wheeled around to see Myke looming high.
“How long has he been here?”
“From the beginning…he saw the whole thing unfold. He showed himself once they killed Kuhne…” Durf said, his golden hair spikes floating in the wind. “We were too late for Kuhne. Next thing I know there was a blur and you showed up!” His blue eyes pierced my soul.
“Yes. I know him. He is our newest member.” I turned to him now, “You. Thank you deeply.” I gave him my thanks with a bow of respect. “Let us move indoors. There is no telling who may still be watching.” I ordered Neck, Anp, and Jordo to dispose of the bodies that littered the ground and to give Kuhne a proper, but small appropriate burial.
Durf, Myke, and I all moved inside to the back of the bar. The secrecy levels were depleting. If they had another spy in the shadows outside, they would surely report back that they…or wait…
(When they don’t show up to give them a report…they will suspect either way.)
Anger coursed through my body once more.
(I hate emotions as well.)
I led my brothers into the back where Shutler still was quiet and lay in wait. He was startled at the gruesome message I had to convey. He seemed desperately in shock…what a…
That seems to be fitting.
(Just like you, remember?)
How can I not?
(The sound was oh so sweet that night.)
I struggled with my thoughts as I sat with my fellow brothers, lying in wait for the other three leaders to join us. I started to become anxious as the time slipped away in nothing but silence. We talked of Kuhne and the memories we shared with him. I of course said nothing, but only reflected his life within my own. People die every day; it’s something I had to deal with.
(He was like the father you never had.)
My face stood motionless even with a constant hellfire of accusations coming from my own mind! I didn’t know how much more I could take. Shutler left to get drinks for us. I had noticed that he was becoming good friends with Myke. They chatted at lengths, but I did not listen. I just sat in wait for the three companions dealing with the late Kuhne. Durf sat next to me mumbling something; I paid no attention. I looked at him only twice, noticing that his massive sword was leaning on the chair he sat in; it was stained with red. A noise came from the front of the room, and the three appeared. Neck in front, nodding a solemn look; they all looked grave and pale.
“Brothers; you must not take this death so harshly.” I looked as if I did not care.
(But you did. You do still.)
I pushed it out, “we have not experienced a death in six months and suddenly the Spores have came and attacked. Maybe not intentionally but they have infiltrated our lands; some of the only ones that are not patrolled by the Spores. This is our last stand; even though we have spread out thin and wide, they are finding us. We must take our lands back. We must recruit more Optimals.” I sighed and closed my eyes. “We have waited too long. We must. Attack. Back.”
The room stood silent for several moments. I stood up after several painful silent minutes. I motioned for them to sit. They sat awkwardly, looking up to me. Shutler was looking away as usual; I turned to see Mykes gaze of different colors. I overheard him telling Shutler that his eyes change depending on the mood. Very queer.
“We must send our own men to go into the Spores base.” I was very calm as of now. “Myke, and Neck. I call on you. You are to find battle formations for the early future. I sense that they are planning on an attack. I hope your mission goes smoothly.” I turned around not to face them. “Leave us.”
I slumped back in the seat after two hours of looking into the fire. I talked to Durf little. Keeping up with his family; he snickered here and there at a crude joke of mine. He flashed his brilliant white teeth, and ice chilled eyes.
(I hate him)
He is an asset.
(Yet he seems perfect.)
I suppose; we could use perfection.
(He’s not human. But you are.)
I retired from the room to my own house. My mind wondered in and out of the mission I had for Myke and Neck, wondering if the mission I had assigned was too soon, too dangerous. Would they make it? Would they succeed? I would know in due time. My sleep was restless. It included dreams of someone who felt nothing. I seen my father; I awoke with a ringing in my ears. If only I could taste how vengeance felt. I must know. We must attack soon.
The sun was still barely a sliver over the horizon. I awoke before dawn. The outside air was cool, and the wind took my hair as I stood against a pillar. I thought hard. I wore black. I don’t know why. Upon the balcony I had seen him. It was Durf running towards my house. I jumped down, startling him as I created no noise or dust. He jumped back, yelling in the early morning air.
“My lord! I did not see!”
“State your business.”
