

A Poem by Baby Ricochet

Writer's block? Analysis? Paralysis?

Sitting here with my phone
I don't know what to write
My girlfriend she's sound asleep
She don't stay up all night

As for me I'm wide awake
Looking for a rhyme
Trying to write this piece of crap
In fifteen minutes time

Some of my rhymes they kinda suck
And others strike a chord
I'm trying to entertain you people
To keep you from getting bored

Okay so maybe once in a while
I got something relevant to say
I guess by now you figured out
That ain't gonna happen today

So I'll just waste your pressious time
With a useless throw away rhyme
Drift off to sleep and in the morning
The world will be just fine

© 2013 Baby Ricochet

Author's Note

Baby Ricochet
Crap, again. Maybe I'm losing it

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Perhaps you should rest your wrist for a bit. Not in that way!
Serious matters however, you've certainly got the diction and the words, just not the thought. Nice try, nonetheless.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

HA! Possibly. Thanks Tai
The structure is perfect, the words unflawed but, don't take this the wrong way - theres no spirit in it, I'm used to your work having a punch behind it!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

It's a poem. about having no ideas so yeah it doesn't.
do you know what i love about your poems in particular????
that they are unique!
everything you write is so original they make me want to be as original as you are!! God you make it sound soo easy!!! and you know what? this is my most favorite poem of the day

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you aurora
LOL at least you made me laugh, I think I want to see you write a piece on Hannibal Lecter or some other psychopath :D with a humorous twist :P

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Keegan
Look, you've seen life and death situations. Clearly, this isn't one. No big deal.

I'm curious, what you did the day you enlisted? Checking gear before getting on the plane or ship. I know you weren't born a marine or weight lifter. Were you a snot nosed little kid from backwater S. Car.?
There are stories to tell sir. And people would like to know... whether they be true or make believe.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Michael G.

11 Years Ago

True that. I remember standing in line with about a hundred guys. (Most all were draftees.) A marine.. read more
Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Whenever I think of Marines and nam I think khe san and hue
Michael G.

11 Years Ago

They fought against great odds in both.
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nope! your not losing it.... i lose inspiration now and then... it comes as it goes... it overwhelms me at times or i just laze around and do nothing... or write a few lines then save... but you my friend done a great job on rhyming which is not my forte....keep it up and keep writing... i know and you know it will just come smoothly in time... soon

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Mr pax
There's nothing wrong with passing the time in rhyme, whether or not you think it's your best doesn't mean it's not good!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Saratoga
ricochet...i am in a huge slump right now. i have been pulling rhymes outta my a*s and bringing poems from the "vaults" for over a week....s**t happens. inspiration can be found anywhere, sometimes we just don't see the forest for the trees. this was a great attempt at making something outta nothing, it is entertaining to read, so there's some success ...it get's worse before it gets better, but then you'll be on fire again!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thanks man. You're the King quinfinn

11 Years Ago

anytime.....we're all friends here
Writers block and lack of inspiration are all a part of the show Ric. I recently posted one that got 3 reads! I'm not kidding. I'm taking time off from writing anything here for a while. My time here will be limited as well. I'll still try and write but as far as posting, you're not gonna see it.

As far as losing it, that's also one of the songs on the writers list. I've sang it myself many times. Marie has more experience than any of us, what she says is true. Good luck.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

No problem Ric.
I'm no sage that's for sure. If I can come up with something I'll share it, b.. read more
Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Godspeed my friend

11 Years Ago

You're trying to force instead of flow...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you Marie. My writing has sucked lately and my views have been even worse.

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24 Reviews
Added on April 6, 2013
Last Updated on April 6, 2013


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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