Above the Dead, EP 3.1 "Queen of Nike World"A Screenplay by Mike DeckerSeason 3 premiereABOVE THE DEAD .com Season 3, Episode 1 (54 pages) "Queen of Nike World” INTRO BLACK... "Trans-Siberian Orchestra �" Carol of the Bells"
(from beginning) This is an instrumental song, first 30 seconds (very
mellow) plays with opening scene. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCabI3MdV9g&t=110s ) FADE IN: EXT. WOODS �" DUSK (snowing, few inches on the ground) A family of deer, old and young, walking/standing around,
as the snow falls. They suddenly begin dashing away, as POV moves by them, and
through the end of the trees, into a snowy field, where the compound and its
walls are up ahead, with POV moving toward it… POV comes to the wall, rising to the top, and through the
brush and tree branches, finding its way inside of the guard tree house, where
a half-eaten Christmas cookie (green frosting/cut in the shape of a Xmas tree)
lays on a plate. SONG hits .30 mark, as POV reveals the tree house is
empty, and begins moving toward the catwalk. SONG .32, becoming intense, as POV begins moving with
speed, over the empty catwalk, and down the first ladder it comes to. With the
song staying intense, POV cruises along a trail, quickly coming to an opening,
and onto Baker Lane and the long snowy corridor… SONG .56, after POV finds its way down the corridor and
into the opening of the compound, where no one is around. As song continues, POV shoots itself around the entire front
of the compound, with shots of the open field, plenty of snow tracks but no
people, shots of the solar power grid, the wind turbines, the empty park
equipment, small snowy softball field, a snowman, a few other snowmen, the
graveyard, with snow prints, but no people… SONG only becomes more intense, with POV finding the
Baker complex, lit with solar Christmas lights, but no people in sight. Next to
it, is the Baker Christmas cabin, also lit up, lights on inside, but no sign of
people. POV moves over to Zane’s cabin and the peaceful lake. Shots of the
trail, more cabins, the rope swing, the barns, and then circling the lake,
through the woods/park, and back to the Baker complex, dipping down below, over
the long staircase, and through the huge lower level/backyard area, with snow
tracks, but no people… SONG begins losing a little intensity around 1.32 mark,
as POV continues making its way around. It moves up into the area of all the
guest houses, through the yards, with no one around, other than a random dog. POV
leaves the houses, over some brush and into the snowy softball complex, before
finding the empty baseball stadium. SONG approaches 1.57 mark, with more intensity
developing, as POV travels over the top of the baseball stadium, to a road, and
following it into the compound neighborhood, with streets, houses, trees,
Christmas lights, and decorations, but no people… Dusk turns to night, as POV comes to end of the neighborhood,
and into what appears like a city area, with actual buildings, shops, and a
street with a big slope, as two small children come sliding down it, stopping
and immediately grabbed, and dragged away by a female adult, walking them back
upward… Dissolve to the woman (Jennifer) and her children (August
and Jax, both a year older, 7 and 5), arriving at the top, where it becomes
crowded with all the others, gathered and listening, at the Town Center… SONG fades away, as the same song can now be heard coming
from the voices of singers at the compound, who everyone is gathered around,
watching/listening. There are several different voices involved. Jennifer is
reaching for her baby, handed to her by Wyatt, who now reaches for his own
baby, from his wife Sarah, as they all watch/listen… POV moves over some of the people, finding both familiar
and unfamiliar faces. The singers are phenomenal, as everyone smiles and
listens… POV comes to Samantha (over a year older), sitting (under
a large canopy) with her moms, and next to Scout (embraced with a man, Solis),
and her grandfather… Samantha’s smiling, but faintly… DISSOLVE TO: THEME TUNE/CREDITS POV focuses on a statue
of Grandpa Sam, as opening credits roll… As theme tune ends, POV
moves from the statue to the real Grandpa, who stands close-by, and close to
Scout, Solis, Kayla, Brianna, and Samantha. They are still watching/listening
to the carolers, who you can hear singing, Carol of the Bells, as Samantha
delivers a voiceover… SAMANTHA (voiceover) It’s been about fifteen months since our lives changed forever, so this would not be the first Christmas the new world has seen…but it is the first one we’ve chosen to celebrate. POV moving around her
and the others, and over the large crowd, as her voiceover continues… SAMANTHA (VO) It’s not that we didn’t recognize the first apocalyptic Christmas, but as suggested by Benny, during our kayaking adventures, the very same day he lost his own life, we chose to remember, weep, and honor all those who we lost…all that the world had lost… POV finds Eli, close by
and hanging around a bunch of the Rough Riders, out in the snow. Marlana is
sitting back near the statues (under the cover, out of snow), with her arms
around an eight-year-old girl, and with Renee next to her. POV moves just a bit,
to find Griffey, Trisha, and Jason, close by… SAMANTHA (VO) It just didn’t feel right to be festive that first year, and honestly, I’m finding it difficult to
feel that way, this year… Grandpa is taking notice
of Samantha, and frowning at the frown that has taken over her expression… SAMANTHA (VO) I knew before returning here to the compound, that life would never be the same. That I would never see my dad again, or the other family, I had lost. But I never imagined a life here, that didn’t include my cousin Zane… Samantha turns to her right,
with a look at her cousin Dakota, standing close to Cleo. SAMANTHA (VO) Word of his epic victory in Beaverton had made its way to the compound, and we all figured more positive news to follow. But a week later, other than something about a Queen of Nike World, there was only one word that continued to make its way here, and that word was a name…Grover… Samantha turns to her
left, with a look at her uncles Hunter (with wife April) and Mason (with
girlfriend Missy), watching the carolers… SAMANTHA (VO) The more that name kept coming back to us, that first week, without any word of Zane, the more I wanted to make good on my family’s belief that I would someday be the one to lead this place, so that I could march every man, woman, and child, straight to this so-called Grover, and take my cousin back! Samantha’s POV as she
looks over the many family and friends, gathered all around… SAMANTHA (VO) Grandpa assured me that it was Zane, who demanded we don’t attack, and to allow him to do his thing… Whatever that was… Samantha’s POV of the
carolers, led by Rich, Joshua, Rachel (Gunner’s wife) and a handful of other
women… SAMANTHA (VO) But I did not trust that Swish guy,
or the idiot Grover, who chose to leave in charge, such a slimy piece of s**t… Scene dissolving on the
carolers, and their song… DISSOLVE TO: 14 MONTH
RECAP EXT. NIKE WORLD �" DAY Swish and his cocky
smile, walking through the Nike World gates, with a handful of his men, as they
arrive near the rest of the victorious convicts. There are several Beaverton
squad cars at the gates, in the background… Swish motions for the convicts
to hush down, as he begins speaking out to them all. SWISH I know he made good on his word, but give credit where credit (motioning toward them all) is due. It was all of you, who made this happen!
