Battle Rattle

Battle Rattle

A Poem by Baby Ricochet

Battle Rattle was slang for the 50 odd Lbs of gear we carried on our person in the field. I left the rating everyone though there are F bombs


Full Battle Rattle

Breathing diesel sand


Apply the pressure bandage

blood gushes through my hands


Rockets skip the concrete

Electo sparking heat


Take the dead away in taxis

blood trails up the street


Full Battle Rattle

Automatic roaring death


Feed the bullets

change the barrel


You got any

last regrets


Full Battle Rattle

Sniper searing kiss


Dark Knight and Avenger

Wrapped in shrouded bliss


Terrifying moments

Pinned into the ground


Where the f**k is he

Wait for the next round


Full Battle Rattle

Cobras fill the sky


Mini guns and rockets

Kiss your a*s goodbye


Breaking into houses

no one knows a thing


Hajji took 5 bullets

what was he doing


Full Battle Rattle

Ears buzzing for days


Adrenaline overload

Standing in a daze


  Load up on the 7

Getting the f**k out


     After handing Hajji

Another demoralizing rout


Full Battle Rattle

Just another day


We were Marines baby

We blew Hajji's away


Sounds to brutal

Automatic weapon buzz


Tell you this much baby

It's the best I ever was










© 2012 Baby Ricochet

Author's Note

Baby Ricochet
Much of the imagery is from a fire fight that turned into a pitched battle in an erea called Sofia, just east of Ramadi. We were ambushed in what had been a ritzy neigborhood for politically connected Sunni's when Saddam was in power. We were re enforced by a rapid deployment force and other squad that was near by.The fighting raged for a good two hours before two Cobra Helicopter gunships were called in and chewed Hajji to pieces. The reference to "Breaking into houses was us looking for insurgents. Hajji typically bailed in the middle of the fight to another erea, changed his cloths and just blended into the crowd but with two cobras menacing the sky he was trapped where ever he was hiding so he was easy pickings that day. One house we went into there was a kid, 16-17 years old cradling a dead Hajji in his arms that had taken several rounds. There wasn't to much blood which meant he bleed out before they got there. The kid was sobbing hysterically and crying out. We had to arrest him but he didn't want to let go of the dead one. It turned out to be his brother. War is fuck brutal man.

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Your words are powerful and moving. Thank you for sharing the poem and thank you for your service.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thank you gene
Holy hell. Wow thought the poem was bloody brilliant then read the author's note which is just as good a read in and of itself. Well done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

I love the words you have used to describe this and your comparison of "dark knight and avenger" - people like you are the true heroes - thanks for sharing

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

This is such a inspiring and outstanding poem!
Remarkable work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

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i feel the sad tone of war in the poem.
great job on expressing your experience my friend.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

William Tecumseh Sherman...need more be said.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

Coined the term "War is hell." good one

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

thanx for reading
Thank you for your service and for your write. I cannot even imagine the horror that is war, and it is because of people like you. This is disturbing to read, but amazing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago


God. Thank you for this. After Viet Nam, the press and gvt. deem it prudent to shield the public from this type of honest brutal truth. (A whole bunch of other crap behind that statement, but that is not appropriate here). It is amazing the difference between what is real (you just wrote it), and what we are given to look at.
Without seeing the horror that is war, how else can we fully honor those who fought it on our behalf? War is NOT the Geneva Convention. It is that up there.

So - thank you. For the poem. But more importantly... MUCH more importantly, for your service to your country. For us. The truth up there - paints a picture of men who are heros, every one. You. Thank you proudly. Thank you.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

The media catastrophe for vietnam was the Tet offensive in 68. Tet was a military disaster for the V.. read more
yes, war is indeed brutal.
is it possible to live and thrive in a world where war doesn't exist? where hearts can safely unclench.. relax into love. yes, it is possible. even for the douchebags. let's make it happen! how? forgiveness, acceptance, truth, love. the basics. absolutely within the realm of collective possibility.

Posted 12 Years Ago

L. Edward Neale

12 Years Ago

My little bro was in the Australian army. Writings a good outlet. Great to see you having the sense .. read more
Baby Ricochet

12 Years Ago

Unfortunatly the suicide stories are true. Some of the stuff on the Armed Forces blogs is heart wren.. read more
L. Edward Neale

12 Years Ago

Nothing weird about it! In life humour is the finest weapon we have against death. To be a survivor .. read more

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22 Reviews
Added on August 15, 2012
Last Updated on August 15, 2012


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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