Above the Dead...Season 1, Episode 6 "Grief" (Season Finale)A Screenplay by Mike DeckerIn a world, and situation, full of grief, will anyone survive the season finale...ABOVE THE DEAD . com Season 1, Episode 6 (52
pages) (season finale) "Misery" INTRO BLACK Sound of multiple people, breathing hard... FADE IN: EXT. GRASSY AREA - DAY Close-up feet (four pairs), running (on grass)... Sound of sirens can now be heard. POV Zane running, panning back to him followed by 3 teens,
jogging off patch of grass and onto a sidewalk, past a 7-11 (people shopping in
background, revealing this as a flashback). Cut to St. Johns bridge, panning down below, where Zane
and his 3 Freshmen students, jog down a steep hill, toward the river... ZANE Time to push it! Last one to
the end of the dock, gets thrown in! All of them burning hard, as they speed up, racing toward
the river. Zane first one onto dock, as others follow. Zane turns corner of
dock, speeding toward the end. The students all hit the corner, and almost lose
balance, going into river, with laughter, as they regain their balance, and
race to end, where Zane waits with a laugh of his own... ZANE Alright, alright, take a knee. Students all taking a knee, while catching their
breath... ZANE (speaking through
deep breaths) Got my future varsity ace
(Travis), my catcher (Eric), and my best hitter (Nate).
Little league days are behind you, and high school
ball begins next Spring. You guys have four years together,
to do something special, something you'll
remember, and take with you, the rest of your lives.
You guys can just go half-a*s, and enjoy the ride...or you can
take that a*s, and absolutely work it to death.
Not just your own a*s, but the a*s of every teammate you
have, over those years, older or younger. Especially
the younger. On and off the field. Become a family, a
family with goals. A family that achieves those goals, and gets
every damn thing they can, out of these next four years. (staring
them all in the eyes) I'm almost certain I can count
on each one of you, not to let me down. I will be here to
help, as much as I can. (his phone begins ringing) But it's
your game... Those guys rising, with some
high-fives, and heading off dock, as Zane answers phone. ERIC Man, that makes me want to get
on the field, right now! TRAVIS Play ball, baby! ZANE (speaking on
phone) Hey, cousin... Hello??? Zane looking at his phone, seeing that "call
ended". He begins walking off dock. He looks ahead at students. ZANE Um...why are you guys walking?
(they begin jogging) I'm walking for twenty
more seconds, and don't expect you guys to
let me catch up with you, before we get back to
the school. ERIC Pizza on you, if you don't! ZANE Deal! And 6am jog tomorrow
morning, if I do! Students begin running! Zane waits several more seconds,
before taking off after them. He runs off dock, as someone reaches out grabbing
him, from bushes. He stops (freaked out). The person begins laughing... ZANE Miles! Is that why you hung up
on me!? MILES I saw an opportunity, and had
to take it, cousin. ZANE Thought you were going to meet
me at the school? MILES Got here early and - Miles attacked from behind, as Zane begins pounding some
guy in the face (soaking wet, like he just walked out of the river), who just
took a small piece of flesh (with his mouth), from Miles' arm. Zane continues
to punch him, and finally shoving him down (as the punching doesn't faze him
much). ZANE What the hell is the matter
with you?! Guy keeps coming, as Zane again pushes him back, and
down, then grabs Miles and runs off. The students come running to their aid. ZANE Where's your car?! Miles pointing across the field, as Zane guides him that
way, with a look back at the huff, who is following. He looks to students, as
they arrive. NATE What the hell happened? ZANE That tweaker bit a chunk right
off his arm! (students aggressively going after
"tweaker") No, don't! He's jacked up on something! (a
grimace/shake of head, as they go anyhow) Don't let
him bite you! Zane turning back toward car, running alongside Miles. He looks at all the
blood from the injury. He looks back at the students, pounding on the huff. He
turns back ahead, as they arrive at the car, when Eric begins screaming, like
he's dying. They turn to look, and are shocked by what they see... Their POV, of both Nate and Travis, running in terror, as
Eric is being eaten alive. Zane instantly runs toward him. Then he stops,
realizing it's far too late, with shock all over his face. He looks back at
Miles. Nate and Travis catch up, also in shock, as they run right past Zane, to
the car. Zane follows, but with continued looks of shock, back toward Eric. He arrives at the car, climbing in, still looking back at
Eric, as the others plead for him to get in, which he does, and peels away… DISSOLVE TO: THEME TUNE/CREDITS Shots of all the chaos in the city, on day 1 of the “zombie” apocalypse,
followed by bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highways, and tons of angry/nervous
people honking or trying to pull off the road. Shot of Mt. Hood, followed by
shots of a huge tree house overlooking a lake, which dissolves into the
Columbia River, and traveling down it, through a huge forest fire, before
reaching the Bonneville Dam. POV continues down the river, past the Glen
Jackson bridge, flowing by tons of houseboats where the dead are falling into
the river, chasing after whoever is drifting by… POV of the Willamette River as it goes under the St. Johns bridge, and up
into the hills of Portland. It travels over them, into the Beaverton area,
crossing over the top of the Nike World Headquarters, and keeps traveling over
farmlands, and into the coast range, finding the Glenwood Market, and a large
camp with log walls, across the creek and behind the store… POV speeds over the Tillamook Forest, Highway 26, and a bunch of other
lands, before coming to the Columbia River, traveling west, under the Megler
bridge, and into the ocean. It continues along the shoreline, past Astoria, the
Haystack Rock of Cannon Beach, coming to a pair of jetties, and following
through the channel between them. POV continues up into the nearby hills,
finding a large camp, protected by a large log wall… POV travels back down to the shoreline, and over a huge hotel, with a shot
of the Twin Rocks in the ocean. POV travels by the bay of Tillamook, and along
Highway 6, back into the coast range, until leaving the road, back into the
Tillamook Forest, until coming to a very large compound, hidden away by all the
brush and mountain-side, as opening credits roll… DISSOLVE TO: BLACK Sound of baby crying... EXT. CAMPFIRE - NIGHT POV panning from the dark, to a burning campfire, then
back to some people standing in front of it. Annoyed, they look back toward the
tent, with the crying baby. Something snaps in the woods, behind them, as they
all quickly turn. One of them instantly bitten in neck, screaming, and bleeding
all over. Others go scattering away. There are several tents and
cars, including a camper. Huffs are coming from every angle. Another person is
attacked and bitten. A group of people hop into a camper (just as it's swarmed
with huffs), as one guy drives off with it, before stopping (waiting), once
free from huffs... A guy (one from campfire, Tony) runs toward a car (with
woman from campfire, Maria). Maria glances toward tent, with crying baby. MARIA (still running
toward car) What about Adriana and her
baby? TONY We don't have time! They're the
reason this keeps happening! They both make it to the car, where another guy is
waiting, with engine running. Baby's mother is heard screaming. Baby keeps
crying. Car takes off, as mother stops screaming. Baby still crying. Baby
suddenly stops crying, as both the camper and car are leaving the area... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PRIVATE ROAD - NIGHT Car and camper driving along road, with nothing but
woods. They come to a cabin, with a tree house in the background (visible, due
to headlights). Both vehicles park. Everyone slowly gets out, looking all
around. They begin approaching cabin. One of them (Sergio, 35-40) walks toward cabin, while
staring back toward tree house. He stops...begins approaching tree house. He
eventually comes to hear huffs (trapped in the pit). He slows down, being very
cautious. He keeps peeking up at tree house. He stops, and signals Tony over.
Tony shines light on him, then tree house. He arrives, as they both come to
pit, shining light on huffs. They look at each other, then shine light at tree
house. SERGIO (speaking to
anyone who might be up there) We're not here to hurt anyone.
We're just trying to survive. If no one is up there,
or in that cabin...well, we're going to take it. If you are
up there...we'll leave... if that's what you want us to
do...but we could really use some help. WOMAN (OS) DEAD! Two of them! Other guy running toward cabin. Sergio looks up at tree
house, one last time, before jogging toward cabin. DIFFERENT WOMAN Two more! Three of the people along with three young children, run
toward/into cabin. A woman and child rush toward/into the camper. Sergio
speeding up. More and more huffs flooding the area. Tony stops (looking at all
the approaching huffs), he goes for the camper, and Sergio follows. They climb
inside just in time, as camper is flooded and surrounded by huffs, while
someone screams in agony, from the cabin porch... DISSOLVE TO: INT. TREE HOUSE (girls room) - NIGHT Everyone staring at Amy, as Rhett helps her quietly lay
down. Scott peeks outside. RHETT (speaking quietly) Did your water break? Amy shaking her head. AMY (quietly) I imagine it will soon. ELI (quietly) They're going to hear her. GREG (quietly) They'll be dead or gone, soon.
That herd of huffs, had to have heard them arrive.
