Kiss The A*s Of The Ruling Class

Kiss The A*s Of The Ruling Class

A Poem by Baby Ricochet

"Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" John Lydon AKA Johnny Rotten. Former front man for the Sex Pistols


A lesson learned from history
The winners make the rules
Seduce us all with promises
and play us all for fools

Rub our dicks with easy credit
so everyone gets paid
Then hide the catches in fine print
Some sleaze ball lawyers made

Conned us with their mortgage scams
Then took our jobs away
Snatching candy from a baby
When greed carried the day

Then came the great catastrophe 
The bubble had been burst
So many crooked loans they wrote
No one could reimburse 

So they cried like little b*****s
For government bailouts
As for us trapped in the middle
they just forgot about

Of course there was no over site
Heaven forbid they pay
Or are even held accountable
for bad decisions made

What happens to economies
thrown into a twister
When we all get victimized by
educated grifters

With open lying to our faces
we let them get away
without any retribution
without a judgment day

How apathetic we have become
with justice never served
We let them walk all over us
We got what we deserved


© 2013 Baby Ricochet

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Concise, rhythmic, passionate and critical. Well done.

Posted 8 Years Ago

What a delightfully direct description of the circus casino. Your rhymes are well-written and spot on.
(I wrote "Do You See" about the stuff you discuss here and I think perhaps no-one gets it as it's too obscure, sadly)

You do have quite the way with words, which is appreciated:

"Rub our dicks with easy credit
so everyone gets paid
Then hide the catches in fine print
Some sleaze ball lawyers made"

"What happens to economies
thrown into a twister
When we all get victimized by
educated grifters"

Thanks for all your excellent pennings, succinct and witty - "Brevity is the soul of wit".

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Daniel
The profiteers indeed did walk away with fortunes made on the strength of false promise and deceit, leading so many folk up the garden path without any reimbursement whatsoever or an opportunity for retribution !

A point very well conveyed in this kick-a*s poem !

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you tom
How true this is, BR. And the rich keep getting richer, and the poor poorer . . . Enron still makes me ill. Where's the guillotine when you really need it?

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Joyce
I dated a girl like this once Money was all she understood Her daughters were elitists her friends the same
they all sit around bitching about the rules to their sick game

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

That's for sure. Thank you Tate
The 'Banksters' as wee Max Keiser likes to call them, have a lot to answer for. Kimmer's point is valid too but can you really blame the poor peeps who were kidded into believing their dream of owning a home was possible. Margaret Thatcher did the same in the UK and when the bubble burst she washed her hands of it all - 'Theres no such thing as society' she said.
Blood boiler BR - well done

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

I've read some stuff about Thatcher. She seemed to me a sociopath in high political office. Complete.. read more
What Kimmer said, in triplicate! I love your rants, Baby. Angi~

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you angi
Major truth in this! We allow this stuff to happen because we let them do it all the time. People are starving in the streets but the rich are getting richer and fatter off the suffering of millions. 4 out of 5 Americans are 1 step away from poverty. 4 out of 5! While I defend this country I grow tired of the wealthy and privileged. This is a great poem that puts it into perspective.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Eddie and thank you for your service
I just don' t understand why more of us are not outraged. I think there is a feeling like you can't fight city hall for many and that everyday life gets in the way. We are talking about 1% of the population here that controls a vast amount of our economy. Last time I looked 99 against 1 are odds I like. Another wonderful social commentary from you.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Blue
Oh tell it how it is.. oh so gorgeous the truth

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you ........

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 10, 2013
Last Updated on August 10, 2013


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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