Above the Dead, EP 2.4 "What can Brown do for You"A Screenplay by Mike DeckerSeason 2. Episode 4ABOVE THE DEAD .com Season 2, Episode 4
(49 pages) "What can Brown do for You" INTRO BLACK... FADE IN: EXT. COLUMBIA RIVER - DAY River water, with heavy rain falling on top of it... POV moves over the water, finding a houseboat, with
developing sound of huffs, a lot of them... As POV pans over the houseboat, you come to see it
surrounded by huffs. The back end of the house is the river, so no huffs there,
but they are all over the rest of it, breaking windows, and soon to be getting
inside. Some are halfway through the windows (furniture inside propped up
against it), while others are now completely breaking through and entering
front door... Cut to Sam watching the scene, as she and the others are
kayaking by... Suddenly, the back window breaks open. A man throws a
blanket over the bottom of it, and quickly climbs out, dropping into the river.
He quickly throws his hands up, as a woman hands him a two-year-old child. He
grabs him, securing him along his side, barely above water (about 5 feet deep). He reaches back to window, where his wife desperately
hands him a baby. Huffs are now falling over the side of the house (attempting
to go after the man), and are floating/sinking toward him. He grabs the baby,
just as his wife begins screaming, obviously bitten from behind. The man is crying, but realizing he must swim his
children to safety. He looks up at his dying wife, as he tries to stay above
water, with both children. Huffs are in the water, with more falling in (from
side of house). Now huffs are climbing/falling right out of window,
toward, and almost right on top of the man, who now loses control of the
two-year-old. Sam in hysterics, looking at DJ, pleading with her
expression, to go help, but all he can do, is solemnly shake his head, as they
row by... The man is desperately trying to save his two-year-old from drowning, while holding onto the baby. The man now cries out in pain, while bitten from behind, yet still trying to save his drowning children. The two-year-old goes under, before grabbed by father, but bitten. The baby is already under, and the father is crying/dying/drowning... DISSOLVE TO: THEME TUNE/CREDITS Shots of all the
chaos in the city, on day 1 of the “zombie” apocalypse, followed by
bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highways, and tons of angry/nervous people
honking or trying to pull off the road. Shot of Mt. Hood, followed by shots of
a huge tree house overlooking a lake, which dissolves into the Columbia River,
and traveling down it, through a huge forest fire, before reaching the
Bonneville Dam. POV continues down the river, past the Glen Jackson bridge,
flowing by tons of houseboats where the dead are falling into the river,
chasing after whoever is drifting by… POV of the
Willamette River as it goes under the St. Johns bridge, and up into the hills
of Portland. It travels over them, into the Beaverton area, crossing over the
top of the Nike World Headquarters, and keeps traveling over farmlands, and
into the coast range, finding the Glenwood Market, and a large camp with log
walls, across the creek and behind the store… POV speeds over
the Tillamook Forest, Highway 26, and a bunch of other lands, before coming to
the Columbia River, traveling west, under the Megler bridge, and into the
ocean. It continues along the shoreline, past Astoria, the Haystack Rock of
Cannon Beach, coming to a pair of jetties, and following through the channel
between them. POV continues up into the nearby hills, finding a large camp,
protected by a large log wall… POV travels back
down to the shoreline, and over a huge hotel, with a shot of the Twin Rocks in
the ocean. POV travels by the bay of Tillamook, and along Highway 6, back into
the coast range, until leaving the road, back into the Tillamook Forest, until
coming to a very large compound, hidden away by all the brush and
mountain-side, as opening credits roll… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. COLUMBIA RIVER - DAY (raining hard) Close-up Sam's tear-dried (soaked from rain), somber
face, staring at nothing, as they continue downriver... DJ and Marlana are rowing, somber themselves, and dead
quiet... Renee has her head down, trying to keep her face dry. You
can't even see it... Eli is as somber as you've seen him, since his family
died. Rowing, in silence, and staring much like Sam is, at nothing... Houseboats are everywhere. Huffs are here and there,
jumping in the water, with no threat to the kayaks. Sandy barks at the ones who
jump/fall in the water, and begin sinking/floating away... Everyone eventually begins looking/watching all the
random huffs (much more than they were used to seeing on the mountain), all
except Sam, who can't stop staring ahead, at nothing... Dissolve to all of them still silent, as they row
downriver. Hayden Island (Jansen Beach) is on their right, with a grassy
hilltop, to their left. Huffs are on both sides. Tons are already in the water,
stuck at the shoreline. Some are rolling/falling down the hilltop, into the
river... As everyone watches them, and Sandy barks, Sam still
stares ahead, while weeping again. She can't shake the image of the family,
killed. She’s not looking, but she knows the sights that surround her. She
weeps for the family, and she weeps for her circumstances. She weeps for the
world... ELI How many people...in the
city...when it happened? DJ Even with all those who tried
to run...I'd say millions... Silence... ELI We're so screwed... Silence... ELI They're so stupid, though. I
mean...lead em' all into the river, or...a giant
pit of fire, or something... Silence... MARLANA It does seem like the
government, must be doing something. ELI The army sure isn't... Silence... DJ What about the President? He's
gotta’ still be out there, somewhere. Or at
least a new one… Silence... MARLANA With as many people as we've
seen...you know we have a government, still out
there... Silence... DJ Has to be some help
coming...eventually... Silence... DJ scoping out the area, seeing the end of Hayden Island,
coming up... DJ Alright, let's get closer to
the left side. Renee, time to start rowing again. If those
guys are waiting for us, around that corner, we need to
put as much distance between us and them. ELI Are we going to try and outrun
them? DJ If we can, yes. Certainly can't
dock anywhere around here. Sam? You ready? You'll be
doing the shooting, as the rest of us row, like
never before... Sam wiping her tears... SAM Yes... Sam grips her gun, and checks on the other ones, she has
piled there, waiting to cause havoc on anyone who tries to pursue them... They come to the edge of Hayden Island, as the channel
connects, back up with the rest of the river. No one appears to be waiting
around, on kayaks. DJ looks up ahead, where he can see the mouth of the
Willamette. He points to it. DJ That's our turnoff. St. Johns Bridge,
not far from there! Sam begins to look alive. Everyone else is rowing hard... They are heading right for the Willamette River. No other
kayakers in sight. Random huffs appear here and there, along the shoreline. The
rain is still falling... ELI Where do you think they are? DJ Maybe they messed with the
wrong person, or just gave up on us. Who cares.
We have made one serious step toward that
compound, baby! Eli smiling. Renee a half smile. Marlana proudly rows.
Sam can't help but to form a small smile, of her own... Dissolve to Sam smiling even bigger, as they prepare to
go under the beautiful and historic, St. Johns Bridge, with tree-filled hills
on one side, and a park and homes on the other side. The park is full of
huffs... DJ German Town Road is the one we
want to take. It's right over there (pointing
to hills). Once we "go brown" and get
ourselves a truck, it shouldn't be hard, getting from there to
here. MARLANA That is, if we can dock without
any of those huffs, you call them? ELI Hungry, ugly, freaky - (cutoff) Suddenly, they all notice someone driving on the bridge.
They all watch. The car crosses, and turns right. It's no longer in sight, but
they listen, as it can be heard, before it begins fading, away into the
hills... DJ It just took German Town
Road...not sure if that is a good thing, or not... Some silence... ELI How many people you think are
still living here, or around here? DJ just shaking head... DJ Obviously, at least a few...