“Oh…right! Ambush…” his eyes caught mine for once. My soul seemed shaken. His eyes pierced mine, and again my thoughts were frantic. I ran off leaving him behind. He seemed legit; I had to check it out. I heard his footsteps soon behind me. He caught up to my awesome speed somehow, his sword not even slowing him down. His eyes were stern; I had seen them.
We ran down the street, kicking up a plume of dust. Commotion could now be heard from the distance. As we rounded a corner down a line of houses, I kicked it up. My eyes darted as we approached the main street of the city. There were more than 50 Spores sprawling. I had seen my own brothers fending them off; only about twenty. We were vastly outnumbered; there were only about 25 of us in the city. We needed to call upon more; much much more.
“ANP!” I tried to yell over the steel on steel conflict. “Send the word! We need more!” I jumped in as he left, nodding and ran out of town. I slashed the Spore from arm to arm. I looked behind me and watched him running off to the rising sun. I looked back and got face to face with steel; it made a spark and a sound that I knew all too well. I needed to save them all. I needed to save my brothers. But the swarm was too much. In the peripheral I had watched Durf take his sword and crush more than five men at once. Their blood splashed on the ground as I seen Durf take control of the action. My old men; Clos, Ty, Merk, and Rey; falling around in slumps around me. It seemed too much. My mind was spinning but my body didn’t take heed to it. (Human.) I took down another Spore in a bloody fury. Shutler was spinning and swipe, taking on more than four at once. My mind raced. My blood pumped. Each Spore that had attacked me was met with blocking steel.
“This is Reeve!” I heard a Spore yell. His sliver of a sword through the only woman employed as a Shade here: Alic.
“YAH!” I killed the man in front of me and jumped high into the air coming down on the so-called Reeve. He was cut into two. By now our numbers were down to about ten as I twirled around, scanning the area. The Spores seemed decimated. Their ambush was a failure as now we were tied in numbers. Few turned to leave, but my cunning speed and with a swipe of my sword, the air even got cut. I hit several Spores’ dead on with my attack. We had won…for now. We took a heavy loss and I only let two escape to tell their boss of the attack.
I ordered several of my surviving men to take the bodies of the Shades and bury them; the spores were all to be beheaded and set on fire. I decided to rest and meditate; I turned to go to the bar with only Durf at my side. I talked to him quietly about the battle. We got to the Bar and we both sat down.
There was no way we could keep going like this.
(You feel remorse at your loss.)
I do not. I wish only to uphold my father’s traditions.
(The one that died trying to save you, you mean?)
(You are so weak.)
I have no feeling.
I awoke to reality hours later after we had sat down. Durf had left it seems, unless he was washing his blade. I grabbed my own sword that I had set on the table and left the building soundlessly to get another nights rest. Surely the Shades were in disarray; first I checked on the arrival of Anp, but nothing. I went straight home and had no dreams. I did not deserve such a pleasure.
I had awoken in the late morning the day after. The sun was already up and weaving a web through the window. My eyes burned from the light. I got up and washed, then went to the headquarters. When I had arrived I was surprised to see Myke and Neck; their journey sure was a fast one. I was quite eager to see what they had uncovered. I walked in on Shutler and Myke fooling around, and laughing gaily.
“Neck reporting.” He walked up to me midst the horseplay. Myke noticed my presence and his disposition changed dramatically.
“Myke, Sir!” he handed me a rolled document and I grinned; the first grin for awhile. I said nothing as I pulled up a chair and ran my fingers along its binding. I unraveled it and slowly opened it with curious eyes. In full detail was a dramatic Spore plan that was to take affect the very same day.
“I know understand your haste; I trust you had read this yourself to make it back so quickly.” I looked up to see them both nodding; perhaps expecting chastisement. “As I hope you are fully aware, many of our men were slaughtered as of early yesterday. We have no men as of right now to prepare a full scale ambush ourselves. What is so funny?” I had eyed him cautiously to find out his smirk.
“Anp has arrived my lord.” My eyes were wide at this time. I could feel them.
            “…how many has he gotten?”
            They both looked at each other. Shutler beamed at me and said, “Over eighty.”
            At this, I could feel my mouth drop. “Eighty?” I repeated. He shook his head eagerly. I leaned back in my chair, calm and fulfilled in a strange way. Myke’s tall head was looming just out of range of my stare. I was thinking; hard. We could defiantly use this many. I got up and told them to show me; perhaps a tad too excitedly, I let my emotion show.
