Above the Dead...Season 1, Episode 5 "One who flew over The Cuckoo's Nest"A Screenplay by Mike DeckerIs Jax the savior, or has she "flown over the cuckoo's nest"...ABOVE THE DEAD . com Season 1, Episode 5
(50 pages) "One who flew over The Cuckoo's Nest" INTRO FADE IN: EXT. FISH'S PORCH - EVENING POV behind Scott, Amy, and Rhett, with tree house in
front of them, as a single gunshot is fired, from up inside. All 3 of them
instantly rising, and running to tree house. AMY SAM!? RHETT ELI!? Rhett racing to the ladder, ahead of Scott, climbing as
fast as he can. He comes to Sam, at door, still holding gun on Jax. He
stops...just watching a moment, as Scott arrives, doing the same. Eli is
standing at door of boys room. AMY (OS, climbing
ladder) What the hell is going on up
there?! Are they okay?! RHETT Yes, everyone's okay. SCOTT Sam? What are you doing? Sam still holding gun right on Jax, as Amy climbs herself
up... SAM She's lying to us... Amy arriving in shock, at the sight of Sam holding the
gun on Jax. AMY What do you mean, Sam? What is
she lying about? SCOTT Here, hand me the gun. I'll
hold it on her, until you tell us what's going on. Sam slowly handing gun to Scott, who indeed holds it on
Jax. SCOTT (speaking to Jax) Just remain right there,
please. RHETT Go ahead, Sam. SAM She knows Greg, somehow. She
pointed to him, saying how nice to look at, he
was. I have not told her, or anyone, who Greg is. SCOTT (speaking to Jax) How do you know Greg? ELI She put one of our guns in her
bag. I just saw her do it. Rhett going to her bag, and pulling out gun. RHETT This isn't even one of ours, is
it? SCOTT No, it's not. I went through
all Fish's. That's not one of them. AMY Okay Jax, what the hell is
going on? Start with Greg. Sam eager to hear about her cousin. JAX The gun is mine. I just brought
it with me for protection. Actually, to kill
my brothers... Before they kill all of you. Everyone looking nervous, and waiting for more. SCOTT What the hell are you talking
about?! JAX I didn't tell you I have
brothers, because I was hoping if we actually made it
to the compound, that I could just ditch them
here, without them - AMY Wait, so you already knew about
the compound?! SAM Where’s my Uncle Vincent?! How
do you know Greg?! JAX Yes, we knew. My brothers
forced me to make friends with you, good people.
The crazy one, might be watching us now, he
has been, since long before I got here. Rhett and Eli, looking down and around the area. SCOTT Is he out there now?! JAX No, but he will be. Probably
not tonight. Well maybe, I don't know. SCOTT Will he, or will he not?! JAX I don't know! I just spoke to
him, he's currently at a place they took, about
five miles from here. RHETT How the hell did you speak to
him, if he's not here?! SAM Where's my cousins?! JAX Walkie talkies. SAM You get those from my uncle?
Where are they?! AMY Answer her!!! SAM How do you know Greg?! JAX I LOVED, GREG!!! I was - SAM (weeping through
her words) What do you mean, loved? Everyone looking at Sam. Silence, until Jax finally goes
on... JAX (weeping) They killed him. They killed
them all. I'm so sorry, I - SAM (screaming,
weeping) NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! DISSOLVE TO: THEME TUNE/CREDITS Shots of all the
chaos in the city, on day 1 of the “zombie” apocalypse, followed by
bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highways, and tons of angry/nervous people
honking or trying to pull off the road. Shot of Mt. Hood, followed by shots of
a huge tree house overlooking a lake, which dissolves into the Columbia River,
and traveling down it, through a huge forest fire, before reaching the
Bonneville Dam. POV continues down the river, past the Glen Jackson bridge,
flowing by tons of houseboats where the dead are falling into the river,
chasing after whoever is drifting by… POV of the
Willamette River as it goes under the St. Johns bridge, and up into the hills
of Portland. It travels over them, into the Beaverton area, crossing over the
top of the Nike World Headquarters, and keeps traveling over farmlands, and
into the coast range, finding the Glenwood Market, and a large camp with log
walls, across the creek and behind the store… POV speeds over the
Tillamook Forest, Highway 26, and a bunch of other lands, before coming to the
Columbia River, traveling west, under the Megler bridge, and into the ocean. It
continues along the shoreline, past Astoria, the Haystack Rock of Cannon Beach,
coming to a pair of jetties, and following through the channel between them.