Maybe a lot... I imagine less and less, over time... Everyone just kind of looking around... They all take notice of a random huff floating near them… Suddenly, DJ begins to notice something, off at the
shoreline. His view of three empty kayaks, resting above the shoreline. He
scans the area, but sees no one around. Eli is staring at DJ... ELI What's wrong? DJ (motioning toward
kayaks) Over there... Three kayaks... Everyone looking...then all around... ELI What do we do? DJ Same thing we were planning on
doing... DJ begins looking ahead, toward an industrial area... Dissolve to DJ and the others, now near the area DJ was
just looking ahead to, while taking notice of a couple more floating huffs,
before Eli points back toward the three kayaks. ELI Kayaks in the water! DJ and everyone else turning, to look back downriver, at
the kayaks... SAM Do they see us? Do they know
we're here? DJ I don't know. ELI What do we do? DJ I don't know... DJ just looking... His view of the kayakers, barely
moving...before speeding up...toward them. DJ Yeah, they see us! S**t! DJ looks at how close they are to land, and back at the
other kayakers, to estimate how long until they'd make land... DJ Let’s go! Get to shore! We need
to get into UPS, before they know that's where
we went! Eli and Marlana begin rowing, hard... Dissolve to DJ and the other kayak making the shoreline,
and climbing out. DJ looks out at the river. His view of the channel they came
through, and the other kayakers, still in the river, around the bend of the
channel. DJ Hurry up. They can't see us,
let's ditch the kayaks, where they won't see them. ELI Where's UPS? DJ Just around these
buildings...we might have to hop a fence, or two. Dissolve to DJ and them, standing in front of a fence,
looking at the hundreds of huffs on the other side of it, filling the UPS yard,
Sandy is barking... DJ She's going to get us caught! Marlana and Renee, work to keep Sandy calm/quiet... ELI You think they're on the
inside, too? DJ I don't think so...(his view of
opened/damaged bay doors) I don't see any, moving
around in there. Damn it...how the hell do we get in?
(looking all around) Silence... Then suddenly a couple huffs can be heard
somewhere behind them, approaching. Eli grips his bat, waits...and destroys the
huffs as they come around corner. DJ just staring at the dead huffs... DJ We can pull a Rhett... Eli just staring at DJ. Sam too... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. UPS YARD - DAY Yard completely full of huffs... They simply roam the
yard... Suddenly, you can see DJ (covered in huff guts) walking through the
crowd. He slowly walks (like a huff), toward door. He arrives, and slyly tries
opening it. It's unlocked, but tied from inside. He moves over around corner of
building, toward bay doors (most of them with trailers attached). He finds one with an opening, and slowly walks over to
it. He climbs up onto the dock, in between the trailer and the bay door. There
is not much room. Huffs are now aware of his actions, and moving in on him. He
fights hard to squeeze himself through, just missed by the huffs... Dissolve to large UPS door opening...a moment later, a
brown UPS truck comes driving out, with huffs (from in the yard) taking
pursuit... It drives to a big bush (next to fence). Eli and others,
are all now climbing through a hole in the fence (hole covered by bush) and
hopping in truck. DJ drives off. DJ YEAH! What can Brown do for
you, BABY!!! He drives back to UPS door, and inside. He parks quickly,
jumping out. Eli jumps out with his bat. DJ runs for button to door, while Eli
disposes of several huffs, who come inside, before door closes... Dissolve to DJ climbing ladders onto dock. He unlatches
the bay door and opens it up, providing a bunch of light. The huffs come, but
are no threat, unable to climb up and inside. He goes a couple doors down, and unlatches and lifts
another door up, for more light. He grabs hold of the railing, and swings
himself down off of the dock. DJ I used to load in those
trailers. He looks over at a door, and walks over to it. He opens
it, but it's jammed from behind. He can see that a ton of packages and
equipment, are back there, blocking it. He turns, facing everyone, thinking... ELI What? Still thinking... DJ Why would someone block it? Is
someone still up there? (looking outside)
What if those huffs clutter the yard, for a reason? Everyone begins looking around... RENEE Is there anything to eat here? DJ thinking... DJ There’re vending machines.
Those would tell us if someone's been here. But
it's UPS, there's over a hundred thousand
packages in here. I'm sure we could find food. Maybe
a ton of it. Maybe we take a two or
three-day vacation here, wait out the danger, and
get fat... before our journey to your compound,
continues... Cut to DJ (now semi clean, new UPS shirt) leading others
(also freshened up and in UPS sweatshirts/clothing) into break room, looking
over vending machines. They're all broken and mostly drained, but some snacks
do still remain. Plenty of sodas remain. They all begin digging in... DJ Someone's living here...I can
just feel it... SAM What do you mean? ELI Who? DJ I don't know...maybe someone
who worked here... Once things went to s**t,
someone might have brought their family here.
Thinking it'd be a good place to survive... ELI What makes you think that? DJ (shrugging) I don't know...I guess because
it's what I'd do, if stranded...it's what I am
doing. Cut to DJ shining the light, leading them through the
entire ground-level part of the building, checking all around. They're still
munching and drinking soda pops, and making plenty of noise, purposely trying
to attract any possible huffs, who might be inside... Eli takes a big swig of his soda...followed soon after,
with the burp of all burps, echoing throughout the entire hub (building). Renee
tries not to laugh... SAM Pretty sure every huff in
Portland, is now on their way here. Thank you very
much Eli. ELI What? That was the point,
right? DJ Well, we've checked all of the
doors and made plenty of noise. Either it's a
huff-free zone, or they've just become picky and
want nothing to do with a burp that smells
(fanning his face) like a freaking chocolate bbq'ed
twinkie; Jesus Christ, Eli! Renee trying hard not to crack up. Sam is laughing, and
Eli can't help but to chuckle. Marlana even smiles. Renee now begins struggling
with hiccups, after having tried not to laugh... Dissolve to DJ leading them into the unload area, where
tons of packages are everywhere. Renee is still working off her hiccups... DJ Have at it guys. Start tearing
them open. Or look at the labels to see
what's inside. Like Christmas morning, they all begin tearing into
packages... Dissolve to everyone holding/piling through packages with
food, and water. DJ begins going over to a trailer/area they haven't been to,
yet. He finds packages, already ripped open. He begins looking all around... He goes back to the others... DJ Someone has already been doing
this, back over there... I'm telling
you...someone is living here... MARLANA On the upper level, you think? DJ If I'm right, then yes... SAM Were we really going to stay
here, an extra day? DJ I honestly think it'd be the
smart thing to do. (motioning at the supplies)
Obviously. SAM But what about someone living
here? DJ I could just be paranoid...but
yeah, we need to be careful...gonna’ be hard,
not staying at least one night, though... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 2) EXT. COMPOUND �" DAY Close-up of Griffey (10, grandson of guy who killed Leo's
family) and Trisha (5, girl whose mom/sister died at beach in street), panning
back, as they sit in a park, with Hope (18, Scout's daughter) and Ryder (17,
Scout's daughter), and the sound of others, off a ways from the park... Hope is holding the hand of another young girl (Ashley,
3, same girl Zane saved in Season 1 finale, on his way back to the compound) The other two children are quiet, scared, and still in
shock. LEO (OS) I don't care how scared they are, or what they've been through. Their father MURDERED MY FAMILY! Cut
to Scout (close to Leo/many others, woodsy area in background) turning around
(face full of tears) and walking away from Leo and the others. DAKOTA It was his grandfather, and
those poor kids didn't have anything to do with it! We
don't even know who the little girl is. They're
in shock, like all of us...and have barely spoken... Scout reaching the park, approaching the kids... SCOUT (talking to her
girls) You guys go on to the funeral.
I'll stay here with these two. Scout forces a smile, as she reaches for Trisha's hand,
and leads them away. Her daughters just stand and watch. Hope is shedding
tears... SCOUT Have you two seen the lake,
yet? I'm going to show you the lake. There's even
a rope swing... Dissolve to sad instrumental music playing, with close-up
of Grandma Laura's grave. The music continues as POV pans over the graves of
Mary, Troy, Angela, Baby Baker (Troy/Angela's unborn baby), Kate, Jagger, and
ending with Miles... Music continues, as POV moves from the graves (and the
beautiful scenery), to the Baker family members (and many, many others), most
of them weeping. The background is very woodsy, while the opposite side has the
park, and lake in background... Finally, the POV comes to Leo, standing there, staring at
the graves, as people begin to exit... Dissolve to that same POV, everyone gone, and only Zane
now stands, where Leo had been... ZANE (shaking head) This is not how it was supposed
to be... Speaking is usually my best skill...but
I have no idea what to say to all of you... Another
skill set, lost to me...my ability to avoid guilt. To not
beat myself up over things out of my
control...(weeping) I'm failing so miserably at that, right now. I
should have been there...(shaking head) I would
have been...I just didn't know...and
Fish...Sam...Vincent, Greg, and Mark... I knew something was
wrong, there... something is still wrong,
there...(crying harder, through his words) and it kills
me not having you all, at my side...when we go
bring them home... And we will bring them home. We
will find them, because...(weeping hard) I
can't be digging any more holes!... I just can't...
