Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Phillitup

            After breakfast the next morning the talents set off for their first class. Talent class. Led by Blake, the talent head, the students had a chance to harness and work with their powers. Blake took each of the twins into his office at a time and informed them of a couple things.

“I am here to tell you what you can do and then help you.” He informed Cody first. “You have telepathy and are a foreseer. That means that you…talk with your mind but it’s quite specific and you can also see into the future using your dreams. There has never quite been a case like yours. In the past, twins who had powers shared one, often telekinesis. We’ve never had anyone with double talents, and now we have two.”

Next he spoke to Leo. “I am here to tell you what you can do and then help you.” Same old speech he gave to every rare newcomer. “You have telekinesis and are telepathic. That means you can talk with your mind but only to your twin and having telekinesis means that you can move things with your mind. Not an unheard of talent but a rare one to actually find. You and your brother are both quite rare.”

Blake spent the rest of the class period assisting Leo. Cody’s powers had already shown but Leo’s had never truly bloomed. The two covered focus and then became one with objects. The whole thing kind of freaked both Blake and Leo out. Blake had never had to train someone from the very start of their powers. Leo, of course, was weirded out by the whole thing. Becoming one with not only yourself but also an object was creepier then it should have come off as. Cody was encouraged to sit by a window and daydream. Lame as it sounded daydreaming helped strengthen his senses and he had to run for his journal two times before Blake left Leo’s side and suggested he merely keep it with him all day.

“You are dismissed!” Blake bellowed, helping Leo to stand from his meditating position.

The talents ran to grab different items. Calum had to grab his socks and shoes from doing electric flips all morning, Linc had to grab a stabilizer band from the bucket by the door. As they exited the center the boys caught up to each other.

“Did you learn your talents?” Calum inquired. The twins nodded their heads.

“I have telepathy and am a foreseer.” Cody declared.

“Nice.” Linc replied.

“And I,” Leo added dramatically, “have telekinesis and I am telepathic.”

The boys all nodded.

“I don’t think we ever asked.” Cody commented. “Linc, what’s your talent?”

“Invisibility.” He bounced the words quickly from his tongue to the air.

“That’s why I didn’t see you very much in Talent class!” Leo said, jokingly. Calum laughed.

“We better get to the cafeteria.” Calum interjected breathlessly. “The girls will wipe out lunch if we don’t get there first.”




            “Hi.” A girl with jet black hair falling into her face, despite having been pulled up into a ponytail, said. “I’m Thra.” She glared over the table at Calum. Facing Leo, she settled. Her lunch tray contained nothing. Cody looked at it, confused. “I heard that you have telekinesis. Oh, yeah. My lunch. I’m hardly ever hungry.”

Leo and Cody nodded.

“Yup.” Leo confirmed.

“Um, excuse me.” Calum cleared his throat. “You’re hardly hungry when you’re near me. You eat when you’re not.”

Thra shot him a look to kill. “Not necessarily. It’s just that lightening gives me power and…”

“Lightening is made of electricity.” Calum finished. He smiled. Thra glared.

“Nice to meet you two.” She grinned at the twins. She stood, grabbing the empty tray, and stormed off.

Calum bit into a carrot. “She’s a storm bringer. They don’t like people like me and neither me them.”

Linc plopped down in the seat that Thra had just departed from. “Ah, yes. That issue. All of the girls are ‘special’ like that in some way. Charlei, she’s the one with the really pale hair, she doesn’t talk much. Not the social type. At least she was a year ago. Alex, that’s the one with the red hair, she is a tomboy. Actually, that’s not weird. All of them are. Alex spends a lot of free time in her room instead of in the courtyard or the training center. She’s always easy to find though.”

“And what’s even more special,” Calum cut in, “is how we all got here. I applied for the talent search at age nine because of ‘issues’ in my house. Electric issues. Linc, here, was discovered by a talent guard at age twelve when his truly talentless mother went in for testing. Charlei, she can talk to plants and animals…even some objects, was sought out at age ten by an agent when someone saw her talk to a squirrel. Alex applied when she was eleven because of odd occurrences. Finally, Thra was discovered when her talentless brother went for testing. She was ten when that happened. So I was here first.”

The final words gave the table an eerie quiet. No others words were spoken the rest of the meal. Soon the talents trudged in separate directions to enjoy a couple hours of free time before going to regular classes. Linc headed up to the room that he shared with Leo for a nap. Calum trudged off to the training center along with Leo. Charlei and Alex headed off to the Talent Room. Cody accepted an invitation from Thra to explore the grounds. The two set off at a full speed run in the direction of a grouping of rocks. A low chill set over the campus.

“I hope they don’t go to the passages.” Calum mumbled under his breath as he and Leo walked to the center.

“The what?” Leo asked.

“The passages.” Calum said more clearly now.

“What are the passages?”

“The passages are a group of secret passages that Thra and I discovered the year that she came. None of the others know about them because we chose to keep them a secret. The passages don’t lead to any particular place that we know of. One day while we were exploring, something weird happened. They hold danger beyond belief. It’s a mysterious place.”

“What happened?”

“We tend not to speak of it.”


“Let’s just get to training, okay?”