POV continues up into the nearby hills, finding a large camp, protected by a
large log wall… POV travels back
down to the shoreline, and over a huge hotel, with a shot of the Twin Rocks in
the ocean. POV travels by the bay of Tillamook, and along Highway 6, back into
the coast range, until leaving the road, back into the Tillamook Forest, until
coming to a very large compound, hidden away by all the brush and
mountain-side, as opening credits roll… DISSOLVE TO: INT. TRAIL BLAZER LIVING ROOM - DUSK Close-up white powder, panning back as Matthew sniffs it
up, and heads past Michael, while going out the door. MICHAEL Can I please drive? MATTHEW What are you saying? MICHAEL I'm saying that I have
absolutely no idea, whatsoever, if you have slept, whatsoever,
since dead people began taking over the planet. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - NIGHT Matthew in car, driving to a racing stop. Michael
(passenger seat), holding on for dear life. Matthew pops right out. Michael
comes out a little more cautiously, looking all around... MICHAEL We've been seeing more and more
of the dead. MATTHEW Aliens, is what they are. They
wait till we die, before taking over, and going after
the rest of us. Matthew heading off road, into brush, Michael follows. MICHAEL Fine, more
and more, aliens. You pulling up like that, might only
attract them here, and being dark and all, well, I
don't know...maybe a bad idea being here? MATTHEW I didn't force you here. MICHAEL You said we were going to take
the store back. I didn't want to go there either, but
also didn't want you doing anything stupid. Which is why I
got you to compromise, by coming here. MATTHEW You just think you got me to
compromise, but I never actually wanted to go to the
store. I just said it, to get you to come with me. Michael shaking head, as they continue on... CUT TO: EXT. TREE HOUSE - NIGHT Scott pulling up the ladder, scanning the area. He walks
over into girls room, next to Amy. Jax (emotional) is on bed, with Rhett nearby
(holding his gun). Eli sits next to an emotional Sam. JAX I don't know what else to tell
you. I'm a victim just like you guys. AMY Why didn't you just come clean
from the beginning? JAX I told you, I was hoping we'd
just leave, without them knowing. My original plan
was to kill them, before I ever got here,
but...(emotional) That's when Michael lost the store,
and my Greg got caught in the crossfire. SAM He's not your Greg! He'd never go for
someone like you! JAX But he did! He knew I was a
victim of my brothers, as well. I left him that note,
explaining I wouldn't let anything happen to you. He
promised to do the same for me. Jax weeping. Rhett looks to Scott. RHETT You see anything out there? SCOTT Nothing. I should just go sit
in a bush, somewhere, until I hear or see the little
b*****d. AMY In the dark, with the dead
roaming around? I don't think so! RHETT (speaking to Jax) So, you're claiming they don't
plan to show up here, at all? Just to watch, or
wait to hear from you, until Sam's family
arrives? JAX (nodding) That's why I was hoping you'd
never even know I was related to such trash. RHETT Then what? They were just going
to fake being broken down, on the side of the
road, expecting you to recognize them? JAX (nodding) Yes, and I never even told you
guys I had brothers. Hence me not going along with
their damn plan. RHETT So, you were just going to wave
to them, as we drive by? JAX I certainly wasn't going to
suggest stopping! Jax looking at them all, as they look at her… JAX He was too paranoid to even be
here, due to you all seeing through him. He
can't hide who he is... Amy staring at Jax... AMY What about you? Are you easy to
see through? Jax silent a few moments, before answering... JAX No... I'm not. Like my other
brother Michael, I'm good at hiding the scars of
where I came from, and acting like an actual
respectable, human being. RHETT So, it's an act? JAX No! That's not what I meant. I
was here when her dad began eating the old
woman. My brother almost �" (cutoff) AMY Wait! You were here!? (Amy
looking at others) That was what...a few hours
before we got here? (walking to Jax) And you just
left her up here, all by herself?! What the hell is
the matter with you?! Amy getting in her face, as Rhett pulls her back. AMY She could have been killed! JAX I didn't want to! AMY She was all alone! JAX I couldn't help it! AMY She needed you, and you just
left her up here! JAX (Yelling) MATTHEW, MADE ME!!! JUST LIKE
HE'S THE ONE WHO (putting her hand to her
LAKE! (Rhett glancing out and below) I CAN'T
GREG...even though I tried! (weeping) Everyone silent, as Jax weeps... MATTHEW (OS, shouting from
below) Well, GOD DAMN, sis!
