Above the Dead, EP 2.1 "Unsteady"

Above the Dead, EP 2.1 "Unsteady"

A Screenplay by Mike Decker

Season 2, Episode 1 (Season Premiere)



Season 2, Episode 1  (53 pages)







"X Ambassadors - Unsteady" (opening lyrics)

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFjryf8zH_M )


FADE IN: (same scene/song that ended season 1)





"Hold, hold on, hold on to me"


Eli (sitting on deck, outside girl's room) looking downward, at a pistol in his hand.



"Cause I'm a little unsteady"


He turns to look at Sam.



"A little unsteady"


She begins shaking her head, intensely...






Don't do it...



"Hold on, hold on to me"


POV moving down ladder, toward huffs, longing to get up the tree.




Eli, don't do it!



"Cause I'm a little unsteady"


POV moving over all the huffs, including Rhett...






"A little unsteady"


That final verse plays, followed with a loud BOOM! A shot is fired, as huffs react, with scene fading to Fish's gravesite.

Song is instrumental for several seconds, with POV of Fish's grave marker. The moment lyrics begin, the POV goes back behind Fish's marker, to another marker.



"Momma, come here"


POV Saara's (Eli's mom) grave marker.



"Approach, appear"


Moving from her marker to next one.



"Daddy, I'm alone"


POV John's (Eli's dad) grave marker.



"Cause this house don't feel like home"


POV moving up front, toward grave marker next to Fish.



"If you love me, don't let go"


Moving over Vincent's grave marker, toward Mark's.



"If you love me, don't let go"


Moving past Mark's, to Greg's.



"Hold, hold on, hold on to me"


POV moves back behind their markers, toward Rhett's marker.



"Cause I'm a little unsteady"


Moving from Rhett to Amy's marker.



"A little unsteady"


Moving to Scott's marker.


MUSIC (skipping to last verse of song)

"Hold, hold on, hold on to me"


Slowly moving by Scott's marker, toward one final marker.



"Cause I'm a little unsteady"


POV slowly focusing on name of marker.



"A little unsteady"


Eli's name revealed on final marker. (song ends)






POV from the eyes of someone waking up, and instantly looking over at empty bed, on other side of room. Sam throws blankets off, and races outside of boys room, looking all around. She looks down below, where all huffs appear to be gone (besides the ones heard from the pit). She looks out and around. She then runs to the bathroom, looking inside, and running back toward bedrooms, while looking all around down below. Suddenly, she freezes, several steps in front of the girls room door, she just stares at the doorway, before closing her eyes, flashing to the night before...


Dissolve to her memory, of Eli sitting there on deck, holding gun and staring at it.



(shaking head/face full of tears)

Don't leave me...


Sam weeping and closing eyes. A single shot is fired. She quickly opens eyes, and flinches, as a second shot is fired. Her view of Eli firing a third shot, down below.

POV below, where third shot hits one of the many huffs. Rhett then walks into POV, right as fourth shot is fired, into his head. He drops, as rest of huffs continue to lunge upward.

Their POV of Eli, looking back down at them, with Sam arriving, looking down. Eli just staring at Rhett's body, as the huffs begin stepping over it. Eli turns back, and again stares at the gun.



No, Eli...you don't have to do that. They're coming

back. My family is coming back for us. You saw

them. They were here!




They're not my family.


Eli looks back down toward his brother, before moving gun toward his head. Sam tries to grab it, but misses, as he pulls it back, becoming angry.






Sam weeping, unable to respond.



Exactly; you don't! You just want a God damn

babysitter! You just want me to get you to your




Eli stops mid-sentence, realizing his mistake. Sam crying as she glares back at him.



I don't know how that feels? I just watched my cousin

get shot to death! My dad...(crying)...he not only...died,

he became one of them, and...(bawling as she cries out

her dog's name) Merry.



But you still have family. I watched both my parents

die. I watched one of them disappear, which made

my stupid a*s believe, just maybe she wasn't actually

dead. But she was just (looking down at huffs) one of

them! I didn't even know what one of them was,

which made me feel like maybe I was dead! (looking

down toward Rhett and weeping rest of sentence)

And now, that is all I wanna’ be.


Eli sliding down, sitting, placing gun down, and weeping...

Sam stands there also weeping, while watching him. She looks outward, eventually trying to form the words, but only mouths "Zane". She looks toward driveway and tries again, quietly.



Zane?! Scout?! (louder) ZANE?! SCOUT?! I'M



Eli stops weeping, and stares ahead, in a shocked daze.




(crying out final word) Pleeeaase!


Sam coughing, before regaining composure, with a look down at Eli (still zoning out), and then to the gun, next to him. She reaches down and takes it. Eli just continues zoning. Sam looks at him a moment, then down below, at the huffs, before back to the driveway. She just stares, while tears run down her face.




Please, Zane...where are you? I know you're coming

for me... Please...I can't...(crying out rest of words)

I can't stay here another night.


Sam silently bawling, as she slowly slides down against side of deck. She lays the gun down, and sobs. Eli still zoning ahead, but takes notice of the gun, and without Sam even noticing, he grabs it back. He places it into his lap, and continues to zone ahead (as background music fades in).


"Evanescence - New Way To Bleed" (midway through song (1.47 mark))

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UezeSk0mIi0 )



"I can't take it anymore"


Eli zoning...



"I feel it coming over me"


Eli looks down at the gun in his lap, before again zoning ahead, contemplating...



"I'm still a slave to these dreams"


Sam fighting through her emotions, to rise and continue looking out for her family. She glances downward.



"Is this the end of everything?"


Tons of huffs at base of tree, lunging upward...



"Or just a new way"


Sam looking downward, she flashes to the horrid memory of her dad, biting into Merry.



"To bleed?"


Sam closing eyes, at the memory of that terrible night, and leaning head against railing, as scene dissolves.


MUSIC (becoming mellow)

(Instrumental for several seconds)


Dissolve to an hour later, as they haven’t moved much, still zoning, Sam looking out for family, Sam fighting sleep...


MUSIC (still mellow)

"I drifted far beyond the end"


Sam sitting against deck railing, with her eyes becoming very heavy, closing once, then again, as head rests against deck.


MUSIC (becoming intense/loud)



Sam's head pops back. She begins to rise.





 She faces driveway, and screams for Zane! (unheard over the music)



"Can't you feel"


Huffs at base of tree, looking up at Sam.



"The ground caving in?"


Sam desperately calling for Zane! (unheard)





Sam turning, to look down at Eli.



"Give us a reason to believe again"


Eli's eyes closed, he opens them a moment, again closing...



"I feel it coming over me"


Sam sliding back down, laying on her side, closing eyes, opening eyes, staring toward Eli...



"I'm still a slave"


Sam closing eyes...



"To these dreams"


Dissolve to Sam's dream, of Eli's tombstone...



"Is this the end of everything?"


Dissolve to Sam's eyes waking, from the boys room.

Dissolve to Sam running out onto deck, looking all around.

Dissolve to Sam freezing at girls room door, and closing her eyes.



"Or just a new way to bleeeeeeeeeed"



Evanescence song plays out (rather than the normal theme tune). Brutal shots of the girls room, and of Scott’s body, and Amy’s dead pregnant body, as opening credits roll…






Sam in front of girls room, opening eyes, after flashing back to the night before. She is extremely hesitant to look inside the room.





She edges her way closer, as she begins crying...



Please still be alive...


She slowly comes to the door, and begins covering her eyes. Once at door, she looks just enough to ensure he isn't inside, before running away from door, over to deck railing. All she can do is weep...


Suddenly, she looks up, as Eli is heard in the distance, yelling. At least she believes it to be Eli, as she immediately runs to the ladder, and climbs down...

Cut to Eli in woods, holding an axe and yelling outward, at someone/something, with arms raised.




HERE! COME GET SOME! (waiting a moment) COME



Cut to Sam in between the cabin and the tree house, now following the faint sound of Eli, finishing the last word of his sentence, followed by more.







Cut to Eli weeping the end of his sentence.