The two reached the training center, swinging open the doors they walked inside. Calum tossed his shoes to the side but kept on his socks. Leo stood by the door for a moment, watching Calum. Calum dragged his feet across the floor and caught a piece of electricity on his finger. He bounced it back and forth between his hands. After a few seconds, he threw the ball of power to the ground. An explosion rang out and Calum was launched into a series of tumbles in midair. He grabbed hold of a loose pipe in the ceiling and swung. Next, he reached towards a light fixture. As he was leaning his outstretched hand in, he fell. Leo screamed only to find out that it was a trick. Calum threw a burst at the ceiling, landing on his feet. He cackled.

“You were scared!” He taunted Leo. No reply. His new friend had gone to the other side of the training center and was working on becoming one with himself. Calum jogged over. “Man…”

“Shh” Leo held up a finger. His eyes were glued shut. Time passed and Calum just stood by Leo, waiting.

Calm. He thought to himself.

Standing, he kept his eyes closed. He pointed in the general direction of one of the mats.


He imagined the mat in his mind. Savoring the moment, he stood. At the last second he faced an unsuspecting Calum and pushed his thoughts in his direction. His eyes flicked open and he strained his mind with all his might. Calum slid across the center, his eyes widening in fear.

“What are you…?”

Leo walked forward. His eyes narrowed. It was plainly obvious what he was doing. Calum resolved to himself. His eyes narrowed along with Leo’s and he created an electric spark from his sliding socks. He smiled, throwing it at Leo. He ducked, fighting to keep Calum at bay. And explosion rang from behind. Calum started laughing his head out.

What’s so funny?

Calum was launched forward and up from the explosion, soaring, his smile grew. The two went, tumbling and soaring, across the gym. They trained and found each other’s weaknesses and strengths. In no time at all they fell down on separate sides of the center, choking out laughs and gasping for breath. Calum wasn’t used to having someone with an awesome power to hang out with. Ever since the incident at the passages that put them in danger, Thra and Calum had been fierce enemies. Leo, on the other hand, wasn’t used to being able to control things around him. When they finally had enough air to talk Calum did just that.

“Man that was awesome!”

Leo cracked a grin and closed his eyes. Focusing was becoming easier for him. Only after such a short time, he believed in his talent. Opening his eyes he concentrated, tossing Calum’s shoes in the general direction with his mind. They hit his target in the head, a little off from the goal.

“Oww!” Calum howled as he covered his face with his hands. His fingers started to glow and soon an electric buzz filled the air. Calum yanked his hands away and sighed in relief.

“Did you just shock yourself?”

“No! Are you crazy! I was stopping the pain.”

Leo was confused.

How do you stop pain with electricity? Maybe it’s because he’s always around it. Who knows?

“How is Cody?” Calum asked.

“No idea. I should check.” Leo picked himself up weakly and hobbled over to the window. “Um, Calum?”


“They aren’t there.”

Calum sprang to his feet and ran to join Leo by the window.

“This isn’t good.” Calum muttered. He grabbed Leo’s arm and yanked him out of the gym at top speed. Without his shoes on.

© 2013 Phillitup

Author's Note


It might take awhile to get the next chapter up.

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Featured Review

Nice ending, keeping us readers completely hooked and wanting to know and read more!
Your character development is strong and these 'talents' are all very cool, interesting subjects to read about. It takes us all a step out of ordinary life and lets us readers imagine something completely different and out of the ordinary.
Another fantastic chapter my friend. I will continue reading!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

thanks! I spend a lot of time working with my characters


Nice ending, keeping us readers completely hooked and wanting to know and read more!
Your character development is strong and these 'talents' are all very cool, interesting subjects to read about. It takes us all a step out of ordinary life and lets us readers imagine something completely different and out of the ordinary.
Another fantastic chapter my friend. I will continue reading!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

thanks! I spend a lot of time working with my characters
NO!!! Cliffhanger! Damn :P Haha I love Thra!! And yeah i with i could talk to animals!!!!! So jellyous of Charlei!! I'm reading on!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Whaaaaaaaaaaat's Alex's taaaaaaaaaaaaleeeeeeeent?!?!?!?! I WANNA KNOOOOOW!!!!!! I don't understand how Leo doesn't unnderstand how to stop electricity. Calum! Put on your shoes before going outside! I really hope that Thra didn't take Cody where they think she took him. I like Charlei's talent, by the way. It's pretty cool. I would like to do that--talking to plants and animals; I would be soooo happy if I could do that. But seriously bro, what's Alex's talent? I must know! I'm going to DIIIIIIIIE if I don't find ooooooooooooooooooout!!!!!!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

It's up.

12 Years Ago

The next chapter I mean.
Savior of Time

12 Years Ago

whoo! And oooooooh, okay. that's makes a lot more sense.
Omg. Omg. Omg!
Powers?! Woaaaah! Still loving the story, think its great. Still super interesting!
Hope you post more soon, I am hooked!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

I'll try! Thanks!
s y e

12 Years Ago

Woohoo!! :-)

12 Years Ago

The next chapter is up.
AHHHHHHH i knew it,
they had powers,
telepathy. I knew it.
* Excuse that.
Every chapter that you write, and post on here, it is without a doubt amazing. You make the chatacters seem so real. I am still hooked.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Thanks! I really appreciate that! I have a twin myself, as well as being overly interested in the su.. read more

12 Years Ago

The next chapter is up

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5 Reviews
Added on January 5, 2013
Last Updated on January 5, 2013




I am 14-years-old. I find inspiration all over the place: memories, ideas, things I notice. I like believing in things that others find impossible. I think that's the way I hope for a better future. .. more..


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