(everyone's eyes WIDE!) I had no idea you felt that
way. Scott and Rhett, each cautiously going to windows. Their
POV of the area (dark, but light from cabin), no sight of Matthew... Eli and Sam are nervous, as Amy sits next to them. Rhett
comes to Jax. RHETT You did that on purpose, didn't
you? To warn him! JAX (shaking head,
speaking quietly) No, but...I can tell him I did. Amy and Rhett with scowling expressions. MATTHEW (OS) I don't suppose you nice folks
want to come on down, peacefully, so that I
don't have to do this tree house, like I did the old
man? Fear and shock from everyone... MATTHEW (OS) This brush, this time of
year...hell I could start that fire with a pair of
twigs...rather than trekking back to the car for gasoline... RHETT (speaking to
Matthew) You do that, and we'll be
coming down, guns blazing, while leaving your sister up here, to blaze! MATTHEW (OS) Oh Rhett, is that you? You're
my favorite, buddy. Not very bright though, are ya’?
Dear old sis, just became very expendable... JAX (quietly) He's bluffing. Everyone at a loss for words, silence a few moments... AMY Rhett? Dad?? RHETT (speaking to
Matthew) What exactly is your plan here?
Scamming your way into a ticket to the
compound, is no longer an option. So, now you want
this place? Yet burning down the tree house only diminishes
the property value... Maybe we can come up with
an agreement? Amy surprised at his offer of an agreement, as they wait
for a reply... MATTHEW (OS) I'm listening... RHETT (speaking to
Matthew) I wasn't talking to you. That
offer is for your brother, and your sister, here... Silence just a moment, before 6 straight gunshots are
fired into/around the tree house, with everyone ducking (girls screaming)... MATTHEW (OS, after done
shooting) I know you people think I'm
losing it, down here, but fact Is, I've already lost
it! Cause you know who I'm gonna’ kill first? Not the
annoying pregnant woman, but the little b*****d
inside of her. Cause let's face it, Rhett. You know that
baby can't be yours. Hell, it might even be
mine. I thought she looked kinda’ familiar! Rhett instantly to window, firing several shots. Scott
begins doing the same. Once they stop, silence follows... Sam holds on tight, to Amy. AMY Please tell me you got them? SCOTT There's no way of knowing. He
might even want us wasting our ammo...(Scott
looking at Jax) What about her? Can we trust
her? Might have to. Amy staring at Jax... Rhett, still carefully watching out window... AMY She lies as easily as she
breathes. Obviously acting comes just as easily, meaning
her little emotional outburst could have been as
phony as her story has been, since she first
arrived... However, I believe her feelings for Greg, are genuine,
and she does blame her brothers for that
loss. JAX I do. And I can...act! Which is
why you can trust me, to get us all out of this. SCOTT (shaking head) Us... Rhett turns from window, looking at Jax, then Amy. RHETT You can't possibly trust this
freak. We let her go, and that's just one more reason
for that little pyromaniac brother of hers, to
smoke us out. SCOTT I have to agree, with Rhett. AMY What other choice do we have? MICHAEL (OS, down below) I accept your deal. Rhett and Scott, immediately/cautiously over to windows.
Their POV of Michael, standing alone. RHETT (speaking to
Michael) Where's your crazy a*s brother? MICHAEL Probably back to the car, by
now. He took a shot in the shoulder. JAX (quietly) He's lying. They're like
(crossed fingers)... RHETT (Speaking to
Michael) Well then, here's the deal. You
bring us your brothers corpse, and you're
just as welcome here, as your sister. Jax suddenly makes a move for Scott, grabbing away his
gun, aiming right at him, as Rhett turns. JAX (loud) Drop it now, Rhett! DO IT!
(Rhett places down gun) Kick it to me. Rhett kicks it over, as she picks it up. AMY What the hell are you doing? JAX (speaking to
Michael) It's okay, Michael. I got their
guns. I could use your help up here, though, big brother. Cut to Michael, a little hesitant. MICHAEL I can trust you, right, sis? JAX (speaking to
Michael) Just get the hell up here,
before they make a move. Kinda outnumbered here. Jax now speaking quietly to the others. JAX I'm sorry, this was the only
way. You'll see soon, that I can be trusted. Jax hushing them, with finger to her nose. None of them
know what to think/believe. Michael eventually/cautiously pops up from ladder.