(But it’s natural to show this.)
Not when you are the leader of a dangerous organization where anyone can die at a moment’s notice.
(Your father would be more than proud of you.)
I have no father.
The army I had witness was massive. Anp had surely gotten every Shade to come from hiding. I made a speech. (I hated talking.) The seemed to love it; the seemed to rally; they thirst for blood. I most of all made sure of that. I led them to the mountains that overlooked the small city. I told them what group they were in, and where to split up at, where to hide. I told them to remember that they were always one with the shadow; no matter what. They were to remember their roots. I was sure proud of myself that I had led such a numbered team here, and that it was time for battle. I went to hide by myself; I was to make the call. We were above a small trail that the Spores plans had detailed and mapped out; it ran from the top of a peak to the bottom of the mountain towards the city. I knew that this was to be the best spot to take an ambush. It was going to successful I knew it.
Below down in the pass, the army came marching down. My call was simple; when I jumped, so did you. I had several archers perched in convenient locals so not all were to be jumping down. I divided the group in half and we would work our way in to the middle to where the middle lie in wait. His name was Stave Garci as depicted by the battle plans. I knew him from an earlier battle, and he was very deadly with speed that surpassed mine even. He was also handy with the blade, but other than that, I knew virtually nothing of him.
(He must be a good man.)
Yeah so is everyone.
(Vengeance can only be so sweet.)
I jumped and so did about 39 other men and 40 plus arrows. I had station Myke and Neck as archers to help them rest from their long journey. My blade sizzled through the air and cut down three at once. Some were very young and seemed familiar as men and women that I grew up with. The hailstorm of arrows did not cease as we received barely any casualties ourselves. The army of 500 was decimated in a matter of minutes due to surprise and it was even sooner to be holding the head of Stave high above my head. I did it.
Oh thank you.
(What to do now?)
My mind trialed off in its own special way; I led my men off leaving some behind to set ablaze to the bodies. I felt free, but still as if something has been missing. We received two dead, and four wounded; including me. A small cut run the length of my upper arm. It hurt (Human) badly but I could manage. It was late afternoon by now as we walked back to the headquarters. A thought had popped in my head; what if this many Shades in one city would make us not safe anymore. The thought was chilling and disturbing. It didn’t matter now, what’s done is done. I know these men would fend off any attacker to the very end; including myself.
I ordered everyone when they had arrived back to get a good night’s rest. I retired to my own chamber in my dusty house. It was the same thing as the previous nights. I had no dreams, except the ones that I could see my father in. I woke with the same ringing in my ears as before. I got up and opened the door only to find Shutler standing there, as if waiting. He told me of two Spore messengers that had arrived. I walked out to find them outside of my house already. Their features were exactly the same; twins, brothers, spores. They had the same posture and were both tall. I jumped down from the balcony to greet them.
“Hello” I said.
“Aye,” they both replied, “we greet you humbly.” The both bowed in respect. “We come on orders of our lord, Keyle. He requests your presence. Should you accept, you may either follow us…or something tells me you know the way. You may choose not to of course. What say you?” the left one had said.
“I say leave.” The ring came as I unsheathed my blade and pointed it towards them. “Leave this place.” The one eyed me darkly and turned without saying anything. I had noticed that he had came weaponless. The other bowed at me respectively.
“May we have a chance to meet in battle; farewell.” He turned humbly around following in the footsteps of the other twin. I had noticed that his weapon was nowhere to be found. His hair was small and well kept.
(Despicable scum.)
I turned to see Shutler standing directly behind me. He was smiling big.
“I knew you wouldn’t have went with them sir.” It seemed as if he found a sort of respect for me now. I walked up so that our bodies were in line with each other to the side of him.
“I am going.” I walked back inside, leaving him motionless for several long minutes until I watched him stride off down the road.
 I left two hours after the twins and came up to me. The road was rocky, and windswept. The air cut my face as I walked upon a well trodden path to the Spore hideout. It was relatively close; a twelve hour hike. I busied myself in the thoughts of the past few days. I wanted to seek out what the leader had to say; if anything of importance.