Cut to Sam trying to find him, now that he has gone silent. She quietly calls out to him, afraid of nearby huffs, or other dangerous people.





Cut to Eli in woods, violently swinging axe right at POV. Cut to the tree in front of him, as he slams the axe into it, over and over, doing his best to let out his frustration, eventually stopping only due to fatigue.

He catches his breath, before looking to the sky, and weeping.



(sobbing through it)

I can't do this. I can't stay here. Please don't be

ashamed of me. I just can't do it, without you. I

hate feeling guilty, but I shouldn't have to be

responsible for her. I just wanna’ be with all of

you! I can't help her. Her family didn't even come

back, we're going to die, anyway.


Eli weeping away.






Sam startling Eli, coming out of brush teary-eyed, and right for him.



They will come back for us! THEY WILL! (weeping)



I told you, they're not my family. I have nothing

to live for, and this world's no longer meant for

living, anyhow.




At the compound, it is!






Sam just crying, and staring at him before responding...



Yes, I will! WE, will! And my family will LOVE

you for helping me. They will MAKE you family.

MY family!



(throwing hands up)


That's where they are. Just like my family...or

they'd be here.


Sam unable to argue any further, weeping instead...

She eventually looks up at him, pleading with her expression, for him to provide some comfort. Instead, he suddenly holds up the axe, and charges right for her.



What are you...


Eli charges past her, and right for the huff coming out of the brush. Without hesitation, Eli chops that huff into pieces. Sam watching, in shock, as he continues to release his rage on the mangled corpse, until he begins wearing down, and stops...


Covered in blood and breathing heavily, he drops to a knee, and eventually looks to Sam. She just stares back at him, in silence...




I'm not scared of these things...


Eli rising, speaking with more intensity and body language, as his mood begins to shift, big time.



I am NOT scared of these things! They're WEAK!

They're stupid, and they can't think! I could probably...


Eli stops mid-sentence, in thought...

He then looks to Sam, and even begins cracking a small smile, before suddenly sprinting away, back toward the tree house.



What? Where you going? ELI?!


Cut to Eli dashing through the woods, with his axe...

Cut to Sam frightened, and trying to hustle after him...



Eli, don't leave me!


Cut to Eli rushing out of brush, into cabin area. He looks toward tree house, as he heads toward garage, and right inside. Sam comes running out of brush, looking all around.



Eli?! ELI?!


Sam looking all directions, and becoming frantic, then startled, as Eli comes out of garage, dragging a large piece of an old fence. He's dragging it toward tree house.



What...what are you doing?


Eli (very determined) continues right past her. She follows.



Eli? Eli?!



Just watch THIS!


With blood and sweat all over his face, Eli continues dragging the fence, now heading a little off from the tree house. All the huffs in the pit can be heard, as Eli approaches it.



You're scaring me!


Eli reaches the pit, and drops down the fence, next to him. He stares down inside at the huffs, while catching his breath.



What are you doing?



You might want to go up to the tree house.



Why? What are you planning on doing? Answer me!



I gotta’ catch my breath first, then I'm gonna’

have some fun, before I die.


Sam stares at him, while developing more tears...

He begins slowly pacing around, placing hands behind his head, taking deep breaths. He looks over his axe, and then toward the cabin...then to Sam.



Baseball bat, I know your dad had to of had a

bat, somewhere around here, right?


Sam just crying...









I'm a ball player, and I wanna’ go out as one!


Eli sprinting off toward cabin. Sam watching a second, before following, and weeping.



Why are you doing this?


Eli not answering, as he disappears into the cabin. Sam stands at the door, waiting. She's frightened and looking all directions, while Eli is heard scavenging around inside...




I knew I should've kept that one, I had on the

highway. Wish I had mine from home. I hit

BOMBS with that baby! AH HA! Score!


Sam still at the door looking inward, as Eli comes out holding his new "baby" (metal bat), and happy to be getting a good feel for it, as he heads back toward the pit, with Sam following.



You can't go in there. There's too many, and you

don't have an adult to watch your back.



I AM an adult!



Why are you being like this?!


Eli stopping, answering with intensity and body language.



Because I don't care! And it feels SOOOOO good!



What do you mean?



Nothing scares me! Not those huffs, not other

people, pretty girls, NOTHING!


Sam just crying and staring at him, before he continues...



Anxiety doesn't exist anymore! I am on top of

the world! I am the world! People should have

anxiety of MEEE! AHHH!!!


Eli pumped as he raises his bat, and sprints to the pit. Sam follows, stopping a ways from it, watching as Eli paces above it, before reaching down for the fence.



Eli, please...


Eli carefully places fence down into pit, providing a ramp for the huffs to exit.



Oh my God, Eli. No! There are way too many!


Eli picks up his bat, as the huffs begin climbing the ramp.



Eli, no!


Eli begins swinging the bat, at the heads of the huffs, who first begin coming over the top of the ramp, as Sam just watches and cries. He is in total control, for a bit, before more and more come at him. He begins stepping back some, as they pour out of the pit. Sam begins stepping back.



Eli...please, come to the tree house.


Eli begins using more caution, but continues to put down huff after huff, with a rage of satisfaction. Sam edging her way more and more toward the tree house.

Huff after huff, come at Eli. He shows no fear, as he bashes in their heads. Sam now rushing for ladder, and up into tree house.


Eli just misses being bitten, before putting that huff down. He takes another close call, before finally retreating, but not far. He takes a few deep breaths, then back at it he goes.


Sam is now holding a gun on the deck, and pointing down below. She is way too scared to fire, and risk hitting Eli. She simply weeps, and takes no shot...


Eli continues killing huffs, and wisely retreating whenever he needs to catch his breath. One sneaks up on him, almost catching him off guard, before he swings left-handed, to take it down.



Always knew I could switch hit! AHHH!!!


Eli reaching back for one more boost of raging energy, as he puts down a half dozen or so, in a matter of seconds. He is now in control, as their numbers plummet. He's exhausted, almost falling over, faint, as he steps back away from the few remaining, and works to regain his composure. He looks up at Sam, and points bat at her.



Ready to pitch hit?


Sam finally stops watching and simply turns around, sitting against deck railing, and sobbing. Down below, Eli can be heard killing the final few, and breathing heavily...







Sam continues to weep, as down below Eli can be heard beating on the dead huffs...


Suddenly, Sam can hear something...something from the girls room. Sounds like someone trying to breathe. Sam slowly rises, and just as slowly brings herself to the bedroom doorway. The sound getting louder, she takes a few steps inward, then pauses...




Eli...(louder) Eli? Eli?!

Sam now dashing out of the room, to the deck railing. Eli bashing on the dead/crippled huffs, looking up at Sam, who calls for his attention.





Eli freezes, standing there a moment, before racing off to the ladder. Sam waits for him, as he climbs onto deck, and stands there a moment. He can hear it. He looks at Sam, and begins making his way over, and enters. Sam stays behind...


Suddenly, she can hear crying, it's Eli, and she rushes to the doorway. He's in there on his knees. She steps over to him. Careful not to get too close, but far enough to see Eli's face. He weeps while watching the baby, moving from under Amy's dress/nightgown. It's not crying, it's grunting, obviously "dead"...




I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Rhett. I'm so sorry

you don't get to be a father.


Eli drops his head and begins bawling. Sam cries as she watches...

Eli works toward standing. He makes his way to the baby. He looks at his bat (bloody). He looks at Sam, then again to the baby...



I can't...I don't...


Sam leaves the room. Eli just stares at the baby (under the dress)...

Sam returns and slowly approaches. She kneels down next to the bed and baby, then using a knife, to find/secure the head. She looks back at Eli. He just watches...


She sticks the blade in the baby's skull, as it goes silent. She drops the knife, and scoots herself right next to Eli. She pulls into him, and forces him to hug her. He doesn't hug back, but he stands there sobbing, as she holds him...

Cut to Ext shot of tree house...










Zane's brother Troy (24, on phone) and his fiancé Angela (24, pregnant) in hotel parking lot, with small beach town scene, in background...life looking fairly normal.