And where is he now? Rather than moving on to our true leader, who still might be pinned down, he’s off boohooing over the loss of someone who has nothing to do with us! Swish looking around at
all the faces of his people… SWISH That’s the difference between us and his people. They’re still stuck in the old world, soft and empathetic to those who can’t fend for themselves. You’re just a bunch of dirty convicts to him and his people, but to Grover, you’re the kind of people who know how to survive. The kind of people who don’t need a babysitter. The kind of people he can rely on, when he needs your help, like he does right now. RANDOM CONVICT So, what you’re really saying, is that Grover is the one who needs a babysitter? Few faint scattered
laughs, as Swish marches right over to his face… SWISH Perhaps you’d like to take that up with him? CONVICT No, sir… Swish looking around at
all his men… SWISH Maybe you’re all forgetting about the jail cells your corpses would be rotting inside of, if not for Grover. Half the convicts
nodding heads, agreeing with Swish… RANDOM CONVICT #2 Maybe you’re forgetting it was Zane, who defeated Beaverton, while Grover hid from them… SWISH (while staring at the man) Gary? GARY Yeah? SWISH Execute that traitor. GARY Yes, sir. Without hesitation, Gary
aims his pistol right at the man (who begins to raise his gun), and shoots him
dead, before he can even defend himself. Kemp, Lester, and a few
other convicts are on the verge of pulling their weapons. GW looks ready to
pound on some heads. Shade stands in front of Swish, ready to protect him. Calmer heads prevail, as
the group seems fifty/fifty, on their allegiance, and everyone stays calm… SWISH Now everyone, load up… It’s time to go let Grover know that the road is clear. Everyone begins slowly
loading up, as Swish speaks alone with Gary… SWISH I want you and three other men to remain here. I want Zane dead before I return with Grover. GARY My pleasure. SWISH But make Stix do it. I want to know he’s still loyal to me. If not, then kill them both. GARY Not a problem. SWISH Come up with a good story as to why you had to take him out, him and that b***h cop. Choose the best three men who will help collaborate your story. GARY On it… DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. LIVING ROOM �" DAY Harris (in uniform) in
distress, hiding behind a couch and pulling a radio up to her face, speaking
quietly. HARRIS (into radio) The prisoners have lost it. They’re totally out of control. I don’t know how much longer I can hold them off. I might have to - Suddenly, she is
attacked over the top, by two children… DOMINIQUE We’re not prisoners, Mommy, we’re your children! Harris laughing as
Dominique and her brother (Everett, 6) climb on top of her, while she
overpowers them and begins tickling… HARRIS You’re my foolish children (placing cuffs
on Dominique’s hand) because now you are (cuffing her to her
brother) my prisoners! DOMINIQUE (with laugh) Mommy! Everett acting as if
it’s neat. HARRIS Don’t Mommy me. I’m hauling the two
of you downtown. Harris semi-dragging
them away. EVERETT What’s downtown? DOMINIQUE The police station! EVERETT (a little nervous) No, Mommy! DOMINIQUE She’s just kidding. HARRIS A night in jail is how your Grandpa taught me all about the consequences of breaking the law. It’s what made me become a cop. Everett actually
becoming fairly nervous. EVERETT No, please Mommy. DOMINIQUE You’re scaring him. Harris stops and kneels
in front of them both, looking them in the eyes… HARRIS Good… I want you both to remember what this feels like, to be in handcuffs. (nodding at Everett) It’s kind of scary, isn’t it? Everett nods, Dominique
shakes her head with a smile, as Harris then grabs Dominique’s hand and quickly
tightens the cuff on her wrist… DOMINIQUE Ow, that hurts! HARRIS Good. Little scared yet, or do I need to tighten them some more? Dominique starts to
smile. HARRIS Girl, you better wipe that smile off your face before it’s your brother’s cuff that I tighten. EVERETT Dominique, no! I want it off, not tighter! Dominique’s smile fades,
and Harris moves in on them, again looking into their eyes… HARRIS I want you both to remember what this feels like, so that you work hard to become the good kind of people who never have to worry about spending time in handcuffs, because if it’s even a little scary, or painful, just imagine what it’s going to feel like when it’s by someone who isn’t your mother. Someone who doesn’t care how tight they put them on. Someone who doesn’t like you, because of whatever trouble you got yourself into. Someone who believes you’re dangerous. Someone with their hand on their gun, ready to pull it out and (finger like a gun, to Dominique’s head) stick it right here, just hoping you give them a reason to pull that trigger… Both kids just staring
back at her, with shock… Harris smiles… HARRIS Good, I can see I have gotten through to you. Harris begins removing
cuffs. Sly smile eventually coming over Dominique’s face. DOMINIQUE I want to be the one who makes the laws. Harris putting her cuffs
away, as the kids rub their wrists. HARRIS No, you want to grow up to be a smartass, is what you want. Dominique smiling. HARRIS At least I hope so, because being a lawmaker would make you a politician, in which case I might as well put those cuffs back on you. EVERETT Mommy? HARRIS Yes, Everett? EVERETT If the police find out about that time, I got in trouble for breaking your vase, will I go to jail? HARRIS Okay, come here. Harris sitting on couch,
placing Everett on her lap… HARRIS As your father would say, I just might have put a little too much “fear of God”, in you. EVERETT I’m not scared of God, I’m scared of the police! Harris and Dominique
smiling… HARRIS First of all, no, the police don’t care about my rules or punishments, for crimes you commit here at home. Just like your father makes the rules and punishments, at his place. Some day you will have your own place, to make the rules, and be able to go visit your sister, and her nerdy husband (Dominique laughing), because we all know that she’ll fall in love and marry a nerd someday. DOMINIQUE Because I’m a nerd. HARRIS And I love you for it. But yes, you will be able to visit Mr. and Mrs. Nerd, (Dominique laughing) at their nerdy house (both kids laughing), and follow their nerdy rules. Both kids cracking up… HARRIS Even though we all have our own homes and rules, we all share the same world, and have to follow the same laws, or else that’s when the police come knocking at your door. So, see, you don’t have to be scared of them, not unless you plan on breaking the law. And for those who do break the law, you have
the police to take care of them, for you. So, they are heroes. EVERETT Mommy? HARRIS Yes? EVERETT I think I want to be a cop, like you. Harris giving him a
squeeze, as scene dissolves… DISSOLVE TO: 14 MONTH
�" DAY POV panning back from
Dominique’s lifeless face/body, wrapped in a blanket to her face, and lying on
her mom’s lap, who sits on couch… Harris quietly stares at
her, with a single tear… Ike (bf, 46) stands at
the door, looking down at her, before opening door and walking out into a long
hallway… He moves over to the
other side, with a huge panoramic window, and just stares out, while a tear
runs down his own face… He suddenly takes notice
of something. His view of several men, they are pretty far off, but two of them
appear to be guiding the other two, by gunpoint. He looks back toward the
apartment, and then again out the window… Suddenly, he turns down
the hall, where he can hear people approaching. He turns and dashes back for
the apartment, hurrying inside and right over to the couch, practically forcing
Harris to her feet. IKE Some of the convicts took Zane by gunpoint, and now I hear some coming for us! HARRIS What? Harris looking back at
her daughter, as if she couldn’t leave her, but allowing Ike to guide her
toward the other room. They enter the back
bedroom (actually an office), and close the door. Ike moves toward the side
door and window (sheet hanging over it), and begins peeking out. BAM! Door
instantly kicked in, two men charging inside! Ike is totally off
guard, but like the flip of a switch, Harris goes total fight mode. The men are
much bigger than her, but the first one goes down quick, after she uses some
sort of martial arts moves, to overwhelm him. The second guy fires his gun,
hitting Ike in the leg, but the man is then brought down by Harris, with more
impressive martial arts… She quickly runs to aid
Ike, who appears to be okay, and is hugging her, but with a look back toward
the men, and pointing toward the first guy. IKE That first guy’s getting back up! She turns, and goes
ninja on him. But the second guy makes his way back up, with his gun pointed
right at her, but then BOOM! He is blown away by Ike. Harris checks the other
guy and takes his weapons, then runs back to Ike. IKE Don’t worry about me. Go get Zane. (pointing gun toward other guy) I’ll make this b***h talk. Harris looks right at
him, as he nods. She goes for the door, with one last look back toward the
other room, before running off… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HIGHWAY 26 �" DAY Bird’s eye POV of a huge
caravan of Beaverton police cars, including a bunch of police motorcycles,
SUV’s, and even a pair of police hummers. The caravan is turning onto an
offramp. At the tail end of the caravan is all the convict’s trucks, loaded
with men in the backs. POV comes down to one of those trucks, finding Kemp,
Lester, Divit, and three other men (Deon, Ned, Floyd), with the wind in their
bloody faces (still gored up from their march with the huffs)… KEMP This is bullshit. We should have waited for Zane. LESTER He should be leading this mission. KEMP Swish just wants to take the credit for himself, and took advantage of Zane being distracted with what happened to that kid. NED Then why are we still following him? KEMP Because of Grover. He’s the only reason Swish still has any pull. At least half the men are loyal to him. LESTER It’d be more like five percent, without Grover. DEON It’s cool talkin’ like this just between us all, but bro, you gotta’ keep that s**t on the down-low, ‘round everyone else. It gets back to Swish, and he’ll do us all like he done Damon and Geno, or Eric. LESTER You’re talking about him as if you were still behind bars. FLOYD Exactly. LESTER Without Grover, he’d just be a scared little prison guard, without the bars to protect him. KEMP Long as he still has half the men, he has the power… not to mention Grover. The men are silent a
moment, as the caravan begins turning onto a back-country road, with lots of
fields and woods… KEMP What do you think, Divit? DIVIT (deep breath) My loyalty remains with Grover, but I look forward to bringing him up to speed with everything. Like the assassination of Eric, and the glory of Zane. Everyone nodding… DEON Now, that’s what I’m talking about. KEMP Hell yeah. They are silent a few
moments, before a couple of them begin semi-freaking out, looking/pointing out
toward a field they’re driving by. NED Holy s**t! FLOYD What the?! Everyone turning with
wide eyes, as the caravan is slowing down. Suddenly, there is the sound of
elephants! Their POV of a pair of
elephants marching through the field, onto the road behind them, and toward
highway 26… All the men looking
amongst themselves… KEMP I guess the zoo is closed… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NIKE WORLD �" DAY Harris is quickly
running from one hiding spot to another, getting herself close enough to hear
Gary speaking… GARY (OS) Go help those idiots find the grieving cop. I’m good here. Harris goes running back
the way she had come from, disappearing just before a random convict comes
running around the same corner, she had been hiding behind… Dissolve to that same convict
jogging around a different corner, and down a long semi-dark (covered)
corridor… Suddenly, Harris swings her
feet from above, kicking him in the face and knocking him out… She reaches down for his
neck, wrapping her arms around it, snapping it. She stands up and begins
running down the corridor, and freezes at the sound of a gunshot. She stands
there a moment, before dashing off toward the gunshot… Dissolve to Harris again
arriving at that same corner, but this time to the sound of Swish, over the
radio. SWISH (over radio) So, he’s dead? GARY (OS, into radio) He is, and Stix was even man enough to do it himself. Harris closing her eyes
with frustration/disappointment. SWISH (over radio) I didn’t doubt that loyal b*****d for a moment! DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. BASEMENT DOJO �"
NIGHT Harris (11) sparring
against her younger/smaller sister (Nikki, 9), and getting her butt kicked! Their father (Shawn, 40)
paces the room, with disappointment, annoyance, and even anger begins to show… SHAWN Girl, what the hell is wrong with your efforts, your moves, and most noticeably, your attitude?! If you go through even a FRACTION of the hell I’ve seen and experienced, you’ll appreciate every last little thing you take out of all this. Which right now, is the kind of effort that makes me feel like I’m wasting my damn time. You might as well go play with barbie dolls, and just hope that there’ll always be someone to save you. Maybe your sister here, can do it. God knows, no one will ever mess with (patting her on the head) this little badass! They begin playfully
sparring, while Harris hangs her head, and leaves the room… SHAWN You’ll be able to rescue the little damsel in distress, won’t ya’, sweetheart? Dissolve to same room, one
year later, as they spar. This time Harris is making much more of an effort, but an
effort that is defended by her even tougher younger sister, who doesn’t take
very long to overwhelm Harris, and take the victory. Their Dad was standing
over them as they sparred, and is now nodding his head with a smile. SHAWN That is what I am talking about! I could not be more proud (hand on Nikki) of the little champion my Nikki is becoming. And (hand on a disappointed Harris), the improvement here did not go without notice! (excitement) Next year is going to be interesting! Dissolve to same room,
one year later, as Shawn plays role of referee, and signals them to begin
sparring. Harris comes out strong,
continuing that way for the first 10-15 seconds, until Nikki makes adjustments,
all while defending herself, well. The next 15 seconds belong to her, and
Harris is unable to make adjustments, or defend herself, nearly as well… She is overwhelmed, eventually
going down in defeat. While down, she begins pounding her fists against the
mat, with extreme frustration, while laughter comes from her father. SHAWN I like it! The hell with that, I LOVE it! One daughter who is just too badass to be taken down, and another who will use her determination to find a way! I LOVE IT! Harris with sounds of
frustration, as Shawn goes on, as scene dissolves. Dissolve to same room,
one year later, just as Harris comes at Nikki, with move after move, and more
success than ever before. It’s a good fight! It stays that way for 30 seconds,
before Nikki begins showing signs of taking it over, and by 60 seconds she is
in command, and less than 20 seconds later she is victorious. Harris just remains on
the floor, possibly on verge of exploding… But this time it’s
emotion that gets the best of her, lying there crying, with her face in the
mat… Nikki actually looks
sad… NIKKI That was a great fight, Harris. There’s nobody even close to my age at the academy that can last that long, with me. SHAWN Oh, come on cadet. I liked the anger last year, better. Dissolve to same room,
one year later, and this time they are already going at it, and it’s intense!