(Say you miss them all; the ones that perished for your family’s cause.)
I miss no one.
I came to another dusty, wooden city; it mimicked my own. It’s been so long since I’ve ever set foot here. Both of our cities were destroyed countless times; this was the best we both could have…the remaining supplies after the last major war. I walked down the road, feeling the eyes of the men and women inside the small buildings until I got to a huge mansion like structure; the Spore main base. I knew it was the same one that Myke and Neck had been in. It gave me a feeling of ecstasy; but I welled that up in my stomach. I walked through the front, double-door entrance. It was dark at first inside so I let my eyes adjust to the light. I found my way down the corridors soon after. I came to a large room lined in extravagant metals. In the middle sat a throne with its back to the entrance where I stood.
“Well, well, well; if it isn’t Mr. Smeth himself.” The chair turned around for me to witness a man; not just any man, the man. He was devilishly handsome with his body wrapped around in a fine deep purple suit with eight golden buttons lined in two rows that connected one part of the jacket to the other; half were unbuttoned. His gloves were pure white, as well as his teeth as he smiled. His hair was a golden brown that fluttered gently up. My mind seized up; it was as if…
(No. Not that.)
“I have waited quite a long time for your arrival. I figured you would heed what I wanted to say.” His eyes did not flash all around but instead they were focus directly at me. His fashion made me seem inadequate to be in his presence.
“Hello” I managed.
“Ah he can talk!” he sucked in joyously. “How was the trip here? Did you have any falls?” he laughed at his own horrible joke. Something about it though made my insides mush after trying to conceal a laugh from escaping. He offered me to sit down at another chair that was directly opposite of the one he was sitting on, on top of the raised platform. I gladly accepted and set down my sword next to me on the swiveling chair. We talked for several moments about things. It was easy to relate, and he reassured me that I can be myself in front of him. It made me feel…
(Human. Say it.)
No nevermind.
I than pressured him to talk about what it was that he wanted to talk about.
“I ask humbly, from the bottom of my soul,” he seemed sincere as he paused to purse his lips, “to cease the fight and quarrel between us; becoming brothers.”
I heard a noise behind me through the silence of the room that was fallen. I did not turn to see what it was as I would have gladly accepted anything that has entered; even death. I thought for several moments; he said nothing, possibly allowing me to think about it. He did seem sincere enough; he very well seemed legit about what he asked. I looked up to see him cross-legged and his hand clasped in front of him; his face was eager.
My choice was heavy.
Help me thoughts.
What should I do.
            I stared into his deep blue eyes. “So be it.” I heard a gasp exit behind me.
            “It seems that we have more guest than just one Keyyle.” I turned to looked behind me from the chair, with the sheathed sword in hand. I whirled to see Myke and Shutler with a betrayed look scratched about their face as if asking, how could you.
            “Leave us.” The both turned to leave without a glance back. I felt heavy with guilt.
            “Don’t worry, I feel it too” he said as if he saw right through me. “Come, let us be merry and eat! Let us tell our fellow Spores know of our decision.” There were virtually no one in the compound, but as soon as a meeting was called out on the streets, the feasting hall soon became packed. Keyle was soon to break the news. The reaction was a mix of applause and scowls. Some even turned to leave. It seemed as if Keyle expected such a happening.
            “Friends! This is a time to be merry and feast!” he smiled warmly and clasped his hands as he begun the feast. I was the first join in with him. Soon many, a little more than half had been seen digging their hands into the food that was presented to them that night. More had left without even a second look back. The sound of silverware caused a noise…
            (Admit it.)
            I slept in the disbanded Spore stronghold feeling safe that night. In the morning there was no ringing in my ears. Keyle was the one that stirred me telling that nearly half of his men had left. Including Met, one of the twins and one of his most trusted men; he fears the worst, mutiny and that I should return to my base before the two that had overheard recruits more and more to their side to overthrow our jointed decision. I quickly got ready to hike back home. On my way out Keyle says that him and the last remaining of his faithful men were to accompany him on his journey home in fear that he may be attacked for the choice he had made. I did not even take this into consideration; my thoughts at the time did not aid me.
