Above the Dead, EP 2.5 "Stalled" (Mid Season Finale)A Screenplay by Mike DeckerSeason 2, Episode 5 (mid-season finale)ABOVE THE DEAD . com Season 2, Episode 5 (mid-season finale, 53 pages) "Stalled" INTRO BLACK... FADE IN: EXT. GERMAN TOWN ROAD - DAY View from the UPS truck, as it turns onto German Town
Road (a steep hill that quickly rises in elevation). Everyone inside is
excited... SAM We're going to make it. I know
we are! DJ smiling, and checking side mirror... His smile fades,
as he takes notice of multiple motorcycles... DJ Everyone, gun up! We have
company! Everyone becoming nervous, but also prepared, and ready
to defend themselves... The bikers open fire on the truck. Back door to truck
slides open, with heavy packages instantly pouring onto the street. The lead
bikers all bite the dust, with the other half now taking over, and approaching
the truck... Eli begins going completely savage, tossing more packages
into the road, as some bikers dodge the packages, while others bite the dust... 4 bikers remain, and approach the truck, about to open
fire... But Marlana and Sam now pass Eli, and begin firing guns
at the bikers. Two more are shot, and go down. Eli now fires his gun, as the
final two bikers come to a stop, in the road. They simply watch, as the UPS
truck continues on. Marlana and Eli, flipping them the bird... DJ's view through side mirror, of the bikers turning back
down the hill. He pumps his fist against the wheel, with emotion, and a look
toward Renee, in passenger seat. She still looks scared, but forms a small
smile, as DJ's emotion begins going through the roof. DJ YEEAAAHHHH, BABY! How many
times will those a******s try to take us out,
before they come to realize it's just not meant to
be! We are compound-bound, baby! And not a
God damn thing out there can stop us! Eli now pumped and screaming from the back, out toward
the road, behind them. ELI YEAH! HE AIN'T LYING! CAUSE
THAT'S HOW IT'S GOING DOWN! DJ (OS) YEAH! ELI And if you couldn't stop us
before, and you can't stop us now, HOW YOU EVER
MAKE IT! DJ YEAH, WE ARE! ELI WE ARE, BABY! WE REALLY ARE!!! DJ YEAH! SAM YEAH! ELI NO ONE CAN STOP US! Marlana watching, with a smile, and a tear... Renee watching, with a smile, as they continue up the
road/hill, with extreme pumped emotions... DISSOLVE TO: THEME TUNE/CREDITS Birds eye POV of the truck going up the hill, as birds
eye travels high, showing the steep hill, and the woodsy area to come, followed
with farmlands, and open roads, until it comes to Highway 26 (West), where it's
completely backed up with cars, as opening credits roll… CUT TO: FLASHBACK EXT. FISH'S CABIN - NIGHT Leo jumping into front seat of hummer, as others quickly
jump inside. He looks back at Dakota, helping Scout into the very back, and
covering her wound. Leo looks at Zane, who climbs inside, looking back at
Scout. Leo grabs Zane, who tries going back outside. ZANE FISH?! SAM?! Door closes (as they're still being fired at, and have
huffs approaching), as Leo begins backing up, and driving away. He then begins
hitting the wheel, with extreme frustration, as Zane is heard yelling his own
frustration, from back seat... MASON What the hell was that?! GUNNER Why would the army fire on us?! CHASIN They were already firing on
someone else, maybe they just thought we were a
threat. MASON Who the hell were they firing
at? Fish and the others? Were they in the tree
house? DAKOTA Did anyone see them? GUNNER No! MASON No! DAKOTA We have to go back! LEO Would everyone just shut up!...
And let me think... MASON We need to get Scout, back, and
take the quickest damn route. Leo just thinking, as he looks at Scout... LEO Your boys will get them back.
Wyatt and Dakota, too. You, Zane, and I, will
finish what we came for... MASON They're my brothers, too, Leo!
But we can't keep splitting up our family, like this! How
will we even get home? LEO We’ll figure out a way, but we can’t risk more lives, coming all the way back up here. This is our only shot. MASON It's been almost two weeks. I
hope to God they're safe, but you saw what we all
just saw... They're either home, or stuck
somewhere, trying to get home, in which case we have no
clue where to look. LEO So, we just go home and pray
they make it there, by themselves? Can you live
with that? Never knowing what happened to
them…leaving without even getting back to that
cabin? ZANE We have to go back. There’s a
compartment in the tree house. If they left,
Fish or Sam would have left a note there, for us… Everyone silent... Zane thinking... SCOUT Stop the car... Stop the car,
and go get my big brothers, before I do it my God
damn self! Dissolve to hummer pulling off to side of road. Everyone
quickly climbing out, except Dakota/Scout, and organizing their gear... WYATT I'm going with you guys. Wyatt begins loading himself a pack. No one answers him,
they just pack up supplies, in silence... Dissolve to Dakota in back with Scout. Gunner in driver's
seat, and Chasin next to him. Leo is at driver's side window... LEO No more search parties. I don't
care if we never return, send NO ONE else out
into this mess. Enough of us have been lost,
already... Gunner nods, as Mason approaches Chasin's side, and Leo
goes to Zane, placing a hand on his shoulder. Mason does the same, with Chasin,
and nods at Gunner. Windows goes up, and they pull away. Zane gives Dakota a
look, as they drive off, leaving the four of them alone, with flashlights,
guns, and their packs (wearing their vests)… Zane looks over at Leo... ZANE We're either finding them, or
dying trying... LEO Damn right, we are... They all begin walking, opposite direction in which
hummer went... ZANE The plan? LEO We sneak back onto the
property. Get as close to the tree house as we can,
and either find them, or a letter telling us which direction
they headed. They walk in silence… Suddenly, they see headlights, coming toward them. They
break for the side of the road, and into the brush. Their POV of several army
vehicles approaching. ZANE S**t... Zane coming out of brush. LEO What the hell are you doing? ZANE Dakota's like thirty seconds
ahead of them! We have to intervene. Maybe we’ll get
lucky. I have a way with people. (looking at his dad) So
do you, when you try. Zane throwing up arms/gun. ZANE You guys hold back, a second.
Ambush em' if they try to shoot me! Leo and others holding back, as vehicles arrive and stop.
Soldiers instantly holding guns on Zane. COLONEL RYERSON Who are you? What are you doing
out here? ZANE I'm Zane Baker, of the Baker
family. We have a compound, where you can
survive. All you have to do is help us find my little
- COLONEL RYERSON Stop talking, now! (looking all
around) You keep saying we,
Where is us, at? All I see, is you? Leo rolling his eyes, readying his weapon. Zane staring right at the Colonel... ZANE Us, is in the
brush, aiming guns on you and your men. (men looking all around)
We are not looking for a fight. We want to
collaborate. You need us, we need you. Colonel Ryerson aiming gun right at Zane... COLONEL RYERSON One, two, three... I reach ten,
and the Baker family loses a member. Four, five,
six, seven, eight - Leo coming out of brush, aiming gun directly at Colonel
Ryerson... LEO The Baker family is losing no
more of its members, not without the army losing
several of theirs. My gun is on you, your men's guns
are on me, and my other family members
guns, are on them. It's a standoff… Soldiers are nervously looking around. The Colonel begins
smiling, as headlights suddenly appear, with approaching vehicles. Several more
army vehicles pull up. Soldiers begin running over, with guns drawn, aimed at
Leo and Zane... MAJOR DAVID What's going on here,
Lieutenant? COLONEL RYERSON Colonel Ballard is awol, Major.
Please refer to me by my proper rank. MAJOR DAVID Yes, Colonel! DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CAMPGROUND BASE - NIGHT Army vehicles driving through gate (as guards close it
behind them), and into a campground, made into a base. There are structures,
army tents, RV's, and a fenced jail area, put up around an outhouse. There are
several prisoners inside, including two soldiers. There are also a few
different covered areas, with sleeping bags... Soldiers begin leading Leo, Zane, Mason, and Wyatt toward
the jail area. Colonel Ryerson is looking through their weapons and packs... COLONEL RYERSON They have some impressive gear,
here. (looking at other soldiers) I wasn't sure
at first, but I'm beginning to buy into this compound crap.