But frustration is beginning to show, with Harris. Not because Nikki is taking
over, but because no matter what she throws at her, Nikki seems to defend. It’s
wearing Harris out, and eventually receives a knockout blow, going down hard,
as her dad calls the match. Harris is bloody but
instantly rising and smacking the walls, yelling with extreme
anger/frustration. She yells again with a look directly at her sister, and
again with a look directly at her father, and then again while leaving the
room, to the sound of an entire bookshelf being knocked over, with things
shattering, more yelling, and a door slammed… Dissolve to same room,
one year later, with extreme silence from them all, but eye contact between
Harris and Nikki… Shawn looks them both
over, with a shake of his head, before signaling them to begin. This time it’s
Nikki who is more aggressive, and Harris who patiently plays defense. Harris
even flashes a small smile or two, but shows a little anger, after Nikki throws
one back at her. Harris begins taking
over as the aggressor. She even gets in a good blow or two, but each time Nikki
follows by striking a blow of her own. Harris is bleeding, but keeps going.
Nikki has all the energy, while Harris begins losing hers, and eventually Nikki
finds her moment, and takes her sister down. Dissolve to same room,
one year later, as Nikki makes a spectacular move, in which drops Harris to the
ground, as Shawn raises her hand with the victory… Dissolve to same room,
one year later, as Harris is destroying Nikki, but suddenly stops and angrily
gets in her sister’s face. HARRIS YOU DON’T GO HALF-A*S WITH ME, GIRL! You bring that s**t full throttle, or DON’T BRING IT AT ALL! Nikki becomes angered
and does as requested, going full throttle with move after move, and connecting
with several of them, but so is Harris, and she’s taking her blows like a champ,
and matching them, as this time it is her baby sister, who is losing energy,
while Harris develops it, with a smile, and eventually a blow that puts Nikki
on the ground, as Harris turns to watch her father raise her triumphant arm… Dissolve to same room,
one year later, where they are going at it back and forth, with blow after
blow, blood falling from them both. Shawn just watches with a concerned shake
of the head. NIKKI COME ON! HARRIS WHAT YOU GOT?! Blow after blow is
delivered and received, from them both… They refuse to drop, and
eventually, Shawn calls the fight, jumping in the middle, where both his
daughters continue to go at one another, making their way around him, in
desperation to continue fighting. SHAWN Enough! I said THAT’S ENOUGH! They are at extremes,
and unwilling to settle down, as he then uses a move of his own, simultaneously
pinning them both to the floor, where they continue to fight to rise, and
scream with frustration and the will to destroy one another. They actually use a
co-move, to overtake their father, and jump back on top of each other, now just
brawling, throwing punch after punch. It’s a bloody mess! Shawn is in shock,
just watching, before grabbing Nikki, as Harris simply turns and storms up out
of the basement, heard walking across the living room, and slamming the front
RECAP EXT. NIKE WORLD �" DAY Tears falling from
closed eyes, as they open, and rage takes over Harris, as she turns the corner
while pulling a huge knife out, and leaps right off a small drop-off, on top of
Gary. His radio goes flying out of his hand, as she begins stabbing him about 5
thousand times, screaming like a raging
lunatic…or a mother who had just lost a child… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PORTLAND CAMP �" DAY A dozen soldiers with a
few vehicles, tents and canopies, weapons, and supplies, are within a hundred
yards of the gates to a fancy/rich piece of land, protected with a large rock
fence and state-of-the-art gates. There are cliffs and steep hills surrounding
the place, and one road leading out, with woods to one side, and a woodsy
hillside on the other… They all freeze at the
faint sound of something, that quickly grows, as they stare down the road. It’s
the Beaverton police and convict caravan. The soldiers have nowhere to go, but
don’t look worried at first… SOLDIER Are we finally attacking? They just watch, and
then become nervous once the convicts begin pulling in, aiming guns at them,
with their bloody faces/clothes. The road gets clogged up with the cars/trucks,
as many convicts begin jumping out, running toward the soldiers, aiming guns… A couple of the soldiers
become intimidated, as they take in the size of GW, and his face of gore, same
as all the other convicts… Some of the officers are
trying to calm the convicts. One of them (female, Bonnie) holds up her hand,
for them not to engage. BONNIE These men were only acting on orders, just like (motioning at her fellow officers) all of us, were. The soldiers look nervous,
but at least a few of them look like they want to pull/raise their weapons… It’s a stare-off for a
few moments… SHADE (shaking his head) No…these men are as dangerous as we are. We should take them out. Divit hesitating a
moment, before stepping out in front of everyone… DIVIT That’s what Swish would do. (Shade smiles) Once we open those gates, we’ll know if it’s what Grover would do. (Shade frowns) I already know it’s not what Zane would do… SHADE Who the hell cares what Zane would do? Shade walking toward
police SUV. DIVIT I’m guessing Grover... Everyone watching him as
he opens door, reaches in for microphone, and begins speaking over the PA
speaker. DIVIT My name is Divit. I am here with the Glenwood convicts, and the Beaverton Police, who helped us overthrow our soldier enemies of Nike World. We were ordered here by Swish, who went back to Glenwood, and left Stix in charge of Nike World. If you open the gates, I can answer any questions you may have. Everyone turns from
Divit, toward the Gates… They watch in silence
for several moments, before the gates suddenly begin opening… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HIGHWAY 26 �" DAY Elephants marching down
the highway… POV Ike in shock,
watching the elephants, from the passenger seat, while holding a bandage over
his leg. Harris drives, without hardly any recognition of the elephants… Ike looks from them, to
Harris, and just shakes his head… IKE You really think they’ll have a doctor there? HARRIS I know they do. It’s part of the reason our soldier leaders wanted to take them over. IKE And you really think these convicts are going to be safe, to be around? Especially without Zane? Harris just stares
ahead, while driving, without answering… IKE Not that they or Zane mean a damn bit of anything. You just lost her, Harris. HARRIS I’m fine. IKE You haven’t finished grieving, not close. HARRIS I’m fine. IKE No, Harris, you are not… Ike just staring outward
a moment… IKE Not that any of us are… Ike finally turning
back, staring at her… IKE But it hasn’t even been an hour, yet… Harris driving without a
word or look at him, just falling tears… DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. 4th
GRADE CLASSROOM �" DAY Harris stands in front
of the class (in her uniform), with her daughter Dominique (10) at a desk in
front row, while the teacher and other adults sit along the side and back of
the room. Students are raising hands, as Harris points at one of them near the
front, with a full head of hair. HARRIS You, one with the suspicious hairstyle. Kids laughing… GIRL What is the scariest situation you’ve encountered? HARRIS Encountered. Very nice. (looking at teacher) I can see someone’s passing the forth grade. The teacher and several
adults laughing… HARRIS Let’s see, scariest encounter. Besides career day, at
my daughter’s school? (more laughter) Honestly, I get sad more than I get scared. I get sad when kids your age are involved, or even younger, and sad when I see people making poor choices. I guess you can say I get scared, of innocent people getting hurt, as a result of those bad choices.