They're going to be on them any moment. SCOTT (quietly) One of them is coming! They all do their best to keep quiet. Sam holding Bailey.
Rhett comforting Amy. Scott ducks down. They all just listen... SERGIO (OS) We're not here to hurt anyone.
We're just trying to survive. If no one is up there,
or in that cabin...well, we're going to take it. If you are
up there...we'll leave... if that's what you want us to
do...but we could really use some help. Amy a look at Rhett, he shakes his head. Greg standing, with
a look at Sam, and about to call out to Sergio… WOMAN (OS) DEAD! Two of them! Greg peeks out, as does Scott and Rhett. DIFFERENT WOMAN (OS) Two more! Eli now peeking out, as Sam does the same... They all just watch... Their POV of huffs, surrounding the camper, just as
Sergio jumps inside. At the cabin, someone is caught and killed by huffs, as
others inside close door. Dozens of huffs working toward getting inside cabin.
Dozens of other huffs, continue to surround the camper, as dozens more continue
to arrive. POV of everyone in tree house, watching. Then speaking
quietly... GREG Damn it...we're going to have
to do something. ELI What do you mean? GREG I was hoping they'd leave. Now
we have a God damn mess, down there. (looking at
Amy) We have to get her in the cabin, where she
won't be heard. SCOTT If the dead get in there first,
(shaking head) it's going to be ugly. ELI So, what do
we do? RHETT Lead them
away. (Greg nodding) AMY And how exactly do we do that? GREG One of us has to get their
attention...and lead them away. Amy shaking head. SCOTT He's right. We have to help
them...in order to help ourselves. GREG Having them here could even be
a good thing. I didn't see any guns. I think we
can trust them. AMY I don't care if one of them is
a freaking doctor! I know it's Rhett, who's going
to have to go risk his life, while his baby is
being born, so excuse me, if I believe they need to help
themselves, right now! Rhett coming in close to
her... RHETT Greg's ankle isn't ready for
that. (looking at Scott, with a smile) Your dad is too
old. I got this. (kissing her, then looking in her eyes)
This will not be the last time you see me... Rhett rises, Greg hands him a flashlight and another gun.
Then shakes his hand... GREG Try not to fire, once on your
way back. Don't want them turning around again. Rhett a smile at Amy, as he leaves the room. RHETT I got this... Cut to a woman, her young boy, Tony, and Sergio inside
camper. TONY We're screwed! They might not
get in, but they ain't going anywhere. WOMAN (crying) I think they got Roberta. SERGIO (peeking out at
cabin) We may be safe in here, but
they're going to make it inside that cabin. TONY (peeking out at
tree house) There's a ladder coming down at
that tree house! (Sergio coming to look)
Someone's coming down! (just watching for a moment) What's
he doing? SERGIO Helping... Cut to Rhett, jumping down off ladder. He looks all
around, then down at the remains/bones, of Jax. He then looks toward the
crowd/commotion, and takes a deep breath... RHETT HEY!
Come and get it, you hungry b******s! Amy, dreadfully shutting her eyes. Cut to two men, one woman, two young boys, and one young
girl, inside cabin. Some of them peeking out toward Rhett, as huffs begin
heading his direction. Cut to Rhett, waving his arms around and shining his
light. RHETT That's right. Right this way! Rhett shines his light all around, and back in brush,
checking for other possible huffs. He then begins leaving the tree house area,
and going past brush and around corner. RHETT I love you, Amy! Rhett disappears, as over a hundred huffs go his
direction. Cut to Eli, watching from above, along with Greg and Sam.
Scott works to keep Amy comfortable. SCOTT We have to get her inside,
asap. GREG Plan's working perfectly. Once
they clear out, we'll get her in there...and meet our
new friends... Dissolve to the last of the huffs leaving the area. POV
coming from those peeking out of cabin, as the area becomes clear of huffs… YOUNG BOY (OS) Are the monsters gone, Papa? Papa at window. PAPA They are, and we'll stay inside
where it's safe, so they don't come back. Cut inside of camper, where both Sergio and Tony look out
toward tree house. TONY We should get the others, and
get out of here, while we can. SERGIO Why? Those people are
survivors. TONY Survivors, who might survive by
killing whoever gets in their way. SERGIO They why would they help us,
like they just did? TONY To help themselves. They don't
want the dead here, any more than they
probably want us here. SERGIO If they were dangerous, we'd
already know. They were up there hiding from
us, worried we were the threat. WOMAN He's right. We should stay
here. Cut into tree house, where Scott and Sam work to comfort
Amy (looking more and more uncomfortable). Greg and Eli are looking out and
around... ELI Pretty quiet now... GREG We have to be patient. Just
moving her could cause labor pains, that she
can't control. SCOTT Any movement from our guests? GREG No. Thank God they're not
idiots... I'm thinking it might be time to quietly go
introduce myself. SAM (worried) By yourself? GREG I'll be fine. (looking around)
Anyone have a white shirt I can use, as a sign
of peace?
(going to her
things) I do... Sam finding and handing white shirt to Greg, as he grabs
an extra gun... Cut inside camper, where Sergio and Tony continue looking
out and around... SERGIO Here we go. His POV of Greg, climbing down ladder, holding and waving
a white "flag", as he begins slowly approaching... SERGIO (OS) You see that? What'd I tell
you? WOMAN (OS) What? SERGIO (OS) He's waving a white flag. TONY (OS) Could be a trick. POV Sergio. SERGIO You're right, let's just shoot
him dead. Oh yeah, we don't even have any
ammunition, do we? Stop being so paranoid, these
are good people. With any luck, they won't ask
us to leave. POV Greg, still waving "flag", as he suddenly
comes to a complete stop. He looks out past the camper, before turning and
racing back toward tree house. TONY (OS) What the... POV inside camper. WOMAN/CHILD What? SERGIO He's running back. (moving to
look out other window) Something scared him. POV Greg, arriving at ladder, and flying right up it. Cut inside camper, as headlights shine through. Cut to Greg, hopping off ladder, and pulling it up. ELI What's
wrong?! They can all see headlights
coming through tree house, as Sam becomes excited. SAM Zane! It must be! (looking at
Greg) Don't you think? GREG I sure hope so, kiddo... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. CAR - DAY Zane speeding along, in Mile's car. He comes to a
dramatic stop, near emergency entrance. Just before climbing out of car, both
he and Miles receive texts messages. Zane checks his, then stares at Miles, who
is looking down at his, before returning the stare from Zane. ZANE This has to be connected.
(already dialing someone) That guy bites you, before
biting Eric's face off, and now we get triple sixes! Zane waiting for an answer, while Nate and Travis share a
look. TRAVIS Triple sixes? Zane looking at phone. POV phone "incoming call, Aunt Scout". Zane
answers. ZANE (into phone) Scout, what's happening?! INT. COMPOUND OFFICE - DAY Scout (Zane's aunt, Fish's sister), on phone next to
Dakota (Zane's sister, also on phone), with sound of others in room, all busy
on their own phones, with friends and family. SCOUT (into phone) Dad told me to call you. He’s
on with your Uncle Mason. Are you okay? INTERCUT with Zane's car. ZANE (into phone) I'm fine, but Miles is hurt.
Some guy bit a small chunk off his arm, before
practically eating the face right off one of my
ballplayers. What the hell is happening?! SCOUT (into phone) He was bitten? Everyone else in room stops talking. Grandpa Sam
considers grabbing the phone from Scout, but gives a look to Leo (Zane's
father), who takes phone instead. (handing his phone to Scout) LEO (into phone) How bad is he? ZANE (into phone) He'll live, but it's nasty and
needs medical attention, asap. I'm at the hospital now. LEO (into phone) No! No hospitals! Bring him
straight here. The infected are biting and killing
people. Every indication has the hospitals as
ground zero. We don't know much, but have heard
rumors of authorities, not only shutting
them down, but locking everyone inside, infected,
or not. ZANE (looking at
Miles/injury, into phone) Infected? Miles looking at him. MILES What? LEO (into phone) Just get him here, now! MILES Where's my dad? ZANE (into phone) Where's Hunter? Doesn't he want
to speak to Miles? LEO (into phone) He's busy! We're all busy!
He'll call when he can. Just get here! ZANE (into phone, while
looking toward backseat) I have a couple of my kids, I
have to run home first. LEO (into phone) Bring them here! Or leave them
there! Jesus Christ, Zane. Just get your
cousin here. ZANE (into phone) These are my kids! They have
families! I'm not just dumping them on the side
of the road, or at ground zero, as you're
referring to it! SCOUT (now on other end
of phone, into phone) Zane, it's Scout. Your dad's on
with Mason. ZANE (into phone) Of course, he is (Zane
listening for a second)... What?! What do you mean someone
stole the helicopter? What the hell is
going on there?! SCOUT (into phone) It wasn't here, it was at the
SSH. Your stepmom, Troy (Zane's brother), Angela
(brother's wife), Kate (Zane's sister) and Jagger
(Zane's brother), are all there. Dad sent the
bird to pick them up. We're not sure what happened
yet, your dad's about to call them back. ZANE (into phone) Are they okay? SCOUT (into phone) We have no reason to believe
they're not. ZANE (into phone) This is a God damn nightmare.