Overlooking the situation, he steps all the way up, and approaches them. MICHAEL Damn sis, you musta’ went beast
mode up here, on these people. Jax hands him a gun. He walks over and instantly punches
Rhett in the face. AMY Rhett! MICHAEL That's for even thinking, I'd betray my baby
brother. Jax an amused smile, which Amy takes notice of... JAX Rest of their guns are in the
other room. They could have more that I don't
know of. So, we should get em' tied up, until
Matthew figures out what to do. Where is he? MATTHEW (OS) Right behind you, sis. Everyone turning to look at Matthew, who's holding his
gun up. He smiles, and walks to Rhett... MATTHEW Rhett, you and I coulda’ been
buddies, in a different life...or a different world,
and look around...this is a different world! You people
need survivors, like us. (looking right at Sam) Your
compound needs survivors, like us. (smiling at her) Hi,
I'm Matthew. (looking at Jax) Another award-winning performance
as usual, big sis. Jax a pleased smile, as Matthew hugs her. Amy studying
Jax, with concern... JAX So, what's the plan here? Matthew a deep breath, while looking over everyone... MATTHEW (with laugh) I have no idea...yet. (looks at
Sam) I would love a tour of the place, though. CUT TO: EXT. FISH'S PORCH - NIGHT Michael finishes tying them all up, to porch, as Matthew
carries bag of guns toward door. MATTHEW You're on guard duty, Mikey.
Jax is gonna’ show me around inside. Suddenly, a noise comes from the brush. Concern, from all
those tied up. Michael reaching for his flashlight, and shining into brush,
where a huff makes her way out toward them. MATTHEW Hot damn! Look at this one. Now
if I was ever to date a dead chick, this is the
one.. Michael heading toward her. MICHAEL I got her. MATTHEW Yeah, you do. Show these people
what it takes to be a survivor...without wasting
valuable ammo. Michael (holding knife) approaches huff, dancing around
it, trying to find a safe move to make. MATTHEW Come on Michael. Kinda making
us look bad. Michael finally makes his move, sticking huff in her
head, as she drops. MATTHEW Atta boy. (looking at others)
That is why you need us. This place will be crawling
with those things, sooner or later. Matthew heading inside, with Jax. Michael steps back on
porch... MICHAEL He speaks the truth. We've been
seeing more and more of them. RHETT Then tying us up really makes
sense. What if a group of them pass through?
We'll be screwed. MICHAEL You pretty much already are... SCOTT You guys have the property now,
the tree house, and the cabin. Just let us
drive away, and find our own way to survive. MICHAEL In our
brand new car? Not happening... Amy shedding tears... Cut inside, to Jax entering kitchen with Matthew behind
her, in hallway, looking at pictures. MATTHEW So, these are the compound
people, eh? Jax reaching for kitchen knife, as Matthew enters
kitchen. JAX Next creepy dead person, is
mine. MATTHEW I could always make you one, if ya’ want? JAX Please make it the pregnant
one. MATTHEW Awww, does sis have a crush on
Rhett? JAX Not at all. You can do him next. In fact, do them all. We'll give them all nice
graves, and come up with a sappy story to tell the
compound people, when they show up. The kind of story
that'll punch our tickets, back home with them. Matthew staring at her, with a growing smile. MATTHEW HOLY freaking Goosebumps! What
kind of diabolical monster, are you? He goes in to hug her. She raises one arm to hug him, but
uses her other, to stick him in the gut, with her knife. JAX One! Matthew looks at her in shock/pain. She sticks him again. JAX Two! (he drops to floor) The
only monster here is you. (going down, sticking
him again) Three! (sticks again) Four! (jabbing
him quick/hard, counting with each one) Five!
Six! Seven! Eight! She begins jabbing even faster/harder, and yelling as she
counts. Cut outside, as they hear her yelling. JAX (OS) NINE! TEN! ELEVEN! TWELVE!
THIRTEEN! FOURTEEN! Cut to Jax, stabbing him one final time. JAX FIFTEEN!!! (looking over his
dead body) One for each year of my life, I can
remember being beaten by you! Cut to porch, as Michael opens door, but stops as a huff
(in baseball cap and jacket) walks out of the brush (with a limp/bad foot). RHETT WAIT! ELI There's
another one coming! Michael hesitates a moment, before heading toward huff,
as others watch. Michael's POV of huff, limping toward him. Michael
arrives near huff, raising his knife, and waiting for the right moment. Suddenly, the huff punches Michael right in the face,
knocking him down, taking his knife, and sticking him with it, hard and deep. Everyone watching, completely bewildered. Fake huff now
approaching them (still limping bad, and holding both Michael's gun and knife).