Kids raising hands
again, as she points to kid in the back, wearing a cap and an oversized jacket. HARRIS Yes, you, the shady, incognito one in the back. (kids laughing) I didn’t even think you could wear hats in the classroom. BOY It’s because it’s career day, my mom sells (gesturing toward his hat/jacket) these things. HARRIS Okay good, because I was already visioning the day I had to make room in the back of my squad car for you. Kids all laughing… HARRIS I’m just kidding (smiling). Your question is? BOY What made you want to be a police officer? HARRIS Great question, thank you for that one. I became an officer to help make people feel safe, to help make all of you, feel safe. Safe to walk to school in the morning, and safe to live your lives without constant fear of self-protection. My father raised me to be tough, and fear everything and everyone. I became an officer, so kids like you, wouldn’t have to worry about being little wannabe badasses. (kids laughing, Harris looking toward teacher) Can I say that? (making silly face at laughing kids) I’m serious though. The better I do my job, the less you have to worry about fighting and being (showing muscles) tough. Because if you really want to be tough, you hit those books, and you pay attention to your teachers. You find yourselves, your passions, and you make a life with them. It’s not easy though…it’s tough! My job is to make your lives safe, so that you can focus on all that. Impressed looks from the
teacher and other parents. Harris smiling at the class, as their hands go up… DISSOLVE TO: 14 MONTH
RECAP EXT. PORTLAND CAMP �" DAY Gates are fully open, as
two men are walking through them, followed by an army of other men, all with
guns. There are plenty of people, behind them, in the background… Divit slowly approaches,
as the other convicts keep their guns raised, with a hand from Divit, keeping
them steady… The two men are
approaching Divit. One of them (Solis, 35ish) looks very capable of handling
himself, and the gun he carries. The other man (Marshall, 35ish) looks more at
ease, without a weapon, and ready to communicate… RANDOM COP Is that him? RANDOM CONVICT Nope… Divit arriving next to
the two men, with Kemp and Lester close by. Solis is eyeing the soldiers, who
continue to be guarded by convicts. DIVIT I’m Divit. Thank you for coming out. MARSHALL Divit, I’m Marshall, and the mean one here, is Solis. Divit shakes hands with
Marshall, while nodding at Solis. MARSHALL You said you were sent here by Swish? What about Grover? All the convicts looking
amongst themselves… DIVIT What do you mean? Isn’t he here? Solis a confused look at
Divit. SOLIS He bailed three days ago, after we got our asses handed to us by the people you just took down. All the convicts again
looking at one another… DIVIT But, then… MARSHALL Yeah, exactly… Dissolve to everyone now
on the inside, as they watch the gates come to a close… There are tons of
people, women and children. The house is a huge mansion, with several large
guest complexes. There are a ton of large RVs and porta-potties. There are even
a pair of Portland Police squad cars, and some of the Beaverton offices are
shaking hands with the Portland officers… Half of the convicts
continue guarding the soldiers and keeping their eyes on all the new people
inside, while a few of them are shaking hands with others. Some of the mothers
are shielding or leaving the area with their children, who are curious of the
new men… The other half of the convicts
are following Divit, who walks with Marshall and Solis… MARSHALL He didn’t even arrive here until late that first night, after he helped you all at the prison. Things were crazy here in the city. Safe in here, but leaving was extremely risky. But there were way too many people here, and he was persistent on getting them to your camp. He finally did, but it was on his way back, that he first encountered problems, with those Beaverton soldiers. SOLIS I was able to find their base, and we gave them everything we had, but were unable to get inside. Sure would like to know how you guys pulled it off. DIVIT We had some help from an army of the dead... Solis and Marshall just
looking at him for a second… DIVIT I’m actually surprised he didn’t just bring all of you back to Glenwood. We have the room. Less dead, and more defense against them, and all other threats. SOLIS He wanted Nike World. The plan was to make that the second camp, in which this was meant to be. He kept saying multiple camps was the only way to stay strong, and fend off threats of the future. KEMP But…so where the hell is he? MARSHALL He left with a few good men, and promised to defeat Beaverton with the help of all you. Kemp, Divit, and other convicts
all sharing looks… KEMP So…then, what…he’s presumed dead??? Now everyone looking
amongst one another, in silence… Suddenly, there is honking!
Lots of it, and coming from the road, as a car is heard approaching the gates.
They all go running for the gate/walls… They arrive, looking
outward. Their POV (as honking stops) of the huge driveway, cluttered with
their vehicles. They look/wait, as whoever was honking can begin to be heard,
making their way through the vehicles. Eventually, Harris can be seen, helping
Ike limp his way forward. SOLIS One of yours? Why’s she’s making all that noise?! Suddenly, they see huffs
(from sides of road) beginning to make their way up the woodsy hillside, onto
the road/driveway. There are more and more of them, and an army of them behind
Harris and Ike, trying to make it through the vehicles… DIVIT Open the gates! Let them in! Solis with a skeptical
look, followed with a very intimidating look from GW, then signaling his men to
open the gates. Harris’s POV, as gates
are coming open. Huffs are beginning to swamp the path in front of her. She is
not going to make it, and lets go of Ike, to fight off huffs, then grabbing him
and running, and again at times letting go, to fend off huffs, but is being
totally overwhelmed by them… Her effort is priceless,
but all in vain, as the huffs become endless, as they have come up from the
hillside, and have now surrounded her, until suddenly, they begin being
butchered, as GW slices his way through to her, killing and kicking huff after
huff, and making his way to Ike, as Kemp, Lester, Divit, and others, are
killing huffs, forming a path for them back to the gate… GW throws Ike over his
shoulder, as Harris stays in front of him, killing huff after huff, with
impressive move after move, not unnoticed by the others… They make their way to
the gate, with GW simply using his hand, like a football player, to block a
huff, and smash it against the rock wall next to the gate, as it closes on the
swarming huffs… They all gather their
breaths, as Harris checks on Ike, and Kemp approaches… RANDOM CONVICT Where’s Stix? Kemp arrives at Harris
and Ike, as she looks up at him… KEMP Zane…where is he? Harris looks at them
all, every last convict looking back at her, as a woman (acting like a nurse)
comes and begins aiding Ike, followed by a second woman… HARRIS He and Stix are dead… Your precious Swish had them executed… All the convicts in
shock, looking amongst one another, as the women begin leading Ike away, with
Harris following… HARRIS They tried to do the same to us… Outside the walls, the
huffs continue to come up over the hilltop, and completely surround the gates,
the vehicles, and the entire road/driveway… DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. HOUSE �" NIGHT Harris standing in her
home, speaking on the phone. HARRIS No, listen Dad. It’s not that I’m angry or don’t love you guys. I just can’t get over the past, and the way I’m reminded of it, when around you guys…. I know, I’m sorry, but I live my life and raise my children in a way that is so different from the nightmare I grew up in…. Yes, I know, Dad. But then there was the depression…. No, Dad…. Yes…. Yes, Dad, of course you can see your Grandchildren. I’ve never kept you from them, but they ever return with bruises and/or stories of fighting, and everything changes… No, I will not come with them. Dad…. Dad…. I’m sorry…. I’m sorry…. Dad…. I’m sorry, I love you. (click) Harris turns around, and
sees Dominique standing at the door of her bedroom, staring back at her mom… HARRIS Go kiss your brother goodnight. Dominique comes to her
mom, with a hug and a kiss, before running off to her brother’s room. Harris
watches her, with a proud smile… Dominique enters
bedroom, her brother is already tucked away, but awake, and smiling as she
approaches. She hands him a piece of paper, and plants a kiss on his cheek. She
then flips on his night light, and shuts off bedroom light, on her way out… He looks at the piece of
paper. It’s a drawing of him holding hands with her and their mother, all of
them with big smiles… Dominique is walking
from his room to hers, flashing a beautiful smile at her mother, with one in
return… She closes her bedroom
door, as her mom’s smile slowly fades… Harris walks into the
kitchen, sitting at dining room table, and pulling out her phone. She pulls up a picture
of her father, looking at it, before swiping to next picture, of her sister… DISSOLVE TO: 14 MONTH
ER) �" DAY Harris sits next to Ike
(in bed), who is being treated by a doctor. There are 3 nurses close by, and 3
more in the large room/area… DOCTOR Yeah, he’s going to be just fine. I have someone else to check in on, but I’ll be back in a bit. Harris nods (trying to
smile) as he exits the area… Ike looks over at one of
the nurses. IKE But I’m at least in bad enough shape for some of the good drugs, no? NURSE (Taylor) Probably should save those for a rainy day, but with those things at our walls, perhaps we should all be getting loaded. IKE They’ll all leave, eventually. TAYLOR Will they? IKE They should. At least if we’re quiet enough to make them forget we’re in here. Ike takes notice of
Harris, lost in somber thought… IKE That badass over there, has literally walked with an entire herd of those things. Her and her buddy convicts. I think we’ll be just fine. All the nurses looking
at him, and her… TAYLOR Did someone already slip you some of the good stuff? Because I’m having trouble making sense of that one. IKE You could have see it with your own eyes, and still have trouble making sense of it. NURSE (Reese) Are you serious? NURSE (Lisa) You’re saying there’s a way to walk with the dead? All eyes on Ike, as the
other 3 nurses come closer to listen… IKE It’s a messy way, but indeed there is… NURSE (Stephanie) Oh my God… Everyone looks at Stephanie.
