

A Poem by Baby Ricochet

A bad state of affairs with no easy answers

Propaganda's such an ugly word
So now they call it spin
Whatever side you may be on 
The other side is sin 
Running traps can't shut their yaps
Where did it all begin 
Once they called it propaganda 
Now they call it spin 

Take in the wing nut job parade 
You see it on FOX news 
With Hannity or cranky Bill 
With bullshit to confuse
Spook old folks and simple dopes
with facts wildly askew
and outrageous accusations 
from stories misconstrued

Purchase politics like products
We only have two brands 
Strangely vague or bat s**t crazy
A steamer for each hand 
They're often swayed to pave the way 
for lobbyist demands 
The huckster that you voted in 
was bought by oil and land 

Right wing Suzy Left wing Lucy 
It's all the bloody same 
We vote them into chamber seats 
and then they play their games 
A corporate teat will take that seat
They buy them without shame 
and turned us into comic foils
for their election game 

Propaganda's such an ugly word
So now they call it spin 
Pick a side it doesn't matter
The people never win 
We scrape on by until we die
While fat cats eat our skin 
Once they called it propaganda
Now they call it spin 

© 2014 Baby Ricochet

Author's Note

Baby Ricochet
Politics are a multifaceted, complex monster that can't be explained away by a few talking points on a talk show. It's obvious (at least to me) that the democrats have drifted somewhere towards the center without a clear message and the republicans have taken a rubber train to crazy town. Obama is a political centrist which is why he's disappointed the liberal wing of the democratic party. (Those who call him a socialist wouldn't know a socialist if one shoved a Vietnamese flag up their ass) Obama care isn't true socialized health care, we're still in Afghanistan, Guantanamo bay is still open, the war on drugs is still an epic failure and the economy is still in the crapper. Hope and change turned out to be worth about a buck and a quarter. Republicans on the other hand are off the fucking reservation, but at least their message is clear. (at least to me) Hand the country over to the rich, role back Roe VS Wade, (attack on women's rights) Destroy Obama care, spend a shitload of money on defense,(to wage wars for profit) cut federal funding for every domestic program their is that helps out the poor because it makes them "dependent" (war on the poor) Give out tax breaks to corporations and tax the middle and working class into the poor house. We need a third, viable party but with the way elections are rigged now without the support of big business that's not going to happen. With the citizens united ruling (Another huge political problem. The judiciary branch of government taking control over the legislative branch) Corporations can "donate" IE buy any political seat they want. Someone give's you a shitload of money so you can land a job when they want a favor you're going to listen. That's basic human nature.

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One of the reasons I like your writes among others is the truth you share with us. Not just the propaganda we hear every day on the news. No one talks facts but political trash...Their propaganda does not do any good for the American people and so forth. They need to offer solutions that will help every one...This was wonderful...:).....

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Sami
Sami Khalil

11 Years Ago

You are welcome muchly...:)......................


Dude, you always tell the truth in your writes and they are really thought provoking.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Noodle
Oh wow, this is excellent bro. Such great use of imagery & the rhyme stucture is brilliant.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you sir
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Although not extremely original (not everything needs to be), this poem puts the situation in words with a humoristic spin. Some of the solutions you have used to make it rhyme are ingenious. However, the rhyme in the latter part of the second stanza is poorly constructed.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Yeah,that second stanza's kinda sloppy. Thanks for stopping by
Is religion next? It's got a better rep than politics. God bless America.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

I already did religion. Thanks for stopping by
Hi BR, Maybe the surveillance technologies that big black brother Is supposedly using to spy on us is propaganda to make our heads spin and to try to distract us, if you really think about it those are advertising campaigns that persons spin out of control, when a new president is elected their new staff is going to write new scripts for their new puppet to read to the people, as long as they don't get on our way of writers they can say whatever they want and if we dont like it all we have to do is change the channel, is very difficult to keep up with everything the president says as it is difficult for them to keep up with everything we all say, so all in all we the people have a better chance of making their heads spin.

I really wish persons wouldnt take computers that serious and understand that the data in there is inputted by persons that are not perfect and that as long as there are hackers, information from computers is just for reference that is not accurate.

There are persons that are under control by their own ignorance that wouldn't dare talk about what they don't agree about the political government that represents a percentage of who got them elected and for that I think your article is very well written about subjects that I am not completely familiar with and now because of your bravery and concern to speak in the interest of we the people I am now informed.

p.s. If anybody is under surveillance by we the people is the president with all those camera crews following him every where he goes. Imagine what is going through his head during those times, he is probably thinking that his staff better write him a new script every morning.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you for your input Ops. I appreciate it
I've always found it interesting how American citizens perceive the country as an entirely new being when another president rolls around, and you couldn't say it any better: those who hold this opinion do not understand the problem in the slightest. What really made me giggle about this was the line, "Right wing Suzy Left wing Lucy". What can I say? I'm a satirist by heart, I always enjoy good satire, even when everybody else recoils in fear or shock or whatsoever they have felt.
Both parties are one and the same, and you portray your thoughts well. Perhaps at one point in time, the parties represented an actual public opinion (as seen in Theodre Roosevelt's term) but now it sounds as if the politicians no longer hold our best interests to heart, and instead do everything in their power to dehumanize the opponent and glorify themselves, or their beliefs.
I've actually heard of a term that a couple modern day politicians are referred to as presently, but I can't seem to recall the exact slur. I do, however, remember that it defined the aforementioned people as hostile, religious politicians currently active doing everything in their power to demoralize the opposing party and excessively promote their own beliefs in an attempt to remake the nation in to a religious one. A conspiracy just a lick away from being labeled absurd, but nonetheless, it serves as a great example for what I'm trying to say.
Well done, Baby R, as always.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

any and all attempts to reshape this Nation religiously fall into the Rethuglican camp. Thank you fo.. read more
Clear and precise, as expected from you and of course on point. Great piece!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

thank you inda
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This is a great post. This perfectly expresses what I feel. I started out a true believer... I'm a liberal and was sooooo happy when the president took office. There are some things that did happen that I'm happy about.. no more pre-existing conditions, I can keep my son on my plan, allowing gays to serve openly in the military... But you are right...there will always be buying and selling no matter who is in office and it will have nothing to do with regular schmoes who vote.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thanks for stopping by Jenny. I appreciate it
I love your straight lined poem that untangles all the spin we allow ourselves to be wrapped up in. We don't take the time to really understand what's going on but then again who shall we read and more importantly who shall we believe. You nailed it.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thanks Blue
Yes this pretty much sums it up! exactly my views on this very topic. great piece!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Melecia

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42 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on February 21, 2014
Last Updated on February 21, 2014


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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