the binaries make cents.
cos if it didn’t sell well it,
probably made a lot of sense.
hence the cos and those who run the show
don’t want you 2 hear it,
or to feel it best believe if there’s a rec0unt
he’ll appeal it.
even say, he ‘didn’t $teal it’ ..
but its tru£.
4nd if u escape pr15on without getting kn1fed or life
w4tch out 4 the b1g eye cos the big i
is w4tch1ng you.
ev3n out of prison get PO h0me v1sit5,
d0 n0t go a hundred metres @ the order of your leader,
doesn’t offer you protection but still w4nts y0u 2 elect him,
but y0u wouldn’t. not anymore.
4nd n0w he kn0ws it so he t4kes your vote and throws it,
2 the w1nd
undern34th hi5 5ail5.
y0u’ve been convicted & blacklisted
by a 5y5t3m th4t will n0t li5t3n,
4nd a jury of y0ur overseers,
4nd y0u kn0w wh3n they wrot3,
‘a fel0n c4nt vote’,
th4t m3an5 y0u.
£4ger1y 4tt4ch 4ny misdemean0r 2 y0ur n4m3,
50 th3y c0uld scr3w gore 1n two thous&4 & 4 years be4 th3y d1d th3 s4m3.
k££p 1n ch3ck y0ur 4ttitud3
@ 4ny g1ven t1me
p1np01nt y0ur 10ng1tud3 4nd l4t1tud£.
p4id t4x£$ 2 th3 60v£rnm£nt but th3y n£v3r g4ve m3 ch4ng£.
l1ke vultur£5 of 0ur cu1tur3, c45t£d y0u 4w4y,
0n1y 2 $££ w3 m4d3 $om£th1ng 0ut 0f n0th1ng
4nd th3n th3y c0m3 b4ck w4nt1ng 2 t4k3 th@ v£ry $0m£th1ng,
4w4y fr0m m£.
4nd g0 4nd m4k3 pr0f1t 0ff 1t.
0r br4nd 1t 4s th3ir 0wn l1k3 r0ck n r0110r st3p up,
4ng3l1na4’5 th1ck l1p5, 4nd 10p3z’5 butt
but n0t us.
wh3n 4 f1ng3rt1p tr1p 2 y0utub£ sh0w $ch00l y0uth5 b33n 4lr34dy d01n 1t.
fr0m c0unc1l h0m35 2 m0b1l3 ph0n35
fr0m ch11dr3n’5 h£4d5 2 d0ub13 u d0ub13 u 1nt3rw£b5.
1 kn0w.
th£y kn0w
th4t th£ numb£r5 n£v3r h4v3 2 4dd up
1f n0b0dy kn0w5 h0w tw0 c0unt.