No more of you going into the ground... He weeps uncontrollably, dropping to his knees...and
yelling (as loud as he can) in agony... Cut to Leo, sitting under a tree (with a bottle), as Zane
is heard yelling in agony... Cut back to Zane, on his knees, as his yelling comes to
completion. The weeping continues... Someone is watching/approaching from behind... He reaches him, and places a hand on his shoulder. Zane
flinches, and turns to see his Uncle Hunter (face of tears). Zane instantly
expresses shame, and can't face him, turning back around. HUNTER What? Zane, what was that? Zane just shaking head. HUNTER Why can't you look at me? ZANE (not facing him) I was right there, Hunter... I
should have prevented it. He should still be here,
with us. Hunter closes eyes...and opens... HUNTER Zane... Three things...
One...you have absolutely no guilt here. If your father says
differently, that is only due to his grief. Two...I'm
hurting...(trying to keep emotions in check) like I never
thought I could... (shaking head) You imagine
the pain of losing a child... but, until you do (closing
eyes)... It's you...you and the rest of the family...that
allows me to hold it together... Three...that amazing ability of
yours...to embrace whatever life throws at you.
The way you somehow find the good, in not only
everyone, but everything. Even with nothing good here, to
be found...you'll somehow make
something good, of it... I can't even begin to imagine how, but you
will...I know you will... It's a big part of what makes
you special. ZANE (still hanging his
head) Special... That word doesn't
even belong in this world, anymore. HUNTER It will...you'll see to
it...it's what you do...The way you persevere, the way you speak to
people, the way those people listen, and become
motivated by your words... Hell, only reason Dad gave me
the honor he did, was because you were too young for
it... I've already made up my mind, that I'll never
make you the same offer... (Zane not turning around, but
looking up) I'll simply give it to you...the
moment you ask for it...(Zane rising) Because it's already yours,
son. You were meant to run this place. Zane faces him, face full of tears... ZANE I'm so sorry for your loss. Hunter finally loses his emotions. HUNTER Our loss. Hunter
pulls him in tight, as they embrace...and weep... GRIFFEY (OS) HE DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE! Hunter and Zane come out of embrace, looking back toward
the lake. ZANE Can you check on that?... I
need to say goodbye... individually. Hunter stares right at him, nodding his head... Cut to the lake, where Leo and other family members
stand, and look at a very emotional Griffey. GRIFFEY He's a nice man! He took
(pointing to Trisha) her after what happened to her
family. He wanted us all to be safe in the hotel. He
thought bad people shot the owners, and their
helicopter. That's why he shot him when he saw him
holding that gun. (Griffey now crying) He thought we were going to get shot. Trisha is now crying...all the others are still staring
at Griffey, some of them developing new tears... Scout approaches, holding out her cell phone, with a
picture of Troy... SCOUT Is this who he shot? Griffey shakes his head. GRIFFEY No, but... SCOUT What? It's okay... GRIFFEY He was in the street (motioning
to Trisha), after her sister got hit. Trisha weeping even more, at the thought. Scout changes
picture, to Jagger. SCOUT Was it him? Griffey looks, and slowly nods... Leo stands, shaking his
head and closing eyes... He opens eyes, looks at Griffey, and walks away. LEO (while walking
away) About time you opened your damn mouth... Cut
to Zane, teary-eyed, but smiling. He's looking at Kate's grave. ZANE And Christmases, I'll always
remember Christmases with you. Those nights staying
up late, trying to catch Santa... I never got
anything for Christmas, as good as those memories...that I
got from you... He turns and faces Troy, Angela, and Baby Baker's graves.
His smile fading to a frown... ZANE A family that never gets to be
(tearing up again, emotional)... I couldn't wait
to meet you, Baby Baker... I'm just so sorry, it
has to wait... I have some people in this life,
who're depending on me...but someday...someday
we'll meet... He looks from Baby Baker, to Angela. ZANE Thank you, Angela, for making
my brother so happy. Thank you for making me an
uncle. (begins weeping uncontrollably) I'm so sorry
I'll never see you holding my nephew, in your loving arms.
I can see it right now... Weeping, as he turns to Troy's grave, still weeping, and
sobbing through his words... ZANE You were going to be such a
great father...a baby boy...another beautiful
addition to this family... (he begins calming his
emotions)... Sand Series Champions, baby. (emotions
flaring again) We had so much fun that day!...
(emotions under control again) We'll play again,
someday, brother... He takes a deep breath...a step or two, then looks at
Mary's grave... ZANE You were a b***h, a terrible
stepmom, and helped make my dad the sob he is
today. He moves over, kisses his hand, and touches his grandmother's
grave marker... ZANE I miss you, Grandma... I'm so
glad you aren't here to see this...(looking upward
as he walks away) and are up there instead,
holding those, whom I just said goodbye to... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. UPS HUB - DAY Sam and the others placing items inside a UPS delivery
truck (a ton of trucks lined up together), as suddenly loud music can be heard.
It's "Queen - We Will Rock You". DJ grabs his gun, Eli his bat. They all watch as some
strange-looking guy (bandanna over his face and head), with a radio, comes
marching around the corner, actually dancing/shaking to the tunes... DJ What the... The guy suddenly puts radio down, and slides it as far as
he can, toward DJ and others. Then he runs up a set of stairs, onto some
equipment, and climbing on top of a delivery truck. DJ I think I know that guy. Suddenly, a ton of huffs begin coming around the corner.
Sandy begins barking. DJ and others begin to gather what they need. The guy on
the delivery truck, begins leaping from truck to truck. DJ begins leading
others, away from huffs. DJ TODD! The
man stops, looks at DJ. He suddenly looks remorseful, but with the huffs
swarming the area, he's forced to hop onto a different staircase, and head
away, to the upper floor. DJ
leads others, onto a conveyor belt, and under some slides, as the huffs follow
from the corridor. They all begin climbing over and under belts, chutes, and
slides. It looks like a real-life "chutes and ladders" game. They
come to a corner with only one real option for retreat. DJ opens a staircase
door, but only a few inches, as it's barricaded on the other side. He begins
working hard to open the door. Eli puts down his bat, and begins helping. The
huffs are closing in on them. Sandy is barking. Sam holds Bailey, in his
carrier, as she, Renee, and Marlana, become panicked. Marlana begins pushing on
the door, with them. They get it just enough, for everyone to begin squeezing
through. DJ
is the last one, and he barely makes it, while keeping his back and pressure on
the door, as the huffs work to get inside (swinging door). There is no way up
the staircase, as it's blocked with packages, some very big and heavy. Eli
goes into beast mode, and begins moving all the packages. Sam and Renee stay
back in the corner, while Marlana helps move packages against door, taking
pressure off DJ, to keep the door closed. He still has to secure it, while Eli
goes completely savage, using everything he has, to move heavy package after
heavy package. Marlana
helps keep a path cleared. DJ is struggling to keep door closed. Sam hands
carrier to Renee, and runs to door, helping DJ. Eli is sweaty and grunting, as
he keeps working hard. Suddenly, he can see someone else, working hard from the
other side. He stops for a moment, looking. It's Todd! He's clearing a path
from the other side. He breaks through, and looks right at DJ. TODD Come on! DJ Alright Sam, Renee, get up there! Marlana
helps Renee, Sandy, and Sam get through. Then Eli goes. DJ takes a deep breath,
and goes for it, while tossing the packages back over the path. He makes it
through, with help from Todd's hand. Then they both work, to throw more
packages over the pathway, blocking the huffs from coming up... Dissolve
to the upper level, where DJ and all the others are safe, and catching their
breath (sunroofs/lanterns, providing light). DJ looks right at Todd (bandanna
off face), who stares right back at him… TODD I'm sorry. This is my
house...and I thought you were a threat. I don't remember
your name, but you worked here. DJ DJ…I worked with you up here,
inducting, during last peak season. MARLANA Sorry to interrupt, but do we
know for sure that all those things can't get up
there? TODD I can get them in or out of the
building, whenever I need to, but no, they can't
bother us, up here. DJ So, what? You just been here
since it all happened? Came to work, and never made it
home? Todd stares off, in thought... TODD I was listening to the news,
while working. I heard all the wild stories and
theories, flying around. That's why I knew when I heard the
evacuation alarm, that they were shutting everything
down... I live alone, in a dangerous neighborhood as it
was, (shrugging) and figured I'd be much safer
here... DJ Makes sense... I hope you don't
mind company for at least one night. All we
really want, when we leave, is a few supplies, and one of
the trucks. TODD You can stay as long as you
like. I wouldn't trust a delivery truck to keep you too
safe out there, though. I made friends with the
walkers, just to help keep all the people away. Lot of trouble
out there. SAM You call them walkers? TODD Figured it was either that, or
biters. Which one do you like? ELI We call them huffs. Todd a weird smirk... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. COMPOUND GARAGE - DAY Zane, Leo, Mason, Scout, Dakota, Chasin and Rich (Mason's
boys), Wyatt and Gunner (Hunter's boys), along with five other people, all
inside a huge underground garage, with over a half dozen hummers and other
vehicles, including bikes and four wheelers. There are supplies, everywhere. They are all wearing bulletproof vests, packing guns and
supplies, and loading up 3 of the hummers. They are all quiet, and somber... Leo looks over a bottle off pills, and swallows one… RICH (to Dakota) How you holding up? DAKOTA (shaking head) How do I answer that?... For
the last twenty-four hours, or so, all I can think
or feel, is that I need to be in three places at once.