She is staring straight at Harris, as they all begin doing… TAYLOR What??? STEPHANIE You have to look and smell like them, don’t you? Everyone looking from
her to Ike, and then to Harris (and her bloody face/clothes), as Ike is
nodding… TAYLOR And that really works? REESE They don’t bite or attack you? Harris finally coming
out of her somber trance, and working hard to fight the tears/emotion… TAYLOR I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that. You look like you’ve been through hell today. HARRIS (quietly) It’s okay… Yes, it works, at least so far, and it’ll definitely work to get us out of here, if need be. NURSE (Taryn) We wouldn’t all have to do it, would
we? NURSE (Mia) God, I hope not! LISA Didn’t you say they’d probably leave on their own? STEPHANIE Oh my God. Everyone looking at her
as she is again staring at Harris, as everyone else then looks at Harris… TAYLOR Now what??? STEPHANIE That’s how you guys took out Beaverton. That’s how you took Nike World. Everyone looking from
Stephanie to Harris… HARRIS Something like that… TAYLOR Wow… LISA I’ve been there. That’s where we should be moving. REESE Well, wasn’t that the plan, and reason for going to war with them? Everyone looking from
Ike to Harris… HARRIS I think leadership is at question, right now. STEPHANIE If Grover’s not in charge, who is? HARRIS I think that’s what they’re all trying to figure out. TAYLOR Well, who was the brilliant one who figured out walking with the dead was a thing? And used it to overtake the people who were kicking our a*s... Maybe that guy should be in charge… Suddenly, Harris begins
to slightly laugh, as everyone looks at her. She almost appears to be stuck
between laughing or crying. The nurses look confused/curious, while Ike is
concerned… HARRIS I’m sorry… I don’t even know why I’m laughing… I guess it beats crying… Harris works to recover,
and begins looking over all the women… HARRIS So…how did an army of nurses end up here, anyway? REESE We can all thank Taylor for that. TAYLOR And I can thank Doctor Larkin, for it. IKE Is this his place? TAYLOR No, I don’t think doctors make (gesturing toward their surroundings) this much money. He was invited by one of the other doctors who knew Grover, but it was Keith, Dr. Larkin, who informed me years ago of a place to meet, if anything apocalyptic was to happen. Something I never thought I’d need, but was certainly cool to have… HARRIS So, there are more doctors? TAYLOR One more here and four more at the other camp. We have one more nurse here, and I think a dozen at Glenwood. IKE I’ve heard all about how prepared this Grover guy was, but you’re telling me he actually had an entire team of doctors and nurses, on call for Doomsday? TAYLOR Actually, those of us who knew, were sworn to secrecy, but then if, and when, anything was to happen, we were supposed to bring as many other doctors and nurses as we could. LISA Thank God! Or I’d still be out there, in that mess. Silence a moment… HARRIS What about your families? Were they allowed to come? TAYLOR Immediate family, yes. At least those of our family who we could contact, or that could make it back to the meeting area, in time. Some even remained at the meeting point once the buses came, because of family who had not arrived, yet. (shaking head) I can’t believe that was only like a month ago…right? Women all becoming a bit
somber… IKE I’m sorry. I imagine there isn’t a soul left in the world that hasn’t suffered the agony of losing a loved one… Some silence… REESE Or an entire family of loved ones… Reese somber, as Mya
places a sympathetic hand on her shoulder… IKE (speaking to Reese) What is your name, sweetheart? REESE Reese. IKE I’m sorry you lost so much, Reese. REESE Thank you. IKE I lost my wife to cancer last year. Our boys were the key to surviving it. Now, I have no idea, like you, of their fate. At first, I thought I was only surviving on the off chance that they were still alive…until I fell in love again. Ike staring and smiling
at Harris, who does her best to smile back, as the other women look from him to
her… IKE A bunch of beautiful women like you, will all experience love, again… Some silence, followed
with Taylor staring right at Harris, with a funny look… TAYLOR Is he serious?... You really fall for this slick talking, old-timer? Few faint laughs. IKE Hey now! What kind of bedside manner is that?! Few more laughs… HARRIS I did… I couldn’t help it… He was just so great with my daughter… Ike giving her a
heartbreaking look… A few silent/awkward
looks from the nurses… STEPHANIE Was? HARRIS I lost her, a couple hours ago… Nurses looking at her
and then themselves, with shock, not sure what to say or do. Harris begins to
rise from chair. HARRIS I’m sorry, I need some air. Harris got up too
quickly and begins to collapse, becoming faint, as the nurses scramble to help. IKE Harris! TAYLOR Let me help you. Harris trying to rise,
again. HARRIS I’m fine, I just need to - Harris goes back down,
this time fainting, with nurses moving quickly to get her up into bed… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. MANSION YARD �" DAY Close-up of a pot of
flowers as it’s smashed by a large, heavy tree branch, panning back to GW as he
rages out, breaking the stick over the rock fencing. Other frustrated convicts
and officers are around, along with the Portlanders. The yard area is huge,
with sheltered areas… KEMP This is BULLSHIT! LESTER Someone needs to put a damn knife in his back! SHADE I’ll be sure to tell him you said that. LESTER You do what you have to, brother. KEMP (talking to Shade) Man, look around! There ain’t no reason to fear that son of a b***h, anymore! FLOYD I was questioning him after killing Eric, but Zane, and Stix?! He just wants the
power! KEMP He knows we’re all scared because we owe Grover our lives, but Grover is most likely dead. We have to find a new leader, here and now. Then find a way out of here, and go remove that sob from office. Everyone quiet. Most convicts
nodding, some shaking heads… Officers all looking
amongst each other, as are the Portlanders… Divit finally breaks the
silence… DIVIT I think we just have… Everyone looking from
Divit to Kemp… LESTER Hell yeah… SHADE Talk about bullshit. Swish is still the man. With Zane dead we know that war is coming. Swish is our best chance to survive that war! KEMP Your opinion is outnumbered. Maybe what, ten percent of you remain loyal to Swish? The rest of us are fed up. Those offices over there are fed up, with their own piss poor choice of leadership. I’m not taking over for Swish, I’m taking over for Grover, (looking at Solis) therefore, I’m asking the Portlanders to follow me, too. Most convicts in total
agreement, nodding their heads, as are the officers, and even some of the
soldiers (who remain in cuffs). Solis, Marshall, and the other Portlanders, are
looking around, while speaking quietly amongst themselves… SOLIS If you can help get us out of here, and to the other camp, we will follow you…unless you give us reason not to…. Kemp nodding at Solis,
with even more people nodding, as Shade looks defeated, and totally
CAR �" NIGHT Dominique crying in back
seat, with a ton of boxes/supplies. MALE VOICE (over radio) THE HEAD! IT’S GOT TO BE THE HEAD! Harris speeding down the
street, with random chaos going on outside… She comes to a skidding
stop, in front of a house, and looks back at Dominique. HARRIS Lay down flat, and stay here. No one can get in. Do not open the door for anyone! Harris closes door as
Dominique quickly buries her head into the backseat, while lying down flat. Harris pulls her gun,
aims, and blows away a huff (a scream from Dominique), that had risen from the
street, where it was eating from a dead body… She advances up to the
house, quickly kicking in the door, and entering… Dominique carefully
peeks out toward the house, watching, waiting, until her mom comes rushing back
out, alone, briefly looking around, before running to the garage, glancing
inside, then running back to the squad car… She opens door and
climbs back inside, starting engine. DOMINIQUE Where’s Daddy and Everett? HARRIS It wasn’t safe here. They had to leave. They’re okay, ‘cause they took the car. We just have to reach them… Dominique sees something
outside that scares her, as she jumps back down, and her mom speeds away… Voice comes over radio. MALE (over radio) I know you all need to stay close to the city, so we’re setting up camp near Gales Creek Campground, same place we threw the annual overnighter. It should be safe there, at least until daybreak… DISSOLVE TO: 14 MONTH
RECAP INT. MAKESHIFT ER �" DAY Harris in bed, hooked to
IV machine, as Taylor is looking her over, with Ike in the next bed, watching… Harris is awake, but
looks depressed with grief… IKE You’re okay, baby. We’re going to get through this… Suddenly, there is some
distant commotion, outside, nearby, and eventually a female voice can be heard
shouting from out there… WOMAN I just need to see the other officer! Suddenly, you can hear a
door being kicked in, and then the sound of two different men being knocked
down, with someone quickly approaching. Then more sound of fighting, as a man
comes flying into the room, kicked in there by someone else, who now enters
from around the corner, a woman, looking around at everyone, and then directly
at Harris, who looks up, with her eyes going wide… WOMAN (OS) Harris?! They just stare at each
other a moment, with others all staring at them. Solis arrives at the door,
with a concerned look around the room… The woman begins walking
toward Harris, who finally breaks down, weeping like a baby, as the woman now
rushes to her side, with Harris rising upward to hug her… Ike watching in
suspenseful shock, as are the others… HARRIS (crying out) Oh, my sweet baby sister… Harris continues to
weep, as her sister continues holding her, with their father Shawn eventually
rushing into the area, next to Solis, and his eyes going wide, as he rushes
(with a limp) to the bedside, quickly bending downward onto the bed, hugging
his daughter, who makes another sound of joyful shock, at the sight of her
father, and instantly holding onto him, with more weeping… He then comes out of
hug, looking right at her… SHAWN The children? Harris just weeps even
harder, as her dad frowns, and Nikki begins shedding tears, before all hugging
again… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. MANSION YARD �" DAY All the convicts and
others, standing/sitting around, in random groups, talking amongst themselves… DIVIT (nodding) That could work… POV jumps from the group
Divit is in, to another, where most the officers are close by one another… OFFICER I mean, we’re the cops, they’re cons, yet we’re taking orders from them? POV jumps from them to a
group of Portlanders… MAN I heard them say something about another group, who attacked Beaverton before these guys did. Then this Zane, they keep talking about, was a part of some compound, in the coast range. Is that true? POV of random people
suddenly having their attention caught by something else, as more and more
people take notice, and everyone begins staring at the same thing… Harris and her sister,