Why isn't my dad already on his way there? SCOUT (into phone) He's meeting Mason here in a
minute, and they'll go get them all. (she pauses)
and Zane, we haven't heard from Fish, yet. ZANE (into phone) It's only been a few minutes
since you sent the text. SCOUT (into phone) Yeah, but I tried his phone the
moment Dad decided to send out the code. I
tried Samantha too, no luck. ZANE (into phone) They're at the cabin, so maybe
they're hiking out of range or something. SCOUT (over phone) I hope so. ZANE (into phone) Let’s worry about those we know
are in trouble, first. (about to hang up) But
Scout, call me the moment you do hear from them.
Alright...I love you too, see you soon. DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. TREE HOUSE - NIGHT Sam anxiously peeking out window (next to Greg), as
multiple vehicles pull up behind camper (out of their view). SAM I can't tell. Is it them? GREG I can't tell, yet. But keep
down, until we know for sure. Both Scott and Amy with hopeful expressions, as they
wait. Eli ducking down from window. ELI They have guns! Greg moving to Eli's window. SAM They would definitely have
guns! Greg ducking down all the way. GREG It's not them. Amy disappointed, Sam instantly devastated. SAM What?! Are you sure? How do you
know? Sam moving to Greg, who keeps her low. GREG I think it’s military! CUT TO: EXT. WOODS - NIGHT Rhett slowing down, and turning to walk backward, as he
waits for huffs to catch up a bit. RHETT Come on, you guys are killing
me. I wanted to be back by now. Rhett waving his arms around, making sure he has all
their attention. He almost trips, while taking a peek behind him, and all
around in the nearby brush. Suddenly, multiple gunshots begin going off (toward
cabin), as Rhett freezes a moment, before huffs force him to continue backward. RHETT Damn it! Rhett begins running ahead, full speed. He runs right
into brush, and getting through it (to other side), as quickly as possible. He
fires his gun forward, then turns and races off the other direction. He stops
and hides in some brush, as huffs march forward. He grows impatient, and begins
creeping through brush. He ends up making too much noise, and attracts some
huffs. Eventually they all change course. RHETT DAMN IT!!! Rhett runs out of brush (allowing them to see him), and
racing back in direction he wishes them to go. He continues running a ways. He
again finds brush to run through. Again, he fires gun, in direction he wants
huffs to continue traveling. He then turns and runs off the other direction. He stops in brush, this time fatigued and willing to be
more patient... But now more gunshots begin being fired. Many more. And once
again, the huffs all turn around. Rhett looks toward the direction of the
gunshots, then to the huffs, now heading that way. He becomes extremely
frustrated, and simply walks out of brush, yelling at huffs. RHETT (waving hands
PEOPLE!!! Rhett again leading the herd away... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CABIN AREA - NIGHT Two dead men (guys who were trapped in cabin, with the
woman/kids), one lying on porch steps, the other on ground, in front of porch.
Army soldiers coming out front door, with the woman and children
(crying/freaking out), and walking them off porch, where the apparent
"head" soldier, pulls out a pistol. COLONEL BALLARD (speaking to his
men, who brought them out) Thank you for not messing up
our new living quarters. The soldier
watching, can't move. He just stares at her lifeless body, and family. His Colonel
takes notice, but has no time to react, as suddenly Sergio and Toby go rushing
from the camper, to the truck. The soldiers open fire... Tony goes down,
before reaching passenger side. Sergio hops inside driver's seat, starting
engine. He's taking serious fire. He starts driving a few yards, before shot
dead. The soldiers (over thirty of them) rush the camper, pulling out the woman
and her child (both bawling). They take them to the porch area, with all the
other bodies. The Colonel gleams at the empathetic soldier. COLONEL BALLARD Private Adams...relieve these
civilians of their future suffering, and give them peace. PRIVATE ADAMS We don't have to do this
colonel! We're supposed to help civilians. Especially children! COLONEL BALLARD And how do we do that?! We take
care of them? We run a damn daycare center, up
here on a mountain where we can't even take care
of our own. How many children have we already
watched dying, or their parents?! How many have we
watched eaten alive?! Our own kids back home, going
through the same damn thing. It's over for them!
It's over for everyone! Only the strong survive, and only the strong
have the chance to survive whatever kind
of sick world this is! The mother and her child bawling uncontrollably. The
Colonel looks at them. Cut to Sam and Amy, completely bawling (quietly) in tree
house... Cut to Woman and child... COLONEL BALLARD (OS) The worst thing we have done
for this mother and child, is to have prolonged
their ending. Debating what we've already talked about
and agreed upon, has only furthered their
nightmare. Private Adams walks right over to them, fires at child
first, then the mother. Cut to Rhett, as again, at least half of the huffs are
turning around, after hearing gunfire. Rhett closes his eyes, a moment. Opens
and begins jogging around huffs, getting out in front of the ones who turned
back toward cabin. He runs toward cabin... Cut to soldiers in silence, looking over dead mother and
child. Colonel Ballard walks up to Private Adams. COLONEL BALLARD We're not bad guys, Private
Adams. I want to cheer and applaud your bravery, in
what you just did, but out of respect for the
situation, you'll have to settle for a pat on the back. Colonel patting him over the back, and walking away. Some
soldiers begin moving the bodies, while others scout the area. Colonel Ballard heads toward
porch, walking up it, and into cabin... SOLDIER (OS) Colonel Ballard! Colonel Ballard coming back outside. He looks over toward
tree house area (darkness previously keeping it from their attention), where
soldiers shine flashlights... Cut to Greg, handing Scott another gun. He hands Eli
another, and then one for Sam. All of them looking scared for their lives, as
the flashlights shine through the tree house windows, and deck... Cut to Colonel Ballard arriving at pit, with huffs inside
(flashlights on huffs). COLONEL BALLARD What has been going on, here? A soldier flashes a light on tree house, as Colonel
Ballard looks up. COLONEL BALLARD Now what kind of fancy
five-star vacation rental, do we have up there? Ballard walking over closer to it. Soldiers cautiously
aiming guns up at it. COLONEL BALLARD (speaking to
anyone inside tree house) I know what you're thinking, up
there. That crazy guy down there just killed innocent
children. But they're dead already, they wouldn't
survive. A bullet beats the flesh tearing teeth of the
dead, any day. By the looks of your pit trap thing, over
there, I'd have to think I'm speaking to a bunch of
survivors. If that's the case...well, then we have room for that. The
has room for that. Suddenly, Amy is heard screaming out, in terrible pain,
as her contractions get the best of her. COLONEL BALLARD Are you shitting me, up there?
You're bringing a poor innocent child into this mess?!
And you probably think I'm the bad guy, eh?
(walking toward one of his men, muttering to himself) No wonder
the world did this to itself. (now talking to his
man) We can't have that selfish woman up there screaming, for
the next day or so, attracting every dead piece of
s**t around. Hate to waste a grenade, but could I please
get you to fetch me one? SOLDIER Yes sir.
(heading off) Sudden gunfire from the tree
house kills one soldier, and sends Ballard and the others ducking for cover, before
returning fire. Rhett comes running around the corner of some brush, screaming. RHETT HELP! HELP! THE DEAD ARE
COMING! THOUSANDS OF THEM!!! Rhett running like a mad man, toward the cabin (most
soldiers at the tree house). Gunfire has stopped. Ballard and his men aim
toward Rhett, but hold off, at the sound of the herd. They stare toward corner,
as huffs come around it, flooding the area. Soldiers open fire on them, and retreat back toward their
vehicles. The soldier with the grenade comes rushing to Ballard, handing it to
him. He tosses it at the herd, and runs off.
The grenade explodes, as his men continue toward vehicles, climb inside,
and retreat... Greg peeking out, as they retreat. Amy begins fighting a
major contraction, as Scott does his best to aid her, from screaming out.
Somehow, she contains herself enough to prevent blurting out. Greg, Sam, and
Eli watch, as the huffs walk through the area below... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. CAR - DAY Zane's POV, as he rounds corner of road (plenty of
traffic). He comes to see what looks like a baby/toddler, practically in the
street (scared and crying). Without thought, he makes a dramatic turn, right up
into driveway, and quickly getting out of car, to retrieve the child. He runs
right over, picking her up, and looking right into her face (looks about 3). ZANE Where's your parents,
sweetheart? Why are you out here, alone? Child trying to speak, but stuttering... TODDLER Gama... Gama hurt... Gama hurt
Mama. Zane looking toward open door of house, in front of him.