I need to go find this person, or go help that person.
Which person is more important to me? Where do
I even look for that person? Would this person
still be alive, if I had gone there first? Would
that person not be missing, if I'd gone for her...
(still shaking head) Rich places a comforting hand over her shoulder... Hunter and his wife (April, 34) enter garage, approaching
the group. They all begin to somewhat huddle up, and simply stare at Hunter... HUNTER I love you all... Now go get my
brothers and their children, and bring them home,
where they belong... They all break for the 3 hummers, grabbing their final supplies as they climb inside. Zane shares one last hug with Hunter, before climbing in, as engines start. They drive forward, up a ramp, with doors open, as they drive up and out onto Baker Lane, heading toward the corridor, in between all the trees/brush… Dissolve to the hummers driving through the brushy
corridor, in between the opening of the compound, and the gates. Those gates
are now opening, as they drive through, and it closes behind them. They drive
straight ahead, over the grassy road and through the field, before entering the
woods… Dissolve to all 3 hummers leaving the back-road, onto
main highway (highway 6), turning east. The road seems very open and clear of
other vehicles, other than a couple stranded ones, off to side of road... All their faces remain somber, and they remain quiet, not
a word between them, in any of the 3 vehicles... Dissolve to all 3 hummers coming to a stop, in middle of
road. Road blocked ahead, by army vehicles, and there is a wild shootout,
between soldiers and unseen people, off to the left, behind a small market and
creek (Gales Creek). Leo is in lead vehicle, with Mason in passenger seat. LEO What the s**t is this? MASON Who are they firing at? The
dead? Zane (Scout in passenger seat) pulls his hummer up
alongside Leo's, as guy (Jason) comes over radio (in Mason's hand). JASON What the hell's going on, up
there?! MASON (into radio) US Army's involved in some sort
of shootout. ZANE (from window) What are we doing? LEO (window) Breaking this little party up. Leo revving engine. MASON (into radio) We're going through it! Leo drives forward, right for the soldiers and their
vehicles, in the road. Zane follows, as does the other hummer. The soldiers
turn, briefly open fire before jumping out of road. They ram the army vehicles,
moving them, and clearing a path. The soldiers want to fire on them, but are forced
to watch their backs, from other shooters. Leo aggressively drives through, and speeds ahead. Zane
is driving though, with a look at a large group of men, in prisoner jumpsuits,
putting heavy fire onto the soldiers. Zane with a grimace, as he slams on
breaks, almost hit from hummer behind him. ZANE (looking at Scout) We have to help! Dakota, Wyatt, and Rich in back seats are all grabbing
guns, as Leo comes over radio. LEO (over radio) Zane, what the hell are you
doing?! ZANE (into radio) They're going to die because of
us! Everyone gear up, and supply these guys some
backup! LEO (over radio) NOOO!!! Zane and everyone in the back hummer (except the doctor,
Shelby), climbing out and opening fire on prisoners, who were on the advance,
but now take immediate cover. They begin firing back... Leo, Mason, Gunner, and Chasin all arrive, placing heavy
fire on the prisoners. The soldiers become more aggressive, and the prisoners
are forced to begin retreating, into the woods... The soldiers begin going after them, but Zane and his
people, hold back... SOLDIER (yelling back at
Zane) Come on! We need your help! ZANE This isn't our fight! We just
saved your lives. Now get out of here, like we
are! Zane and them turn to leave, as soldiers continue on. LEO You could have gotten some of
us killed! For this?!
And you call yourself a leader?! ZANE Shut your mouth and go! Zane climbs in, starting engine. He drives off, followed
by the other one, and taking lead over Leo, who has yet to return to his
vehicle... Dissolve to hummers coming to end of highway 6. There is
a huge car crash/pile up on opposite side of road (right at intersection onto
highway, blocking any traffic from entering). There are tons of vehicles stuck
off the road, who clearly had tried to drive off-road, to reach the other
highway. They enter onto Highway 26, clear of traffic on their
side, but other side is completely congested with abandoned vehicles, and tons
that are stuck in the fields, off from the road. Zane and everyone in his
vehicle, look out at it all... LEO (over radio) Was it like this yesterday? SCOUT (into radio) Not like this...plus there were people...(off radio, talking to Zane) Where'd all the people go? ZANE (mumbling) For the hills… Zane
just looking all around...then motions outward. A family of people rest in the
shade, under a bridge. As they drive further, they see more and more stranded
people/families/groups, resting or traveling, on foot. Some with pets, small
children, and whatever they can carry. Some
of them are out in the farm fields, hiking. Some people remain in their cars.
Eventually, they come across remains of dead people. Then they see no one
around, before eventually passing a few huffs, who walk in between the cars, on
other side of road... Rich
is carefully looking at all the cars, as is Dakota...Rich looks her way. RICH You thinking same thing as me? DAKOTA Dam right, I am... They keep watching, in silence… Shelby, Jason, and the other 3 (Porter, Colton, and
Weston), all looking out and around... Leo and his crew, all looking out and around... Rich and Dakota, still watching the cars carefully...
Suddenly, Rich notices something. RICH Wait... (freaking out) STOP! Dakota staring at Rich, with hope in her face. He climbs
outside, and points, as Dakota climbs out. RICH Is that... Dakota staring in direction he's pointing. She suddenly
begins freaking out and immediately running that direction. Her POV of a woman climbing out of a black SUV, who
eventually begins freaking out, herself. Everyone else is piling out of the hummers, watching,
except Rich, who is not far behind Dakota, trotting her way... Dakota approaches, as a man (Brody), a teen boy (Kyle),
and a preteen boy (Ethan), all climb out of SUV, as the woman (Cleo, 20) begins
running toward Dakota. They meet and immediately fall into one another's
arms... Rich soon arrives and splits them up, demanding his own
hug. CLEO (hugging Rich) I knew you guys would come,
that's why we waited! They come out of hug, and Cleo locks eyes with Dakota,
both smiling from ear to ear. They embrace again, this time at the lips,
sharing a kiss while Rich smiles and watches, along with Cleo's dad and
brothers, and everyone at the hummers... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. UPS HUB - DAY "Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl", blasting on
radio, from back of opened up UPS delivery truck, as it drives into hub. Once
inside, DJ closes hub door, with huffs all outside, approaching... Todd jumps out of delivery truck. Eli picks up his bat,
that he had lost, and talking to it. ELI Hey baby, I promise not to lose
you again. Sandy is barking, in a playful way. Todd shuts off the
radio... Dissolve to Todd untying a rope/lock on a door, opening
it, leading to a staircase. He and the others begin walking through, all
carrying supplies. TODD I keep this one locked from the
outside, so that walkers, or huffs, can't
get themselves inside. (rope hanging from inside knob,
Todd begins tying) I keep it locked from
this side, just in case anyone gets inside, like you
guys did. This way I have a route, to pull my
supplies up with. Todd and them arriving up to top level, placing down
supplies, in the area where Todd has his bedding and living area. He actually
has a bed, blankets, and pillows. He has paintings and pictures hung up, or
placed against the wall/machinery. There’s a closet, with clothes hung up
inside. There’s a table, and chairs. There were random family photos on the
table. There was a shelf, with plenty of food. Eli notices several bats,
leaning up near Todd's bed. He goes for them. DJ You lugged a bed up here? Eli grabbing one of the bats, reading what it says, on
the barrel. ELI UPS delivery stick, nice!