(into phone)

Yes, sir. (looking back at hotel) We're almost

completely sealed up and locked down, as we

speak. Everything's going according to plan, and

life here still seems normal....Yes, sir....Thanks, Dad.


Troy hanging up.



Do I even want to know?


Troy nervously shaking his head. Woman in background (on street corner) yelling at her daughter (in middle of crosswalk).



I can't believe it's actually -


Suddenly, a car speeding down highway, nails the girl in the road, as everyone around, reacts, with the screaming agony of her mother. The car stops only momentarily, before speeding away. Mother instantly running to her child, but most bystanders stop, realizing the child is very much dead. The mother continues screaming in agony.



Wait here!


Troy racing to the scene. He stops, once he takes notice of how mangled the child is. The mother is holding her. Troy takes notice of another child (5-year-old girl), standing close by the mother, crying. He notices another man on the corner, with his three children (2 boys and a girl), all crying/watching. The man is warning his children to stay put, as he goes into the road to help the woman.


Troy approaches, as well. Together he and the man try to help the woman. The other man (MELVIN, 50ish) takes the 5-year-old girl, over to his children. Troy works on the mother, who won't leave her dead child. He stops a moment, takes a step back, and then a deep breath. He again works on removing the woman from the street.


Jagger (Troy's brother, 19), comes running to the scene. Troy simply looks at him, no idea what to do. Melvin comes back, to try and help. Suddenly, Troy notices the dead girl, coming to life. He guides Jagger's attention to it, and before they can make sense of it, the dead child takes a bite out of Melvin's leg. He pulls away quickly and flees, as the dead girl now bites into her mother's (in complete shock) neck, with screams of terror, as the crowd of bystanders instantly begin to scatter.


Both Troy and Jagger stand and watch, in disbelief. The dead child continues to tear into her mother's flesh, bringing her life and the screams, to an end. The child looks right at them. It lunges, but cannot move its mangled body. Troy still in complete shock, as Jagger begins to guide him away.



Get inside! My car's at the market. I'll be right back.



Screw your car, Grandpa already sent the bird!


Cut to Jagger and Troy racing up parking lot hill, reaching Angela.



What in God's name is happening?!



It's worse than Grandpa thought! Get inside. We

have to lock down the hotel, and get you on the

chopper, and to the compound asap!


Troy's phone begins ringing.



I'll get her inside, you get Dad, or Grandpa on the

phone, and see if he really wants us to bunker

down here, after seeing that!


Jagger and Angela keep going, as Troy stops to answer phone. He sees it as "Kate" (sister, 23) calling. He hesitates to answer, as he looks back at all the commotion from the street. He watches the dead girl, still trying to reach the flesh of her dead mother, but unable to. People are panicking and going all directions, except a pair of teens, who stand around corner from it, recording with their phones. Troy shakes his head, and looks down at his phone, finally answering.



Kate, stay inside. I'll see you up there. I have to

call Dad. Now that everyone's checked out and

clear of the hotel, get those final doors locked

down.... No, we're all leaving, it's not safe here,

and screw the roads, we're taking the chopper....


Troy hangs up and immediately dials, as he turns and heads toward hotel, with POV going around corner, where Melvin and 4 children stood, watching the commotion. Melvin listening to what Troy was saying.




We're leaving in the next five-ten minutes!


Melvin looks around corner, as Troy runs off, then down at the bite mark on his leg, and guides the children away. The youngest girl (Trisha, same girl whose mom and sister just died) crying, as the oldest boy (Griffey, 10) guides her along...


Cut to an office of the hotel, where Kate, Jagger, and Angela all rush to load up their things (including guns), as Troy rushes inside.



Where's Mary?



In the other room, on the phone with Dad.



Is she telling him what just happened?



What the hell did just happen, out there?



(looking at Jagger)

You didn't tell her?



(still in shock)

I'm not sure how...


Mary (Leo's wife, 50, Mexican) coming in from other room.



He still wants us to stick to procedure. Angela and

I fly back, the three of you, hold down the hotel.



I'm guessing all you told him was a kid got hit.

Get him back on the phone.



He's trying to reach Fish. Why, what else happened?


Troy zoning off a moment...



Do you think...what we saw out there...is what's

happening, everywhere?



What the hell happened out there?!


Mary begins dialing, as Troy stops her.



Everyone in the elevator, I'll do my best to explain

what I saw. We can make calls from the chopper.



Troy? You did get my text about the parking lot

side doors?



(staring at her)

I've had as much time to answer texts, as I have

whatever in the name of God is happening, out

there in the street.



(handing his bag to Kate)

I'm on it. I'm the fastest.



Jagger...(handing him a handgun) Watch your back...


Cut to Jagger stepping outside parking lot doors, closing gates over them, and locking it down. He locks the doors from the inside, and turns to head toward elevator. He stops as he hears a noise, hesitates a moment before investigating...


Cut to the hotel roof, where pilot (Dave) rushing into the helicopter, while on his phone.



Jesus Christ! Okay lock your doors, and find a

good hiding place. I'm on my way!


Dave starts up the helicopter, as in background Troy and others can be seen exiting the elevator. Dave takes notice, reaches for a handgun, and climbs out of helicopter. He fires a shot in the air, as Troy and others all freeze.



I know you all have weapons, so please don't

make me do something, I don't want to.



Dave, what in the hell are you doing? You have

a home at the compound. Your WIFE is at the




Given the current situation, you make a valid point,

at least on the home, but if we were truly family,

as you've always claimed, you'd know that the

actual love of my life, has her own home in the city,

and she needs my help.



It's much worse out there than you think, Dave.

You won't even survive long enough to regret

the mistake you're making!


Dave keeping gun on them, as he backs up and climbs into helicopter.



Nowhere near as much as I'd regret going on

with life, while God knows what, happens to

the woman I love.


He closes helicopter door, and begins to take off, as Troy and others watch, before quickly ducking down, as gunfire begins.

Cut to Mary, unloading her gun on the helicopter...


Cut to one of the Hotel’s rooms, where Melvin comes to window (holding phone) looking all around, as the sound of gunshots are heard. All 4 children sitting on bed.



Oh my God!


Melvin now watching the helicopter, spinning out of control. It goes behind the building (out of his sight), and can be heard crashing/exploding...



(into phone)

I'm not alone, here. Someone just took down the

owners, trying to leave in their helicopter! I'll

call you back!


Cut to Jagger in hallway (holding gun), on his phone.



(talking to himself)

Come on, Troy! Come on!


He hangs up and begins racing down the hallway.

Cut back to Melvin leading kids out of room, when his phone begins ringing. He goes to look at it (distracting him), as the kids enter ahead of him, into the hallway.


Cut to Jagger in same hallway, coming to an instant stop, and pointing gun, as children begin exiting room in front of him (sound of phone ringing). Realizing they are just children, he lowers the gun. Melvin comes out, looking from phone to Jagger. He looks downward at the gun, and without thought, he rushes Jagger (dropping phone).



(no time to react)



Melvin slams him, and his gun hand, against wall. The gun drops, and is picked up by Melvin, who again without thought, fires into Jagger's chest. He goes down, assumingly dead.


Children are crying and/or horrified, as Melvin leads them away, leaving phone next to Jagger, which begins ringing again...

Cut to the hotel elevator, with close-up Mary on phone, shushing everyone, as POV pans back to Troy,

Kate, and Angela in elevator, with her.



(on phone)

Baby, you need to come pick us up, right now....

What do you think happened? Your father and

his piss poor choice of compound leader, is what

happened! They hired and trusted a pilot, who in

the end, cared more about his mistress, than he

did his responsibilities to this family.... That's

exactly what he did, but.... Yeah, but.... Fine, call

me back, but Leo, it's beginning to fall apart,

here...I love you too.



Wait, give me the phone!



He's already gone, on the other line with

(rolling eyes) Zane.



They need to know what we saw outside.



What they need to know is that your father needs

to be calling the shots! If up to him, he would

have flown here himself, or even Mason.


