I'm back!!! It's nice to see the place didn't burn down while I was gone. Maybe I'll actually write something decent for a change. Crazier s**t's happened. In the mean time I'll just leave my usual flip, one line reviews as has been my style since like forever. Hope ya'll don't mind. Have fun kids & don't fight. That was part of the reason I buggered off for a year. Man did this place get ugly for awhile. That & good old writers block. you can blame writers block for anything. "I got acid reflux." F*****g writer's block man. Thanks Obama."
Hey, dude, welcome back. (Since I am who I am, and haven't changed much, I have to tell you, you probably meant for, not dor, and you probably meant to capitalize the Y after the period. Just sayin' ... Anyway, I hear you on all the negative crap. I was gone for nearly a year too. Just in and out in cameo appearances till this January. The trolls still hang around, but I have gotten pretty good at the spot, block, delete, dodge. I like too many people around here to stay away forever.
I write just for the hell of it
A way to spend some time
Blurting out in cyber space
Whatever's on my mind
Maybe funny maybe tragic
Emotional and raw
Politi.. more..