This could be an opportunity for us... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. JAIL AREA - MORNING Leo sleeping, with Mason and Wyatt close by, doing the
same. Zane sits against fence, staring ahead, in thought... He then takes notice of a soldier (one of the 2 locked up
inside jail area), coming out of the outhouse, and sitting over close by the
other soldier, who is sleeping on the ground. Zane rises, and walks toward
them... ZANE Mind me asking why you're on
this side of the fence? Soldier looking at him, shaking his head... DARIUS I'm no different than these
(motioning outside the jail) guys. I just wanted to go
save my family, and knew things were heading this
direction. Zane looking around at the few other prisoners... ZANE What about the rest of these
people? DARIUS That guy over there. He didn't
even deserve to be in here. Just stood up for a
young lady, who wanted nothing to do with the
attention one of the other soldiers kept giving her. The
others deserved it at the time, but...(shaking head)
Ridiculous that they're still in here...Everyone's just too
worried about their own safety, and too scared to stand
up to the new Colonel... Zane looks up, as a soldier (Smith) arrives, and the
guard begins unlocking the gate for him. Leo is now awake, and had been
watching Zane, but is now focused on the soldier. Mason wakes, and watches the
soldier, who enters and comes toward them, with some food. The guard, carefully
watches them, while aiming his riffle, as the soldier places food down at a
picnic table. LEO So, you're feeding us...I guess
that's a good sign... ZANE Can you at least inform us of
the plan? SOLDIER Something went down at our
other base. The Colonel went to take care of it. After
that, he intends to pick up his wife in Northern
California. Should take him at least a couple days, to get
back. When he does, we go for your compound. ZANE That's perfect, and while he's
in Cali, how about you let us go get the rest of our
family, so that we can all go back to the compound
together. You deny us that, and what reason would we
possibly have to welcome you back to our home? SOLDIER I don't disagree with you, and
if I were calling the shots, I'd have no problem with
it. (leaving) I just don't have the pull around
here, to make that happen for you. ZANE At least hear us out… Soldier keeps walking away, as guard opens gate, locking
behind him. Dissolve to Colonel Ryerson driving through the gates,
followed by many other vehicles... Zane and others, watching from jail area... Their POV and sound of Colonel Ryerson speaking to Major
David. COLONEL RYERSON We secured it, but the
perimeter is too damaged. I'm going for my wife. Move all
civilians to the second base, including the prisoners, but
not our new ones. Free Darius and Tanner, and put them
back to work. (staring toward Zane and them)
Interrogate our compound friends, see if that's an
actual option, or not... (Major just staring at him) Something
to say, Major? MAJOR DAVID You said the perimeter was
damaged...won't the civilians be at risk? Colonel Ryerson moving in closely, to Major David... COLONEL RYERSON We're not babysitters, anymore,
Major. We won't be alive, a month from now, if we
don't worry about ourselves, first, and
civilians, absolutely not at all... Dissolve to Zane getting as close to the gate as he can,
as soldier Smith enters... SMITH Everyone, except for the
newbies, are free to go. Darius, Tanner, check in with
Major David. Zane moving toward Smith, slyly handing him a note, which
Smith nervously accepts. He looks right at Zane, before turning and exiting,
behind the others. The guard locks up, as Smith glances at the note. NOTE Just a meeting with the Major,
PLEASE? Dissolve to Zane and Leo watching, as Major David loads
all the civilians, up. Soldier Smith stands close by, looking from the Major,
to the jail area. The Major climbs into his vehicle, as do the others. Smith
hands the Major a note. He glances at it, then toward the jail area, and back
at Smith. He then drives off, with all the others... Dissolve to Zane and Leo pacing, Mason and Wyatt
sitting... Dissolve to Zane and Leo sitting, impatiently. Mason and
Wyatt are walking, stretching their legs... Dissolve to Zane doing yoga/stretching, Leo some pushups,
and both Mason and Wyatt doing some stretching... Dissolve to Zane impatiently pacing... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. UPS TRUCK - DAY DJ's view of the onramp, onto highway 26. It's completely
backed up with traffic, down there, as he keeps driving straight… Dissolve to DJ coming to another road, that is blocked
with cars. Sam inside, looking at DJ, as he turns the truck around. They all
watch, as he goes back direction they just came, until turning onto a different
road... Dissolve to DJ coming to another "dead end",
turning, and again searching for a different route... Dissolve to DJ coming to another potential roadblock. He
tries to be a little aggressive, forcing his way through a pair of vehicles.
Everyone inside nervously looking amongst one another. MARLANA Just don't get us stuck. It's
not worth losing the truck. SAM Seeing more and more huffs,
around here, too... DJ continues ahead, but then stops... DJ Damn it... He begins slowly backing up. Truck squealing as it rubs
against the other vehicles. Suddenly, a loud thump and instant dent, on top of
the truck, scares everyone, inside. The women all scream. Even Eli jumps. DJ What the hell was that?! They can now hear a huff moving around on top... ELI Jesus Christ, that damn thing
must have leapt right off one of those
buildings! DJ begins backing up again, a little too fast, as the
huff comes rolling down the front window. The women again scream! They watch as it rises in front of them, as DJ continues
backing away, before turning. Three more huffs are right in front of them. DJ
somewhat drives around them, hitting them, even running over the top of one, as
they go back the way they came from... Dissolve to DJ driving down a long open road. There are
random vehicles off side of the road, and sometimes in the road, as he
carefully goes around them. He blows by some people, pleading for help. He
blows by another guy, actually holding up a thumb, hitchhiking. He passes huffs, here and there. They all
watch as he passes a huff on the ground, eating a dead person... Dissolve to them passing a sign, reading "Forest
Grove", but there is an "R" spray painted at the end of it,
reading "Forest Grover"... They come to another sign, reading "Oregon
Beaches"... DJ passes it, then pulls to side of road, and stops
engine. Eli opens back of truck, and goes into the grassy area (with his bat),
and behind a tree. Marlana takes Sam (both holding guns) and Renee with her,
into grassy area, and behind some different trees. DJ finds his own private
area... While they're all gone, a huff comes out of grassy area,
from other side of road. It comes to the truck, walking around it. Eli comes
out of grassy area. Casually walks right toward huff, and demolishes it... He looks up, as another one comes out of grassy area. He
approaches it, swings, and takes it out. Two more now come out of grass. ELI What the hell, man. What is
this, a God damn huff convention?! He approaches and prepares to swing, but suddenly, over a
dozen more huffs come out of grassy area. Eli's eyes go wide, as he backs up.
He watches, as their numbers quickly mount... ELI (turning and
running back to truck) BATHROOM BREAK OVER, GUYS! Everyone hustling out of grassy area, with fear, once
they see the huffs. They rush into the truck. They get inside just in time. The
truck is quickly surrounded by them. DJ turns the key, but the engine fails. He
desperately tries again, but to the sound of a dead engine! He looks outside, at all the huffs, then to his sister,
looking back at him. SAM It won't start?! Try it again! He turns the key again, with no life. They are doomed! DJ tries to think, quickly... DJ Okay, everyone grab your packs
and put em' on! Grab whatever guns you can, and
your spears. Then everyone get ready to run
out the front door, once I get their attention to
the back! They all begin quickly gathering what they can. Sam grabs
the carrier. DJ helps position them toward the front, ready to roll. He goes to
the back. DJ Stay low, so none of them see
or hear you! Run out the doors and straight down
the road, until I catch up with you. Do that,
as soon as I say go! DJ opens the back and instantly makes a bunch of noise.
The huffs arrive, as he slams door on them. DJ How clear is it?! ELI I think we can make it! DJ takes one final deep breath, before opening back door.
He lets the huffs begin to work toward climbing up inside. DJ GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!!! DJ backs up, watching them, as the others climb out, and
begin running down the road. DJ leaps out behind them, as they all run from the
scene... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FIELD - DAY DJ and all of them, resting under a handful of trees, out
in the middle of nowhere, just a big field of grass/wheat. They are all
catching their breaths, in silence... Marlana lays back, closing her eyes and just relaxing.
Renee does the same... SAM I like this spot...can see
anyone coming, from a mile away...makes me feel safe...
(looking into the trees) All we need now, is a tree
house... DJ That and a 7/11, and we could
just vacation here for a week, before our long
hike. ELI Oh my God, the damage I'd do to
a cherry slurpee, right about now! RENEE Yes, please! SAM Oh, yes! DJ I hate their pizza there, but
would dine on that cheap crap, right about now,
like it was mom's homemade Thanksgiving dinner! MARLANA What the hell is wrong with you...(everyone silent, looking at her) First 7/11 and now Thanksgiving, again?! You almost killed me with your Turkey Day memories of Todd, and now here you go again. My family made the most amazing spread, every four years, when we all got together for it. What Eli would do to that slurpee, is nothing compared to the attack mode I'd be in, for a meal like that! Others
laughing... DJ Thanksgiving's actually coming
up, soon...I think... (looking to Sam) They still
celebrate that at the compound, right? SAM (nodding) Are you kidding me? My grandpa
built that place to continue all of life's best
traditions. I think the day you walk me through those doors
will be considered a holiday of its own! One with
a ton of food! MARLANA Depending on exactly what they
have there, I can make some pretty tasty dishes. DJ leans against Marlana. DJ If you were a man, and younger,
you'd be in big trouble. Sam, Eli, and Marlana all laughing... Renee is asleep... SAM Is Renee asleep? DJ looking over at her, with a smile. DJ Yep...she heard slurpee and
went straight to dreamland, just so she could
imagine herself drinking one. Everyone
laughing... They
become silent, sitting there relaxing... DJ
looks over at Bailey, inside the carrier... DJ I hate to say it, Sam, but I
think it's time to make Bailey do his own walking.