Elevator opening as they exit and head toward office area.



Your grandfather's too soft, as is your uncle,

hence the reason he was chosen over Leo.




I don't fully disagree, but what I do disagree with,

is your decision to shoot down our only helicopter!

He might have returned, or we might have found

him, especially if things get back to normal!



After pulling a gun on us??? And getting back

to normal? Really?


Suddenly, a gunshot goes off, and nails Troy in the chest, taking him down. The women scream, and Angela quickly cries out, going to his body.





Cut to Melvin aiming gun at them all, and pointing to the corner of the room.



Over in the corner, NOW!






POV slowly travels over the yard/pit area, of bodies left over from the night before, along with dozens of dead huffs, that Eli killed. It's quiet and peaceful...

POV works its way to the tree house, passing Rhett's body, and up the ladder, finding Sam and Eli (gun next to him), sitting quietly on deck...


Sam lays down on her side, but keeps her eyes glued on Eli, who stares off another direction. She looks sleepy, but is fighting it. Eventually, she closes eyes, but quickly opens, and stares at Eli. She continues this until ultimately, she cannot, and drifts away...


Eli finally moves, as he watches her sleep a moment, before looking down at the gun. He picks it up, stares at it a moment, then turns and points directly at Sam. He holds it on her, for a long moment...

He finally turns it around, at his own head. He holds it there a long moment, before he fires, blowing his head off.


Sam instantly wakes, with mild shock, but instant relief, at the sight of Eli, still sitting there motionlessly, against the wall of the boys room. She looks down at the gun, that still lays there. She sits upward, wide awake, and watches Eli...


Dissolve to 30-60 min later, as Eli comes out from bathroom, walking to where he'd been sitting, and reaches for the gun. He walks into the boys room.

Sam quickly rises, and goes in after him...

Dissolve to 30-60 min later, while Eli sits in his bed... Sam lays in hers, watching him...

Dissolve to 30-60 min later, Eli still in bed, staring right past Sam, as she is at table, trying to eat some crackers. She opens a water, and takes one quick sip. She walks by Eli, and leaves the water down next to him, returning to her bed. She watches him...then she turns, and looks away...






Mary, Angela (kneeling and weeping), and Kate all in corner, with Melvin, somewhat behind desk, still pointing gun on them. He has their phones, as one of them begins ringing. He dumps them in their bags, while looking through them, and taking the guns he finds, and tossing bags behind the desk.



What kind of people are you? How many more of

you are there?



That's a question you don't want answered.



Why are you doing this? You killed the father of

my unborn son! (weeping)



I'm sure the owners of this place, who you shot

down, are feeling mighty thankful, right about

now! I'm just trying to protect my kids!






Oh my God!



We ARE the owners! I shot down that chopper,

after the pilot stole it from us!


Melvin a questionable stare at them, Kate nodding...



Grab that picture frame on the desk, and have

yourself a look.


Melvin holds gun on them, as he goes back behind desk, reaching over for frame. He looks at it closely. It's a picture of Mary and Leo, with Troy and Angela, on the beach, with the twin rocks in the background. He looks from it, to them, as the dread and shame takes over his expression.



Oh, mother of God, what have I done?


They all watch him in silence, as he stands behind desk, looking downward, then to them...



I am so sorry. I'm not a bad man. I'm just trying

to protect my children from what's happening,

out there.



So, you've said. Where exactly are these children

of yours?



They're actually my grandchildren. They're in

one of the rooms.



Are you going to let us go?


Melvin looking up at them...



What are you going to do to me? To my grandkids?



We're not going to do anything. We can tell

you made a mistake.



Please just let us go back to our family.



You and your grandchildren can even stay here.


He begins looking into their eyes. He gives each Kate and Angela a long stare, each looking sincere. He moves to Mary. She looks ready for blood. Melvin looks worried...

He looks to Kate/Angela again.



I believe you...(looking at Mary) but not her...

She wants me dead.


Both Kate and Angela looking to Mary...



Tell him that's not true, Mary!


Mary simply stares back at Melvin...



He just murdered Troy! How are we supposed

to overlook that?



God damn it, Mary!



My grandkids and I watched, as a young girl got run

down in front of her own mom, and baby sister.

She was dead, but she wasn't. She bit (showing leg)

into my leg, and killed her own mom, with her bare

teeth, for God's sake. (looking at them/developing

tears) We had no place else to go... heard someone

here, talking about locking up and retreating. I got

inside, and called my daughter. (weeping some) I

heard shots, and saw the chopper go down.


He begins bawling, while placing gun down on desk, and his head in his hands. One of their phones begins ringing, again...



(crying through it)

I didn't mean to kill anyone (Mary grabbing gun).

I thought it was him or me. (Mary pointing gun

at him)... I did it for my grandbabies.


Before he can even finish saying "grandbabies", he cries out terribly, in pain, scaring everyone. He continues to scream, as Troy begins rising from behind him, while sinking his teeth into his flesh.


Kate and Angela are screaming. Mary still aiming gun at Melvin, who is still screaming. She fires twice, in the heart, and ends his suffering/screaming. Troy continues feeding on him, until his attention shifts to the screams/weeping of Kate and Angela. He leaves Melvin, rounding corner of the desk.



Troy??? Troy!


Mary aims gun at him.



Mary, no! Don't kill him!



It's not Troy!


Troy going straight for Angela.



Troy baby, you did it; you saved us. Let us help you!



He's gone, Angela! I have to shoot him!






Do it!


Troy almost to Angela. Mary fires several shots into his back. He keeps going and bites into Angela's neck, ripping it apart, just as Mary places gun to his head, and blows it off. He drops dead, next to Angela, who is near death herself. Kate in corner screaming/weeping. Mary looks down at Angela...



I'm so sorry, baby...


Mary aims gun, and fires at her head. Kate continues crying...



Is she really dead...or...



I don't know...I think so.



Will she come back? Is everyone coming back

now? Is that what's happening?



(looking at Troy)

Head shot worked on him. I don't think she'll

come back.



Are you sure?



I DON'T KNOW, Kate! I can't make sense of any of

this! (shaking head) Ever since I met him, your

father has prepared me for every possible world

ending event. This wasn’t one of them!


Her phone begins ringing again, from the bag, behind desk. She goes right for it. Placing gun back behind her pants, she frantically begins going through the bag. She begins losing control of her emotions, as she finds and answers phone, weeping through her words.



Baby.... Yes, I'm fine, but... Troy.


Mary's sobbing prevents her from speaking before suddenly spooked, at the sound of Melvin coming back to "life.”





Mary puts phone down on desk, reaching behind for the gun, as Melvin is rising, and Kate is dashing for the door. Mary drops gun and goes down to retrieve it, but on her way back up, is bitten in the back.

Kate watches the attack from the door, and decides to retreat, as Mary screams. Mary finds the strength to turn the gun around, on Melvin, and fires the fatal shot. They both go down...


Cut to Kate (face full of tears) running down hallway, eventually beginning to slow down, looking behind her, and coming to a stop. Not sure what to do, she simply begins weeping...

Suddenly, she's spooked by the sound of a phone ringing, from around the corner. She becomes relieved.





The phone continues to ring. She slowly creeps over to the corner. She freezes, as the phone stops ringing...





She slowly peeks around corner. Her POV of a phone on ground, next to some sort of stain, in the carpet. She begins creeping toward it, and develops more tears, at the realization of the stain being blood. She looks all around...





Suddenly, the phone begins ringing (loudly) again, as Kate jumps/screams!





She picks up the phone. She is about to "skip call", when she notices the incoming caller name, of "daddy's girl". She answers.



(into phone)

I'm sorry, but if you're calling about your father,

he's been killed. We're at the Sand Series Hotel,

in Rockaway Beach, if you want to come find your

children, he said they're here....I'm sorry, I need

to use this phone....I'm sorry, if you're stuck in

New York. I have to use this phone.


She hangs up and dials another number...



(crying as she speaks into phone)

Daddy....I...(crying and having trouble speaking)...