Both Travis and Nate arriving at his side. ZANE You guys are both like, what,
half mile from here? Both guys nodding. Travis Yeah, we can get there from
here. Get your cousin to your doctor. Travis and Nate taking off, down sidewalk. ZANE Trav? (Travis/Nate holding up)
I know you're going to go for your girlfriend, too.
If you can get her family to join you, bring them
along. But, both of you act fast, roads are going
to be crazy, in no time. Both boys running on, as Zane takes toddler to Mile's
side, who immediately gives the girl a smile. MILES I got it, go ahead. Just be
quick, cousin. Toddler looks scared of Mile's injury. Zane already
creeping through front door. He cautiously moves through front room, spotting
open door to bedroom. He just as cautiously enters that room, coming to see
what looked like an empty hospital bed, and what looked like hospice care. He moves back out of room, and toward swinging door, to
another room. As he approaches, he can hear something behind that door. He
carefully swings it open, to the sight of dead grandma, on floor, eating body
of the toddler's mother. ZANE What the hell kind of disease
makes a person do that!? Huff turns, rises, and goes toward Zane, who can't help but
to watch her, studying her face... ZANE Are you even
alive? He’s finally forced to turn and head away, running
through front room, and out door. He quickly runs to the girl, buckling her
seatbelt. ZANE You're okay, sweetie, I
promise. (quickly kisses her forehead) Huff comes out of front door, as Miles looks on in shock.
Zane hopping in driver's seat, quickly backing out onto the road. Huff still
coming for him, as he peels away. Huff goes for person on bike, who quickly
speeds up. Zane's POV, through rearview mirror, of huff going into
road, barely missed by one car, before nailed by another, yet rising, as more
cars collide around her... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME - NIGHT INT./EXT. TREE HOUSE - NIGHT Amy fighting hard to hold back her contraction pains
(looks to be losing the battle). Cut to the tail end of huff herd, around parking area,
heading away. They can hear Amy's burst of laboring pain, from the tree house,
and instantly turn, changing course toward the continuing screams... Cut to Greg, leaving area (where he'd been watching huff
herd) and heading into girl's room, where Amy finishes her contraction. GREG Well...We know Rhett is doing
fine, and saved our lives already, so I guess he'll
just have to do it again. (looking at Amy, with a smile)
That is some husband you have, there. Eli nervously looking out window. Sam joins him. Their POV, of huffs heading toward them. They watch as
they begin to arrive. A few of them fall into pit. The rest come to base of
tree, kind of lingering around… SAM (speaking hushed) If we're quiet, they'll just
leave on their own... like my dad kept doing. Greg a sad look at Sam... GREG Kept? (a pause) What made him
keep coming back? Sam speechless, she looks back out window, down at huffs.
Greg walks over to her. GREG It's okay, Samantha...I can't
imagine what that must have been like, for you.
If I'd been your age, when I saw my dad...
(shake of the head) I doubt I could have been as
strong as you. (a look to Amy) And most
definitely, not as strong as a woman in labor, without
meds or a doctor! (winking at her) Cut to huffs still lingering below. Cut to Rhett, creeping out of woods, over by cabin. He
carefully finds a secure spot, to look toward tree house. He watches, as the
herd just sort of paces around, below and all around the tree house. Some of
them continue to drop into pit. Rhett moves in a little closer, then comes to a
complete stop, staring down and over in front of him a ways. His POV of the dead children and women. He takes a step
back, followed by a deep breath. Suddenly, he is attacked by a huff (from
behind). He falls to ground, moving and kicking around, trying to avoid being
bitten. Cut to a few other huffs, from the herd, hearing the
commotion of Rhett, and turning toward it. Cut to Rhett, now to his feet and jabbing huff, in head.
He just looks at it a moment, before taking notice of several huffs, heading
his direction. He ponders his next move, a moment, before simply walking
forward, out into the open. RHETT I LOVE YOU AMY! I WANT YOU TO
BABY! (waving hands all around) COME ON YOU HUNGRY
IT! Cut to Greg, Eli, and Sam, all looking out, as the huffs
go Rhett's direction. Amy extremely emotional and relieved, weeping like a
baby... Cut to Rhett, going into the trees, slowly, as huffs
follow... Cut to Sam, watching from tree house... SAM He's legendary... Eli nodding with a proud smile. ELI Yeah, he is... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LAKE TRAILS - NIGHT Rhett exhausted, as he jogs along the trail (moonlight
reflecting off lake). He can hear something, and comes to a sudden stop. He
listens, then walks further, before going off trail, toward sound of vehicles,
pulling into somewhere close by. Cut to him in brush, coming to a stop, as he gets as
close as he can, to the sound of people loading weapons and readying themselves
for battle. His POV of soldiers using flashlights, before shutting them all
off, and walking trail, toward lake. Rhett carefully follows... COLONEL BALLARD Remember, don't fire your
weapons unless you absolutely need to. We don't
want that herd of dead walkers coming back. SOLDIER (next to Ballard) This really worth the hassle? COLONEL BALLARD (sarcastic) Oh, I don’t know, is there a
hotel somewhere around, to check in to? Look
around…surviving is a hassle. Every day we have left, will be
a hassle. SOLDIER Agreed, sir. I’m just worried
about where those temperatures will be going, a
month from now. COLONEL BALLARD We’ve already decided the
mountain is where we want to make our stand. Winter
weather will be a “hassle”, regardless of where we reside.
We can add on, to that tree house, insulate the hell
out of it, and survive here more so than any other
suggestions, I’ve yet to hear come from your mouth. The soldier walks on, in silence… Cut to Rhett, cautiously following… CUT TO: EXT./INT. WOODS - NIGHT Huffs coming out of brush (sound of Amy screaming in
pain), past cabin, and toward tree house... Cut to Amy screaming, with Scott holding her hand. GREG This is going to go on all
night. That baby is just going to have to come into the
world from up here. We might as well ignore
what's going on down there, and deal with it once
we can. AMY (speaking through
her pain/screaming) What ABOUT RHETT? (screaming in
pain) GREG Like Sam said, he's becoming a
legend. He'll find his way, back up here. Amy coming to end of her contraction, and regaining
composure... AMY He better. He needs to deliver
his baby... GREG So...tell me how you and the
legend, met. Amy an instant laugh (through her deep breathing). Eli a
smile. AMY If you're trying to get the
current situation, off my mind, you've picked yourself
a winner. Scott smiling. ELI I can't believe we haven't told
them this story, already. GREG Let’s hear it. SAM Yeah. Amy smiling, some deep breathing, and some giggling at
the memory. AMY It was my first year at
college. I was on campus studying, under the sun. It was
hard to focus, due to some shirtless guy,
tossing a football with his friend. SAM Rhett? AMY Nope. Some laughs... ELI Rhett still hates that part of
the story. AMY Anyhow, I suddenly notice their
football coming right at me. I'm not a girly
girl, so, I was going to catch that ball! But out of
nowhere, some other cute guy, slaps the ball away. SAM Rhett? AMY Nope. Rhett was the friend
tossing with the shirtless guy. This was a new
guy. More laughs... GREG Ha! So, Rhett's not even on
your radar, yet? AMY Funny that you use that word.
Because after Rhett had came over to get his ball
back, the new cute guy asks me how good my gaydar
is. He wanted to know if I thought Rhett was
flirting with him. Sam and Eli, laughing. GREG So, Rhett was on the new guy's radar! More laughs, as Greg peeks out window. His POV of huff herd, based at bottom of tree, some
reaching upward, others lingering around. SAM (OS) So, then what happened? Greg walking away from window. AMY (with a laugh) I told him I had no idea, which
was a mistake, because then he somehow charmed
me into going over and speaking to
Rhett, on his behalf. GREG No way! Your first conversation
with Rhett, was you trying to set him up with
another dude? (Sam/Eli, laughing) And he
married you anyhow? ELI Just wait, it gets better. AMY He seemed pretty embarrassed,
at first. I know, I was! I couldn't believe I
actually asked him. But Nathan, that was his name, was
sweet. I guess I wanted to be helpful. SAM So, then what? AMY I gave Nathan the bad news.
Then before I knew it, Rhett had come back over,
telling Nate he had a gay friend, who wanted to
meet new people. He promised to introduce them,
but only if I agreed to go out with him. GREG (laughing) So, that's why you settled for
Rhett! The man is
a legend! AMY Actually...There's a twist.