(begins swinging) You're totally going to let me keep
this, right? TODD Most things weren't too
difficult getting up here. The bed was a two-man job
though, and since I didn't have two men, it was a
two-day job...but, it's home. MARLANA It's very...cozy. SAM (looking around) You're surviving like we
did...above the dead... Dissolve to Bailey in litter box, cleaning up after
himself, then zipping back over to his carrier, as Todd, DJ, and Eli arrive,
with more supplies. Marlana, Sam, and Renee all work at organizing stuff. They
all have sleeping area's now, with more food, and some alcohol... DJ So, Sam, if it's okay with you,
we're thinking we'll take Todd up on his offer to
stay a few days. I know you're in a hurry. SAM Tonight, and tomorrow
night...we leave first thing the following day. Everyone just kind of staring at Sam...Todd with a
growing smile... TODD I like her... Dissolve to everyone eating/laughing. Todd, DJ, and
Marlana all have some alcohol. ELI Come on, it's the apocalypse.
Thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to
drink. TODD Give the kid his first taste. DJ looks to Marlana, who smiles and nods. DJ grabs bottle
and pours some wine into a glass, handing to Eli. He sniffs, and takes a sip.
He follows it up by downing the rest of the glass, with a few laughs. Sam looks at DJ, who looks back at her. DJ Don't even think about it! Few more laughs... SAM That's not fair! (looking at
Renee) Help me out here, Renee. RENEE (shaking head) Not happening. Smells gross. DJ staring at Todd... DJ So...you were pretty loony back
when I worked with you, inducting. (Todd
smiling) Getting any worse, now that you're all
alone, here? (DJ smiling) Few laughs… Dissolve to DJ flashing back to a time where he and Todd
were working, right there, inducting small packages onto a moving tray. Other
people were doing the same thing, and it was fairly noisy, with all the
machinery and belts running. They had big chutes, dropping TONS of small packages at
them, as they inducted them onto the moving trays. DJ is just arriving, and
climbing up and into his pit, next to the pit that Todd worked inside of. There
is a guy on the other side of DJ, as well, along with workers on opposite side
of the trays. DJ is taking off his jacket, and preparing himself to work. RANDOM GUY (inducting
packages) What's up, DJ? DJ Nothing, man. Just dying to get
this day over with, and go get my grub on,
tomorrow. RANDOM GUY I can already smell turkey! ANOTHER GUY (inducting
packages) I’ve been starving myself all
week, just to go crazy tomorrow! Stuffing and leftover
turkey sandwiches! DJ looks at both guys, and mimics "Ross" from
friends. DJ Myyyy sandwich, MYYYY sandwich! Those guys laughing. GIRL (inducting
packages) Just sucks not having the
four-day weekend, anymore, thanks to all the new volume.
GUY You know the new rule, too,
right? Don't show up Friday, and you’re out holiday
pay for Thursday. DJ Yeah, they were announcing it
at PCM... Gotta’ love peak season... They all stare at Todd, who suddenly begins singing,
loudly. They just watch and listen. TODD “I used to love this weekend,
going out of town, But not this year, not while
working for Brown, For this reason, I'm not
feeling very forgiving, as I show up to work, and learn
we have to be here the day after Thanksgiving!” Everyone had been watching him with skeptical
expressions, but all laughing after his last rhyme... Dissolve to Sam and all of them laughing, as DJ tells
that story... TODD My favorite was (mimicking
"We Will Rock You), "We will, we will, induct
you!" Some laughs, as Sam is sneaking a drink of DJ's glass,
that he left on table... Todd is staring at Sandy... TODD You guys should leave me the
dog. Everyone quiets, and stares from Todd, to the dog... RENEE What? TODD The dog, you should let me keep
her. You guys mentioned having to probably
hike the last forty or fifty miles. Her barking
could be a problem for you. I've already seen years
worth of dog food here, there's probably even
more... Renee nervously looking from Todd, to DJ, who ponders
Todd's thought, with a look back at Renee... Dissolve to Renee with tears, standing with DJ in the
sort aisle (on steel catwalk, above a ton of slides, chutes, pits, and
ladders)... DJ She would be happy here, and
safe. With us, she's a liability. That means she
could put us in danger. RENEE But she saved us, and found us.
She's meant to be with us. DJ If we have to hide, from huffs
or dangerous people, she could get us
caught. RENEE Or save us! DJ thinking, as Renee leans on railing, staring
downward... DJ You heard Todd say himself,
he'd come to the compound, if we came back for
him. Which is very likely, because there's a
ton of supplies here worth coming for. That
would be a much safer way of getting Sandy
there... Renee continues looking downward, dropping tears... Suddenly, a gunshot is fired, echoing through the hub, as
the shot just misses Renee. DJ in shock, but grabbing Renee as they run along the
catwalk, around corner and heading over toward the induct area, where Todd and
them come running to look... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK EXT. HIGHWAY ROAD (outside the city, Clackamas County) -
EVENING All 3 hummers driving along, everything is smooth and
quiet, just some random vehicles here and there, off side of road... The lead hummer turns onto back road, driving along a
river, with random homes here and there. They come to a home, and pull into
parking area. They all pull onto lawn, driving over toward brush, parking
inside the brush (to hide vehicles). Zane climbs out of the lead hummer,
stretching. Everyone else is climbing out. SCOUT Fish and I used to love staying
here. It's what inspired the cabin he has now. ZANE Which is where we should have
been crashing tonight. SCOUT We'll be there tomorrow.