He removes his hat, revealing himself as Greg!!! SAM Greg!!! Greg uses finger to hush her... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 2) INT. STORE - DAY Greg's lifeless body, tied next to his huff brother. Greg
slowly raises his head, looking all around. His POV, of half empty (shot up) store. Cut outside, to Vincent, excited about something. Gunshot
fired, Vincent takes one to the head. Cut to Greg, looking toward gunshot. Cut to one of Tan's friends (Phuoc), cautiously
approaching store door. He glances down at dead cashier. GREG (OS) Don't shoot! I'm unarmed and
tied up. I was their prisoner. Only one of them is
here, and I think he took off, out the back. POV Tan, outside the back of the store, creeping a peek
through window. His POV, of Greg tied up next to huff Mark. TAN It's okay, Phuoc. He's telling
the truth. He’s tied next to an infected. Phuoc slowly entering store, gun raised and looking all
around, then just looking at Greg and Mark. Tan and his other buddy (Joe),
enter store. Joe takes a look at Mark, pulls out his knife, and takes him down.
Greg just staring at his dead brother. JOE That's the only way to take
them down... Who are you? Why did those guys tie
you up? GREG I'm Greg. That...was my
brother, Mark, and the one out there, was my dad. JOE I'm sorry to hear that. GREG We came in, with no idea what
we were walking into. They killed my dad, simply to
see if he'd...come back. (looking them in the eyes) I'm
not a threat to you guys. Can you please untie me?
I've been here since yesterday afternoon. Joe looking at the others, then begins untying him. GREG Thank you. Greg looking at his dead brother, while being untied. He
then rises slowly (very stiff!), with Joe's help. Tan hands him a water. Greg
drinks some, still staring at his brother, then looking over all those guys. GREG So, you guys
the owners, or something? TAN Yes, it's my store. My wife and
I were in the back, when they killed my employee.
Where did the other one go? Their car is
still outside. GREG They took my dad's car. The
other one is with his sister, trying to take my
family's place, which is why I need your guys help. Those guys with skeptical expressions. Suddenly, Matthew
pulls up in the road outside, as they all scramble to find a secure spot,
inside. GREG That's him! Greg ducks all the way down, peeking outward. Everyone just watching/waiting (guns ready), as the car
sits there in the road. The standoff finally ends, as Matthew turns around, and
skids away. Greg rising. GREG I have to go after them. Will
you guys help? Or let me borrow a car? (looking
amongst each other) Please!? They're going
to hurt my little ten-year-old, cousin! PHUOC We have families too. We have
to bring them here. GREG Look, my family is loaded.
They're coming for my cousin and I. They have a
compound in the coast range, where you and your
families can come survive. Again looking amongst each
other... PHUOC (shaking head) Our families, safe here. GREG (shaking head) No, they're not! You've seen
what's going on out there. It's only going to
get worse. You have
to realize this! It's not like earthquakes or hurricanes, where help is eventually
coming. Freaking dead people are walking the planet! Again looking amongst each other... GREG Give it a week, and you'll be
wishing you took advantage of this opportunity. JOE My jeep is down the road. I can
get you to your place, but that's it. Help will
come, and until they do, we have everything we need,
here. GREG Thank you...and…can I get a
gun? Joe giving him a wishful look, but while shaking his
head... JOE I'm sorry brother, we just
can't afford that. PHUOC I go with you guys. Phuoc reloading his gun. Joe grabbing some water, while
Tan shows Greg some knives/blades. He selects a winner, and his handed a
backpack by Joe. He begins filling it with food and waters. JOE You ready? Greg silently staring at his brother... GREG Yeah... Joe and Phuoc, go out door, as Greg follows. He stops and
stares at his dad. Both guys stop, waiting for him. He takes a deep breath, and
walks away. They begin jogging down the road. Dissolve to Joe, Phuoc, and Greg, jogging around corner
(sound of car coming), and seeing a jeep (one guy inside), speeding by. Joe
instantly runs into road (waving gun) at jeep, as it goes by. JOE THAT'S MY CAR!!! DAMN IT! He fires his gun above it. Phuoc in road with him,
pointing, as military vehicle is speeding toward them (opposite direction Jeep
was going). Joe (still with gun in hand) waving hand, and running at military
vehicle, who instantly open fire on him. They nail both him and Phuoc, as Greg
(further off the road) dives into brush. Military vehicle keeps going... Greg slowly coming out of brush, looking at both Joe and
Phuoc, lying dead in road. He stands there contemplating what to do. He looks
back toward store. He looks toward brush. Back toward store. He then runs into
street, grabbing Phuoc's gun. He goes to Joe, reaching down and rolling him
over. He grabs gun from under him, before just looking at him a moment… He slowly rises. He turns, and comes face to face with
huff Phuoc! He struggles with him, and has a shot, but avoids taking it,
instead reaching for his blade, and eventually ending the struggle, with a blow
to Phuoc's head… Greg stands there looking at him, while catching his
breath. He suddenly turns quickly, looking at Joe, who still lays there, dead.