Troy...he's dead, daddy.... (crying while listening) I

think Mary’s dead too, and so is Angela....There's

this guy, he accidentally killed Troy, and then Troy...

he...he came back. He killed Angela...






Leo (in shock) on phone (Mason in passenger seat), as he immediately pulls the hummer over, to the side of the road.



(into phone)

What Guy? What the hell are you talking about,

Katie? Jesus Christ, you're not making any sense!

They can't be dead! Tell me you're wrong?


Mason wide eyed, at mention of people being dead!






Ok, calm down.... Yes, do that, find your brother.

Call him right now, then don't stop for nothing,

not even your phone. Just get in the car, and go

to that old road where I taught you how to drive.

Go to the spot you thought it ended, and keep

going. Yes, just listen to what I’m telling you, Katie.

The road opens back up, until it comes to a camp....

Because it's too dangerous coming this direction.

Mason and I, got hung up due to a crash, and no

idea what's ahead. Tillamook could be a mess. You

should have no trouble reaching the camp. Now

Katie, listen to me. Just get Jagger, and get to that

road. When you find the camp, tell them you're my

kids, and that, curveball, is the safe word. They will

treat you like royalty, and I will be there as soon as

I can.... It's okay, I love you too....and Katie...no one

else knows about this camp, not even your grandpa....

Okay, see you soon. 


Leo hangs up, and just stares ahead. Mason grabs his shoulder...



What happened?...Camp?


Leo simply drops his head and begins weeping, he then opens door and fights for air, as Mason hops out, and runs around the side, to his aid... 






Close-up of Sam sitting on deck, she begins actually forming a small smile. Her POV of Bailey approaching from the bathroom area, toward where Eli sat on the deck...

Bailey goes right up into his lap, but Eli picks him up and sets him down on deck. Sam's small smile fades away. Bailey tries again, but again, Eli removes him. Bailey heading for Sam.



It's like he senses it...


Eli eventually throws Sam a look, then back away. Bailey reaches Sam, who begins petting him.



It's why he climbed in your lap… He knew how

you were feeling.



(an annoyed look at Sam)

Just because he wants in my lap, he's psychic?


Bailey now climbing into her lap.



He did the same thing for me, just two long weeks

ago. I can't believe, it's only been two weeks...


Sam kind of zoning off, as Eli throws her another look, and then away...



Like you, I had a gun, and I wanted to use it, to

end my suffering. (Eli looking at her) Unlike you,

I was all alone... (Eli watching, waiting for more)

I think, maybe...I was going to do it...



You wanted to kill yourself?




It was hard to think about anything else. It all felt

too hard, or too scary to think about. Ending it felt

like...an escape, and for some reason even thinking

about the rest of my family, wasn't any help.



What was?



The first step, was Bailey. He climbed on my lap,

and all I could think, was...about him being alone,

if...(shrugging)... It was like a first step toward

wanting to survive, again. Toward feeling again...

Feeling anything...


Eli goes from looking at her, to again looking away...

He eventually speaks.



We need to bury my family...That can be my

first step...






POV travels over the different tombstones, coming to a new tiny one, with a small hole, as Eli now places a wrapped body, of his baby nephew, down inside.

POV from hole, up at Eli, as he begins shoveling dirt into it.


Dissolve to Eli dirty and sweaty, as he digs a much deeper grave, Sam is helping...

Eli stops for a moment, looks dizzy. He catches breath, and goes back to it…

Dissolve to Eli dragging Rhett's body toward gravesite...

Dissolve to POV from grave, up at Eli, as he and Sam shovel dirt into Rhett's grave...

Dissolve to Eli and Sam, again hard at work, digging another hole. Eli could not be any more sweaty or tired...




Tree house deck, where Sam stands with tears running down her face...

Eli begins dragging Amy out. He drags her to end of deck, and lets go...



I...I don't know what else to do, other than...

let her drop down.


POV from ground, up at tree house, where Eli works hard to move Amy's body over the edge, as it drops right down onto POV.

Dissolve to Eli (looking pale) now dragging Amy's body toward grave. He gets there and begins attempting to place her down inside, but suddenly becomes extremely dizzy, and works hard to avoid passing out, as he lets go of Amy, and falls to his knees, then to the ground...





Sam runs to Eli's side. She comes down to him, but then quickly runs back toward tree house, and up ladder. She climbs to top, and runs into boys room, running right back out, with two bottles of water.

Cut to Eli trying to get back up, but deciding against it. Sam arrives and dumps the first bottle over his head. She forces him to drink from the second.



(stopping him)

Small drinks! Take a drink then a breath, then

another drink...


Sam just watches him for a few moments...



You need to eat. I need to eat. It's getting dark,

too. We need to finish tomorrow. It's not safe

down here.



I ain't scared of huffs...


Dissolve to night, and Eli on his bed, biting into a granola bar. He begins demolishing it. He quickly opens a second one, again eating fast, but this time stops, just before finishing, and holds it, while his stomach settles.


Sam is slowly eating one of her own, watching Eli. He finishes his, goes for some water, and opens a third granola bar. Sam drinks some water. Eli eats a little slower now, and sits back, relaxed... They continue this a bit, in total silence...


He finishes and relaxes, even begins closing his eyes. Sam watches. Eli drifts. Sam walks over to him, reaches for a blanket, and covers him. She goes over to her own bed, Covering up. She watches him as long as she can, before drifting herself...




INT. TREE HOUSE (boys room) - DAY (Sunny)


Rhett walking into the boys room, holding his baby boy, and smiling. He hands him over to Amy. Scott stands close by, smiling and looking down at the baby.



You want to hold him, Eli?


Amy a big smile for Eli, who begins walking over to her. She hands the baby to him. He proudly walks over to the doorway, where he can see Sam out on deck, with Greg. He is showing her how to point a gun...


She fires it. The baby begins crying. Eli turns to hand it over to Amy, (it's dark outside now) but she is laying there dead, hole in her head. Her dad lays on the ground, next to her, with the same wound. Rhett is a huff, kneeling to begin feasting on Amy...


Eli turns to run out of the room, where Greg is shot, falling over the deck. Sam is holding Bailey, and staring at Eli.



My family isn't coming.


The baby's crying, turn to huff moans. Eli looks down at a baby huff, with giant teeth, coming right at him!

Cut to Eli waking in bed. He looks around, then to Sam. He then looks to the gun over on the table, next to the granola bars. He gets up and walks over to it. He grabs it and stares at it, before walking out of the room with it. He goes over toward ladder, and sits down, hanging his legs over the side. He just stares at the gun...


Eventually, he looks outward, at the sound of what might be a huff. Sure enough, a huff is walking around the cabin. Eli whistles a few times, as the huff begins approaching. He rises and goes into boys room, and to Sam's side. He begins waking her.



Come on.


He grabs a flashlight and walks out of room. She groggily watches for a second, but once he leaves room, she hops right out of bed, and follows. He grabs his bloody bat, and heads to ladder.



What are you doing?


He begins climbing down.





She follows, but stops halfway, realizing there was a huff approaching. She looks at it, then to Eli (with a flashlight), already at bottom, looking up and waiting for her.



What do you need me for?



This one is all yours. I'll hold the light for you.

(Sam just staring at him) If I'm forced to live,

because I'm too guilty to leave you here by

yourself, then the least you can do, is learn

how to not be scared of these things.


Sam keeps staring at him a second, before a look at the huff, and climbing down.



I don't want to do this...but you're reminding

me of Zane, right now.


She grabs the bat from him, with a look from him to the gun, in his hand...



You better not let me die...


Sam walks out toward the approaching huff, as Eli shines the light on him. She positions herself, as it gets close. Eli is just as close, and aiming gun directly at the huff. The huff is towering over Sam, as she is about to swing, but suddenly, Eli fires and blows its head off. Sam jumps back, dropping the bat and covering her ears, as she watches the huff go down.



What the hell! (she pushes Eli) What the hell!



I...I don't know, it just...


Sam staring at him...