Nikki, dressed and ready for battle, with guns, knives, and a machete hangs
from Nikki’s side, while Harris is carrying hers… They all simply watch,
as the girls walk right by, heading for the rock fencing. They walk toward a
corner, where Solis is with a few other men, and placing a ladder against the
wall… Growing curiosity takes
over the others, who continue watching, as Kemp and some of them begin heading
that direction… Harris is first one to
climb the ladder, standing up on the wall, looking over the huffs, and the much
deeper drop-off, on the other side of that fence, which is on a hillside, keeping
it clear of huffs. Nikki reaches top and
pulls up the ladder, dropping it down onto the other side. They hurry down it,
Harris first, and already using a swift move to dropkick the first arriving
huff, followed by pulling her machete and slicing many more, with help from
Nikki, who now joins her, before they both run off, down the hill, past all the
huffs who are rolling down it… Kemp stands atop the
ladder, watching them disappear down the hillside, into the woods/brush… Kemp then turns back
down toward Solis, with a gleaming stare… DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. HARRIS SQUAD CAR �"
DAY Harris sits in her car
(parked in field), looking toward passenger seat… HARRIS You’re lucky to feel that way about her… POV moving over to Zane,
staring outward from passenger seat… ZANE You have to promise me something… Zane turning and facing
her, looking right at her… ZANE If I don’t come out of this, I
want you to take that daughter of yours, and
head toward the coast, on highway 6. Right as you
begin declining in elevation, you’ll see a grassy/dirt
road on your right, that can be easy to miss. Little
over two miles onto that road, will be another right,
onto a much bigger road. You’ll climb in
elevation again, before coming to a gate, with plenty of
parking. From there, you hike a few hundred yards, along
the road, until you come into a field, where the
road leads to a wall of brush and trees… Harris just staring at
him, listening very carefully/intriguingly… ZANE Behind that wall, is the compound, I mentioned. They’ll see you coming, as they’ve already seen plenty of other families, who have shown up, seeking refuge… Tell them everything I’ve told you about Glenwood, and everything you can about Nike. Tell Samantha, I’m sorry. Tell her I did what I did, for her and the family, and their future…and tell her I am with Fish, and we are looking over her, and will feel her love every time we see her look up and smile…and that we continue to live, through her… Harris just staring at
him, as he now stares out at the field… HARRIS Sure…but you do the same for me. If something happens, you get my daughter to that magic place of yours. Zane turning and smiling
at her. ZANE Of course, I would…but we’re both coming out of this, and you can take her there yourself. HARRIS Maybe… My fellow officers and I are all pretty close, so, if you get me, you get them. ZANE They would be very useful to have, and very welcome. Silence a moment… HARRIS So, what’s on the other side of the brush wall you described? ZANE An amazing man, and his creation. Creation of an amazing place, amazing family, and amazing friends. Which is why I am so willing to do whatever it takes to defend that place, and those people. Right now, the key to doing that, is figuring out who this Grover guy is, and what he’s all about. HARRIS Now, let me see if I have this right? Grover freed the prisoners, supplied them a logger team, to build the little piggies something worthy of surviving behind, in the same exact forest that is home to a state-of-the-art compound, of unrealistic human beings, (Zane smiling) all while also leading this other camp, enemies with “my” camp, and not to mention whoever the hell that was, attacking us on the highway, a little while ago? Zane simply nodding at
Harris, whose expression is dumbfounded, while shaking her head… ZANE There’s a lot more than you think, going on out there… HARRIS That is all…completely unreal (looking outward),
but then again, so is this new world of ours… ZANE (looking outward) Yeah… I’m sure there are pockets of people all
over the world, dying and surviving, with unreal
stories of their own… DISSOLVE TO: 14 MONTH
RECAP Everyone at Portland
camp are outside, grouped up. SHADE How do we even know she’ll come back? Now that she knows Grover is gone and we’re stuck here, she might just want Nike World for herself. KEMP She’s with that guy she brought here. She’s not going to leave him here to die, not that he would, because WE’RE NOT STUCK HERE. If they make it out there, then I’ll go next, and someone after me, eventually it shouldn’t be that hard to clear them all out. We led an even larger group of them into battle, for f**k’s sake! LESTER But so, how did her sister end up here? What kind of a crazy coincidence is that? SOLIS Her sister, probably both of them, are masters of martial arts. She’s been on Grover’s list for years. MARSHALL Their dad is here, too, and is a former seal team master chief. SOLIS Grover was big on what kind of people he wanted to be a part of all this… DEON Anyone starting to wonder if Grover started
the damn apocalypse?! The guy sounds like part of a damn secret society or someshit. Marshall and Solis begin
speaking to each other. MARSHALL I think we should give the order for full pack-up, and be ready to roll as soon as an opportunity presents itself. SOLIS Agreed… Dissolve to everyone at
the camp working hard to pack things up, pulling down tents, canopies, preparing
to vacate the camp… Suddenly, a loud cop
siren is heard, and everyone stops, and looks, many of them dashing for the
walls… They are at the gates
looking out, and climbing ladders… Suddenly, Nikki is heard
over the PA. NIKKI Someone call 911? All the convicts erupt with
cheers! The huffs stop and face the cheering for a moment, before taking off in
direction of the siren… Harris is turning her
squad car around, with Nikki placing down the microphone. NIKKI I’ve always wanted to do that. Harris smiling at her,
as she looks in her mirror, back at the approaching huffs, coming through the
pile of vehicles. She continues to blare her sirens, as Nikki places a hand in
her sister’s lap, with a look of love right at her… Suddenly, Harris jumps
in fear, at the sight of a huff jumping out in front of the vehicle, and ran
over, with a thump. Many more huffs come from the trees/brush, up ahead, as she
speeds up. She swerves, as much as the road will allow her, to avoid hitting
the huffs, but eventually has no choice but to run some of them over, with many
thumps, and even becoming stuck for a moment, with more and more huffs… They become nervous
inside, as Harris does her best to maneuver the vehicle over and around their
bodies, and quickly get herself away from the growing cluster off them. As she
becomes free, she eventually makes her way to the open road, turning upward,
and slowly awaiting the herd, only driving fast enough to keep from being
caught, with her siren still on… Dissolve to everyone
moving quickly to finish off the pack-up. Men keep watch at the gates, where the
tail end of the huffs are making their way through the vehicles, with the
distant sound of Harris’s sirens… Dissolve to Kemp, Solis,
and others now opening the gates, as they all enter through them, looking out
at a few leftover huffs, stuck in between the vehicles. GW makes his way toward
them, making easy work of them, with his huge tree branch. He comes to the last
one, and practically knocks its head clean off, with one mighty swing… Suddenly, another huff
comes out of nowhere (behind a tree), within inches of biting GW, before he
grips its throat with his hand, picking it up, and bashing it against the base
of the tree… One last huff appears,
as Kemp uses a spear on it… More men begin coming
out, as they all begin driving the trucks through the gates, where people begin
packing them up, along with the Portlanders vehicles, which had already been
inside, including buses and U-Haul trucks… Dissolve to everyone now
loading themselves into the vehicles, buses, RVs, and some convicts are even
piling into the police vehicles, as the trucks are full of supplies… Solis is waving and
directing the vehicles, as they all begin pulling out, with Harris, her sister,
father, and Ike all in her squad car, smiling as they lead the pact, ahead of
Kemp, Lester, Divit, and others. LESTER I’d like to see someone mess with this caravan… KEMP Long as we don’t run into any freakin elephants, or other wildlife… DIVIT Could make for some good supper… They all give Divit a
look… LESTER Or pet… I always wanted a pet tiger… Kemp a small laugh… KEMP Right now, we’re the pets. Swish’s pets (everyone looking at him)… I just hope we’re all on the same page, ‘cause either we let him march us right into war, or we march his dead body right to their walls, and beg for their forgiveness. Other men just staring
at Kemp, as POV leaves their vehicle, panning back over the large caravan. It’s
much larger than the one at the beach, with Mason and the Bakers… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. WOODS �" DAY A woman is walking through
the woods, carrying dead rabbits, squirrels, and God knows what else. She walks
into the brush, coming to what looks like a small camp area she made for
herself, and drops the deceased animals next to her fire pit. Her area is very
well put together, and camouflaged, barely noticeable from the outside… She places some other
things away, and is walking toward her tent, before suddenly freezing, for a
moment, before rushing outside her camp area, looking all around. She is the
same woman who Mason saw walking with the huffs, on Highway 6… She begins rushing off
into the brush… Dissolve to her POV, as
she comes to a sudden stop, and squats down peeking out into the woods, where
an army of convicts are marching along. Some of them are on horses, while most
ride along in the back of the trucks. There is one truck in front, with
something (hard to see) tied/strapped to the front of it… The woman quickly rises
and begins dashing away, disappearing into the woods… Dissolve to her running
out of the woods, into the field, and for the brushy walls of the compound. She
is approaching from the side, and unseen by any of the guards, as she quickly
disappears into the same hidden trail that she watched Samantha disappear into,
a week before, when she had first returned home to her family… She comes to the rope of
the compound bell, and instantly begins ringing it! A random guard from the
tree house quickly looks downward at her… CUT TO: EXT. COMPOUND �" DAY Hummers and jeeps are
speeding the road and across the fields, toward Baker Lane and the corridor
leading to the gates. Random children are in the field, being chased down or
removed by parents or babysitters. Blake is seen charging toward the corridor, on
horse, and followed with other Rough Riders, all while the bell is heard
ringing away… Doc and a ton of the
cousins are seen charging on foot, some of them hopping into vehicles… Cleo and Dakota are