He runs over, instantly sticking him in the head. He takes a swig of water. He
looks toward the brush, then the store. He takes another swig, before running
off into the brush... CUT TO: Greg sweaty, and out of breath as he stops jogging, and
begins walking. He’s coming to an end of the brushy area, and back onto another
road. He stands out in middle of it. Looking up road, and then upward, at more
brushy area. Deciding the brush would be a faster route, he again leaves the
road, for the brush, and hustling uphill… Dissolve to Greg again coming to a stop, after jogging.
He is coming to a creek, kneeling down to wet his face... He comes up, catching his breath and cooling off. He
begins filling his water bottle, splashes his face again, and jogs across the
creek, continuing upward… Dissolve to Greg coming out of brush, onto road
(exhausted and a sweaty/dirty mess). He catches his breath for a moment, takes
a swig of water, and begins walking up road. Dissolve to Greg hiding, as a vehicle is heard heading up
hill. He ducks down in brush, watching as another military vehicle speeds by. Dissolve to Greg walking the road, coming to a corner. He
takes a swig, and comes to a sudden stop. His POV of a huff woman, on her knees, eating from a dead
deer. He quietly walks up on her. She turns right as he arrives, sticking blade
in her head. Before he can even pull out the blade, another huff (guy with pack
on his back), quickly comes from brush, right onto road, where Greg struggles
to get blade out of the other huff’s head. The huff knocks Greg to the ground, hitting his head hard,
against road. He is in pain, and struggling with the huff. He somehow finds
strength to flip huff over (both of them on their sides), but he remains semi-stuck
between him, the dead woman, and the deer. And now, suddenly, he also has a
huff baby in his face, as the pack on the guy's back, is a baby backpack. Greg fights his way to his feet, and reaches for his
blade (blade halfway under huff man). He gets it, and delivers the kill shot,
but not without tripping over the huge mess, he was battling through. He
screams in pain, and holds his ankle. He fights the pain, and looks to the
deceased huff man. He can still hear the baby huff. He closes his eyes, and lays on the side of the road, a
moment. He quickly opens eyes wide, and works hard to rise to his feet. He's
struggling to put pressure on his ankle. He looks for his water. He finds it on
ground, open, and mostly leaked out. He begins doing what he can to continue up
road... Dissolve to Greg in seriously bad shape, barely making
any ground. He can see a home, off the road a bit. He begins approaching it. He
stops. He looks back toward road. He turns, just standing there a moment. He
finally continues back toward road. He collapses... DISSOLVE TO: Multiple flashes of... Someone (female) helping Greg, up from where he
collapsed, being helped toward that home. Greg on porch steps, falling asleep,
as bucket of water is dumped over his head. His terrible swollen ankle in a
huge pan, being filled with water from hose. Him sitting (with ankle in pan) on
porch steps, with his head leaning against post. Inside on couch, with foot
elevated and wrapped with an ace bandage, and water pack. Woman helping him
take some pills. Woman allowing him to lay back, and sleep. Woman using wet rag
to wash his face. Woman changing water pack on ankle. Greg asleep on couch... DISSOLVE TO: INT. HOME - DAWN (day 4) POV from front door (open) of the property, as birds are
chirping... Greg slowly waking from couch. He slowly looks around. He
comes to find woman at door, sitting in chair, just watching outward... She glances back at him, seeing he's awake... WOMAN I love the mornings...the birds
just sing, like everything's okay, out there. GREG It's morning already? I slept
all night? Woman rising and closing door. Approaching Greg. WOMAN I'm Cyndi. Yes, you slept all
night, all day, and again all night... GREG What? CYNDI You took a pretty bad blow to
the head. I kept you up a couple hours, but then you
crashed hard. I thought it was important to
keep you awake, until I did some research. Guess they
say nowadays, it’s not so crucial to stay awake
the first few hours, after head trauma. So…sorry about
that. You weren’t too happy about the cold bucket of
water, I threw over your head. GREG I remember that. Greg slowly rising, but dizzy and in too much pain. Cyndi
helps him lay back down, and hands him water and another pill. CYNDI Take another ibuprofen. You
lost a lot of blood, and that ankle is ugly as s**t.