(Greg/Sam intrigued) After I left, I just couldn't
shake the idea that I'd been scammed. So, I walked back
over, peeking around the corner. Sure enough,
there they were, switching roles. Rhett was now
sitting down where Nathan had been, and Nathan
now tossing the ball with the shirtless
guy. GREG (laughing) The one who got away. (Amy a
smile) AMY Along came a pretty girl, who
almost got bombed by their football, until Rhett
smacked it away. GREG/SAM (wide-eyed) No way! AMY Gaydar…is
what they called that evil little scam, of
theirs. Some laughs... GREG You have to be kidding me?! You
guys really met that way? (Amy nodding) And you
dated, fell for, and married him anyhow? AMY I did. I gave him credit for
being creative. Of course, years later I
discovered he got the idea online, as a short film. GREG Double scam. Tricks you into a
date, then takes credit for the brilliance of the
trick...wow. Greg moving to window, looking out. Cut down to huffs, lingering. POV travels through, and around the herd. About half of
them appear to be kids (of all ages). POV through binoculars, of the herd… A voice comes from person holding binoculars. SOLDIER (OS) I'd say there's over a hundred,
half of them children. POV soldier (in brush) looking through binoculars.
Colonel Ballard next to him. COLONEL BALLARD Dead children with teeth, are
just as dangerous as dead adults. SOLDIER Where'd they all come from? COLONEL BALLARD People evacuating the city.
Bunch of them probably tried to hold up together,
somewhere. SOLDIER But how'd they all become... COLONEL BALLARD The walking dead? Who knows.
Probably something like what we saw at that
grocery store. World's a twisted nightmare, right now.
(nodding toward herd) And as bad as it is up here,
just imagine what it'll be like for the others, who went
back to the city, for their families. Suddenly, Amy is heard screaming, through a contraction.
Huffs all gathering back toward base of tree house. COLONEL BALLARD Alright, time to put that
selfish pregnant woman and her unborn baby, out of their
misery. Private Balaski? PRIVATE BALASKI Sir? COLONEL BALLARD Just like we talked about. Wait
until you get in front of them, before getting
their attention. PRIVATE BALASKI Yes sir! Private Balaski runs off, down
toward lake, and along the shoreline. He is unnoticed by the huffs, as their
attention is with the sound of Amy, in pain. Suddenly, a gunshot is fired, as
private Balaski is hit in the gut, and goes down. Cut to Greg, walking away from
Amy, toward window. AMY (worried) Rhett? Cut to Colonel Ballard, with shock and rage. COLONEL BALLARD What the s**t?! Where'd that
shot come from!? Greg's POV of huffs, now all going for the wounded
soldier. AMY What's happening? GREG There's a soldier down there…
Who I'm guessing, Rhett just shot. AMY (panicked) You're sure it's not Rhett? GREG It's not him. But where the
hell did that soldier come from? Greg watching, as private Balaski tries to get away, but
is overtaken by the herd. He screams, as he is eaten alive. Amy closing her
eyes... ELI Where did he shoot him from? GREG That's what I'm trying to
figure out. Cut to Colonel Ballard. COLONEL BALLARD I want a perimeter around that
herd, with a man in the brush every twenty
yards, from each other. Find me that shooter! CUT TO: EXT. BRUSH - NIGHT Soldier (aiming gun ahead), creeping into brush, while
looking all around. He establishes a view of the huff herd (lingering around
remains of private Balaski). COLONEL BALLARD (over radio) Duncan, anything? PRIVATE DUNCAN (into radio) No sign of
him. COLONEL BALLARD (over radio) I really wanted that sob dead,
but scaring him off will have to do. Alright,
Seager, you're up. Private Duncan looks toward cabin, where private Seager
comes out of brush. Once completely visible, he begins waving his arms around,
and yelling at the huffs. PRIVATE SEAGER COME AND GET IT! I'm right
here! Fresh meat! Cut to Greg, rushing to window, looking out toward Private
Seager. SCOTT Is that Rhett? GREG No, it's one of them. ELI What he is doing? GREG They're going to clear them
out, so they can make their move on us. Greg grabbing guns, handing Scott a couple. Sam looking
scared/nervous. Eli readying his gun. Cut to Private Seager, leading huff herd, around corner
of cabin. Suddenly, a shot is fired. Cut to Greg rushing back to window! Cut to Colonel Ballard speaking into radio. COLONEL BALLARD (into radio) Seager? Seager?! PRIVATE DUNCAN (over radio) He's down, sir. He was hit. Colonel Ballard angrily closing eyes, then speaking into
radio. COLONEL BALLARD (into radio) Find the shooter! He's either
in that cabin, or in your laps! Now, open your damn
eyes, and find him! Cut to soldiers hustling from brush to brush, looking for
shooter... Cut to girls room. ELI Did Rhett get him? AMY What is he doing, out there?! GREG Living up to his current status. AMY Or getting himself killed! GREG I know you're worried, but he's
absolutely saving our lives, right now. AMY There's too many of them! GREG Does he have some kind of
training, I don't know about? I can't figure out how
he's doing this. AMY He's always been a good shot,
but no, no training, or military experience. GREG He's fired twice, and hit both
his targets, from God knows how far away... He's got
to have them worried. Cut to Colonel Ballard. PRIVATE DUNCAN (over radio) He's not here... Colonel Ballard shaking his head, pondering his next
move... COLONEL BALLARD He's got to be in the cabin.
Johnson, Crews, Pike; lead the dead walkers away, now.
Rest of you, ambush the cabin, once it’s clear. Cut to Johnson, Crews, and Pike coming out of brush,
grabbing the huffs attention. They begin leading them away. Cut to Greg, Sam, and Eli carefully watching from window,
as huffs begin disappearing, around the corner. ELI They're leading them away,
again! Greg looks at Amy, who looks back at him. GREG Scream, Amy. Fake another
contraction. Damn, I should have thought of that
in the first place! Amy in real pain. AMY Don't have to fake it! Amy begins screaming out. Greg, Sam, and Eli look out
window. Scott remains at Amy's side. Cut to Colonel Ballard (sound of Amy screaming). COLONEL BALLARD (into radio) Our pregnant screamer is at it,
again. Don't let that herd dissipate! (shaking head,
talking to himself) I can't wait to shut her up! Cut to soldiers, giving it their best to keep the huffs
focus. The front half of the herd, continue toward soldiers. The back half,
begin turning toward Amy's screams. A soldier watches from the brush. COLONEL BALLARD (over radio) Forget about the cabin. I want
everyone helping draw their attention away, from
here. The back half is already faltering. Do
not let them return to the tree house! Several more soldiers heading out of brush, working to
keep the herd moving away. Most huffs are focused on the soldiers, but a
handful (ones in back) still find themselves lured by Amy's screams. One
soldier has made his way to the other side of the herd (by lake), and begins
taking all focus off the tree house... Cut to Greg, watching. GREG S**t. Umm, make noise! Amy still screaming, as Greg, Eli, and Sam all begin
banging and making noise. Greg goes to other window (holding his gun). He has
no shot at the soldiers (huffs in the way), but fires toward the soldier at the
lake. He doesn't hit anything, but the gunshot brings some attention, from some
huffs. It also sends the soldiers ducking/running for cover... Cut to Colonel Ballard. COLONEL BALLARD (into radio) That shot came from the tree
house. They have no shot at you from there. Keep
that herd going! Cut to soldiers, again doing their best to lead away the
herd. Cut to Greg, about to fire again, as suddenly a few shots
are fired, up into tree house. He grabs both Sam and Eli, ducking them down. Cut to huffs, going all sorts of directions, but
eventually, all of them become focused on the soldiers. Cut to Greg, signaling for Sam and Eli to stay down, as
he peeks out window. Cut to soldier by lake, doing a great job of leading
huffs, in direction they want them. Cut to Colonel Ballard. COLONEL BALLARD (into radio) Excellent, Rodgers! You've got
em; keep going! Cut to Rodgers, leading huffs away. POV huffs, coming his direction, panning through them,
before coming to one who looks just like Rhett! He appears to be dead. Bloody
and moving like a huff. He begins slowly/slyly aiming his gun (revealing he is
still alive), at private Rodgers. He fires, and Rodgers goes down. Cut to Colonel Ballard, throwing a shocked look at
everyone around him. COLONEL BALLARD Did you see... Did that come
from...one of THEM! Cut to Greg at window, in shock! Cut to other soldiers (near huffs), scattering away, into
the brush. POV huffs eating Rodgers, as Rhett slowly walks toward
back of herd. Cut to Colonel Ballard, angry and pacing. PRIVATE DUNCAN (over radio) That didn't come from the
cabin! It was the dead walkers! COLONEL BALLARD (into radio) Convene back here. Need to
think this through. Colonel Ballard pacing, as the others watch. COLONEL BALLARD What do you guys find harder to
believe? That the dead walkers have learned to
carry and fire guns, or that these tree