            Instead of walking, we ran down the same road I had taken to get here. The ground shook and the air was loud with the sounds of marching feet. It took half the time to get to the pass that overlooked the small city. From up high I could see a little army from the distance; directly upon the path…the same one where…
            “AMBUSH!” I yelled to my new friends. Dayvod, the remaining twin barrel rolled knocking man over to the sides. We all climbed above the path onto the outer walls where we had ambushed the Spores to begin with. There was no one to be found. Myke and Shutler seemed to want to play this fair. I knew they were getting too close and I knew that Shutler was not to be faithful for very much longer. Most likely all of the Shades that were so faithful to me have turned against me. I couldn’t wait to get down there. I used my speed to get their before any of the Spores could get there before me. I stopped short in front of the glaring eyes. A few stepped forward and joined me in facing Myke and Shutler. He spoke:
            “Keyyle, I knew you for most of my life, there was no one I envied more than you and yet you threw your life away seemingly. You wanted nothing more than to do just that, and I wanted nothing more to seize your position. Now look at you; siding with the enemy. You betrayed us all.” I did not speak. “Where is your tongue knave?” I remained silent.
            “Speak!” Myke shouted, his eyes the color of blood. I had noticed that Keyle and the
Spore army were behind me now.
            “I shall when the time is right, now hold your hot tongue. You are too quick to accuse me with insult. I have thought this through, and we have talked it through with much time. We both grow weary of fighting, I cared and thought of you all. I wish for nothing more than peace and rest now. We must rebuild this world that we have so much destroyed.” Several men in the opposite crowd with Myke and Shutler looked uneasy and eyed guiltily around. I knew they were somewhat forced into this by them; being fed lies even. I was strong, I knew that.
            (You are still human.)
            I looked around to all the men present and seen that there were more than just shades present. There were several Spores, including Met, the twin. Keyle stood right next to me, prepared for the worst; I with him.
            “What say you all?” he asked, “Are you to join us, or oppose us with your false leaders now?”
            Durf appeared from the crowd and kneeled in the space where that separated the two factions. “Sir Keyyle, I have been humble towards you, and have treated every mission as a mission to protect you, and most importantly the Shades entirely. I now come to you seeking a respect that you have showed me inside of myself.” He laid his massive sword in the dirt as both knees touched the ground, his head getting lower, bowing. “Please lord, hear my plea.”
            “Rise; for I too know of your pain. I know the trails I had to face were hard, but never this hard. We shall face them together. What say you.”
            “I say aye.” He joined the ranks behind me.
            “Is there anyone else that wishes to join our side? We wish not to fight sirs.” I eyed the two leaders of this new faction suspiciously as their stares grew more and more angered.
            “Sir Keyle!” came a call from the back. A young but massive man emerged from the crowd along with a face I knew too well; Jordo. Both of their features were very distinct but the similarities could not go unnoticed. They were surely related.
            “Ay? Who is this Dielon?” he had asked with a sharp tone.
            “This is my brother; I have never seen him before. You are forever in my gratitude for letting me find him.” He seemed to be filled with an emotion…glee.
            “Dielon, it is not I that commanded you to be here. You acted upon your own free will. Your decisions ultimately decide your life.” He said this with an emotion too…but I couldn’t place it. It was like a (father) father talking to his (son) son.
            (Someone you never had.)
            “Remember that always” he finished. Dielon nodded and joined the growing crowd behind me, and Jordo soon nodded after me and followed him.
            Shutler turned to look now as he was now confident that the men behind him were the ones that were going to stay by his side to the very end. He had gotten what he always wanted; my position as leader. He looked back at me, his eyes burned holes through my own. He smirked at my numbers. My eyes themselves pleaded that I meant no harm, and I wished not to fight.
            (Are you actually showing emotion?)
            I closed my eyes and breathed deeply in and out. In the moments that past I thought of all the memories I had with all of them at one point and another. There was to be no doubt that Shutler was to employ an attack upon me and my new men. I noticed that Neck and Anp had not came to my side. I sighed once more and opened my eyes to see what Shutler and Myke had to say.
            “We shall play this fair than sir? Now that the formalities are over…” he put a sarcastic emphasis on each word; no each syllable. “To the death.”
            I closed my eyes ready to take in what I was about to do. “Ay yes. To the death.”