Lugging that thing all the way there, is not gonna’
happen... Sam just staring at the carrier... RENEE (OS) Will he follow us? ELI Holy crap! Thought you were
crashed... DJ (smiling) I wasn't sure, the first time
we tried it, and never had to test it, but something
tells me he will do just fine. Even if he stops to
hunt, or something, he'll find our scent, with
ease. RENEE What about huffs? DJ Are you kidding me? A human
couldn't catch a cat that didn't want to be
caught...the huff that catches one, is the huff even
Eli doesn't wanna’ mess with! Some chuckles... DISSOLVE
GRASS/WHEAT FIELD - DAY DJ and all of them, hiking through a large open field.
Bailey is actually having fun, running through the grass, after them, and
stopping, then catching up again. Nothing but grass/wheat, surrounds them, in
all directions... They walk in silence... DJ I'll buy a slurpee, for the
first person to start a decent conversation. I'm
bored, people... RENEE Are we really back to slurpees
again? ELI I'd write you a damn book, if
you really had one to offer! SAM I keep picturing those scenes
in Return of the Jedi, of Ewok village. Remember how
they lived in trees? With wooden bridges from one
tree to the next... Sam silent, lost in thought, as everyone else simply
stares at her, waiting for more... ELI I guess Sam has a conversation.
SAM We need to build communities
like that. Places where people can farm down
below, but sleep safely above, above the
dead...Not just communities, but rest stations,
too. Places where our scouts can be safe,
and rest…above… Everyone
staring at her, as they walk on, in silence... DJ They have the resources there,
to do such a thing, don't they? SAM (nodding) Grandpa was prepared for
that... ELI Crazy thing is, you guys
already have tree houses at the compound, without ever
knowing about all of this. SAM (nodding) Now we need them outside
the compound... Dissolve to them coming to a large creek, in a nice quiet
spot. They all stop and rest, splashing some water on their faces, and
drinking. Bailey hangs back, away from the water... DJ (looking over the
creek) We can catch some dinner here.
This is where we reside for the night. Catch
some breakfast in the morning, and hike, what,
another twenty-five, thirty miles, before reaching the
compound? ELI Thirty miles, really? SAM Maybe thirty-five. Eli closing his eyes, at the thought... ELI That's too far. We need to find
a car... DJ Anyone here know how to hotwire
one? DJ looking at Marlana... MARLANA Why you looking at me? Why does
the black woman have to know how to hot
wire a car? RENEE Really…black
jokes have survived the apocalypse? Marlana and others cracking up, as she gives DJ a nudge… DJ I know it's a long way, but I
just feel like it's safer on foot, hiding whenever we see
trouble, walking where we can see or hear
anything, or anyone, long before running right into
it... Gonna’ take a little longer, but our legs
will be buffer than anyone at the compound. Eli mustering a smile… DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK EXT. JAIL AREA - DUSK Major David and his men, driving through the gates, as
Zane and Leo look on... They watch as he chats with some men, puts some things
away, and walks into one of the tents... Zane begins shaking his head... ZANE Scared son of a b***h won't
even face us... LEO He's tired...has his hands full
out there...that works for us...he'll soon realize he
needs us... ZANE Hopefully before Colonel
Fantasy Land, returns. LEO He won't be back for at least
another day or two... we'll have our chance with the
Major, tomorrow. Suddenly, they notice the Major coming back outside,
right toward them, carrying food... LEO Or much sooner... They watch as both Smith and the Major come to the gate,
and the guard lets them in. They bring food to the picnic table... MAJOR DAVID I hear you require a meeting
with me? Zane and Leo share a look... LEO We believe you're the right one
to reason with. Colonel "Fantasy
Land", as my son calls him, is just crazy. He will not
find his wife, out in this mess. He won't lead any of you and
your men, to a new life, somewhere safe. He
certainly won't see the inside of that compound. It's
guarded by walls that can't be breached, and men
hiding in places, you'll never see them coming from.
They have 50-Cal riffles and RPG’s on the wall, and you
can't even see where they're being fired from. It's
not just our family in there, it's a community. ZANE What my dad is saying, is we're your ticket, through the gates of that compound... Major David just staring at them... MAJOR DAVID What if we bring this to him? Leo shaking head. ZANE You know him better than us.
What would he do? The Major just staring at them again... MAJOR DAVID I don't know. Everyone in
command is becoming unpredictable. Before coms went
down, we were receiving orders so sketchy,
that we simply quit listening. The original Colonel
is still out there, believed to be coming back for
the fencing. He took half the men, God knows
where, and hasn’t been heard from. LEO We know where he went. We had a
run in with him last night, right before
you came across us. ZANE They were involved in some kind
of huge gunfight, possibly with our family, at
least on our land. MAJOR DAVID Why would your family be
involved in a gunfight with the US Army? ZANE You just said yourself,
everyone in command is becoming unpredictable, like
Mr. Fantasy Land. Major David again just staring at them... MAJOR DAVID This is my problem...I don't
know you guys. I don't know if any of what you're
selling me, is true or not. LEO Then why are you trusting a
man, whose plan is to use us as bait, to get into
a place that maybe isn't even real, given that
we’re not trustworthy? MAJOR DAVID He hasn't determined that, yet.
I'm supposed to be doing that for him, now... ZANE The main reason we want you to
take our word for it, is to go save my
ten-year-old cousin, who is going to make this world a better
place someday. I've always thought that, and I still do.
Our grandfather is the most amazing man we've ever known.
He's done things and envisioned things, that most
people in this world, can't even begin to think up. He
doesn't have much time to contribute to this new
world...but her...she is the closest thing in our family, to having
the magic inside of her, that he
does... Leo staring at Zane... Mason and Wyatt also staring at him... Both Major David and Smith, staring at him as well... MAJOR DAVID Talk about a fantasy... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. CAMP CREEK - DAWN Marlana waking, with a look over at the others, where
Bailey sleeps on Sam. DJ's sleeping bag is empty. Marlana looks over to the
creek, where DJ is fishing... She begins rising, with a look from DJ. She keeps her
sleeping bag wrapped around her, as she walks over to him... She arrives, just
staring at him, as he stares back... MARLANA I hope you know how special it
is, what you do for these kids... DJ looking back at the sleeping kids... DJ Special, is what they are...and
you've been a pretty big help, yourself. MARLANA Says the man, awake before the
sun even rises, catching breakfast for everyone
else. DJ The man, trying
to catch breakfast. Marlana smiles, and leans against DJ, standing there
watching him fish... Dissolve to morning, with everyone sitting around the
fire, eating fish. Sam feeds Bailey, some... Marlana puts cocoa mix into cups, as DJ moves hot water
off the fire, and pours into the cups. Marlana stirs, and hands cups out to the
kids... SAM This could be it...our last
day, before we actually make it! ELI You think we can make
twenty-five to thirty-five miles, by tomorrow? SAM Unless we walk into the
night…then maybe we get there by midnight. ELI I'm down! DJ Pass! Way too dangerous walking
at night, and I'm too old for anything more
than twenty miles in one day. SAM Too old...you're barely an
adult! Everyone
laughing, a bit... Dissolve
to DJ and them (Sam holding Bailey), hiking on side of the highway, close
enough to quickly hide, if needed. They're passing a pond/water hole... SAM My favorite corn dog store, is
up here. I would always get excited when we
passed this pond, ‘cause I knew we were close to
those corn dogs. ELI Any chance they're still open? Few laughs… Dissolve to them all walking through grassy area (Bailey
following), off from the highway, a bit. There is a house nearby, as they stay
away from the property... SAM I always loved this drive...so
much beauty... I always wondered what it'd be
like to walk, or ride a bike...to see it
all... Dissolve to them all walking on the highway (Bailey
following). Steep, rugged, hillside terrain on one side of highway, and a steep
drop off, on the other side (with river below). They creep around corner of
highway, with nothing but more highway ahead... SAM No people, no huffs, and even
if there were, who cares, we have Eli, he's the
huff terminator... we're going to make it! Dissolve to Eli laughing as he almost slips on a rock, in
the river. Sam laughing with him. Marlana hops over the rocks, like a pro. DJ
(holding Bailey) helps Renee getting over a big rock, without slipping... Suddenly, they all freeze, at the sound of vehicles,
heard from the highway. It gets much louder. It sounds like semi-trucks, many
of them. They all duck down low, against/behind the rocks, in the river. Bailey
is nervous, and scratching DJ, who quickly places him down on a rock
(surrounded by water). Bailey just freezes there... They watch, through the brush above, with a limited view,
of what looks like semi-trucks and other large machinery type of vehicles.
