Find love in myself
maybe then I'll find healing
But I'm terrified
For what I might find
For the killer inside me
Who needs to be healed
For what he has done
So he could survive
For just one more day
To see the sunrise
Over the crimson sky
For the killer inside me
Who needs to be healed
For what he has done
So he could survive
You were young, baby, and you were manipulated. We all are when we are told that war is the way. (With a few exceptions, there is almost always another way.) We do not blame the child soldier, but magically at 18, we call one an adult. Research shows that the brain is not fully-developed for moral-reasoning until the age of 21, and then the average person will take four or so years to get that new-development up and functioning. You acted within international law … the way of the world … now you use your pen to try to change that 'way of the world'. There is forgiveness for you, Baby. I truly believe that, but it does start with you. Really, it's there.
Surviver's guilt well written all over this poem, but i'm glad you survived baby, and guess what, you pretty much get a "pass go and collect 200 dollars or get outta jail free card" for surviving, and do you know why? Because it bothers you, if it didn't bother you we'd be worried about you, but you are a tough guy and the hard part is over, the surviving, the rest is learning to live with your right to be here when your comrades are not, I wouldn't feel to guilty about that last part, you have the s**t job, this "living with it stuff" that comes after, you can put it into perspective though, I know you will.
The haunting of memories is apparent here, and I truly see the words of a tortured soul. This piece was filled with so many poignant emotions . . . Keep writing, friend
People are born to kill, whether it's a wasp or a red ant or the meat put on a plate.. and whilst war is evil for whatever the reasons for it, it's how us damned members of the Human Race are made. You feel so deeply, so intensely, so sadly .. and yet .. survive. And it's survival that gives you the time to do more in life than you ever, ever dreamed. BR, some bright spark once said or wrote something like, '.. wearing guilt is like wearing your nakedness, cover up and you learn to feel again, warm outside in..'
Your write so touchingly here, but those three last lines are .. far more. Truly.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
thank you Emma
10 Years Ago
you're welcome - never quite know how to express myself to you.. maybe get things wrong.
I agree with Pryde. You were manipulated at a very young age. There is nothing you can do to go back and change it, horrible as it was...writing can be very theraputic. I hope writing about it helps.
Hugs, Julie
and Pryde is so did what you had to do...unfortunately, even knowing that probably doesn't help heal the emotional wounds from what war does to people...
we can only try to come to some kind of terms...the best we can.
I write just for the hell of it
A way to spend some time
Blurting out in cyber space
Whatever's on my mind
Maybe funny maybe tragic
Emotional and raw
Politi.. more..