Got A Rocket in My Pocket
A Poem by
Baby Ricochet
It's not about sex
Got a rocket in my pocket I'm grinding up my gears Got a sacred mission baby to burn the atmosphere I'm making deals with Demigods I'm selling out this town Hear my afterburner thunder When I whip my stick around Got a rocket in my pocket I'm spinning on the wheel Thruster engines burning baby My ship of carbon steel Got a sellout pact with Satan To burn the christian saints Carpet bomb the harps of heaven Fire missiles at the gates Got a rocket in my pocket I'm strapped into the seat Stratospheres of fire baby From napalm burning heat I'm paying charms to theft Imams To preach of blasphemy I trade in lies for promises My favorite currency Got a rocket in my pocket I'll sign up with the beast Turn the fields to fire baby to slaughter in the east I love the stench of skeletons when meat burns off the bone Smelters full of burning peasants Duped into being drones Got a rocket in my pocket I'll burn this b***h on down Got you where I want you baby My scorched earth underground I'll make a scaffold with your bones I'll hang you out to dry Armed to teeth all barrels blazing Your world I'll crucify Got a rocket in my pocket I'll ride my lightning flash Hear the screaming Valkyries baby The world will end in ash
© 2013 Baby Ricochet
WOW. this is powerful. and carries an unsettling truth to it.
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thank you tl
What can I say, you shine when you write this sort of stuff Baby....wasn't sure where you were going with this when I read the title. Great read.
Posted 11 Years Ago
What can I say, you shine when you write this sort of stuff Baby....wasn't sure where you were going with this when I read the title. Great read.
11 Years Ago
Thank you frieda
11 Years Ago
Always. Is the boss allowing you more than two drinks tonight? Have a great New Year Mark~!
Dark and deep and very well written.
I love the repetition of the line Got a rocket in my pocket - very effective!
:) Julie
Posted 11 Years Ago
Dark and deep and very well written.
I love the repetition of the line Got a rocket in my pocket - very effective!
:) Julie
11 Years Ago
Thank you Julie
Very deep and amazingly well written as always.
Posted 11 Years Ago
Very deep and amazingly well written as always.
11 Years Ago
Thank you noodle
A pact with old Beelzebub himself ! This poem is exhilarating indeed and it would be even more prolific read out along with the sound of the Charlie Daniels band playing their cracking song 'The devil went down to Georgia' in the background !
On the razors edge Rico...awesome, volatile poetry! Do you do mushy romance poems as well ???
Posted 11 Years Ago
A pact with old Beelzebub himself ! This poem is exhilarating indeed and it would be even more prolific read out along with the sound of the Charlie Daniels band playing their cracking song 'The devil went down to Georgia' in the background !
On the razors edge Rico...awesome, volatile poetry! Do you do mushy romance poems as well ???
11 Years Ago
Thank you tom
11 Years Ago
Or Meatloaf's 'Bat out of Hell' !
A classic variation of Baby R poetry, the other variations being offensive slander, trashy erotica (in a good way!), and heartfelt writer advice for Cafe writers. Well done! I enjoyed this one
Posted 11 Years Ago
A classic variation of Baby R poetry, the other variations being offensive slander, trashy erotica (in a good way!), and heartfelt writer advice for Cafe writers. Well done! I enjoyed this one
11 Years Ago
thanks Tai............
Really good I like this, especially the last couple of stanzas :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
Really good I like this, especially the last couple of stanzas :)
11 Years Ago
Thank you Ankara
This one burns hot my friend. Very deep and dark and wickedly done.
Posted 11 Years Ago
This one burns hot my friend. Very deep and dark and wickedly done.
11 Years Ago
Thank you jack
wow.... you would never know that this was an actual baby rico piece!...
Posted 11 Years Ago
wow.... you would never know that this was an actual baby rico piece!...
11 Years Ago
Thanks N!LoC
Sounds like bin Laden's anthem to me, BR. Very powerful poetry, hope writing this proved cathartic for you - war time memories expunged by poetry, perhaps. Great poetry at that!
Posted 11 Years Ago
Sounds like bin Laden's anthem to me, BR. Very powerful poetry, hope writing this proved cathartic for you - war time memories expunged by poetry, perhaps. Great poetry at that!
11 Years Ago
Thank you Joyce
23 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 4, 2013
Last Updated on November 5, 2013
Baby Ricochet Tampa, FL
I write just for the hell of it
A way to spend some time
Blurting out in cyber space
Whatever's on my mind
Maybe funny maybe tragic
Emotional and raw
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