Maybe even tractors. It takes a lifetime to go by, traveling around them in a
large loop… They remain quiet, until suddenly Sam becomes excited. SAM That has
to be them...it HAS to be! Sam begins skipping over rocks like never before. One
after another. Yelling for her family. SAM ZANE! SCOUT! UNCLE LEO! I'M
HERE!!! DJ SAM...are you...sure? Eli begins running after her. Marlana hurries, as well.
DJ and Renee, begin to hustle, Bailey remains on the rock, until he finally challenges
himself, to leap onto the next one, and so on... Suddenly, Eli is heard screaming, in agony! Sam turns and looks back, toward Eli. The others all
look. He lays in the river, obviously hurt. They all begin rushing his
direction... They arrive and help him up, but he is unable to put
pressure on his ankle, and is crying out in pain... ELI Oh, I messed it up, bad! It
never hurt like this before! MARLANA You've done this before? ELI Sprained ankles happen to me
like huffs are happening to the world, but
never this bad! Eli in a ton of pain, as they help him to the shoreline,
sitting him on a rock... DJ shaking his head, as he watches the swelling, already
taking over... DJ Put it back in the water. It’s
as good as ice. DJ and Marlana helping him move to another rock, and
positioning his ankle into the cold water... Sam looks from Eli, back toward the road and direction
her "family" went off in... SAM They must be building,
already...adding on... Dissolve to DJ and Marlana helping Eli, limp up a hill.
Sam struggling to get up herself, while carrying Bailey. Renee waits, behind
everyone... They reach the top, and take notice of a home, nearby. DJ
gives Marlana a look, before they begin heading toward the home... Suddenly, they all stop, and stare ahead, toward the
house, where a man and woman have come out onto porch, looking back at them
all... DISSOLVE TO: INT. HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - EVENING Eli on a couch, with his foot elevated and wrapped.
Everyone else is nearby, including the man (Aiden, 30) and his wife (Blair,
28), and her grandparents (Owen, Wendy, 75ish). BLAIR My parents never made it, and
we have no idea where, or what happened to the
rest of our family... Bailey under Sam's chair, being hissed at, by Wendy's cat
(Maggers)... WENDY Maggers! You knock that off,
old lady! Sam and Renee both chuckle... SAM You named her Maggers? BLAIR She named her Maggie, but my
nickname, stuck... Blair smiling at her grandma... DJ So...other than your cars being
stolen, you haven't had any trouble, here? Since it
all went down? AIDEN Not even much of the dead, at
least not as much as you've all seen. With plenty of
fish in the river, and hunting available, we feel we
can make a life here. DJ staring at them, before shaking his head, a little... DJ I'm sorry to be blunt...but if
the dead don't scare you...the living surely will...
I'm not saying travel with us, but once we get there,
(looking at Sam)... SAM My family will come back here,
for you...for helping us get back to them. AIDEN I don't know what we can do to
help? DJ You could let us stay a couple
nights. We'll do the fishing, and (motioning at
Eli) he'll be soaking that ankle of his all day long.
The cold water will have him ready, by day after
tomorrow... OWEN We can do that… Dissolve to morning, with Eli's swollen/bruised ankle
soaking in fast-flowing river water, as DJ pulls in a fish... It's just the two of them, down there, except for Aiden,
who is approaching... AIDEN Not only do you guys magically
have a compound, but you can fish, too, I see. DJ Well, the little girl up there,
is the one with the magic. But yeah, I can fish. DJ smiling at him... AIDEN So (motioning back up toward
the house)...she really believes the logging
caravan, we saw drive by, yesterday, was her family? DJ Makes sense, I guess. I mean,
who else, only three weeks into the apocalypse, is
capable of such a thing? Aiden simply shrugging... Dissolve to Sam on porch (Bailey in her lap), staring out
at the highway. Renee is next to her, with Maggers in her lap. Blair comes out,
onto porch, smiling at Maggers, in Renee's lap... BLAIR So...if that is your family,
Sam, what is it they're doing, with all that wood? SAM It excites me, to guess. It
could be more homes, more rest areas. Maybe they're
even using my idea, and building tree houses. Sam begins to frown... SAM I'm just...surprised...they'd
already be doing that... when... Sam silent... Dissolve to everyone inside, eating lunch. Blair and her
family look happy/excited. They have hope... Everyone is watching Bailey, who keeps coming outside
from under Sam's chair, only to turn and zip right back under, once Maggers
hisses at him. Everyone is laughing over it... SAM Playdates for these two, once
both at the compound, that's for sure! DJ Maybe...we should keep him
here? Until we get back? Sam instantly stops smiling... BLAIR He'd be more than welcome,
here... SAM I'm worried he'd try to follow
us...even if it was a day later. Once he got the
chance...he could get lost looking for us. OWEN The child's not wrong...he’d go
after them, first chance he got. DJ That's okay...he's made it this
far, he'll see it to the end, with us. Bailey running back under the chair, with some
chuckles... Suddenly, everyone turns and looks outside, to the sound
of something on the road. Sam rushes to the window. Everyone else rising, and
edging toward window, as sounds gets louder. They all watch, as all those same
semi-trucks, and other machinery-equipped vehicles, begin driving by. The
semi-beds are empty, this time, as they go the opposite direction... Sam is about to bolt out the front door, but stopped by
DJ. DJ Not until you know it's them,
for sure. Gotta’ be smart, Sam. She goes to window, doing her best to look... DJ Recognizing anyone? Sam staring, intensely, with a shake of the head... SAM I...I can't tell... (more
shaking of the head) I... I don't think so...I..I just
don't...I don't think... those are ours... I... Sam just shaking her head... They all watch, as it all goes by, 3 large semi-trucks
and a few other logging-equipped vehicles. There were men, with guns, on the
truck-beds. Sam could not recognize anyone... Dissolve to Eli's foot, again in the cold, fast-flowing
river water, as he, DJ, and Sam, all fish... DJ If they're not your
family...any idea, Sam, who they could be?... I
mean...maybe friends of your family, or something? SAM It's very possible. I really
don't know all of Hunter's men, or my grandfather's. They
have guys for everything, committed to being
a part of this... DJ There's already a compound of
powerful people in these woods...how many more
organized groups are we likely to come
across? SAM Maybe I should get closer, when
they come back by? DJ a very questionable look, her way... DJ That scares the hell out of me,
Sam. SAM Just close to the road, in the
bushes. If I recognize anyone, I can come out. DJ a skeptical shake of the head. DJ I don't know...I really wanna’ say
no to that... but I guess, I'm not going
to...as long as I can be there with you... Dissolve to evening, with DJ and Sam running toward the
road, carefully. They run into some brush, getting as close as they can, as the
sound of the semi-trucks, approach... They stare out at the road, as the caravan goes by. Sam
eyes each and every person she sees. DJ takes notice of all the
firepower/guards. Sam begins shaking her head... She takes notice of one of the guards. His arm is full of
tattoos and he's got a bandana over his face... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK EXT. JAIL AREA - DAWN (barely any daylight) Zane and Leo waking, as Major David comes through the
gate to the jail. He looks right at them, as they rise. He approaches. Zane
takes notice of the guard, who isn't holding his weapon on them, this time... MAJOR DAVID I'm on board...but I can't do
this without knowing the majority of the other men,
will back me. If I had to guess right now, I'd say
it's fifty/fifty. So, what I'm going to do, is make sure you
have opportunities to speak, with the guys I'm not so
sure about. You inspire them, like you did me,
and I'm sure things will go down nicely for us,
when the Colonel returns. ZANE Major, please, we have to move
on this now! We can wait for to the compound,
but we have to go for my little cousin, now! It's
been long enough! MAJOR DAVID I let you guys go, and I'm
screwed. The Colonel has close friends here. I may
outrank them, but I turn on his orders, and they'll put me under
arrest, or worse. Now I told you, the best I can
do is set my own plan in motion, and trust that you guys
do your part. Get me a few more men, loyal to me, and
I'll become loyal to you... Dissolve to later in the day, as Zane, Leo, Mason, and
Wyatt all work alongside the fenced perimeter (from outside the fence), as
several guards hold guns on them. They are digging pits, in front of the fence,
and piling dirt in between the fence, and the pit. Zane and Leo begin talking
loud enough for the guards to hear them. ZANE I thought the plan was to leave
this place...why all the work, to secure it?... The
Colonel a little loopy about what he wants to do? LEO Loopy, is one thing we don't do
at the compound. We don't just have plans to
survive the end of the world, but to rebuild it. We
have people with creativity, passion, and
brilliance, and we have the resources to set in motion the
masterminded kind of things, those people think
up. ZANE We have leaders, with wisdom.