have somehow civilized themselves with the dead
walkers? Still pacing and thinking... COLONEL BALLARD That guy who originally ran
through here, with them. He wasn't running from them, he
was leading them, right to us. Now, he's walking
around with them, shooting at us, without being
attacked. (everyone's attention, while he
paces/thinks) How’s he doing it?? SOLDIER He's camouflaged. (Ballard
smiling, pointing at soldier) Like one of them… COLONEL BALLARD I wouldn't have thought of it
before, but after what we just saw, I'd have to say
it's the only thing that makes sense...right? Soldiers nodding, and awaiting his command, as he stares
outward, pondering his next move. COLONEL BALLARD I want that perimeter again. I
want a grenade tossed in the middle of that
herd...shoot the one that runs. No wait... I want words with
this one. Take him alive... unless he's getting away, then
take that sob down. Soldiers leaving to form perimeter… Cut to tree house, where Amy is crying and trying to
speak. AMY What if those things...what if
they realize...he's alive? They're going to get
him...I can't...I can't have my baby, like this. SCOTT You can, and you will. What
he's doing down there is him doing his part. Your
part is right here, getting through this. We have plenty of
guns, and will be doing our part. We're not
losing this tree house, or our chance of seeing that
compound. Nothing is more important to me, than meeting
my grandchild, and seeing him grow up, in a
safe place. Sam sitting on floor, next to Bailey (in carrier), and
shedding a tear. Greg at window, with Eli... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) EXT./INT. CAR - DAY Zane driving car (on highway 6) through the Tillamook
State Forest, pulling off the highway, onto a grassy/dirt road. He looks over
at Miles, who has become feverish. He takes a look back at the toddler, who is
asleep (tear-dried face)… Dissolve to Zane driving out of tree/brush area, into an
open field, where the grassy/dirt road ahead, leads right toward a wall of
brush/blackberry bushes, which are practically surrounded by mountains/hills,
on the sides and the far background. He drives right toward it… Suddenly, the portion of the wall in front of him, begins
opening (attached to a gate), with two guards rising from up top
(hidden/camouflaged catwalk, next to camouflaged tree house). Inside is a dirt road,
with a sign reading “Baker Lane”, surrounded by more brush/blackberry bushes, and
a long corridor, leading toward an opening… He drives forward, through about 100 yards of shady brush/trees,
before reaching the opening. The dirt road continues, through/surrounded by a large
freshly cut grass field. There are large solar power grids, wind turbines, even
a mill with multiple water wheels. There is a park, with play equipment a
softball field, and a covered basketball court… Off to the left, another road leads to a baseball complex,
with multiple baseball/softball fields. To the right, is a manmade lake with a cabin
(several other cabins along the lake), that is close to the underground mansion
(Baker complex), that lays straight ahead. There’s an ambulance parked in front,
as well as many other random vehicles, including trucks full of supplies, and
the road continues past the front of the complex, leading to an underground
parking garage… POV goes bird's eye, as Zane parks next to the ambulance,
where others are awaiting them, and helping Miles out of the car, into the
ambulance. POV continues to soar upward, revealing how humungous the inside of
the compound is, also revealing fields of gardens and berries, between the open
field and all the brush/trees that lay in front of the front walls, which
camouflages the entire compound, as if it's simply a part of the forest… There are multiple camouflaged tree houses, along the catwalk,
used as guard stations. There’s a trail below the catwalk, on the inside of the
compound, leading around it. POV lowers, but remains in bird’s eye, as it
travels over the sporting complex, revealing tennis courts, miniature golf, and
even a large cabin, overlooking the large baseball stadium. On the other side of the complex, is a road, between more
brush, and the western compound wall. The ambulance now speeds that road, coming
to a bridge, but turning right, rather than crossing. POV crosses, and heads
over what appears to be a small little neighborhood, with several blocks of
random homes, streets, sidewalks, vehicles (including several Uhauls), fences,
flowers, lawns, basketball hoops, etc. POV goes to the right, leaving the neighborhood, which is
followed by a school building, and then a small town, with small buildings,
shops, and even a Town Center… POV travels backward, over a bluff, with more woods,
before finding a large complex, where the ambulance is parked, and people are
rushing to bring Miles inside. POV goes right by, finding an area with tons of
fenced guest homes, and trails, some of which lead to the back side of the
Baker complex, with a huge outdoor area, swimming pool, hiking trails, creeks,
and eventually the manmade lake. On one side of the lake are the cabins, and a
little further down is farmland, with barns, cattle, horses, etc… There is even a campground next to the lake, and a trail
going around it, and more random cabins. On the other side of the lake, are
more woods, and even a chuck of forest land, kept intact, and built right into
the compound. It eventually runs into the eastern wall, which lies in front of
a huge mountain, which surrounds most of the compound wall, other than the
front (southern wall)… POV begins rising again, until the entire compound can be
seen, and the large stream in the back of it, that runs right through it, and under
the walls… DISSOLVE TO: INT. BAKER TRIAGE CENTER �" DAY Zane on his phone, in a large open area, with tons of
family in the far background, gathered while Miles is being looked at by
doctors. ZANE (into phone) Hey Samantha, I just left your
dad a message, and now getting your voicemail too.
Making me pretty nervous, kiddo. The code went
out almost two hours ago. I love you guys, and can't
survive even the idea of something being wrong...
Please let me know that it's not. Please Sam... Zane hangs up, as Scout and Dakota come from behind. ZANE He's infected, and there's
nothing we can do… is there? Scout just looking at him, with a tear in her eye. She
hugs him. SCOUT I just don't know if I even
have any more tears, to shed. There’re still so many
loved ones, yet to make it here. And Fish... Dakota trying not to cry... ZANE Yeah, I just left messages for
both him and Sam. (Zane noticing her looking
worried) What is it? What haven't you told me? SCOUT We're not hearing back from
Vincent, or the boys. ZANE It's his birthday. They were
meeting Fish at the cabin, weren't they? (Scout
nodding) And not a single word from any of them? Zane nervously pacing. Grandpa Sam comes over to them,
appearing to be an emotional mess, as Scout pulls him in for a hug… GRANDPA SAM We have so much family. I just
wanted to keep them all safe. SCOUT You're the reason most of us
already are, Dad. There’s nothing you could have
done, to prevent what happened to Miles. Grandpa Sam remains emotional, staring at his baby
daughter… GRANDPA SAM Are you
okay? SCOUT I am far from it, but he’s
doing his job. He can’t hide behind these walls, with
us. I have to focus on the family, right now. GRANDPA SAM (regaining
composure) Your husband
is family… But I get it. I need to focus. Grandpa takes a breath, and
looks at Zane. GRANDPA SAM I know you probably want to join
your father. ZANE Actually, with all the
firepower he already has, and the fact no one has gone for
Fish yet, I believe that's the direction I should be
heading. GRANDPA SAM Fish is in a safe place. US 26
is a mess, there's no way up the mountain, right now. I
don't like this situation at the hotel. I haven't been
able to reach any of them on the phone. ZANE I say just abandon it. DAKOTA Grandpa and Hunter, have been
saying that all along. It's Dad, who wanted to
stick to procedure. We hope he knows better, now. ZANE Sounds about right. (looking at
Grandpa) Look, I know you're worried, but you
trust my dad to get it done, right? We need to get
up that mountain, asap. GRANDPA SAM Tell me your plan, and I'll
tell you what I think. Dissolve to Zane, Scout, and Dakota all riding luxurious
motorcycles, right through the compound gates, and speeding away, while watched
from the catwalk/tree house, by compound guards… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. BUMPER TO BUMPER HIGHWAY - DAY Zane, Scout, and Dakota riding bikes in between cars, and
off-road, wherever allows for them to use the most speed, as they dodge all the
stopped traffic. They see all sorts of different people, bored, worried,
drinking, smoking, lounging, dancing, fighting, and crying, in or around their
vehicles. They see news helicopters above. They see some cars honking, and
trying to find a way out of the jam. Some people are just walking down the
highway... Dissolve to them driving through different stretches of
the highway, with more and more people appearing to be frightened or crying.