In fact, I need to wrap it with more ice. (begins
unwrapping) Was using garden hose water, the
first day, until the power came back on. Took a
while to freeze, but now that you've slept with it
elevated and iced, I imagine that terrible swelling
has gone down. (looking at the injury) Still
ugly as s**t, though... GREG So, I've been here for two
days, now? CYNDI (nodding) Once I let you crash, you did
just that. Cyndi into kitchen, gathering ice. GREG You said the power came back
on? Has help come? Anything on the TV? CYNDI That's what I was thinking,
once it came back on, but no, nothing on TV or the
radio, other than nightmarish chatter. No help
has come knocking on the door. Phone's still
don't work. No word or sight of my husband, who was supposed
to be here three days ago, a few
hours after I arrived. Cyndi an emotional moment, while by herself in kitchen. GREG (OS) You do realize what's going on
out there? Silence, as Cyndi gathers her composure, and walks back
into living room... CYNDI I know the dead are coming
back. My husband told me that much, and the
radio seems to confirm it. The most consistent
thing I seem to hear, is that they're eating
the living. But I've heard so many other unlikely
things, that I'm not sure what to believe. Greg getting sleepy, as Cyndi wraps the ice around his
ankle. GREG You can believe the eating
part, I've seen it. If they even bite you, it's over. I
know the military is out there, but they seem as
paranoid as everyone else. CYNDI What do you mean? Greg closing eyes. GREG That we're on our own, for now.
Like my cousin. I have to get to her. Cyndi places his ankle comfortably onto pillow. Suddenly,
someone comes tearing out bedroom door, footsteps heard running right into
living room, and stopping. Greg (groggy) looks up. His POV of a six-year-old boy (Cole), staring at him,
with disappointment. CYNDI Everything okay, Cole? COLE I thought I heard Daddy. Greg closing his eyes. Cyndi picks up Cole. CYNDI I'm sorry, baby. But our new
friend here, is improving. Greg unable to fight drifting off, as he mumbles some
last words. GREG He and Sam will get along. We
have to go there. I might sleep first. Greg out, as Cyndi carries Cole toward kitchen. COLE Who is Sam? Dissolve to close-up of cartoons on TV, panning back to
Cole, as he watches from floor, in front of couch where Greg sleeps. Greg
begins waking, as cartoon ends, and Cole selects another, from the blu-ray
player. Greg looks up, and slowly tries to rise, but with pain from his head.
Cyndi entering room, with plate of sandwiches. CYNDI Good, you're up. I'm curious to
hear more about Sam, and what your plans are.
Probably at least a few days from even attempting
to travel, so you're welcome here, until then. But - GREG (shaking head) I don't have a few days; I have
to go now. CYNDI That's not happening, and I'm
not picking you back up, once you realize that
for yourself. Greg frustrated, and lying back down... GREG Do you have a car? CYNDI I did, until it was stolen, the
first night here. GREG How far am I from the lake? I
can't remember the name of it. CYNDI There's a lake about seven or
eight miles up the road, that you have to hike
into. GREG Seven or eight, miles? (closing
his eyes) DISSOLVE TO: INT. GREG'S COUCH - NIGHT A movie now playing on TV, as Greg eats from the plate in
front of him. Cole on floor, eating and watching movie. A vehicle is heard from
the road, as Greg looks up, and Cyndi heads to window. CYNDI Military again. I wonder what
they're doing? GREG (speaking to
Cyndi) Hey...(looking at Cole) Did I
have...(mouthing "guns" to her) when
you found me? CYNDI You did indeed. One of them you
can have back, although it's unloaded. The
other is payment, for everything I've done, and am doing, for you. Greg staring at her... CYNDI I know...it seems unfair, but
you're alive because of me, and I need that gun,
just as much as you do... I saved you, and so, the
gun is mine. It may not seem fair at the moment,
but it's a small price to pay, for your life... And
the truth is, I could use you, too. GREG To what? Help you live an extra
week or two? Help you bury your kid? Cole's attention leaving the TV, and looking from Greg,
to his mom. CYNDI Cole, he's still ill. He
doesn't know what he's saying. Cole begins watching TV, again. GREG I'm sorry. I didn't mean to
frighten your boy... You mentioned needing me. It's me who needs you, and the rewards for it, will be way
better than a handgun. CYNDI Are you talking about the compound? Greg throwing her a very curious expression. CYNDI You were rambling in your sleep,
a few times. You kept telling me, or
someone, that the compound is more safe, than the
store, and how you have to get there... So,
it's true? You actually have such a place? GREG We do, and it's built for
thousands. It's an opportunity you and your boy
can not pass up. CYNDI And what? Just leave a note for
my husband? Greg speechless, and looking away... DISSOLVE TO: INT. GREG'S COUCH - MORNING (day 5) Greg sitting up on couch. He bends down, to undo wrapped
up ankle. Still some swelling and ugly bruising. He slowly rises, and begins
hopping his way to bathroom. He stops halfway there, leaning against wall, and
holding his head. He then proceeds. He closes door on bathroom, as Cole comes
out of bedroom, into living room, flipping on blu-ray player. Cyndi comes from
kitchen, handing him a bowl of cereal. COLE Is he going to help find Daddy? Cyndi closing her eyes... Cut to Greg, in bathroom running steamy bath water over
his ankle... Dissolve to mid-day, with Greg at the couch, sitting up,
eating a sandwich, and drinking water. He's mildly stretching, and preparing
himself for his journey. He begins taking off another ice pack, around his
ankle. CYNDI Someone sees you limping the
road, and you're going to take a bullet. They'll
think you're one of the dead. GREG I'll be using a stick for a
crutch. They'll know I'm alive. I've got no choice.