We have soldiers, with real training. We have
family, and we have friends of family, but
together...we are all family... and survive together, as
such... LEO We have room for thousands, and
plan to keep adding on, with communities in
surrounding areas... Dissolve to evening, and different guards holding guns on
Zane and those guys, as they carry supplies from the army vehicles, into tents…
One of the guards is female... ZANE We plan to make the world
normal again, or at least as close to it as
possible. We have baseball teams and softball challenges.
A gym, basketball! Swimming pools! Bikini's! Female guard (GIA), sharing a look/smile with Zane. LEO You know what we did, before
all of this. The Sand Series Hotel! The Baker
Boardwalk! SOLDIER (smiling) The Sand Series Hotel? That is
you guys? LEO Yeah, and the only reason you
haven’t heard about the compound, is how top secret
my father kept it. Most of the world has no idea
it’s there. GIA (smiling) I’ve been on the Baker
Boardwalk. That place was sick! Dissolve to night, with Zane and them back in the jail
area, but with tons of guards, on other side of fence, talking with them. ZANE Christmases, Thanksgivings,
birthdays, Halloween, well, maybe not Halloween!
(few chuckles) Parties, bbqs, parks, children, a lake,
gardens, crops, fields. LEO And protection...from anyone
who wants to take it from us. Friends and allies,
on both sides of the wall... You guys simply can't
say no, to this. It's not only the opportunity of a
lifetime, in this new twisted world of ours..it's
your only opportunity... cause Colonel Fantasy Land,
isn't an opportunity, and the only thing he’ll lead
you to, is your ending. ZANE Follow us…to
a new beginning… DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. RIVER - AFTERNOON Eli using his bat as a cane, as he sits himself down on a
rock, soaking bare foot into the river. DJ and Sam are fishing. Marlana and
Renee sit with Bailey, at the shoreline. Aiden and Blair on rocks, in river,
fishing. The grandparents are up above, in chairs, wrapped in blankets. Owen
has binoculars around his neck... Eli moans his frustration... ELI AHHHH! I feel like such a
jackass. Falling like a big bozo, and now everyone's stuck,
waiting around for me. And what if there had been
huffs? DJ That's good, man. Keep thinking
like that. Now you'll have it on your mind,
next time you’re walking the slippery
river…’cause even the Eli- minator couldn't terminate
huffs, with a "puffed" up ankle, like what you got
going on, there. Some laughs... ELI You're "puffed"
up...(more laughs) ‘Cause this water is actually working. I'll be
sitting here all day, soaking this thing, and back to "puffing"
up huffs in no time. Everyone laughing... SAM (laughing) Puffing up huffs,
I love it! Now I can cuss in code, around my moms. DJ Yeah...I imagine with all those
cousins, even at age ten, you're an expert on
the tongue of a sailor. SAM (nodding) My cousins are one thing...my
uncle Leo is another! But my dad always told me, they
are just words, and that it's all about how you use
them, along with common sense...and
I'm pretty sure common sense, meant to never do it
around my moms...unless I had a code word, like
puff...or huffs. ELI That's puffing hilarious. DJ Okay, you know what. I think
that's puffing enough. You guys go back to the
compound talking like that, and I'm not going to be liked
so much, by the moms. Some laughs... BLAIR So...I can guess what the
"moms" might represent... but huffs? Some laughs... ELI Hungry, ugly, freaky, puffers. Lots of laughs... Cut to a little further down river, where a huff stumbles
into the water, falling on the slippery rocks. He is attracted to the sound of
laughter, and rises back up, walking further into the water, and again
slipping, face first into water... The huff rises, and continues around the corner... It
comes to see DJ and them, fishing, and laughing... From that same POV, the others are all seen turning, to
look at the huff. Owen quickly uses his binoculars, to see the huff. His POV (through
binoculars), as Blair screams. She runs off the rock, stepping on a wet rock, and
slipping into the river. AIDEN BLAIR! Aiden helps her up... Eli reaching for his bat. DJ (still fishing) Eli, are you kidding me! Relax!
You're on the disabled list... Blair, are you
okay?! BLAIR Yes. (embarrassed) The huff is still far from them, and falls again. It
tries to rise, before falling again... DJ The only thing that huff is
doing, is scaring the fish. (heading toward it) Which
is why I'll go take it down. ‘Cause that poor
b*****d might just be stuck there for the rest of his
life. Aiden helps Blair, dry off with a towel. Sam and Eli
watch, as DJ skips from rock to rock, with his spear. He gets closer to the
huff, who continues to struggle, but becomes more motivated as DJ arrives. It
stands and steps toward him. DJ prepares to stick it, with his spear, but it suddenly
falls forward, hard, scaring DJ and knocking him into water. The huff goes down
hard against a rock, instantly dying, as DJ comes out of water, scared at
first, until seeing the dead huff...as eventually the others nervously begin to
crack up! Dissolve to everyone still cracking up, complete
hysterics, as DJ uses a towel, at the shoreline, to dry off... Eli is in tears, from laughter, Sam close to the same.
Renee is trying not to laugh, but cannot fight it, which in return, makes her
brother laugh... DJ Okay, okay, fine...I'm not the
machine that Eli is, but at least all I got was a
little wet, rather than twisting my ankle in between a
rock. ELI You're lucky you didn't get a
little dead! Sam laughing... ELI I mean, you pretty much were
dead, until that thing saved your life and
slipped on that rock! Eli and Sam cracking up… DJ Oh whatever! That thing
slipping, is what caused me to be almost
dead (Eli laughing). Otherwise, I'd be washing off my spear,
right about now. ELI Instead, you're washing your
underpants! Sam and Eli cracking up, Renee again tries not to, but
loses the battle. DJ laughs too. Marlana is dying, and begins laughing even
harder, but silently. Sam and Eli laughing at her... MARLANA I'm sorry...I just can't stop
picturing your face, right as you went down, and again
after you got up... (laughing more)
and...even...after you realized that darn thing killed itself! All the kids cracking up, Aiden and Blair, too... DJ Wow...I expected this from the
kids, but you? MARLANA I said I'm sorry... DJ Yeah, in advance! Which means
it was premeditated. (Marlana cracking up) And now,
you have everyone picturing my goofy "I just
crapped me pants" face! Marlana and the kids cracking up. Aiden and Blair
laughing, too... ELI I just posted it on Facebook. More laughs... SAM It's not Facebook, anymore.
It's huffbook. More laughs... Eli begins rising, shifting and using his ankle, fairly
well... DJ That ankle looks about ready... Sam and Eli smiling... Dissolve to the following morning, and the front porch
where DJ, Marlana, Eli, Sam, and Renee are all packing up, preparing to get
back to their journey. Sam picks up Bailey, with a kiss. Owen and Wendy are
watching from the window. Aiden and Blair, come out front door. Aiden has a
backpack, and looks ready to join them, as they all stop what they're doing, to
look at him... AIDEN We talked it over, and even
though I'm against it... (joking) the wife is forcing me
to join you guys. The wife smiles, wipes a tear, and hugs him. BLAIR It's really the other way
around...but the wife (looking into his eyes) is
really proud of the husband, right now. Sam (holding Bailey) and Marlana smiling, as everyone
loads up, and begins walking off porch... The grandparents come out onto the porch, next to their
granddaughter, who smiles and cries, at the same time. Her grandfather places
his hand on her shoulder, as they watch them all walk away, toward the road... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY A huff walking along the highway... DJ stands back with the others (Sam holding Bailey), down
the road from the huff, as Eli and Aiden approach it. Eli with his bat, and
Aiden behind him (with a spear), watching his every move... ELI One thing I've recently
learned, is to always keep an eye out, for more of them. Eli gets closer to it, raising his bat. ELI One quick blow to the head, is
all it takes. Eli moves on it, swinging and hitting its arms/chest,
knocking it to the ground... ELI Now see, I can do this all day.
