Untitled About Someone

Untitled About Someone

A Poem by deep sea connor

Where do you turn
When there's no way out
The walls are closing in
And the lights are out
Just like your hope
There's nothing to believe in
You can only see your faults
Which seem to have no end

How did you get there
Where you can no longer go
It's a place with no doors
And bars cover the window
You see that old habits don't die
And you're the one who pays
You're the one that's trapped
Habits locked you up til the end of your days

You throw yourself all over the place
You tire and weep
Waiting to get rescued or maybe just die
Pathetically balled in a heap
You're the master of none
Lost in your stupid high
Got you chained down to the ground
It's late and you're crying, goodbye

© 2010 deep sea connor

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i'm wondering who the "someone" is...

you're producing good work. the second stanza may need some work but that's just my opinion. do with it what you will.

i like that you're getting more writing done. keep it up.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 22, 2010
Last Updated on March 22, 2010


deep sea connor
deep sea connor

chicago, IL

im new, im pretty untalented, i dont care. more..

u u

A Poem by deep sea connor

you you

A Poem by deep sea connor