excellent rant...makes me madder than hell, what this country does in the name of democracy, and as for the little people...let them starve and live on the streets while we vote ourselves another pay raise to supplement our millionaire existence with full health benefits to the grave. this country needs a f*****g enema, and we need to start with the very rich....and the corrupt political system. love it when you get me fired up, ricochet!
Posted 11 Years Ago
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11 Years Ago
I feel you bro. Thank you quinfinn
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Ric I worked for Wal~mart for fourteen years... The hardest female worker in our branch.. After fourteen years when I injured my back do to poor management and failure to listen to my cries of pain.. They accused me of going out and having wild sex and trying to blame it on walmart.. Really? My entire life was my children and work..How dare they... I have known two people that collapsed and died while being slave driven.. You don't make a 67 year old man get on his hands and knees scraping all the gum off of that hugs store.. Curtis use to say to me One of these days this store will be the death of me.. Sure enough I was off for a couple of days with the flu and when I came back I was told my friend Curtis was cleaning up gum said he needed some air and had a heart attack and died on the bench out front. He and his wife were so excited. they had jut bought their first brand new car.. So sad.. I would never suggest a friend go apply for walmart. I know this is more political then just this but you gave me a chance to rant as well so I think you. Rose
Ok, I know more than several people who seemed glad to work for WalMart. I myself am a truck driver trying to get a job there but the waiting list is so long to get hired because no one wants to give up those jobs. I guess it's how you look at life. Both my wife and I started working at McDonald's and supported our family but, we made choices and kept moving up. WalMart, is a stepping stone in a capitalist life. I will trust corporate America any day over our government who never produces anything but has no problem wasting other peoples money.
Im sure that you'll be red-flagging on some suits screen with this one BR.
Its a bloody great poem and a lament of the corporate takeover of a wonderful country
This is you in fine form my friend
You swear or affirm... this is political... I agree with the lines... our Nation is in need of a reality check... or we will fall into check mate... like the end line to sum up your entire reading...
The title made me spit a sad reluctant chuckle. A great rant that stirs up the love hate relationship many of us have with our country. Also the last stanza made me want to run out of my house with my .44 and scream God Bless America... A lot of emotion in one poem. Great job!
P.S. Is Ricochet a nickname?
Great poem. Very very well written. I agree with what you say here . It's up to the people of these United States of America to change this terrible situation...hopefully Americans will step up and do so.
I know some are trying so there is hope.
I write just for the hell of it
A way to spend some time
Blurting out in cyber space
Whatever's on my mind
Maybe funny maybe tragic
Emotional and raw
Politi.. more..