So, while I keep him knocked down, you move in and
take him out. The huff rises, as Eli knocks it back down, onto the
road. This time Aiden quickly moves in, and only hesitates briefly, before
jabbing the spear into its head, killing it. ELI Nice! DJ leading others across the road. DJ Look at Eli, graduating from
badass, to badass huff killing instructor. SAM Reminding me more and more of
Zane... Eli smiling... Dissolve to 3 semi-trucks, and other large vehicles,
driving down the highway. Guards with guns, stand on the flatbeds, looking all
around... The vehicles all go by, and eventually, DJ creeps out of
the brush, followed by the others (Sam holding Bailey)… DJ Going to get more wood, it
looks like... AIDEN To do what? DJ Build a wall?... Dissolve to DJ and them, creeping through grassy area,
with a home nearby. Eli readies his bat, as a female huff approaches. He lets
Aiden come forward, using his spear, to kill the huff... ELI He's a natural. AIDEN It’s not quite like hunting,
but… Aiden just freezes, and looks toward the house. They all
look... Their POV of two small huffs, a boy and a girl, maybe 3,
and 4. They approach, but slowly… DJ begins walking toward them... He arrives, with his
spear, and puts them down... Marlana and Sam, with tears, as they watch... Dissolve to foggy conditions, as Sam and everyone walks
silently, off the side of the road... They come to a spot near a drop-off, and are forced to
walk onto the highway, remaining silent... DJ carefully watches the road ahead, with spots of fog,
limiting visibility... He then looks over at other side of the road, where up
ahead, some more clearing opens up, providing them with an area to walk, off of
highway. He leads everyone across road, heading for the clearing... They remain silent... They reach the clearing, with DJ freezing... As does
everyone else... They all stare into clearing, and watch as a deer and her
young fawn, leave the clearing, onto the highway... Aiden looks from his gun, to DJ, who looks from him, to
Marlana, who is looking back at him, and then the girls... Aiden creeping forward, toward the deer, as DJ takes
Renee's hand, and Marlana reaches for Sam's hand, and lead them into the
clearing, very quietly... RENEE (quietly) What's he doing? SAM (quietly) I'm okay with just eating fish! Eli just stands, watching Aiden. The deer is across the
road now, standing there with her fawn. The fog becomes thicker, as the road
goes on, and suddenly an arrow (not shot by Aiden) comes flying through the
fog. Aiden freezes, watching the arrow stick the mother deer. He looks all
around, before dashing off the road. DJ rushes to get everyone down and out of sight, Eli
ducks behind a tree. Aiden dives into the brush. Renee watches, as the baby
fawn runs initially, but remains close to its mother. Suddenly, a man (Stix,
season 1 finale bonus scene) comes out of fog, on highway, with a hatchet, and
chucks it directly at the fawn, sticking it hard, and dropping it
immediately... DJ and everyone remain still, and dead quiet. Renee is
silently weeping, over the death of the fawn. Sam has tears of her own. They
watch as a few other men arrive, putting the mother out of her misery, and
carting the remains. Stix, looks all around, and is the last of them to walk
away... They disappear back into the fog, going the same
direction that DJ and them want to go... DJ looks over at Eli, then Aiden, and signals them
over... DJ We need to give them at least
twenty minutes, to clear out of here. Maybe
longer... This is the coast range, there's no telling how
bad this fog might get. AIDEN You think they're dangerous? DJ giving Aiden a funny look. DJ Did you dive into the bushes
just for the hell of it? DJ takes notice of Renee, weeping, and puts his hand on
her back... Eli looks from the road, to Sam... ELI Sam, you're sure those guys
aren't part of your compound? I mean...that guy
with the hatchet... fits the picture you’ve painted
of your family. SAM I don't think so...but they
could be...I guess... DJ simply shaking his head, not sure what to think... DJ We...we're just going to have
to be more careful, traveling as much off the road,
as we can... ELI We won't get there until next
week... Sam closing her eyes, at that thought... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK EXT. JAIL AREA - DAY Zane closing his eyes, opening, and silently mouthing the
"F" word... MASON This is taking way too long. ZANE Don't I know it! I'm supposed
to be the one with patience...always have...but
being stalled like this (shaking head)…is driving me
mad! (looking at soldiers) And MAKES NO FREAKING
SENSE! Zane desperately looking over at Gia. She looks back at
him, with a longing to help, but unable, due to the soldiers not far from her,
who were friends of Colonel Ryerson, and just laugh/mock Zane’s frustration… LEO Mayday's (Major David) dead,
has to be. Awol two days on a supply run, and I
could have told ya’ days ago, that the Colonel
wouldn't be returning, (motioning toward soldiers) yet
these so-called friends of his, keeping us in
(throwing hands in air) Here's your way
to do it, right here! LEO YOU NEED A GOD DAMN LEADER,
KIDS?! YOU HAVE ONE, RIGHT HERE! Dissolve to evening, with Zane angrily pacing back and
forth... Leo looks at a single pill in his hand...before
swallowing... Mason over near the guard, in conversation with him... Wyatt also pacing around, impatiently… Dissolve to night, with Zane and the other three, all at
the gate. LEO Four days now! This is really
how you want to spend your final days? Or are
you simply daring yourselves to actually open the
gate, and let us show you the way. Soldier aggressively coming at them. SOLDIER I'm about to show you the way,
right now! Keep talking, old man, I dare
you! ZANE That old man is trying to save your life! That old man is ten times the man
your so-called Colonel, is. And more importantly, he's right
there in front of you! Ready to lead you, ready to
save you! SOLDIER My faith will remain in a man
I've followed, and respected for longer than I can
remember. I won't - LEO What, are you gay?! Is that
what this, you're hot on Mr. Fantasy Land? ZANE Not
helping, Dad! The soldier walks away... Zane and Leo begin pacing again. Mason shakes his head.
Wyatt stares ahead... WYATT Sarah's pregnant... Zane, Leo, and Mason all stop, and stare at Wyatt... WYATT We found out the morning it all
happened. (ironic laugh) We were so on top of the
world, completely giddy! Couldn't wait to tell
you all... Kept just talking with each other, about it, and
who to tell first, or how to tell... We had the
perfect idea...it kept getting more perfect, the more we
planned it...not that it matters now...but we just had
to tell someone, right then! We decide to do it at the
same time, over the phone... She was calling her
mom, and I was calling Dad....but…that's right when he
called us...well, texted is more like it...those
three life changing sixes... Zane closing his eyes, Leo shaking his head, Mason
placing a hand on Wyatt's shoulder... Dissolve to dawn, with Zane waking, noticing some
excitement from the tents, where some soldiers come out... A couple of them jump into vehicles, and leave through
the gates, in a hurry... Soldier Smith comes toward the jail area, holding a radio... He walks by without stopping, but quickly sharing info
with Zane. SMITH Major David just radioed in.
They were ambushed, and hiking for a day and a
half. (slyly tossing a bag over the fence, as he's walking
away) This could be your chance... Zane looks in bag, four handguns inside... Dissolve to vehicles, with Major David and some other
men, coming through the gate. Gia nervously looks toward Zane. Mason and Wyatt,
ready their guns. Major David climbs out of a vehicle, as a soldier approaches
him... MAJOR DAVID Nothing from the Colonel, yet? The Major, glances at the jail area, as Smith arrives and
begins whispering into his ear. SOLDIER No, sir. DIFFERENT SOLDIER Trip like that, in these
conditions, could be days before he makes it back. Smith pulls away. MAJOR DAVID Enough is enough. I'm taking
command, and my first act will be to free those
so-called prisoners, and beg them for their
forgiveness. Several soldiers pull their weapons. Smith goes for his,
and aims at one of the soldiers, who's aiming at the Major. Several others aim
at Smith. Gia aims at them, as do many of the soldiers near her, including
Darius and Tanner. All other soldiers, choose who to aim at... It's a standoff...and majority is certainly with the
Major... ZANE WE HAVE GUNS, TOO! Soldiers looking at the prison area, where Zane and them,
all aim guns of their own... ZANE We don't want to use them, but
we stand with Major David, and defend him we
will! SOLDIER (looking at Smith) YOU GAVE THEM GUNS! YOU GOD
DAMN TRAITOR! He fires, and kills Smith, as everyone else begins
firing. ZANE/LEO (firing) God damn it! Many soldiers go down, shots keep flying. Wyatt makes a
great shot, killing a soldier. Everyone keeps firing, until the last soldier
goes down, only leaving those who support Major David. Not many of them remain.
A half dozen, including Gia, Darius, Tanner, and the Major... One of the remaining soldiers approaches the Major... SOLDIER Congratulations...(saluting)
Colonel David... One more shot goes off, as everyone jumps! They turn to
look, where Leo had just fired at the jail guard, but only wounded him. He
turns over to face Leo. LEO Spent a lot of time pleading
with you, these last few days. (looking him in the
eyes) Are you ready to plead with me, now? The guard opens his mouth to plead, but Leo fires a shot
in his head... The Major looks at Gia, as they begin walking toward jail
area... MAJOR DAVID We did the right thing, right? Gia runs ahead, to the guard's body, finding the keys.