Getting Cleo's family back to the main highway, didn't
even slow us down much. We would have had to call it a
day here, anyhow. Taking this longer route was a
good call, roads are way more open than the main one. ZANE I just hope there are no more
delays... Many heading toward large house, as Leo is at front door,
unlocking and opening up. Dakota and Cleo walk toward the shoreline of the river
(smaller river with rocks you can use to cross it). CLEO So cool that you guys even have
a road doctor, let alone compound docs, and
even surgeons. They both begin walking out on the rocks, looking around
at all the beauty. Cleo glances back toward the house, at Shelby, who's
entering inside. CLEO And the road doc, (shaking her
head) makes me wish I was hurting! Dakota throwing her a frisky smile. CLEO That’s what you get, for trying
to talk me into going back to the compound, and let
you come out here without me. DAKOTA I can't believe you let me
spend the first twenty-four hours of the apocalypse, wondering
if I'd ever see you again! CLEO (smiling) It was worth it, just to hear
you say that right now. I like to be worried about. They come to the same rock, embrace, and kiss... CLEO (coming out of
kiss) Yep...world hasn't changed that
much. Still feel safe whenever you do that. Cleo becoming serious, looking Dakota in the eyes, and
grabs her face/chin... CLEO I'm so sorry about your
family...you are so incredibly strong. Dakota becoming teary-eyed, and leaning back in for
another kiss... Rich smiling from the porch, as he watches Cleo and
Dakota. Then he looks over at Zane and Scout, who are walking along the river,
when they suddenly begin reaching for their guns. Rich yells inside. RICH Something's happening! Rich begins running toward Zane and Scout, as others come
running out of house. Cleo and Dakota leap (skillfully) from rock to rock, to
reach shoreline, and run toward Zane and Scout... Scout aims her gun, as Zane places his hand over it. ZANE Save your ammo... Scout and Zane just staring out into river. Rich arrives,
also looking, then everyone else begins arriving, stopping and staring into
river... Their POV of about a dozen huffs, in the shallow river,
struggling to rise or walk, as they slip and fall on the slippery rocks, every
time they make it to their feet. It's almost comical. They simply cannot crawl
or walk their way out of the river... They are all army soldiers, with gunshot wounds. One of
them is close to the shoreline, as Leo approaches it, and sticks a knife in its
skull. Everyone staring at him. LEO It's as easy as that. Just don't let em' bite you. Learn to take em' out without wasting ammo... Leo
looks at everyone... LEO Go ahead, get yourself some
practice... Zane
and others, pulling out fancy wooden spears, and stepping onto rocks, into
river toward the "stuck" huffs. Most of the huffs are still stuck,
trying to rise or crawl, while others have drifted downriver, a bit. Zane is
the first to reach one, and stick it in the skull, with his spear. Porter
sticks one, then Scout, followed by Dakota, with a look from Cleo. CLEO This is why I love your family. Cleo hovers over a stuck huff, gingerly using her spear
to jab at his skull, as both Rich and Wyatt easily kill off a couple more huffs. CLEO You're taking these things out
like you've been doing it your entire
lives! Cleo still jabbing at it... CLEO I mean, I'm trying my best not
to be such a woman, here, but...a day ago or so,
there was no such thing as living dead people. Finally she sticks her spear through its head, with a
cringe... CLEO I'm cringing, but...I kinda’
enjoyed that. Mason, Gunner, Chasin, Porter, and Colton all jab spears
into remaining huffs... DISSOLVE TO: NIGHT INT. HOUSE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Everyone camped out inside, with lanterns on. SCOUT We need to keep someone awake,
around the clock. Whoever took those soldiers out
(shaking head)... not someone we want problems
with. LEO Whoever they are, would do well
for themselves to not have problems with us. Dissolve to Cleo and Rich stepping outside, onto the
porch, to keep guard, with guns and spears. RICH You should be getting some
sleep. CLEO (putting on bullet
proof vest) I can sleep once we're at the
compound...I wanna’ spend time with my best friend. Suddenly, a gunshot goes off, nailing Rich (who was
holding his vest) in the chest, dropping him, as Cleo screams. CLEO RICH! She takes cover and looks, as a man is approaching. Zane
comes charging out door, looking ahead, then down at Rich, going down to him,
as Leo (Mason and others, right behind) charges out and down porch, running and
firing at the man, who is now retreating. Mason stops, realizing his boy has
been shot, and races to his side. ZANE SHELBY!!! Cleo coming to Zane and Rich. Leo fires and hits the
gunman, who goes down. Shelby comes out onto porch, immediately supplying aid to
Rich. SHELBY We need to get him inside! Leo arriving at dead person, revealing he's dead, then
sticking spear in his head... He takes notice of a walkie talkie, next to the body... DISSOLVE TO: INT. HOUSE LIVING ROOM - MORNING Everyone awake, looking grim/somber. Dakota and Cleo next
to each other, with tear-dried faces... Shelby comes out of back room, everyone looking at her,
Mason coming right to her... SHELBY He has a chance...but we can't
move him. He has to improve, and become somewhat
stable, before we move him, straight back to
the compound. ZANE How long could that be? SHELBY Week...two... Zane just shaking his head... LEO We...we have to split up. Half
of us stay here, the other half goes for the
cabin. Zane still shaking head. ZANE That guy out there is not
working alone. (holding radio) They already know he's
missing. They killed at least a dozen soldiers. We
split up, and whoever stays here, is likely dead. LEO Fine, then we go after these
guys, take the party to them, get this crap over
with, and go get my little brothers. Zane again shaking head... ZANE Fine...but slow down, Dad.
Think... LEO What I think,
is I've already lost enough family! We need to get to that cabin! ZANE And we need to be smart! Or
these people can hurt us! You just said it, Dad.
We've lost enough! Leo looking at Zane... LEO You're right...let's put our
heads together... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. UPS HUB (smalls area) - DAY DJ and Renee arriving to Todd and others, near his
sleeping area, as they all look out toward the creepy sort aisle (dark, looks
like a maze of ladders and passageways, with chutes, conveyor belts and ladders
underneath. DJ How the hell did someone else
get in here?! TODD You said you had some people
after you! DJ And what...they got into the
yard while the huffs were inside, then forced their
way in, once we let them back out? TODD (shrugging) Makes sense to me. DJ thinking, then sharing a look with Todd... DISSOLVE TO: INT. UPS HUB (lower level) - DAY Todd carefully sneaking down off a chute, onto a covered
area. He climbs over a railing, onto some steps, and runs down and over to a
delivery truck. He quietly opens up the back. A radio sits inside. He turns it
on, full blast. "M.I.A. - Paper Planes" is playing over radio
(at part that mentions "packed and delivered, like a UPS truck). Todd runs
over to the truck door, opening it up, and running back the way he came... Huffs quickly begin filling the hub/building… Dissolve to 3 panicked men running down UPS corridor,
when suddenly DJ rises from inside a chute/slide, and Eli rises from one of his
own. Both of them immediately firing on the men. Killing them all... Cut to 3 more men, also in hurry to save themselves.
Suddenly, a delivery truck starts up, and pulls out, blocking their path,
trapping them, as the huffs close in on them. They begin screaming, as Todd
shuts off engine, and climbs up on top. He hops on to the next one over, and
the one after that, eventually coming to a set of stairs, that he climbs up to,
and disappears... Cut to both DJ and Eli, hiding down inside chutes/slides,
as huffs walk all around and below them. Todd comes in over the radio. TODD (over radio) I think we got them all... Both DJ and Eli rising, looking around... ELI How do we know for sure? DJ I don't think there was more
than six of them, in the kayaks we saw earlier this morning,
or before we got followed over here.
(into radio) Agreed, but why not just leave our allies
here, inside for a while? DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK EXT. RIVER SHORELINE - DAY Zane, Scout, Dakota, Wyatt, and Weston (all in vests and
carrying machine guns) are all hiking along the river shoreline. They enter
river, using rocks to step on, as they get further downriver... Once they get around the corner, they come to a spot, not
far from the road. They leave shoreline, into the brush. Zane pulls out radio. ZANE (into radio) I see something in the
road...looks like army vehicles. Could be where it all went
down. LEO (over radio) I see it...looks clear. Go
ahead and check it out. We'll hold back and cover... Zane cautiously leading everyone out near the road,
looking over the vehicles. There are several more bodies (head wounds), and
blood everywhere... SCOUT Jesus... ZANE Whoever did this...has some
serious firepower... Zane begins walking up road, speaking into radio. ZANE (into radio) Four more bodies. These guys
were taken out by someone with some serious
firepower… I'm continuing up road. Will head
back to the shoreline and play it safe. You
guys keep up and stay out of sight. LEO (over radio) Rodger that. Leo is on other side of road, leading Mason, Gunner,
Chasin, and Porter, through the brush. They're all wearing vest and carrying
machine guns. Jason is heard over radio. JASON (over radio) Everything quiet, here... Everyone going along, in silence... ZANE (over radio) We have vehicles coming! Leo and everyone freeze, and get down, while watching the
road... First, they can hear the sound of several vehicles,
before watching one after another go by. It looks like an army of gangsters. 7
large SUV's, full of them... LEO (into radio) Get back to the house, now! Dissolve to all 7 of the gangster SUV's parked in road,
in front of the house. Over forty men, armed and staring at the house, and
Jason, who lays at doorway, behind a 50-cal riffle... Now Zane and his group coming from the shoreline, all
pointing their guns toward the road, and coming to a stop, in the yard. The
gangsters pointing guns back at them... Now Leo and his group coming from brush, back behind the
gangsters, pointing guns right at them. Gangsters turn and aim at them... Now Colton, Cleo, and Shelby aim guns from cabin
door/windows... It's a complete standoff... Everyone looking amongst one another, without a single
word... Eventually, the lead gangster, lowers his gun and climbs
into vehicle. The rest of his men do the same, and they drive away... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. UPS HUB (lower level) - NIGHT Bay door is open, and a fire is burning in a firepot/pit,
on the dock, next to the bay door. Huffs are down below, outside the door. Sam,
Renee, Eli, and Todd are roasting marshmallows. DJ and Marlana are down below,
spreading chocolate on gram crackers. Eli pulls his marshmallow away, as it catches fire. He
blows it out, and flicks it out at the huffs. They ignore it... ELI Oh, come on guys. It's
delicious, better than what you normally go for. Sam and Renee handing marshmallows to Marlana, who puts
them on the chocolate gram crackers. DJ (talking to
Marlana) So...what did Marlana do before
all this? She smiles at him... MARLANA Guess... DJ Oh crap, guess I walked myself
into that one. Umm, let's see...(staring at
her)... A therapist? Physical therapist? MARLANA Close enough... Guidance
counselor, at Wilson High School... What about you? I've
read a lot of bulletin board information here,
claiming the school benefits are great. Do you take any
classes? DJ I wanted to. But I worked the
night shift, and my mom worked afternoons and
evenings. Which only left mornings for sleep. MARLANA Did you have to stay with
Renee? DJ I didn't have to...but it was
either that…or Dad... Marlana
just staring at him... MARLANA Quite the big brother, aren't
you? (speaking quietly) Can I ask something, personal? DJ Yes, I'm gay... Marlana surprised, and staring at him... MARLANA How'd you know that's what I
was going to ask? DJ How'd you'd know it was safe
enough to ask? MARLANA Touché... DJ begins eating a smores, while handing one to Sam and
Renee, as they climb down off the dock. Marlana hands one to Todd and Eli, as
they climb down from the other side... Dissolve to Todd in his bed, as Sandy leaps up there with
him. Sam and all the others, tucking themselves inside their beds. Sam helping
Bailey get comfortable in her sleeping space. Renee looks over at Sandy. Eli
brings his delivery stick into bed with him. Sam begins looking out toward the
dark sort aisle. A couple lanterns are still on... SAM It's creepy up here, at
night... Todd shuts off his lantern (only one remains on). RENEE I know! ELI I know I’ve been Mr. Tough Guy,
lately, but anyone turn off that last lantern, and
I'll scream like a girl! Sam and Renee both laugh... DJ Perfect setting for a killer
ghost story...if it wasn't for the real-life one,
outside... Silence... TODD My uncle told a great ghost
story once... Silence... Sam and Renee share a funny look... ELI Annnddd? Sam and Renee laughing... TODD Oh, I don't remember it, I just
remember him telling it. ELI What the?! Sam, Renee, and Marlana laughing... ELI Is that why you're so crazy?
