![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Prodogee![]() Rian Valerie tests substances by letting doctors inject them into his veins. They have recently found Lycanthrope blood. Now, where did I put that needle?![]() Chapter One Rian Valerie was a young American man in his late twenties. He had come from a strong family line from France that was hardly broken. He had a bit of English and Norwegian in him, but that was it. Yet he had the full on, honest to goodness accent of an Okie. Rian was in Medical school, and had been the lab rat too many times, yet he was paid well for his attendance. He was especially thankful he lived through the harsh experimenting. One early winter morning, he had gotten an e-mail from the doctors that tested on him. To: Rian Valerie Date: December 3, 2011 Subject: Lycanthrope Experiment Rian, I hope this comes on time. We found blood in the old chamber down stairs. It was labeled LYCANBLD, and it's dated back to 1903. According to some old medical books that were found outside the chamber, LYCANBLD is Lycanthrope Blood. We're not sure if it's real or not, but we'd like to find out. Meet us here in the Lab at around midnight. Then we'll inject the blood into your veins to see what happens. You'll be paid two thousand USD for your efforts, and if you live through this, you will get the money no matter what happens to any of the scientists, or me. See you there, Daniel Garris. Rian’s drug-weary eyes struggled to read the words. “Lycanthrope blood, eh?” Rian laughed. “Yeah yeah, Okay doc. I’ll be there…” Rian was the kind of man to slip his shoes on and go. You don’t have to look pretty to be stuck with a needle. And that’s what he did, not bothering to shut down the computer. Rian headed out of his apartment, toward an old house a few miles north of the busy part of town. It took a while to get there. It was already ten thirty PM when he headed out, and he got to the “lab” at five til’ twelve. He wasn’t a fast person. He took his time. Arriving at a shack, well, what looked like a shack, he invited himself in. On the inside of this monstrosity was a high-tech lab in which you wouldn’t expect to find. “Welcome, Mr. Valerie.” chimed a familiar voice. Evelyn Rey, a surprisingly attractive vampire with bleach blond hair and big brown eyes. She opened the door to the testing room, holding it for Rian, who nodded and walked in. Evelyn smiled. “Now if you’ll just sit here, sir.” She said, stepping over to a chair that was bolted down to the floor. Rian sat down, and Daniel Garris, the human that e-mailed him, strapped his arms down. “Eh, doc,” Rian said, looking at Daniel. “Why’re you cuffing me down?” “Remember what happened last time?” Daniel replied, laughing slightly. But Rian didn’t laugh for once. “Right…” He said, looking away. Another doctor, another human, stepped into the lab with a needle and a vial of deep red liquid. A drop was spilled out of the vial, and splashed on the floor. The tiny drop made the air smell strongly of iron, which gave Rian second thoughts. The smell made his stomach twist and turn. But it was too late to turn back, because four other doctors arrived in the room to hold Rian back into the chair, and the doctor holding the phial of blood had already filled the needle. Daniel and Evelyn stood back to watch. “It’s real blood alright, but is it Lycanthrope?” Daniel asked Evelyn, who shrugged. “I have never hunted one, so I wouldn’t know, and even if I have, I wouldn’t be able to tell. I have been told that it is hard to tell a human’s blood from a Lycanthrope’s.” She replied. “Here we go, Rian. This will only hurt a minute.” The doctor with the needle said, sticking the needle in Rian’s wrist. Rian clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, that’s what you say every time.” He said, taking a deep breath. Only a half of a second later, the doctor pulled the needle out of Rian’s vein, dabbing it with an alcohol patch. “All done…” “How are you feeling?” Evelyn said, examining Rian’s wrist to see if anything was happening. “I’m fine…” Rian said, his heart rate slowly increasing. “…but is it just me, or did it get brighter in here..?” © 2012 ProdogeeAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorProdogeeOKAboutIm a shy, but selfless person I guess... Well, uh. Im a girl. yes. Gasp. A girl who cant live without her heavy metal music and cant go a day without world of warcraft... A girl who loves to be frig.. more..Writing