She rises and hands keys to the new Colonel, who walks over, unlocks gate, and
shakes hands with each of them... ZANE (shaking hands
with him, smiling) Congratulations, Colonel. But
you'll always be Mayday, to me, Major
David... The other five remaining soldiers come in, also shaking
hands... The Colonel looks over everyone, and waits for their
attention... COLONEL DAVID I don't know if Colonels even
mean anything, anymore... but leadership, is and always
will be, an absolute must. (looking at his soldiers) We've
been given an invitation, by these people. It's clear, they'll
be leading the way. So, as far as I'm
concerned...they're in charge... The Colonel turns and faces Zane and the others... COLONEL DAVID Awaiting your orders,
gentlemen... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FISH'S CABIN - MORNING "Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah", begins playing
from beginning (first minute, instrumental) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8AWFf7EAc4
) Close-up of the peaceful lake, the dock, the swing
hanging over the water... The tree house, the pit, the yard below... The driveway, the cabin, and then one of the hunters,
walking out the cabin door, and stretching... Another one comes out, followed by another... One more comes out, before the one with the hunting spear
comes... LEADER I don't care if it's the only
thing we do today, we're getting in that damn tree
house. He stretches out, and walks down the porch, eventually
followed by the others, slowly making their way toward the tree house... Another one of them stops, and stretches. Suddenly, he's
hit and killed with a shot in the chest! The others run or drop, as another one
is hit and killed... Now Leo, Zane, Mason, Wyatt, and the soldiers all come
charging out of the brush, firing at the hunters. Another one is killed, while
trying to flee the scene... The spear guy makes it up the porch and into the cabin,
but the leader is shot dead, on the porch. Zane and Leo, anxiously wait
outside, while the soldiers, Mason and Wyatt, all go through both the back and
front of the cabin... Multiple shots are fired, and the spear guy walks out the
front door, bloody and (dropping his spear) falling down steps, to his death... Mason comes out front, with Wyatt coming from the back,
along with soldiers... (background music dims, and remains as instrumental only) WYATT All clear... Mason nodding, Zane instantly turns and sprints to the
tree house, already yelling for Sam and Fish. ZANE SAAAMM! FISH!! Come on, you
guys! Answer me! Where you guys at?! Dread already taking over his expression, with no answer
from them, as he runs into the brush, below the tree house, pulling a lever,
that lowers the tree house ladder, which Leo begins climbing, as Zane rushes
out of brush, following Leo… Mason and Wyatt arriving, just watching... Leo goes into boys room, while Zane goes for girls room.
He runs right in (holding a gun in one hand, and a knife in the other), then
right back out, and almost vomits, right where Sam did, that horrid night... Leo comes over, looking at Zane (white as a ghost), then
into the room. He can see all the blood, from the deaths of Amy, her father,
and "unborn" child... Zane comes back inside, going to compartment. He opens it
up, nothing... He closes, and slowly walks out of room, onto deck, not
knowing what to think... Leo checks the bathroom, Zane walks into the boys room,
then back outside, staring all around... ZANE FISH!!! SAMANTHAAAAAAA!!!! DISSOLVE TO: (background
music intensifies, remaining instrumental for a few more moments) Zane
running around the area. Leo coming out of garage, glancing over toward all the
dead huffs in the parking area... MUSIC "Well
I heard there was a secret chord. That
David played and it pleased the lord. But
you don't really care for music, do you? Well
it goes like this: The fourth the fifth." Wyatt
slowly coming to the gravesite, slowing even more as he reads the graves. Mason
arrives, dropping to his knees. Both Zane and Leo arrive... MUSIC "The
minor fall and the major lift. The
baffled king composing Hallelujah" Leo
takes one look and begins screaming, as he walks past the graves, toward the
yard. Zane goes completely white, struggling to stand, turns and does his best
to scream, in agony, while facing the lake... MUSIC "Hallelujah,
hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah..." Everything
is spinning, for Zane. He loses balance, stepping into the lake, almost
falling. He steps back out. He vomits, and falls to his knees, still somewhat
in the water. He tries to scream, but vomits/dry heaves, continuing to try to
scream, but without volume… (music
goes instrumental for several moments...) Leo
is walking in circles, screaming. Mason is weeping, while looking over all the
graves. Wyatt weeps, looking at the graves, and watching his family... The
soldiers all come to watch, and see the graves for themselves... MUSIC "Well
your faith was strong but you needed proof. You
saw her bathing on the roof. Her
beauty and the moonlight overthrew you." Gia
begins weeping, and slowly approaching Zane. He looks on the verge of passing
out. MUSIC "She
tied you to her kitchen chair. She
broke your throne. She
cut your hair. And
from your lips she drew the, hallelujah." She
arrives, and touches him. He doesn't even feel it. He slowly looks upward, and
screams in agony, finally finding his lungs, to do so... MUSIC "Hallelujah,
hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah..." POV
shots of the entire area, as his screams of agony, echo throughout the cabin,
the parking area, the dock, the tree house, the pit, gravesite... (music
going instrumental again) Leo
arriving back at the gravesite, looking over the graves... LEO Sam...(looking at Zane, then
back at graves) She's not here...(looking back at
Zane) She’s not here... Zane finally lifting his head, looking toward Leo. He
finds the strength to rise, and stumble himself over there. He reads all the graves, weeping with each
name, a little confused at unknown names, and the baby... He looks at Leo, who looks back at him... ZANE She's still out
there...(crying) But where?! Oh my God, Sam, where are you? Where
are you?! He looks back at the graves... ZANE What...what happened here? Who
(weeping hard) buried all these people?! Oh,
Samantha...my poor, Samantha...where are you? WHERE
ARE YOUUUU?! DISSOLVE TO: MUSIC "Well baby I've been here before. I've seen this room and" Zane in tears, sitting next to bed, in girls room of tree
house. The compartment is open, he just stares at it... DISSOLVE TO: MUSIC "I've walked these floors. You know, I use to live alone before I knew you." Leo slowly walking through the damaged cabin, looking
over pictures and whatever else he comes to see, hoping that a clue will
arise... DISSOLVE TO: (music again dimming, and only instrumental) Gia, talking to Mayday... GIA These poor people… MAYDAY There hasn't been a day yet,
since this all started, that I didn't think, now I've
seen everything... Dissolve to Zane still sitting next to open compartment,
as Mason arrives, sitting in a bed without blood stains... MASON I know this makes what happened
to your family, even worse... I imagine ever
since it happened...all you could think about was what
you still had, with Fish...and now he's gone (Zane
closing eyes). The closest thing I can do to
imagine your pain...is to relive those moments after Rich
went down...to rethink all those things, I
thought, while I waited and pleaded for the moment,
Shelby told me he was going to pull through. But
there's still the pain of this, of Vincent and his
boys, your siblings, Miles... So many, lost already... The
only thing that gets me through it, is those remaining,
those behind the safety of our walls...and how
much they depend on us... We still have a job to
do, son...and you're a very big part of that... Silence... Before Zane looks up at him... ZANE But what do we do? She's still
out there...(weeps) all alone, and I just can't
take that (shaking head), I can't! (music remains instrumental, but rises in volume) Mason coming in, for the hug, and holding Zane tight, as
he balls like a baby... Eventually, and suddenly, commotion is heard from below,
and approaching vehicles. Mason comes out of hug, rushing to window...followed
by Zane... MASON Oh my God... MUSIC "And I've seen your flag on the marble arch. But love is not a victory march. It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah." Cut to parking area, where three hummers are pulling up.
Two of them have 50-Cal's, mounted up top, with Porter, arming one, and Gunner,
on the other. They both aim directly at Mayday, Gia, and the other soldiers,
who hesitate to raise their own weapons. MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah..." Dakota, Cleo, Chasin, Colton, Jaelyn (Mason's daughter,
19), Hope, and Ryder (Scout's daughters, 18, 17), April (Hunter's wife, 34),
Jennifer (Mile's wife, 31), Missy (Mason's gf, 40), Rachel (Gunner's wife, 28),
Catherine (Chasin's wife, 29), and 7 other non-family members, all climb out of
hummers, aiming guns at soldiers, and looking all around...coming to see Wyatt,
relieved and coming toward them... (music dims, and only instrumental) LEO WHOA, WHOA! Hold your fire;
they're with us! DAKOTA Dad! (music rises in volume) MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah..." Dakota runs to her dad, hugging. Cleo smiles, and
everyone else lowers their weapons, becoming relieved... Jennifer and Rachel, take turns hugging Wyatt, as Gunner
jumps down, hugging him... (music dims, remains instrumental, during 42 second pause
part, of song) LEO (looking over
everyone there) Jesus...who sanctioned this
party? Who's in charge of it? VOICE (OS) Your brother did...and I am... POV of Man's feet, as he climbs out of hummer... Leo a very shocked expression, as he stares... LEO Dad! Grandpa Sam, standing there (holding a shotgun), as
Shelby climbs out of hummer, behind him... GRANDPA Where is my granddaughter?