More and more are walking the highway. More and more cars are becoming
abandoned. More and more animals appear to be separated from their owners. Lots
of crying children, and all-out paranoia. Majority of cars are now abandoned,
as Zane pulls to side, and stops. Scout and Dakota, pulling up next to him… ZANE Those children back there. Were
they? Both Scout and Dakota removing helmets, revealing their
faces of tears. Scout bawling. SCOUT I want to help them, but...we
can't. Zane looking away, and mumbling to himself. ZANE There is
no help... He puts back on his helmet, and rides on. Dakota does the
same. Scout takes a moment, and a deep breath, before riding on... They see a few people, here and there. Some pleading for
help. Some just sitting in their cars, crying or watching them ride by. More
separated pets. Some people in trees or fields, walking along. More helicopters
above. Eventually, Zane stops, again. They all take off their helmets, staring
ahead. Their POV of a dead person, eating a dead dog, in the
road. It looks up at them, rises, and approaches them. Blood and meat, dripping
from his face. His stomach has a huge gap in it (from being eaten). It's
obvious, he's not alive. Zane pulls out a gun. He rides forward, and stops. He
aims, fires, and hits him in the gut, to no effect. He fires again, and hits
him in the head, taking him down. He just stares at him. Scout and Dakota ride up to him. SCOUT Jesus Christ, these people
aren't infected, they're dead! Did you see the hole in
that person? That's not possible! ZANE It's like the guy on the
internet. He must have been dead, too. Nothing but a headshot,
seems to do the trick. (looking at them both) Keep
that in mind… Zane rides off. They both look at each other, then ride
off... They ride through more abandoned cars. More pets. Broken
windows with blood. Blood stains in road. They continue through it all. Driving
slowly at times, and faster at others. Zane's view (as he's slowing to a stop) of a huff, trying
to get into someone's car. People are inside. Zane just staring at the situation, as Scout and Dakota
pull up next to him. DAKOTA So, people die...they become
like that...and they eat us...or make us die, and
become like them... SCOUT (with a tear) Like Miles... Dakota looking downward. Zane shaking his head, with a
look away, while thinking about Miles... SCOUT We have to help
them. ZANE We have to stop
wasting ammo. Scout, give me your knife. Scout pulls out a huge knife, handing to Zane. He rides
forward, right near huff, and parking. Huff leaves car, for Zane. Zane walks
right to it, without fear or hesitation, and takes it down with a jab to the
head. He looks down at it, glances at the frightened family
inside, and goes back to his bike. He gets on, and rides forward. Scout and
Dakota look at each other, before following... The family watches them ride by. They roll down their
window, peeking at the dead huff... Zane doesn’t get much further, before Scout pulls over.
She rips off her helmet, and begins vomiting. Dakota has stopped, and is coming
to aid Scout. Zane stops up ahead, watching. Scout takes some breaths, and
drops to her knees, weeping. Dakota consoles her. SCOUT Everything's just so messed up! Her weeping turns to anger, as she bangs her helmet
against the ground, and screams. Dakota just watching. Zane just watching.
Scout takes a few more breaths, and rises. SCOUT I'm okay, I'm okay. I just need
to pee. Scout takes a few deep breaths, while heading for a bush.
Dakota looks around, and heads for her own bush. Zane turns, looks around, and finds
his own bush… Dissolve to Dakota coming around corner of her bush, and
back toward her bike. She can faintly hear Scout, talking on her phone. Zane
comes back to his bike. Dakota hops on hers, and rides to Zane. DAKOTA She's upset about Miles. ZANE I've had dreams like
this...nightmares...where I desperately wanted and needed
to be so many different places, at the same
time...and for some reason, could never get to any
of them. DAKOTA This whole thing feels like a
nightmare. It just doesn't make sense. I mean how does
something like that happen? What makes
it happen? ZANE Terrorism? That, or aliens...
I'm not buying that hell on earth crap. Terrorism
seems most realistic, to me. Zane turning, looking over where Scout slowly walks out
from behind bush. She is completely bawling. Both Zane and Dakota ride over to her. She is full of
tears, and looking right at Zane. They both climb off bikes, removing helmets.
Scout keeps staring at Zane... DAKOTA Who was on the phone? Zane looking from Scout, to Dakota. ZANE Phone? What's going on? (Scout
still dropping tears and staring at Zane) Why
do you keep staring at me?! What is wrong;
who was on the phone?! SCOUT Your stepmom, your brother
Troy, his wife... they're all dead. Zane shocked, Dakota too. ZANE What do you mean, dead?
(tearing up) SCOUT They're not sure what happened,
or where Kate and Jagger are. Your dad and
Mason are there, looking for them. Zane dropping a tear, as he looks back toward direction
they were going, and then back the way they came... DAKOTA We have to go back, Zane! They
need us, there! Zane takes one last look the direction they were going,
before hopping on bike, and taking off the direction they came from. Dakota
looks at Scout, who sobs as she puts on her helmet, and climbs onto bike... Dakota sitting on her bike, with a tear, as Scout rides
off. She begins putting her helmet on, as someone suddenly puts a gun to her
head. A man holds the gun, as his boy (10) comes from around bush, and is also
aiming a gun at Dakota. MAN All we need, is one of your
bikes. POV Scout, stopping and looking back. Zane speeding away.
Scout pulling out a gun. Dakota slowly climbing off bike. MAN Give my boy your helmet. Man looking back at Scout, as Dakota helps place helmet
over boy's head. MAN Help him up on the bike. Man takes another look back at Scout (who is closer). MAN (talking to Scout) You'll stay where the hell you
are, if you don't want to get shot! Dakota with a look at Scout, before helping boy onto
bike. Zane’s bike can be heard approaching. Man goes to get on bike. Scout aims
and fires, instantly killing the man. Zane’s view (as he rides by) of boy on bike (in helmet),
aiming gun toward Dakota. Zane shoots the boy in the back, who fires his gun,
before dropping off the bike. Dakota reacts to the shot, fired near her ear.
Scout running to Dakota. Zane stopping bike, and jumping off. Scout is helping
Dakota. Zane approaching dead man, followed by the boy (still breathing). He
reaches down and pulls off the helmet, looking at the bloody face of a child.
Scout comes over. Zane closes eyes. Scout watching Zane. He opens eyes, and
fires at the kid’s head. Scout crying. Zane just staring at the boy… SCOUT (looking at Zane) You had to do it. ZANE (still staring) He's Sam's
age... Zane finally stops staring,
walks away. Dakota watching him deliver the biggest F-Bomb of all time, but
can't really hear it, due to the ringing in her ear. She can see him mouth it. Scout watches Zane's outburst
HORSESHIT IS THIS?! (just screaming outward)
AHHHHHHH!!! Scout crying, as she watches him. Dakota messing with her
ear. Zane just staring outward. Scout coming up behind him, placing hand on his
shoulder. He turns and hugs her. Dakota suddenly begins screaming. Zane and
Scout run to her. The dead man has risen, and is approaching Dakota, who has
now ran to Scout and Zane. DAKOTA He was dead! He was dead! Scout
was right! Dead man approaches them, as Zane aims gun right at head,
and fires... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. CABIN AREA - NIGHT Man pulling clip off grenade, and tossing it into heard
of huffs. It explodes. The huffs turn toward the noise. But one of them runs
toward brush. POV Greg, looking out from tree house window. Cut into brush. COLONEL BALLARD (over radio) Duncan, he's coming your way! Private Duncan running through the brush, as he can see
image of Rhett, coming toward the brush. Rhett enters, and Duncan holds gun on
him. PRIVATE DUNCAN Hold it, right there! Rhett standing there, holding up hands. Private Duncan
holds gun on him, while using radio. PRIVATE DUNCAN (into radio) I got him! COLONEL BALLARD (over radio) Great, I can't wait to be
introduced. PRIVATE DUNCAN (into radio) Rodger that. Private Duncan begins leading him away. RHETT We have people coming for us.
The people who built that tree house. They
have a compound in the coast range. PRIVATE DUNCAN And you're telling me this,
because??? RHETT Because it's a much better
place for your services, than here! PRIVATE DUNCAN No one can keep me safer, than Colonel
Ballard. Rhett stops, turns around (facing gun), and
talking/distracting him. RHETT Look, I get it. You're loyal to
him, but - Suddenly, there is grunting, behind Duncan. He turns to
face huff, but is shoved by Rhett, right into it, who begins biting him. He
screams, as Rhett takes off through brush. Cut to Colonel Ballard, listening to sound of private
Duncan, screaming. COLONEL BALLARD Jesus
Christ, is that Duncan? Cut to Duncan, being eaten. COLONEL BALLARD (over radio) Duncan? Duncan?! Cut to Rhett, running from brush to brush, he stops with
a view of the tree house. He stares at it, wondering if he should return.
Suddenly, another soldier puts a gun on him. Almost at the same time, he is
attacked from the other side, by a huff. The soldier aims the gun at the huff
and fires, blowing off its head. Rhett immediately tackles the soldier, as they
begin wrestling around... More huffs are entering the area. Another soldier
arrives, pointing gun at Rhett, but then has to point it at huffs. He fires
several shots, at them. Rhett begins fighting one off. The soldier on the
ground, is attacked and screaming, as he's bitten. The other soldier takes off
running, as does the one who just arrived. Rhett is fighting for his life, with
multiple huffs. Another soldier arrives, watches, and runs off, as more huffs
enter the area. POV goes with the soldier, who runs off. He goes through
the brush, and runs right into the pit, falling on top of all the trapped
huffs. He screams in agony, while being eaten... Cut to Colonel Ballard, leading his men around corner of
brush, and toward cabin. They get behind the huff herd, and begin opening fire,
on them. Killing them one by one. Colonel Ballard is wiping out the most. He is
pissed! They are working their way toward the tree house... Cut to Greg, grabbing and packing as many guns as he can.