running out of the Baker complex… Hope and Ryder are near
the pool, quickly gathering children, as more and more are being brought there,
by other women. Marlana is there, and helping with the kids… Grandpa is being helped
by Scout, with Samantha, Renee, and Griffey all behind them, as Samantha walks
ahead of them, with a look outside the doors of the complex, toward the
corridor, where everyone is rushing, including Mason, as POV shoots out to his
hummer, speeding into the corridor and straight for the gates… Cut into the Baker
garage, where Jason, Colton, and others are rushing to gear up, before hopping
in hummers. Cut to the tree houses
and catwalks above the wall, where tons of armed men and women are taking
position... Porter kneels in one of
the tree houses, aiming an RPG out toward the field… Hunter arrives, standing
behind Porter, holding a radio and a gun… Cut to Gunner, Chasin,
and others, with Wyatt quickly arriving, near a hatch in the ground, as they
begin dropping down underground, using flashlights as they run the underground
pathway, taking a sharp right as they come to a corner (with a path also to the
left) entering a large area with a bunch of motored scooters. They all hop on
and begin speeding through a long underground corridor… Cut to Gunner, Chasin,
Wyatt, and others cautiously popping up from underground, and under hatch doors
that are covered with fake grass (attached to the hatch top). They all stay
down inside, holding some serious firepower. Chasin holds a radio… CHASIN (into radio) Nothing yet. Stay quiet and stay tuned… They all simply stare
outward, with the sound of the bell in the background, which finally ceases to
ring… Gunner pulls out
binoculars, scanning the area, as do a few of the others… Suddenly, Gunner stops
scanning, focusing straight ahead, before speaking to himself… GUNNER Oh my God… (now into radio) It’s the convicts… They have Zane… HUNTER (over radio) Is he okay?! Cut to Grandpa, in the
tree house, as Gunner comes over radio. GUNNER (over radio) I…I can’t tell… He’s…tied to the front of the lead truck… Porter a look at Hunter. HUNTER (speaking to Porter) He’s alive, and they’re using
him as a shield… Cut back to Gunner and
them, as they slowly begin dropping back down underground, with hatch top
closing over them. They remain open enough just to peek out… They watch as the army
of vehicles drive by, and approach the field… POV trucks entering the
field, with Zane’s body tied to a post, hanging a foot off the ground, but does
have a small standing plank under his feet. He looks dead, but who knows… POV Hunter, watching
through binoculars, as the trucks enter and begin crossing the field, straight
for the compound... POV through his
binoculars, trying to focus in on Zane, but unable to see life… POV pans the faces of
the people in the tree houses, the catwalk, Mason, and a ton of others behind
the gates, with views of the field… Everyone watches, as the
army of trucks all arrive at the base of the wall, coming to a stop… Silence follows, with
all eyes on Zane, who begins lifting his head, looking up at the wall of the
compound…he is very much alive! POV Hunter, as Mason
comes over radio. MASON (over radio) I don’t see the guy I spoke to. The one they call Swish… HUNTER (over blowhorn) My name is Hunter. I am in charge here, and thank you for safely delivering my nephew. I’d like to assume he’s hanging there like that as a precautionary move, on your part, and not an act of war. (POV goes over some of the compound people’s faces) We are very peaceful people, and even offer you supplies for your safe return of Zane. However you want to play this, is up to you. We just want it to go peacefully… Silence follows… POV glimpse of Samantha,
in tree house approaching an area with a view… HUNTER (over blowhorn) Maybe your leader, Grover, would like to present himself? Suddenly, a large knife
is flung right against the wood post that Zane is tied against, slicing the
rope and freeing him… POV of someone’s lower
half, walking out from behind one of the many trucks, and approaching Zane. He
begins speaking, as POV goes up his body, not revealing his face until he
speaks his name. VOICE My name is Stix. (Zane hopping down) I’m second in command at Glenwood. I introduce you to he who is first in command, Grover. Stix looking to Zane,
who pulls a cap from his side, placing it on his head. It reads Forest Grove,
with a red R added at the end of Grove… He looks up toward
Hunter… ZANE (shouting to be heard) I know this comes as a shock. I know I’m probably letting a lot of people down, people who I love, and will never be a threat to. This group wants no war, this group is more than a bunch of cons, and this group is my group, and I am Grover. The real Grover is MIA, but his name lives on, and it spreads fear to all who even think about causing havoc in this part of Oregon. The real Grover set something in motion, something similar to what you have going on here. But with his absence, and a lack of leadership, and a whole world of survivors and groups, out there, it is up to me, to lead this group, which
prevents them from ever going to war with you… Suddenly, the gates
begin opening… ZANE But war with others, in this new world, is inevitable. POV Mason speaking into
his radio, barely heard. MASON (into radio) What the hell is Pepsi doing?! Cut to Zane. ZANE The group we beat in Beaverton, had a good thing going at Nike World, which now belongs to an ally… Cut to Hunter speaking
into his radio, but focusing hard on what Zane is saying, before cutting back
to him. ZANE But were attacked by some mysterious group, the day before defeated by us. The group was prepared, and strategic, and a possible threat to us all. Someone driving one
hummer outside the gates, and hauling a large trailer, fully stuffed with
supplies, as Mason angrily watches, from behind the gates, with radio in hand… ZANE I honestly don’t know what you
would have offered, if I had simply asked, and just
can’t take that kind of risk, so, instead I’m forced to
just take the supplies that we’ll be needing to help
make this forest safe… this compound safe. The hummer (also stuffed
with supplies) arrives and stops in front of him, with Pepsi climbing out, and
both Coke and Chance inside… ZANE I know my dad will probably want to go to war with us, over this, but - HUNTER (over blowhorn) Your dad left us over a week ago, and apparently has his own camp to run, somewhere outside of Rockaway. He’s off his meds, and out of control. Maybe even seeing Mary… Zane actually speechless
a moment, with looks from the convicts… POV over the faces of
the compound people… Mason arrives in the
tree house, approaching Hunter… MASON Maybe the son, is in need of those meds, himself… Samantha in the corner,
with extreme concern in her face, looking from Mason to Hunter, and then down
below, at Zane… ZANE Well, now…that really is interesting…isn’t it… Zane throws one simple
signal, and all his men react, starting their engines, and pulling back… ZANE Let this sink in, and become at peace with it, which of course, now, will be much easier without the old man around. Zane taking one final
look up toward them all, not really able to see any of their faces… He looks disturbed, from
the news of his dad… ZANE I’ll be in touch… He turns and hops in a
truck, with Stix, who drives them away, with the others… Cut to Chasin just
getting off his radio, as the trucks begin passing, with he and the others
ducking back down… POV Hunter, Mason,
Porter all standing there, not sure what to think. Samantha in the corner, with
tears and shaking her head… HUNTER Taking over the damn group, is a lot more than I had asked him to do…
Samantha a questionable
look at her uncle, before looking back out toward all the trucks, and Zane’s
truck, as it turns around, and begins going away, after all the others… DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK BLACK… ERIC (OS) Is this where you somehow make sense of this? EXT. GLENWOOD DC �" DAY (this is a scene from
season 2, episode 8, but seen from a different perspective) Stix’s POV of Zane
(in the DC), looking back at him. In the background, he can barely hear Swish
and Eric, talking… SWISH (OS) What confuses you? Zane’s POV of Stix,
looking back at him, as Zane then watches Eric, dragging Swish around the
corner, out of sight from the DC, and all the others… Zane then looks
right back at Stix, who is still staring right back at him, and taking a step
in his direction, before suddenly shouted at, by Swish, as Stix freezes. SWISH (OS) Stix, get in there and break up sappy family reunion time, and begin interrogating that guy. Gary will join you, once he’s done squatting under a tree, or wherever he is. Stix watches Swish
go back around the corner. He then is very quick to arrive at the gate,
entering inside and approaching Zane. He gestures for Zane to come sit with
him, away from the others, speaking privately. ZANE It’s good to see you again, Stix. STIX You too, friend. I’m happy to see you’ve survived, but we might only have a minute or two to talk. I was ordered to kill your guy, and it was kill or be killed. I have a man here, a kid really, Conner. If you trust me, you can trust him. Many others are loyal to me too. I’d say more than half. But Grover, is like a God to them all, and right now, he says it’s me, Swish, and that other guy, Eric, who are in charge of this place. So far, Eric seems like a wise choice, but Swish (shaking head), has me demanding a recount. ZANE Who the hell is this Grover? What does he look like, and where did he come from? STIX (shaking head) I have no clue, Zane. He has another camp and promises to return, once he’s better organized and can attack some group in Beaverton, who has blocked him from getting back here. I have no idea whether he’ll solve the issue of (motioning around corner) Swish, or make it worse. But, he did (motioning around them) do all of this… Zane looking
around, they can both see Gary, heading their direction. STIX This guy coming is another issue, so we’re about to be cut off. Listen, I need something to give to Swish, to prove my loyalties. Something that will make him more comfortable, with me. ZANE Killing an innocent man, who helped bring my cousin back to me, didn’t prove your loyalty? STIX You have no idea how twisted this guy is (Zane nods), I had to do it, and I’ll do what I need to do to survive, just like you. ZANE I know, I know. STIX If I can turn more men against him, maybe even turn them toward you, we can do something special here, together… Zane staring right
at him, with a look at Gary, opening DC gate. ZANE Here, give him this. That call I made to my camp, wasn’t received. No one within range. Tell him you promised to let my cousin go, or at least outside of this jail, to get the info from me. Gary arriving, as
scene dissolves. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NIKE WORLD �"
DAY Harris wildly
leaping through the air, landing on top of Gary, and knocking him (and his
radio) to the ground, using complete rage to kill and mutate his body… POV pans back, as
Zane and Stix (with wild expressions) watch Harris go to work on Gary’s corpse.