Where are my boys? My grandsons?... (music rises in volume, nearing end of 42 second pause) Everyone looking from him, to Leo, and all around... DISSOLVE TO: MUSIC "Maybe there's a god above. But all I've ever learned from love. Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew you." Zane slowly begins climbing down tree house ladder... He looks over, sees his dad, leading Grandpa toward the
graves. Zane drops his head against the ladder step, closing his eyes with
dread... MUSIC "And it's not a cry that you hear at night. It's not somebody who's seen the light. It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah." POV from behind the graves, of Leo holding his dad's arm, leading him right in front of the graves. Grandpa Sam, slowly walks himself to Fish's grave, using it to brace himself, as he drops to a knee, just looking right at it. He looks to the other graves, as tears take over his face, and his head slightly shakes... MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah..." Grandpa flashes to moments of Fish and Greg celebrating
on the wiffleball field, in the club house with both Vincent and Mark, and
Samantha... He then flashes to moments on the beach, with his young
boys playing wiffleball, and of talking to all of them (as young kids), on the
beach, about the apocalypse... MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." All the others, slowly arriving, from behind (Shelby
providing reassuring comfort to Mason). Dread taking over their somber faces.
Tears begin dropping. They all begin looking over all the different graves,
hugging and weeping. Hope and Ryder, crying at the sight of Fish's grave... (music dimming, and repeating "hallelujah") Dakota crying, with a hand on her dad's shoulder, and a
look at Fish's grave, as Zane arrives, in background. They all watch him,
slowly approaching his grandfather... GRANDFATHER (without seeing
Zane) Samantha...where is she? ZANE (shaking his head) I'm so sorry, Grandpa...I'm so
sorry, I failed you... Leo, dropping his head. Grandpa turning, to face Zane,
who’s face is full of tears... ZANE She's God knows where, and only
God knows where to even look? Zane arrives right at him, unable to look at him, instead
staring at Fish's grave... Grandpa is shocked...but pulls Zane in for the hug... GRANDPA I
failed me, son...I failed me... (music rises in volume, and the singer's voice rises for
this verse) MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." Both he and Zane weeping... The entire family at a loss of emotion... Both Mayday and Gia are even shedding tears... (music dims after final hallelujah) MAYDAY (with a shake of
the head) This family... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. FOGGY WOODS/HIGHWAY - DAY (music still playing, dim and instrumental) DJ leading everyone along, through the brushy area, with
the highway off a ways... The fog could certainly be worse, but is indeed eerie... Aiden stops, and listens... DJ takes notice, and stops... DJ Hear something? Everyone looking at Aiden, who is still listening... AIDEN I don't know...I think so, to
be honest... Everyone just stands still, listening, and looking... There are random sounds, animals, wind, trees, branches,
birds... DJ begins walking again, slowly... Eli follows, and then
the others... Suddenly, Sam freezes, staring off a certain direction... She simply yelps and cries out, as she begins running,
and then screams. She runs as fast as she can, away from the others. They all
start to run, too, but stop, and look around. DJ SAM! (looking all around) What
is it?! Everyone looking all around, ready to bolt. Eli nervously
holding his bat. They all look... POV three people, in the brush and fog. It's a man and
two women. It's Dakota! It's Zane! (and Cleo) (music rises in volume, remaining instrumental) Zane and them, nervously watch, as someone frantically
approaches them, through the fog and brush. They go from being nervous, to
complete shock. Zane gasps and falls to his knees. Dakota screams, with
joy/shock... MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." Sam arrives, running directly into Zane's arms. He
welcomes her with a form of relief, that ravishes his body, the moment he wraps
his arms around her... Dakota throws her arms around them both... MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." They are all crying, words not even coming out, yet... DJ and the others slowly arrive, still in shock, but
warming up to the situation... Zane pulls her out of embrace, staring into her eyes... She begins crying, more than she already is, and weeps
her first words, to him... (music dims, and remains instrumental) SAM Dad...he's... ZANE (nodding) I know, Samantha, I
know...(hugs her again) I was just there, a few days ago... I
never thought I'd see you again...(weeping his words)
or ever know what happened to you! SAM I was there...I was there when
you came, and the army was there (he pulls her
out of embrace, again, and stares at her)...you didn't
come back...I was so scared something happened to
you! ZANE It did! We got held up. But
then we got some help, and we went back...I couldn't
find you (weeping)... just Fish...his grave... (music rising in volume) Sam, staring at him, crying at the mention of her dad,
and the thought of Zane finding his grave, like that... Zane, staring at her, crying at her loss, and his own... They embrace again... MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." Dakota begins hugging Marlana, and the others... Zane comes out of hug, sees Dakota and the others, and
rises, to greet and meet with the people who brought him his Samantha... Dakota finally gets her hug with Sam, followed by Cleo. (music instrumental) Zane hugs Eli, and looks over his bat, with a laugh. Eli
looks so impressed, almost starstruck... Dakota hugs DJ, both with huge smiles... Zane picks up Renee, smiling and laughing, and letting
her back down with a hug... She's a little embarrassed, but can't help
laughing. DJ laughs... Eli hugs Dakota, and Cleo... Zane hugs and shakes hands
with Aiden, then comes to Marlana, with a big hug and smile... Dakota teases Renee with a couple different moves, before
moving in for the big hug. Renee again can't help, but to laugh, as does her
brother... DJ shares a handshake and hug with Zane... Sam suddenly running, again. Zane nervous a moment,
before she stops, and smiles at Aiden, who hands her Bailey. MUSIC "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." She hugs Bailey and approaches Zane, with him. Aiden smiles after handing the cat over to Sam, and turns
to get a hug from Dakota, and then Cleo. He comes out of that, with a huge
smile, and hope for soon seeing his wife, and bringing her and her family to
the compound... MUSIC (final verse, where singer raises tone) "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah." A hatchet sails through the air... It sticks into Aiden's throat, taking away his smile, his
hope, and his life, as he drops dead... Bailey scratches Sam, and runs off, as they all watch
Stix come out of the brush, followed by Swish (from season 1 finale bonus
scene), and one prisoner (in prisoner outfits) after another... (singer's final "hallelujah" goes on endlessly,
as song wraps up, coming to an end) They keep coming, and coming, completely surrounding Zane
and the others... They are defenseless, as they keep coming...close to 100
of them... Sam and them looking amongst one another, and to the
prisoners... Sam looks at Zane, who looks at her, and then the
prisoners... Song ends... BLACK CREDITS BONUS
SCENE (second half) FADE IN: EXT. WOODS - DAY Close-up of a large tree, shaking around, with sound of
hard-working equipment, down below... MAN (OS) TIMMMBERRR! The
tree goes crashing down... Close
by, there are men with guns, and hiking sticks. One of them is watching closely
with a gun, as another is using his stick, to bash in the head of an
approaching huff... MAN TIMMMBERRR! Another tree comes crashing down... Equipment is being used, to place large tree logs, onto
truck beds... There are loggers everywhere... DISSOLVE TO: A large tree log, rising up, right next to a wall of
other large tree logs. Sound of multiple hammers and saws, down below, hard at
work... POV pans around the wall, to the inside, and past a sign
reading "Glenwood Outdoor School", and into a small compound of both
large and small structures. A couple of them are very nice. There are homes
close by, as well, with a wall being built to protect them all... The POV travels outside the wall, down a road, with a
bridge over a creek, and next to market, along the highway. It passes a sign
reading "highway 6", then 3 large semis, driving up the road, turning
into the outdoor school area... POV comes to stop, along the highway, and a sign, reading
"Welcome to Forest Grove". There is an "R" painted at the
end of it, reading "Forest Grover"... Suddenly Sam, Eli, Dakota, Cleo, DJ, Renee, Marlana, an
unfamiliar woman, with 2 young boys, all come walking past the sign, sneaking
across the road, through the grass, into the brush, and disappearing... Zane is nowhere in sight... BLACK THE END © 2024 Mike Decker |
Added on December 31, 2018 Last Updated on June 21, 2024 Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse AuthorMike Deckervancouver, WAAboutMy daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..Writing