He hands a couple to Scott, and a couple more near him. The kids have theirs. GREG This is it. Once there're only
a handful of huffs left, is when we'll begin aiming, at
the soldiers, and firing. Wait unil I say fire… I love
you, Sam. You can do this. Greg runs around corner, placing gun on ground, outside
door of room. He runs back, looking out window. Suddenly, headlights appear. Sam moves closer to window,
to take a look. Now gunshots begin coming at tree house, as Greg forces Sam
down... Cut to a large sized hummer, pulling up behind the other
cars. It instantly takes on heavy fire. Cut to Colonel Ballard, leading the charge, as he and his
soldiers fire on the hummer. Amy is heard screaming, over the gunfire, from
above. More headlights appear. Another hummer pulls behind the first one.
Driver doors open, it's Zane! Zane (in bullet proof vest, as are the others)
immediately opens fire on soldiers. He hits one. Someone had come out of
passenger door, behind him. It's Scout! She's opening fire! She hits a soldier.
Now both Dakota and Wyatt (Hunter's boy, Mile's brother), come out back doors,
opening fire on the soldiers! Now coming out of the other hummer, is Leo! And
Mason! Followed by Chasin (Mason's boy), and Gunner (Hunter's boy, Mile's
brother)! They are all firing on soldiers...
Cut to Colonel Ballard, firing at Zane and others. Cut to Zane, aiming and nailing (killing) Colonel
Ballard! Dakota and Wyatt, both take out a pair of soldiers. Leo takes out
several. Suddenly, a bunch of huffs are coming out of brush, right for Zane and
Dakota, who turn and fire at them. DAKOTA Meat eaters! Scout comes over to help, as does Wyatt. Leo and others
keep firing on soldiers. Wyatt nails huff after huff, as does Zane. Scout puts
down a couple, but then gets hit in the shoulder, by a bullet, and goes down. WYATT SCOUT!!! Zane looks over, and down at Scout. So does Leo.
Remaining soldiers are making their way into cabin, and firing out door and
windows. Mason, Chasin, and Gunner are firing back at them. Zane looks at
Scout, as Dakota and Wyatt pick her up. He then glances toward cabin, followed
by tree house... DAKOTA ZANE! We have to get her back,
now! We don't have our doctor! Zane looks back at Scout (she's not in good shape), then
turns to yell, as Leo pulls him back. ZANE FISH?! SAMANTHA?! Cut to both Greg and Sam, with wide eyes, and popping up. Cut to Zane, being forced into hummer by others, as Leo
jumps in driver's seat. ZANE FISH?! SAM?! Door closes on him, as do all the others (still being shot
at by soldiers). Cut to Sam at window shouting, and Greg coming out girls
room, shouting from the deck. SAM ZANE?! GREG ZANE!?! WE'RE HERE! ZANE!!! BOOM! Gunshot right into Greg's gut, he goes limp, and
drops over top of railing, all the way down onto the ground. Sam watches him
drop, from the window. Huffs below, instantly begin eating him. SAM GREEEEEGG!!! NOOOOO! Cut to hummer taking off, and leaving the area. Soldiers
are now shooting at huffs, who begin making their way into cabin. Soldiers are
running out of ammo. SOLDIER (OS) I'm all out! DIFFERENT SOLDIER Me too! POV remains on the cabin, while remaining soldiers are
inside, screaming as they are overtaken and eaten. One soldier is seen making
it out window, and running off into the brush. Huffs are in the cabin and on
the porch, as POV moves toward tree house, where many huffs continue working on
Greg's body, with sound of Sam weeping, above. Cut to Amy, inside holding her tummy and crying. Scott
next to her, holding her shoulder, and shedding tears, himself. Eli is at the
window, with a tear. He looks at Sam, who leans against the wall, from the
floor, and weeping uncontrollably. He looks away. He looks out window, down
below. He suddenly realizes he's looking at someone familiar. ELI Rhett, it's Rhett! He's down
there, with them. (looking at Scott) Put down the
ladder! Scott rises, to leave room. Eli follows, Amy smiles with
relief. Sam remains on ground, against wall, with head in hands, weeping. Amy's
smiles fades, as she looks at Sam. Cut to Scott, dropping down the ladder. He and Eli watch,
as the huffs grab onto it, but unable to climb. ELI Where is he? I don't see him...
Where'd he go? (Eli pointing) There he is!
Rhett? (just watching him, then a look to Scott)
What's he doing? Why isn't he... Eli staring at Scott, and forming a tear. Scott a slow,
shocked, shake of the head. AMY (OS) What's going on out there? Eli forming a second tear, as he looks down at Rhett, who
now turns and looks up. He's obviously dead, with gashes to his neck and
shoulders, among other places. Eli begins crying out, as Scott heads back into
girls room. AMY (OS) Why is Eli crying?! What
happened? (weeping now) Where is Rhett?! What happened
to him? (she pauses, before screaming out)
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! RHEEETTTT!!! OH MY GOOOODD! Eli goes limp, his back sliding down against wall, of girls
room. He just sits there, weeping. Amy screams from the room. He takes notice
of gun, laying there next to him (one Greg had planted). He grabs it, staring
at it. Suddenly he flinches, as a gunshot is loudly fired, inside girls room. SCOTT (OS) NOOOOOOO!!!!! OH MY GOD, OH MY
GOD, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! Eli in shock, and too scared to even move, let alone go
into the room. He knows what has happened. He flinches again, as Sam vomits at
door, while crawling out of girls room. Eli looks at her, now lying there
weeping, in her vomit. BOOM! Another loud gunshot is fired. Sam rushes, to fully
remove herself from the room, without looking inside. She hides herself around
corner, against wall (opposite side from Eli)… Down below, the huffs are all gathering at base off tree,
attention aimed toward sound of the gunshots. Sam looking straight ahead, too
scared to even look at Eli. She slowly turns, to look at him (as background
music begins). "X Ambassadors - Unsteady" (opening lyrics) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFjryf8zH_M
) MUSIC "Hold, hold on, hold on to me" He is looking downward, at a pistol in his hand. MUSIC "Cause I'm a little unsteady" He turns, to look at her. MUSIC "A little unsteady" She begins shaking her head, intensely... MUSIC "Hold," SAM Don't do it... MUSIC "Hold on, hold on to me" POV moving down ladder, toward huffs raising hands,
yearning to get up there. SAM (OS) Eli, don't do it! MUSIC "Cause I'm a little unsteady" POV moving over all the huffs, including Rhett... SAM EEELLLLIIIII!!!!! MUSIC "A little unsteady" That final verse plays, followed with a loud BOOM! A shot
is fired, as huffs react with even more desire to get up the tree (as song
keeps going)... DARK (song keeps going) CREDITS MUSIC keeps rolling till credits end... BONUS
SCENE (season 2) FADE IN: INT./EXT. HIGHWAY 6 - NIGHT Two cars driving the dark, foggy highway. They pass a
market on side of road, reading "Glenwood Market". Inside car, is
Travis (Zane's baseball player), his girlfriend, and his family. DRIVER (father) So, it's before we hit
Tillamook? TRAVIS Yeah, about thirty-forty
minutes, from here. WATCH OUT! Dad slamming on breaks, car behind him barely misses
slamming into him. DAD What the hell is this??? Everyone looking straight ahead. People in the other car
(Girlfriend's family) also staring ahead. Their view of an endless amount of prisoners, walking out
of brush/fog, and across the road (in orange suits/with weapons). They are
becoming dangerously close to the car. TRAVIS Go, Dad, go! Dad goes in reverse (around
other car), turning around and peeling away. Other car speeds off after them. Front of prisoner herd walks
into POV. Two guys (Stix, 30, and Swish, 38 (Swish in prisoner guard uniform,
and a bruised face)), watch cars drive away. They just stand there, as the
others continue on. STIX You sure things are the way he
claims them to be? SWISH I've never met someone I trust
more than him. You heard the way he spoke to
(nodding at everyone) them. Whatever's
going on out here, there's no one better to follow,
than Grover... "Imagine Dragons - Radioactive" begins playing,
as prisons continue walking out of the brush, and across the road, an entire
army of them...heading for God knows where... ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iO_WxYC34eM
) MUSIC "(inhale) (exhale)" "I'm breaking in, shaping up, the checking out on
the prison bus" "This is it.. The apocalypse... Wooaah" "I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones, enough to
make my systems grow.." "Welcome to the new age, to the new age, welcome to
the new age, to the new age woaaahh" Prisoners still exiting brush, well over a hundred of
them, and still coming… One of them is the size of a professional wrestler,
standing over all the others, as scene dissolves to black... THE END © 2024 Mike Decker |
Added on December 31, 2018 Last Updated on June 21, 2024 Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse AuthorMike Deckervancouver, WAAboutMy daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..Writing