continuing with the modern now music to the stylish real musicA Chapter by gary grimes
though i don't care even if am not fond with it to put it into more kinder words what type of music a band or artist makes as longs as it's keep's people/individuals happy entertained or expressed to what emotion there going through or want to go through from music then i would have to respect that no matter how bad i hated and disliked it because to someone else that's and by the way in this opinion i could be hitting nail with no wood with this one so but to the point grown up to add interested with there music memorised every track from each of the groups/he's or hers albums and which track goes with what album that in my view i think and are pleased about to hear thats what makes a fan to understand plus to know de-tails about there musical background who actually inspired them probably to inspire you maybe and the types of sounds in demos and singles/progressing structure of the piece and also the am talking mainly about the artist's here who helps and contributes to record by playing the
© 2013 gary grimes |
Added on June 26, 2013 Last Updated on June 26, 2013 Authorgary grimesayrshire, saltcoats, United KingdomAboutthe love obsession to write about anything pumping around through & out is a informative,imaginative personality that likes sports,board games can't forget about music plus i am passionate about natur.. more..Writing