Zane looks impressed, and then smiles at her, as she finally takes notice of
them, with shock, before relief… Swish can be heard
over the radio, which lays on ground next to all the blood and guts, of Gary… SWISH (over radio) What about that b***h cop? You get her yet? Stix picks up
radio, wiping blood off it… STIX (into radio) Didn’t have to. (staring right at Harris, with respect) she killed herself… She was weak. Swish heard
laughing over the radio. Dissolve to them
all at the gate, talking, as Harris loads Ike (wounded) into her squad car… ZANE For all I know, this Grover will want me just as dead as Swish does. If you spread the word, which is actually true, other than the fact he failed, then his convicts just might be ready to turn on him, if my death moves them in the least bit. If it doesn’t, then Stix’s surely will. I’ll leave it up to you to determine what kind of man Grover is. I trust you. Harris looking
directly at Zane… HARRIS You owe me for this… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NIKE WORLD �"
EARLY EVENING Harris arriving
back at Nike World, with the gate wide open, and the huge caravan following her
inside, finding parking… Dissolve to them
all out and about, looking around… KEMP Why is there no one here? And why the hell was the gate wide open? Someone randomly
begins shouting. RANDOM MAN OVER HERE! Harris, Kemp, Solis,
and others arriving around corner, where they all look down at the mutated body
of Gary… KEMP What the? (a look at Harris) You actually saw Zane killed, right? Harris shaking her
head… Suddenly, Swish is
heard walking through the gates. SWISH (OS) Well, what do we have here? Everyone heading
back around corner, where they stare at Swish, and the few convicts he has with
him… The staring becomes
awkward, and Swish can feel it… SWISH I don’t like the way a few of you are gleaming at me… Silence a moment… RANDOM CONVICT We don’t like the way you killed Zane and - One of Swish’s men
(who had been with him, and not the rest of the convicts) instantly fires a
pistol at the head of that random convict, as everyone flinches… Swish looks around,
before walking over to a Beaverton police hummer, climbing inside, and driving
it over next to a wall, climbing out and using it as a platform, with the
police mic in his hand, and speaking out over the police hummer PA… SWISH Stix killed Zane. Not because I ordered him to, but because he did it to save my life, after Zane had tried to kill me. Stix put a knife (Zane coming from around corner, behind Swish, everyone else can see him) in his head, to stop him. Zane signaling the group
to remain quiet, as they begin snickering, semi-cheering, and becoming reactive
to him. Swish takes notice of both his loyal men, being grabbed by other convicts.
He then becomes nervous, at the sight of Harris, smiling back at him, and then
he literally yelps, as Zane grabs his mic from behind, and jumps back at the
sight of his face, his wicked, bloody face… ZANE (excitedly over mic) I’m not a huff or a ghost, but you look like YOU’VE JUST SEEN ONE! The men erupting with
cheers! The officers are even cheering, some, but the Portlanders look baffled,
as does Marshall and Solis, who eagerly watch… ZANE (over mic) So, I hear the legendary Grover might be lost, and the infamous Swish is the best the APOCALYPSE CAN OFFER AS A LEADER?! A leader to this amazing group of PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO SURVIVE?! (some cheering) These people deserve better than A CONDESCENDING FALSE PIECE OF HOPE LIKE YOU! (cheering) You offer no hope! No hope of a REAL FUTURE! (cheering) THE KIND OF FUTURE GROVER HAD PUT IN PLACE! (cheering) THE KIND OF KINGDOM WHERE ALL OUTSIDERS FEARED AND RESPECTED THE LAW OF GROVER! (cheers) Where other groups knew they’d do well for themselves NOT STANDING IN THE WAY OF GROVER, (cheering) LET ALONE FACING OFF WITH GROVER! (Cheering) Because from here on out, I AM GROVER!!! Mass cheering!
Eventually turning to chants of “GROVER, GROVER, GROVER”, as Swish looks
horrified at the surreal mess in front of him. Solis and Marshall watch, with
perplexed intrigue… ZANE (over mic) Who doesn’t just love (holding up Swish’s face) the piss pants-scared shock, of this expression?! Cheering, as Zane throws
him down, to even more applause. ZANE (over mic) Harris, get on up here. Swish actually tries to
begin running off, once rising. Harris gestures her sister to climb up there,
who begins heading up, and chasing down Swish, to more applause. ZANE (over mic) Yes, I heard that officer Nike has a sister. How nice it is to meet you, sister. (cheering) Zane walks over to her,
placing a gun in her pants at her waistline, before cuffing her hands. and grabbing
Swish, who again tried to run. ZANE (over mic) Now Swish, I’m going to be fair, only because I want to see the look of dreadful disappointment and fear, once again in your face. I want to give you hope, only to take it away. (showing himself) I have no more guns or weapons. She is only a harmless woman, and not even a cop like her sister, AND freaking HANDCUFFED! (laughing cheers) So, just grab that gun, and put a bullet in my head. I imagine everyone else will still kill you, but AT LEAST I’LL BE DEAD WITH YA’! More laughing cheers, as
Swish looks from Zane to the woman, and with nothing to lose, he makes his
first attempt, and never even sees it coming, as she blasts him with a kick to
the gut, and an ovation of cheering! Swish tries to recover quickly, but is
again met in the face with her boot, and never saw it coming. More cheering, as Zane
comes over, uncuffing Nikki and raising her hands, to more cheering… Harris and her dad watch
proudly, from below… Zane walking over and
picking up Swish… ZANE (over mic) The only question now, is how do we properly expose of this trash? Instantly a knife flies
over the platform, sticking Swish directly in the back, with Zane reacting like
a madman, and an eruption of cheering from the convicts, and everyone else, as
Stix begins making his way onto the platform, using grace as he delivers one
knife after another, right into the back of Swish, who finally goes down, as
Stix meets Zane, who reaches down and grinds each and every one of those knives,
as if he was grinding gears of a machine, to more cheering, and the ever so
painful death of Swish… Zane then rises,
grabbing the hand of Stix, and raising it into the air, with another explosion
of cheers, that again evolves into the chant of “Grover, Grover, Grover”… Zane signals Harris up
to the stage. She begins helping her dad up first, with help from Nikki, who
still stands up on the platform. Zane begins hushing the
crowd with his hand, before speaking into mic… ZANE (over mic) It’s his plan we follow, and his plan that I will keep alive. When I first came to your camp, it was his partnership that I was after. Yes, I wanted to assure safe passage for my little cousin, but I also wanted to be a part of all this, and for him to be a part of what my family has, to contribute. My family wanted peace with Grover, and they’ll certainly want it with the new Grover. They’ll come to see why I would leave my home there, to be a part of all this excitement! (cheering) We will all, one day work together, (looking at Harris) as we will here with Nike World, where believe me, I already have major plans. Harris reaching for the
mic, and looking out at the crowd, who settle down, and give their attention… HARRIS (over mic) It’s funny how he says he already has plans,
because so do I…and my plans are that I’m in charge here! Which means my plans are all that matter. Some laughs and semi-cheering
from the crowd, as Harris throws Zane an earnest smirk… HARRIS (over mic) It’s funny, ‘cause it’s true. This guy knows I can take him anytime, (cheering) as can my baby sister, instructor of a small arms unit. She can pretty much take anyone here, (swinging her handcuffs) with hands tied behind her back! (cheering) My father, the ex-seal, will be providing self-defense courses, and helping me run this place. (Harris a stern
look around at everyone) Yes, me. The one who calls the shots in here, behind these walls. (Pointing outward) Out there, (looking at Zane) I’ll follow your rules, and will always work together, to make positive things happen, and help those in need. But right here, right now, (looking around sternly at everyone) know one thing, and one thing only. I am fair, but I am harsh, to those who might break my rules and way of life. The door will always be open, to those who want to be a part of that life, as they will be open to those, who want to leave it. Break my rules, and I’ll open it myself, and wave goodbye as you walk your a*s right on out. (cheers/laughs, as she looks around at everyone) My daughter died earlier this afternoon… Everyone becoming
silent, just staring/listening… Her dad and sister’s
expression go from pride/admiration, to sadness… HARRIS (over mic) I don’t know how to survive such a loss, only a month after losing my son…other than to stand up here in front of you all, showing my strength, laying my law, and putting all of my energy into this place, where people can survive with me…and live peacefully with our neighbors of Glenwood, (cheering) and their compound neighbors, (cheering) and any other groups out there. And our soldier enemies (gesturing toward cuffed men), who were only following orders, will be given their second chance. More cheers, including
those cuffed men, as Harris hands the mic back to Zane, who reaches for her
arm, pulling him back toward her, and raising it high in the air, with
adrenaline and pride… ZANE (over mic) The Queen of Nike World! I present to you the F*****G Queen of Nike World!!! Everyone again erupting
into massive cheering, as Harris rolls her eyes with a shake of the head.,
while Zane continues to cheer wildly, with all the others… BLACK CREDITS THE END © 2024 Mike DeckerAuthor's Note
Added on June 23, 2019 Last Updated on May 15, 2024 Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse AuthorMike Deckervancouver, WAAboutMy daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..Writing