That ghost story messed you up, or something?
(laughter) Give you scars? (more laughs) It actually
explains a lot. TODD I'm not the one screaming like
a girl, if the final lantern goes out. Sam and Renee laughing... DJ He's got you there. ELI Oh, you mean he can actually
remember me saying that? ‘Cause I would have
thought he’d forgotten, by now. Everyone laughing... TODD Ouch...crazy people have
feelings, too...and when hurt, they sometimes make you
better understand just how much, by holding a
knife to your throat while you sleep...(some gasps)
There's always medication, but I've always
preferred knives… ELI Man, what the... One lantern
isn't enough anymore! I want lights on his a*s at all
times! DJ Whooaaa, Todd, that's uhh...kind of thing that makes me feel safer sleeping outside, with a yard full of hungry ugly freaky fackers'! Sam,
Eli, and Renee laughing... SAM You can say the word, in front
of me, my cousins cuss like sailors! DJ It's not you I'm worried about,
it's Todd. He's too immature for those kind of
words. Sam and Renee laughing... TODD My uncle told me a bad word
once... Silence...with a quick chuckle from Renee, trying to hold
it in... ELI OH GREAT, here we go again!
I'll ask anyhow. Annnddd? Everyone laughing... TODD I don't remember the word, I
just remember him saying it. Sam and Renee cracking up, as is Marlana… ELI Oh my God! DJ, I'm scared!
(Sam/Renee laughing) More lights, please! Suddenly, the last light goes out, and true to his word,
Eli screams like a girl, which echoes into the sort aisle, and through the
entire hub, followed by extreme laughter from the girls and everyone else... Dissolve to morning, with Eli in bed, waking before all
the others. He stretches, and rises. He hears a noise, and walks over to the
other work area, and down a large set of steps, where a huff is on the other
side of the barricade. ELI How the hell did you get in
here? Suddenly, the huff begins moving parts of the barricade.
It simply picks items up, chucking them below. And a ton more huffs are quickly
coming up the steps. Eli watches in shock, then scared shitless, by DJ, from
behind, who is rushing to stop the huffs. ELI These ones are different! DJ They’re evolving! Suddenly all the huffs simply crawl over the barricade
and are rushing like the zombies from World War Z, and jump right on top of
both DJ and Eli. Cut to Eli in bed (still dark), waking up from the dream,
and quickly looking all around. He sees everyone in bed, and goes back to
sleep… DISSOLVE TO: INT. UPS HUB (lower level) - DAY DJ opening UPS door, letting one huff inside, as door
closes behind it. DJ runs away, as Eli steps forward, with the delivery stick
in his hand. He pushes the huff away. ELI See how stupid they are, just
avoiding the mouth is the key, and then... Eli steps forward and smashes its head in. ELI The head is the kill shot... TODD You uh...make it look so
easy... Eli hands bat to Sam, as Marlana and DJ drag the huff
away... ELI You ready for this? SAM I'm a Baker, you better believe
I am. DJ opens door, letting another inside. DJ runs behind
Sam, who holds the bat. The huff approaches. Sam pushes herself to become
aggressive, and lunges forward. DJ looks nervous, but Sam takes one mighty
swing, nailing it in the head. It wasn't hard enough, and Sam becomes panicked, but then
instantly a spear goes into its head, by the hands of DJ... Sam gets frustrated, swinging the bat down at the dead
huff. SAM Damn it! I hit like a girl! Todd shrugging. TODD That's more than I could have
done. RENEE Me too. SAM AGAIN! DJ and Eli dragging huff into corner, opening door. They
both run from huff, as Sam charges it. Again, DJ becomes nervous. Sam takes
total control though, and nails the huff with a mighty blow to the skull,
killing him... Dissolve to DJ opening door, allowing in a huff, and
running from it. This time it's Marlana, who holds the bat nervously, waiting
for the huff to arrive. As it does, she decides to push it away from her. DJ You okay? MARLANA Yes…just getting a feel for it. She pushes it back one more time, then prepares to swing
the bat. She finds her moment, and slugs it right in the head, dropping him
instantly. DJ Nice! Dissolve to DJ opening door again, allowing inside
another huff, and running from it. He steps right behind Renee, who holds the
bat. DJ You got this, Renee! I’ll get
it, if anything goes wrong! She holds the bat, tightly. She swings hard, but only
hits the chest. DJ pushes it back with his spear. DJ Swing again! She does, and nails it! It's still alive, and DJ gives it
the kill shot, just like he did for Sam. DJ That was great, Renee! It
wasn't quite hard enough, but you got his head! Dissolve to DJ looking at Renee, who is ready, as he
opens the door, allowing in another, but right behind it, is a small child
huff, who also gets inside. He's maybe 2 or 3, and so small that he comes at
you faster, like a baby, not used to walking. It looks like a Chucky doll!
Renee screams, as does Sam! Like a baby, the tiny huff falls, before rising, as DJ
quickly kills the bigger one, with his spear. The smaller one is already past
him. Eli comes for it, blasting it with his bat, as its body parts go
splattering all over the place, and all over DJ... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. HOUSE BEDROOM - DAY Shelby aiding Rich. Day turns to night, night to day, and
so on, several times, as Shelby continues to aid him, while he just sleeps... Outside, they work on constructing a barricade, around
the front of the house, and most of the side. Zane continues to check on Rich,
and chat with Shelby. The days go by...Rich continues to sleep, and Shelby
continues to work on him... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. WOODS - DAY A deer peacefully standing in the woods. It is suddenly
struck with an arrow. Dakota proudly approaches the deer, while carrying a
crossbow... Cut to a rabbit, peacefully moving around in the woods,
then becoming still. Suddenly, it's struck by an arrow, and dies. Leo walks
toward it, carrying a crossbow, and a ton of other rabbits. Both Gunner and
Chasin (also carrying crossbows), follow behind... Cut to Dakota carrying her deer, with Cleo and Scout
(carrying crossbows). They're walking into the yard of the house they're
staying at. The entire yard is now barricaded, with fencing, logs, debris, and
whatever they could find. The hummers are parked up front, near the porch.