It looked like he might get to you, if you didn't

connect hard enough. I panicked...and took the

shot while I still could.


Sam just staring at him...



You were worried about me?



I didn't want you to become a huff.


Eli turning and going back to ladder...



You care about something other than yourself,



Sam forming a small smile...

Dissolve to Eli sitting in his bed, eating from a can of peanuts. Sam on her bed, eating from a package of crackers. They are quiet, until Sam eventually speaks...



How did I get in my bed last night?


Silence, as Eli isn't even sure what she's talking about...






I can remember watching you, until I fell asleep

on the deck. How did I wake up from my bed?


Silence until he eventually answers...



I didn't carry you there, if that's what you're asking...


Sam just looks at him, not believing him...



You were on the deck when I left the tree house.

You must of woke and came in here without even

remembering. I’ve done it tons of times…



No (shaking her head)...I don't do that. You

carried me in here.


Sam a small smile.



I did no such thing. All I wanted to do was die.

It's all I still want to do, but I'm stuck here

taking care of you.


Sam's small smile, turning to a large frown...

Dissolve to Sam crashed out asleep, in her bed, without any covers...

Eli is heard approaching from the bathroom. He enters, walking past her and to the table. He grabs a granola bar, and goes to his bed. He begins eating it, while looking over at Sam...


He finishes it, walks to table for a drink of water, and walks over to Sam, placing a blanket over her. He then goes over to his bed, climbs inside, and closes his eyes...






Mason is now driving. Leo's face is full of dry tears, and remaining in shock...



I really think we should report back to the others.

They should know how serious this is getting. I

mean, coming back to life?



I told you...they can't know about the camp...I'm

trusting you with that secret. We'll call later, after

we get my children safely in my arms.



I get having a camp of your own, hell even Dad

always said we'd build a new world outside the

compound, if the world ever started over. I just

don't get the secrecy.



Because Dad isn't the law, there. It's not something

for him to know about, and that's something you

need to respect. I just lost half my family. Please

allow me to do what needs being done...


Mason a look at Leo, and back at the road, not sure what to think...






Birds eye POV of the ocean and beautiful sandy beach, on one side of the highway, with lakes, brushy areas, and homes, on the others side. Going down the road, the POV comes to people panicking, as they run away from something…

On a back road, two cars collide. Commotion is building...


Eventually, a female huff comes into POV, a pot belly older man is across the road, aiming shotgun at her. He fires several shots, one of which nails her shoulder. She turns, it's the woman whose daughter was killed by the car. She gets shot in the chest, but begins crossing road toward man.


He turns and runs back toward his home, and wife at the door, waiting for him. Two squad cars come skidding to a stop, on the highway. Officers begin opening fire on the huff. Several shots are fired, before a head shot takes her down...


POV back into full birds eye, heading back down highway, toward town. There are less and less people. It comes to same corner where child was hit and killed. She is still in street (unable to move) with no one around. The SSH is across the street, and has what looks like a huge courtyard (all sand) in the middle.


As the POV drops lower, Leo's Humvee is seen speeding down highway, quickly turning at corner of accident scene. Hummer slams to a skidding stop, as it makes the turn. Leo comes running out passenger side, right toward the disabled huff. He stops several feet in front of her. Mason joins him...



My God...it's all true.


Leo backing up, and running across railroad track, up the hill into parking lot of hotel. Mason gets back in hummer, driving up. As POV follows them, and Leo heads toward a side door, you can see the courtyard has a baseball diamond shape to it, and stadium bleachers in certain areas, along with a restaurant and personal decks/balconies. Most of the hotel was surrounding the huge courtyard, along with a large pier, that went out into the ocean.


POV drops down into that courtyard. You can see the left field homerun fence is a part of the hotel, with room balconies, facing the field. In center field, is a view of the ocean and the Twin Rocks (from series opening scene), that lay out in the water. Right field was a sand wall, with a beachy area above, where people could lay and watch, with the actual beach on the other side, below a wall of boulders. It was a wiffleball stadium.


Leo comes running out a door, into the stadium area. He looks all around...






Leo turns and runs to Mason. He finds him in the main offices, and comes to a slow. Mason is on the ground, near Mary, who is still alive. Leo runs to her, and kneels in front of her. She looks near death. Mason rises, and backs off. He looks around at all the other bodies, and leaves the room.



You have to get the brain...it's the only way.







I did everything you taught me. You would have

been proud. But like you always warned...God

threw a curveball. (she smiles) I swung my

hardest...I missed.




I failed you my dear, Mary.


Mary smiles...




Your father failed me...as he failed you. You are

The future of this family. Listen to Anthony. He

has your back. And those silly pills (shaking head,

smiling at him) You don’t need those, my love.

You are who you are…



It was supposed to be the two of us. You at my

side. The brains of it all. (more emotional) The

beauty of my life. The one who kept me calm.

The one...


Mary closes her eyes, and goes...

Leo drops his head on her, weeping...

Mason in hallway, hanging his head, and walking away...


Leo still weeping as he rises, and stumbles around corner of desk, over to Troy and Angela's bodies. Just the sight of their bodies, cause his sobbing to increase. He drops to his knees, in front of them both. He looks upward, and screams as loud as he can, in complete agony...


Mason is down the hall, closing his eyes, at the sound of Leo screaming...




Mason helping Leo outside the hotel, where he's in major need of fresh air, looking pale and faint...

Mason is looking all around...



I don't see Jagger's car. He and Kate must already

be at your camp.


Leo heading for the hummer, climbing inside passenger side, as Mason goes for drivers side...

POV goes into birds eye, as Mason pulls the hummer out of parking lot. POV follows them a ways, as they come to the dead huff and squad cars, on the highway. They work their way around them, and continue on...




Leo's hummer pulling off highway, onto back road, and moving quickly. The road eventually becomes gravel/grass. They turn a corner and come to several trucks, blocking the road, along with a half dozen men, with shotguns. Mason rolls down window, as Leo carefully readies his handgun...



(speaking to man)

Any particular reason you're blocking this road?


Man (BILL) approaching (with shotgun), as his buddies all stand by...



It's been a popular road today. Guessing it has

everything to do with whatever's going (motioning

toward highway) on out there. Everyone's retreating,

and literally running for the hills.



And your problem with that would be?


Bill looking inside at Leo, before motioning back toward his house/property.



That's my land, right there. I have the right to

protect my home.



And just how exactly are you protecting it, by

preventing my people and I, from using this

road, to get to my land?



Must be over fifty people up there, already. We

have to survive here. We can't risk being overrun

by a bunch of inexperienced campers, who won't

survive a week up there, before ravishing our land.

You need to find somewhere else to try and survive.

This spot is taken.


Leo instantly climbing out, and rounding corner of hummer. Bill and his men become anxious, and for good reason, as Leo turns corner aiming gun, right at Bill. Everyone (except Bill) raises their shotguns, at Leo. Bill holds his hand up, at his men...



I lost my wife, my son, my daughter-in-law, and

my future grandson. Just now! So, all I care

about, at present moment, is reaching my other

children, who happen to be up that road! As for

my patience, well, I must have left that on the

ground, next to MY DEAD WIFE!!!


Silence a moment...



Everyone take your guns off this man...and

put them on his friend.


Leo a glaring look into Bill's eyes (still pointing gun at him), as his men take aim at Mason, and Bill stares back...



It's obvious you don't care what happens to

yourself, so...(shrugging) It's also obvious that

you're a dangerous man. Whatever's going on

(motioning toward highway) out there, is

probably due to dangerous men, like you...


Leo rolling eyes, and heading back around corner of hummer, while annoyingly throwing hands in air.



He's coco puffs! Absolutely freaking coco puffs!


Leo climbing into passenger side, standing in/on doorway, poking head over top of hummer.



If fifty men is what you've already seen come

up this road, so far, just imagine how many

more are yet to arrive. I'll take your fifty and

raise you a hundred and fifty!


Mason begins backing up, Leo remains standing from passenger side.



We're gonna’ go get some milk, now...


Mason turning hummer around, as Leo climbs in, shutting door, with head out window.