            I felt the earth shake, and my hand quickly flashed to my sword. I had seen Keyle mimic my moves; he jumped as I jumped. We landed in the middle slicing off Spore or Shade; it didn’t matter anymore now, they were all threat to the peace of this world. I had seen and witnessed my own trusted men perish and become dismembered by my very blade. I swooped upwards, cutting through skin; my attacks were met with little to no resistance and blocking. Keyle was beside me fighting off his own men and mine alike; they were all common enemies. In the distance I had noticed that the twins were engaged in mortal combat just like the others. (Human.) A fear set in, and my stomach seized. I made this happen, was my realization.
            I needed to focus; another two down. Keyle and I made an impenetrable circle of bodies. I had seen Durf take down several of his own friends; all for my sake. My ears were ringing from the noise of the steel crashing down upon flesh and metal alike. It made me…
I heard Keyle call out the names of his own men that he had killed after his blade exited their limp bodies. It felt like he had no remorse. “Mek! Fet! Sank! Tinallian! Katai!” all feel around him in slumps and blood pools. It was frightening yet beautiful. I had seen the Durf actually jump off the cliffside he had ran upon and come down right on top of Neck; slicing him down the middle into two pools of stinky flesh. My friends were dying…Avis, Ale, Robe. All slain in the battle; by my own hand. WHAT KIND OF MONSTER.
(A human one.)
“KEYYLE!” Durf yelled. I do not know why I heard this and only this out of the midst of noise. It reminded me of the last words my…(hole in memory) said. I turned to see him stabbed by two Shades and one Spore. His eyes were tearing a red. There were only several more left standing after I had seen Durf fall to his knees, becoming beheaded…just like how…my…
 I stood still inside the battle for several long seconds. Keyle had to protect me from the onslaught that were after me; he yelled at me, but I heard no sound. I only heard the ringing, and saw my father dying before me. There were not many more of men on my side left; all had been slaughtered. It seemed to all be….familiar. All of it, just the way it happened seventeen years ago.
I suddenly caught wind of reality. I twirled my sword carelessly but beautifully around through my hands like a dancer moving to an unseen music. The blade rested to my eye level.
“AM I HUMAN?!” I grew insane and swung massively chopping off body parts; letting the sky rain blood. With each kill I yelped a guttural whelp.
(You are blessed.)
(You are still human.)
It was down to a last few in an epic battle of life and death. Keyle and I faced a wounded Myke and a smirking Shutler.
“I saved the best for last!” he shouted madly.
I blocked his short attack with ease as Keyle jumped above me trying to flank Shutlers side. He was too slow as Myke got to him before he could reach his target. We played a dangerous game of double team. It lasted for quite a while until a sword pierced Keyle in the left leg. He insisted that he was fine as we both swiped madly around. The sun was about to set soon, casting everything an eerie orange. Mykes eyes were fading to a different color as I stared directly into them in an epic standstill; Keyle with Shutler. The others beside us were still quarreling but losing within them a fight. Some twenty or so remained; all tied in their own battles and tribulations. Dayvod and Met were one of the last few along with Dielon fighting over the fallen body of his brother. It was all coming down now.
            (Human or monster? You chose.)
I am no human; I have slaughtered.
I kept blocking each attack in a wondrous dance of dueling blades; both stained with red. My body was bleeding profusely due to many injuries I had received. My bones crack and twisted around, contorting out of shape. The rage still building. I looked at Keyle and he looked at me. Our eyes met we stared as we both fought without looking. He nodded his celestial head knowing that it was time to end this. I found an opening and took Myke out. We both were able to tag team Shutler. His defenses were serious as it was hard to find an opening. He held two swords; one in each hand, making it just that much harder to find an opening.
“You got what you wanted!” I sunk my sword deep into him and his into me. “And I choose being human!”


© 2008 Kyle A. Smith

My Review

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A great read! I laughed, I cried, I lost 15 pounds! Really good flow to it, seriously. There was never a moment where I lost focus of what was happening. The reward shall come later, eh?

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
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Added on April 30, 2008


Kyle A. Smith
Kyle A. Smith


The only thing that i truly know that drives me is my music, the rest is just all jumbled together with everything, and it all seems to be connected. What I get out of that, is trials, dreams, love, a.. more..