Jason and Porter are standing guard there... Dissolve to night, with a fire burning, as they cook the
deer meat. Most of them are outside, around the fire. Gunner and Chasin are
guarding at the porch. Shelby is inside, changing rags on Rich... Zane is staring off, into the fire, shaking his head... ZANE Almost two weeks now...I keep
finding ways to let my family down. I just keep
picturing Samantha, whatever their
situation is, and all her disappointed in me... SCOUT I know what you mean...and
their situation...what if they got stuck somewhere
else...and they're just not there anymore... Where do
we go from there? Zane shaking head... ZANE We just weren't prepared...even
though that’s exactly what we always
thought we were. Zane staring off into the fire... Silence... LEO Hunter wasn't
prepared, for it... ZANE (sarcastically) What...you saying you
would have been? You had the dead people turning into
the walking dead, on your list of things to be
ready for? LEO I had the unexpected on the
list, you little smartass. With the right resources and
authority, I would have had things under much better
control than our current situation...than the
current situation of Fish and Vincent’s families…of your
siblings, and my wife... Silence... CLEO I like walking dead… I say we
call em’ the walking dead. Dakota hiding a smile, everyone else silent... CLEO What...better than just calling em' the dead... More
silence... LEO I'm done with this s**t... Everyone staring at Leo, he looks up, and stares at
Zane... LEO You want to see a true leader,
do his thing? (looking around at all the others) I
don't care how outnumbered we are...we're
smarter, more prepared… more hungry, and led (looking
right at Zane) by two amazing leaders... We’re taking
these mother gangsters out, first thing in the
morning! Half of them nodding, half of them just staring... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. BACK ROAD �" MORNING Jason and Porter, creeping up toward a privately secured gate. They use their machine guns to break it open. They run inside, and disappear into the woods/brush... Everything is silent for a while... Eventually, you can hear vehicles coming. 8 SUV's come
tearing down the road. They come to the gate, stopping in between it. Suddenly,
one of the hummers comes around corner, stopping, as Colton pops up top,
securing the 50-cal, opening fire on all the SUV's. Zane and half the others, coming from brush on one side
of the road, while Leo and the other half come from brush on other side. They
all open fire on the SUV's. Jason and Porter come out from brush, behind the
SUV's, opening fire. The gangsters all climb out of SUV's, either being hit
instantly, or returning fire. Most of them are being killed. But they are
returning heavy fire now. Weston is hit and killed. Jason gets hit, and goes
down. They begin taking whatever cover they can. Colton is
blasting them with the 50 cal. He gets hit though, but in the vest. He's
hurting, but begins firing again. Mason gets hits in the chest, going down. The
vest saves him, but he's in pain. Eventually, the gangsters are all wiped out. A couple
more are hiding in the SUV's, before shot by Zane and Leo. Mason is getting to
his feet. Porter is aiding Jason. Dakota hugs her head against Cleo's head.
Gunner and Chasin check on Mason. Colton reaches downward, sharing a handshake
with Wyatt. Scout is somberly looking over Weston's body, before the others
come to do the same... DISSOLVE TO: Everyone back at the house. Porter and Colton are placing
Jason, down on a bed, as Shelby begins working on him. She glances at both
Dakota and Cleo, happy to see they're okay... Dissolve to Zane, Leo, Scout, Mason, and Shelby on porch. SHELBY He's out of the woods. (Mason
expressing major relief) He can travel in
another day or two. Jason is fine and can travel now, but
needs rest. Leo looking at Zane... LEO We leave now, we can make it
there by nightfall... Porter and Colton can supply
them with manpower. We’ll leave them the
50-cal. The rest of us go for the cabin... Zane just staring at Leo...before nodding his head... Dissolve to everyone packing 2 of the hummers. Cleo at
the river, with Dakota... DAKOTA You're staying with Richie,
aren't you? Cleo looking right at her, nodding... CLEO He needs me...They
need me. Another day or two here, and a long trip back.
(Cleo teary-eyed, looking right into her eyes) I was
right there next to him... talking to him...when...it
happened. I have to be there for him... Dakota looking right into her eyes... DAKOTA I know you do...and I'm glad
you'll be there for him... (weeping) I love the
relationship you two have. (embracing) I love you! CLEO I love you, too...so much... They share a quick kiss, and begin walking up toward the
hummers... Leo, Mason, Gunner, and Chasin all climb into one hummer,
while Zane, Scout, and Wyatt all climb into the other. Dakota arrives with
Cleo, sharing one more hug and kiss, before Dakota climbs inside. She stares
out the window at her, as they begin driving away. She continues watching her,
and then leaning against window, closing her eyes... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. UPS HUB (lower level) - DAY Everyone filling UPS truck, with supplies. Renee plays
with Sandy. DJ and Eli have new backpacks, for everyone, and work at loading
them. Todd approaches Renee, and Sandy... TODD I really enjoyed having you all
here. I even fell in love with Sandy, here
(petting/hugging her). I hope you know how much I hope to see
you all again, when you come back to pick us
up. Until then, I am going to take such great care
of her... RENEE Just don't let her get outside,
around all those huffs (huffs can be heard
outside). I can't think about them getting her. TODD She has plenty of food, and you
saw the bathroom, I made her. It's like a
five-star hotel in there. Renee smiling... Sam comes over, hugging Sandy... Marlana is petting her,
too... Sam gives Renee a hug... Todd approaches DJ and Eli... TODD You guys sure you can make it? DJ
looking to Eli... DJ Even Eli, here, now believes
it...doesn't he? Eli nodding... ELI He's starting to... DJ
smiling...then looking to Todd... DJ If only you truly knew
everything these kids have been through. It’d simply
be a crime for them not
to make it. Todd simply smiling... DJ begins helping Eli with some heavy items/packages,
that they begin placing in back of the truck, as scene dissolves... Dissolve to the UPS yard, where huffs roam the area, as
the hub door begins opening. A delivery truck comes out, turns corner, and
drives through yard, music blasting from radio ("Phil Collins - In The Air
Tonight", from beginning), in the back. The huffs all follow the truck... ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1_OfmrPAfo
) It takes a while, but eventually they all clear away... MUSIC "I can feel it, coming in the air tonight...oh
Lord" Second delivery truck, pulling out, and driving
forward... MUSIC "And I've been waiting for this moment...all my
life...Oh Lord" DJ hopping out of truck, opening up gate, and climbing
back inside... MUSIC "Can you feel it, coming in the air tonight...Oh
Lord, Oh Lord" Truck driving through gate, happy, excited expressions on
everyone inside, as they drive out of POV, which stays on hub door... Music is instrumental for several moments, while POV
remains on hub door. More lyrics play, as eventually Todd comes to hub door
(from inside), and begins closing it, on the POV... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK INT. HUMMER - NIGHT "In The Air Tonight" plays into the flashback. MUSIC "I can feel it, coming in the air tonight...Oh
Lord" Leo driving hummer off main road, onto back road, as
second hummer follows him, past a sign reading "Private Road". MUSIC "I've been waiting for this moment, for all my
life...Oh Lord" Zane and Scout looking over at sign, reading "Fish and Samantha Baker RD", as they share
a hopeful smile, and look ahead... The song continues, as Zane and Scout eagerly try to look
ahead, past the other hummer. Suddenly, they see it being fired on, followed
with the sight of soldiers, firing on them. They begin reaching for their
weapons, and piling out of hummer, opening fire on the soldiers... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. DELIVERY TRUCK - DAY "In The Air Tonight" continues playing, as they
drive down a road (Willamette Ave), next to a bluff, with a view of the
Willamette River, Downtown Portland, and a portion of the other side of the
city. Random homes/buildings/areas are up in flames. It's a ghost town. A great
view, but of a broken city... Dissolve to song fading, as delivery truck enters St.
Johns Bridge. They begin driving over it. Halfway over it, they stop, and look
at the view...DJ looks back at Sam... DJ You ready to finish this
journey? Sam smiling... SAM You bet your a*s I am... POV of delivery truck from behind, as it begins driving
again, and crosses bridge, turning and disappearing...POV just stays there, as
a few moments go by... Suddenly, a group of motorcycles (about a dozen) begin
speeding onto bridge, heading in direction of the delivery truck... BLACK Sound of motorcycles… CREDITS THE END © 2024 Mike Decker |
Added on December 31, 2018 Last Updated on July 31, 2024 Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse AuthorMike Deckervancouver, WAAboutMy daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..Writing