Can't finish off coco puffs, without milk...


Hummer leaving the scene, as Bill's men all share some questionable looks, amongst themselves...

Same POV of them all, but from Mason's rearview mirror, as he drives away, around corner.



(just shaking head)

I don't know where to even start (Leo dials and

puts phone to ear)... I'm trying to cut you some

slack, and watch what I say, but I have a family too,

Leo. Your actions back there, almost prevented me

from ever seeing them again! That happens again,

I'm going to forget really quick, what happened to

you today.


Leo frustrated, with no answer, on phone. He dials another number.



And what the hell do you have going on up

there, anyway?


Leo waiting to respond.



(into phone)

Come on, Zane, pick up!


No answer, Leo hangs up...



First of all, what the hell do you mean, what do

I have going on up there? I have my kids going on

up there! I can't even begin to think straight, until

I know they're safe. Secondly, why do you think I

gave up so easily? I didn't play with your life, I

walked away. Mr. Coco Puffs knew I would. I didn't

even have the chance to prove I have land up there,

Not that I sure as hell should have had to, any damn

way! Here, pull over here.


Leo back on phone.



You forced that guy to stay aggressive. If you had

given me the opportunity to speak, I would have

remained calm enough, to reason with the man.



(speaking into phone)

Hey, are you by any chance there, yet?.... Thank

God! And my son, Jagger, and daughter, Kate?

Did they arrive?.... No? S**t! You're positive?....

(expressing extreme frustration) Alright, I'll call

you back.


Leo just thinking...



We didn't check the hotel rooms. They could

still be there...


Leo just thinking...



Yeah...but we have fix this situation, first.



(in shock)

Are you kidding me?



They could still show up, here. Katie didn't have

her phone earlier, and Jagger isn't answering his.

I need this to be a safe place for them, if they

show up.


Leo back on phone...






Bill and his men still in road, with shotguns.



Look, I get it, I was with you at first, but these aren't

just a bunch of random scared people. They have

guns, they have numbers, and they seem more

organized than we are.



I agree. If those really are his people up there, and they

have guns of their own (shrugging)...



They can't all be his people. There's nothing up there!



He's driving a two-hundred-and-fifty thousand

dollar, vehicle. He's not just some overly paranoid

wannabe survivalist, like yourself!


Pete walks away, over to one of the trucks.





Pete climbs in the truck, and drives away…

Dissolve to Pete's truck coming to a stop, where Leo’s hummer blocks the road, near bottom of hill. He climbs out...


Cut back to Bill and Johnny arguing, as another man parks his vehicle, where Pete had been parked.



You can follow Pete. You can go out there, where

dead people are taking over the world, and take

your chances. We need good men here, but you

can do what you need to do.


Suddenly, the hummer comes driving around corner, followed by Pete's truck, and pulling up sideways, in the road, next to the blockade. Leo and Mason, hop out of passenger side, and take cover, Pete does the same. Bill and his men take cover, behind their trucks.



Ooooohh, are you a******s ever screwed now...

I've got a one-time offer, to help you with that,

though. Throw down your guns, and either go

home, join my people, or...you're just back to

being screwed again.


Suddenly, more cars can be heard, coming down the road. Bill and his men nervously turn around, to look, followed by finding better cover, as they now find themselves exposed to about 10 trucks, who come speeding up on them, stopping several yards away, with men in the back, aiming guns on Bill’s men.

With nowhere to really take cover, Bill watches his men begin lowering their weapons…


Leo and Mason, approaching from Humvee, with Pete following…



God, I really want to be enjoying this moment...

but I'm too busy grieving.


He walks through the trucks, right to Bill...



And way too (staring right into Bill's eyes)

determined to reach my children.


Leo looks back at the other men.



Are any of you, family with this man? (looking back

at Bill) Or are you all just league bowling buddies

or some s**t?



His wife is up at the house.



Someone married this piece of s**t? No kids

though, eh? I like it.



My son died overseas, eight years ago, serving

his country.



To get away from you, I imagine. And I guess you

expect some sympathy over that, do you? Yet you

had none to show for me, after all of my loss, today.

All I wanted, was up that road, to my children, who

now know aren't even there, yet here I am, having

to deal with you, in case they do show up. You just

had to be the tough guy. Now, you get to be the

(off-screen, he jabs Bill with knife, in stomach) dead

guy. (looking in his eyes, twisting knife) No place in

this new world, for an ignorant piece of s**t, like you.


Leo pushes knife in deeper, and lets Bill drop to the ground. He turns and faces Bill's other men, as one of Leo's men (a big guy, Anthony, 30ish, Mexican), steps up next to him...



If any of you have a problem with what I just did,

you're free to go. For those of you okay with it, and

want to survive this new world, with me, (placing

hand on Anthony) then I'd like to introduce you to

your camp leader, Anthony, (motioning toward a

different guy) and his number two, Dylan. I myself,

will be residing at a different camp, for now. You will

earn your keep. This is not vacation, it's life...life...

that has all new meaning today, doesn't it? (Gesturing

at Bill) Which you’ll soon see. According to my sources,

and from what I've seen with my own eyes, the dead

are coming back, in a dangerous, demon-like manner.

(again gesturing at Bill) Another reason I just put this

sob down. So, you can all see it with your own eyes.



It's true, I've seen it, too!



Me too.



I don’t know how long it takes, but eventually, you’re

all about to get a firsthand look at the new enemy.



A word, Leo?



Everyone gather around the dead guy. Just don't

get too close.


Leo walking off a ways, with Mason...



As curious as I am to witness this coming back to life

nightmare, along with your so-called "camp", I need

to get back to my family, before it's too hard to get

back. And what about Kate and Jagger?



They should be safe at the hotel, with Zane, or even

already on their way back to the compound, with him.


Mason shaking head...



Zane didn't go to the hotel. After the compound, he,

Scout, and Dakota, all went for Fish and Samantha.

I called them back at the hotel.




Why does that not surprise me? (shaking head) God

damn it, Zane! (shaking head) Alright...give me a sec.


Leo walking over to Anthony and Dylan...



Anthony, a word? Dylan, if he comes back, it takes

a shot to the brain, to take em' down. Don't let

anyone get bit.


Walking off with Anthony...



Again, Leo, I'm so, so sorry about your family. Anything

I can do, just ask.



Thanks. I didn't know pain like this was possible.

At first, I thought I'd no longer give a damn about

the camp, the compound, any of it... But then...

what kind of a leader would that make of me?

Especially on a day like this. (shaking head) But

for now, my friend, I can't even stick around to

watch that dead piece of s**t, come back. I have

to go find my kids.



I'll have the men begin driving South, checking all

the back roads, in case they're on foot. If they

show up here, they'll be well taken care of.



Thank you, Anthony. (shaking his head) Whatever

this is, it's happening just a few years too early. So

much still to do, up there. Even at the compound.

We only have about ten percent of the artillery we

would have had, a decade from now. (shaking head

with a look at Anthony) No telling when I'll be back.

Put up as many of those yurts as you can. Keep

bringing in more people, as many as you come across.

Be severe with the ones who cause you problems, but

be more than fair with those who play fair, themselves.



Yes, sir...


Cut to Mason, on phone.



(into phone)

Off his meds and completely unsteady...


Cut back to Leo...



Any word from your guy?



Yeah, but everything there, is still running as normal.



That'll soon change. (walking toward Mason)


Leo reaches Mason, who is on phone, and now handing it to Leo.



It's Dad.


Leo walks right by, without grabbing phone, and speaks to all the guys, while on his way to the humvee.



When that guy comes back to life, just keep in

mind, it's not really him. When he rises to his feet,

do not let him bite or attack, anyone. Put a bullet

in his head, it's the only way to take them down.

Remember that, live by that. Survive up there...I

hope to see you all soon.


A subtle applause from his men. The ones close enough, pat Leo as he walks by. Bill’s men look completely shocked, and keep staring down at Bill, wondering if he’s really going to come back…



Good luck, Leo!


Leo climbs into front seat of humvee. Mason (off phone) begins walking toward passenger side, looking back toward the crowd, and the body on the ground. He climbs in, as Leo starts engine.



Scout called Dad, and said they turned around.

Should be at the hotel within the hour.



If I don't find those kids, I may just shoot my

other two.


Mason simply staring at Leo, who stares out his window (as he's turning the vehicle around), as the dead guy begins to rise, and everyone reacts with shock/excitement. Leo straightens out vehicle, driving away, as a single shot is fired...






Hummer heading toward hotel.



Is your phone working?



S**t...not at all.


Leo approaching corner, where the girl was hit and killed, as he looks toward her body, still in street. He turns up into SSH parking lot…



Her car's still here. She's got to be with Jagger,

but where?


Leo parks, as they climb out and walk toward side of hotel.



I know you told Kate to go to your camp, but maybe

once she found Jagger, he insisted on going back to

the compound?



We're talking about Kate and Jagger, not Zane and

Dakota... They actually do as their father says.






Leo unlocks hotel room door, and disappears into room, from one side of the hallway, as Mason does the same from the other side. Several moments later, they return to the hall, and do the same thing in the next rooms over.


Several moments later, they again repeat the process. This time POV enters with Leo, who runs into back room, and glances through bathroom, before going back into hallway.





Leo nervously stops, and looks toward Mason’s room. He walks inside, finding Mason at window, staring outward. Leo walks over and looks...

POV of crashed helicopter, on the beach. Leo and Mason look from the window, to each other...



Did Mary tell you -





Leo instantly turning and exiting the room...


Dissolve to a quiet empty rom, with sound of someone at the door, as Leo enters, looking all around, before leaving...


Cut to another hotel room, but this one not so quiet, as POV comes from someone inside, staring at the door. Sound of a child quietly crying, and another, quietly hushing her. Door opens, Mason enters, stopping and staring straight ahead...



(continuing to stare)



Leo nervously enters room, stopping and looking straight ahead. His POV of Melvin's three grandkids, and little Trisha (mom/sister hit by car), who is waking up with dried tears on her face, and new ones, already developing.



Where's our grandpa?


Leo looks away, and flashes to the image of the dead man (Melvin), who laid next to his wife. Leo (coming out of flash) looks back at the kids, before turning and exiting the room. He walks into hallway, breathing heavily, and about to freak out, scream, or even pass out. He's looking everywhere, yet nowhere...




KATIEEEEE!!! (weeps out second half of next

name) JAGgerrrr...


Leo puts head against wall, banging it with his hand, as he weeps in agony. Mason stands at the door, watching, then turns towards children, who are all crying, themselves...






POV traveling through huge game room, where some walls are full of framed photos of Leo, his siblings, and their families, playing wiffleball on the beach. Some old, and some more recent. There is a long panoramic window, with a view of the wiffleball courtyard/stadium.


There is a backroom that looks like a bar, also with a panoramic window, and these walls have full-sized painted illustrations of the past (of the family playing wiffleball, before hotel was built). There are also tons of framed random championship teams, from tournaments hosted there at the SSH.


POV comes to a framed photo, reading 2010 Sand Series Champs. It zooms in to see Fish, Greg, Zane, Troy, Jagger, Miles, Wyatt, Chasin, and three other unknowns...


Mason eventually enters the game room, with the children.



See what I told you. Ping pong, air hockey, pool,

board games, video games. You guys can do it all.

But I have to leave you here, until I go find my

niece and nephew. Are you guys sure you haven't

seen them?


Mason shows them a picture, of them on his phone. They nervously shake their heads...

Dissolve to Leo standing over Jagger's blood stain in the hallway, as Mason comes from behind him, taking notice of the blood stain. Leo simply begins shaking his head...



I don't even know what to make of this? I have no

idea what happened in the office, with the chopper,

or where the hell any of my other children are, or

why they're doing the exact opposite of what I ask.

I know nothing! Nothing makes sense! (freaking out

and screaming down the hall) AHHHHHH!!!


Dissolve to Leo standing in lobby, as Mason returns from a long corridor...



The cafe and the pool are clear. They're not here.


Suddenly, Griffey is heard screaming for help, as Mason and Leo instantly dash off his direction, but Mason freezes, as something in the opposite direction catches his attention. He instantly turns and races off that direction, as Leo continues toward the screaming of Griffey. 


Cut to Griffey, at top of basement steps (leading to game room) with Trisha (crying), as Leo (gun in hand) comes running to them.



What is it!



My brother and sister! Help them!


Leo races down the steps for the game room, where he stops at the door, staring ahead...


His POV of a huff, eating the little girl. He slowly approaches, as the huff looks up. It's Kate. She's been bitten in the shoulder, and once she rises, you can see half of her stomach had been eaten...


She begins walking toward Leo. His face is already filling with tears, as he drops to his knees. He weeps, as she approaches him...





She arrives to him, as he halfheartedly pushes her away. She comes at him more aggressively. He stands, and pushes her to the ground. Over on the other side of a pool table, Jagger (a huff) rises, from where he'd been eating Griffey's little brother...


Kate rises, as Jagger turns corner of pool table, right behind her, and heading for Leo, who simply stands there in shock. He's shaking, as he gradually lifts and aims his gun. Kate opens wide, and is inches from his flesh, before he finally blows her head off.


Cut to Zane, Dakota, and Mason, rushing to the scene, stopping in shock, at the sight of Jagger, as Leo holds him by his throat, looking right at him...



I love you, son.


Leo blows his head off...

He stands there in shock, staring down at his body, then to Kate's...





Leo freezes a moment, before slowly turning, to face Zane...

He slowly begins walking right toward him, suddenly raising his gun, holding it directly against Zane's head.








Leo shaking, covered in blood and sweat. Zane just stares back at him, with tears. Dakota gets right up in there.



Put it down, Dad! (She puts her gun to Leo's head)

Put it down, RIGHT NOW!!!



Both of you put them down!


Leo looks from Zane to Dakota, then back to Zane. He begins to weep. He slowly puts down his hand, dropping gun to the ground. He weeps, while looking right at Zane, then instantly wraps him up tightly, in his arms, as he cries out in agony...


Dakota drops her gun arm, and begins crying as she watches them, and looks to the ground at her dead siblings. Mason with tears of his own. Zane not holding Leo as tight, with his face full of tears...




INT. TREE HOUSE (boys room) - NIGHT


The room is dark with the sound of Sam sleeping. Headlights suddenly come though the room (revealing that Eli is lying there wide awake) as Eli sits up, looking over at Sam.





Sam slowly opens eyes, she can hear the sound of the car, and instantly hops out of bed. Eli remains in bed, as she goes to window, looking out. Her POV of one car. No one is getting out...




Is it them?


The car begins turning around, and leaving...





Sam disappointedly heading back into her bed...






Sam sleeping in her bed. Eli wide awake in his. Bailey in his lap. Eli is staring at him, but not petting him...

Sam begins waking. She looks over at Eli, and Bailey. She continues lying there, watching them...






Bailey in Eli's lap, Sam gloomily sitting by the ladder, just staring toward the driveway. Tears develop in her eyes...



(speaking quietly)

Where are you guys? What happened to you?

You were here. Why aren't you coming back?


Suddenly, a sound comes from the brush, as she turns to look. Eli half-heartedly takes his own look. More sounds are heard. Sam rises. Eli does not, but Bailey runs and climbs up tree.



(OS, from brush)



Eli's eyes go wide, and he quickly rises, going over to Sam, and looking toward brush.





Slowly, a young girl walks out of brush, right behind her, is her brother, DJ. He's looking up toward Eli, with a smile...


Eli instantly begins zipping down ladder, and running to DJ.



(just looking at him)

I can't believe it!


Now simply lunging forward, embracing him. Sam at bottom of ladder, watching. She forms a small smile...









© 2024 Mike Decker

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Added on December 31, 2018
Last Updated on June 21, 2024
Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse


Mike Decker
Mike Decker

vancouver, WA

My daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..