Those animals are there, pretending to care about her,
waiting to go back with my family. After killing my
dad and brother. CYNDI Sounds more like revenge, than
it does concern for your cousin. GREG It's both! I love my cousin, and I hate them for what they did, and are doing.
Revenge, concern for my cousin, my family...all
of the above! CYNDI You'll never make it. Greg rising, heading to bathroom. GREG Going back and forth with ice
and hot water, is doing the trick. I will make
it. If you don't mind, I'm going to shower, and then
get out of your way. Cyndi glances at Cole (watching TV), who has a tear
running down his cheek... Dissolve to Greg hopping out Cyndi's door. Cole hands him
a stick (cane), and a hat. COLE It's my lucky hat. Cole gives him a hug, and runs inside, past his mom, at
the door. Greg looks back at her... GREG Thanks again. He turns and hops away. Cyndi sheds a tear, turns and
closes door. Greg stops hopping on one leg, and begins putting some weight on
the ankle, with help from the stick. He continues like that for a while, before
again hopping. Eventually, he tires, and begins putting some weight on
it, with a slow limp. After a while, he again begins to hop, this time stopping
as a sudden gunshot is fired, inside the house. He turns, as a second shot is
fired. Dread takes over his face, and he begins making his way back to the
house... Cut to Greg entering house, instantly seeing both their
dead bodies, over by the TV (cartoons playing). He hops over to them. He looks
at the boy, and stands there teary-eyed, for a moment. He then comes down to
Cyndi, reaching for gun. He rises and looks around. GREG Where are the rest of those
bullets? Greg hopping into kitchen, where he begins searching
through drawers and cabinets, pulling things out of his way. He goes into
living room, doing the same. Cut to him in her bedroom, doing the same, this time
tossing things around in anger, and eventually giving up. Cut to him loading a gun, flashlight, water bottles and a
jacket, into his pack. Cut to him going out front door, hopping away... Dissolve to Greg (exhausted/sweaty), limping along the
road (through a stretch with very little shade). He pulls out water bottle,
takes a swig, and dumps rest over his head. A sound comes from the brush, as
Greg stops, and pulls out his gun. His POV of a deer, walking out. He just stares at it a
moment, then limps onward. He doesn't go far, before gunshots are fired, down
the road, and again he stops. The shots are followed by rowdy cheering, and the
sound of a vehicle approaching. Greg struggles to hustle, as he limps off the
road, into the brush, behind a log. He barely makes it in time, but not without
aggravating his ankle. Lying there in pain, as the truck (people and their guns
standing in back, non-military) goes by, someone spots him. GUY Wait! Stop, I see one! Truck stops, and reverses back, right in front of where
Greg "hides". He tries to speak, but they already open fire on him.
He reaches for his gun, and goes into a rage, while firing off all his ammo, at
shooting at us! Those guys all hopping back in
truck, and peeling off (up the road). Greg in pain, as he works hard to get up,
before limping back onto road, and continuing on... Dissolve to Greg slowly
limping along same road. He stops, as he can hear gunfire, up ahead. He just
listens for a moment. Suddenly, a huff comes out of brush, right at him. Greg
in pain, and working extra hard, to both position himself and deliver the fatal
blow, but does eventually stick huff in head, with blade. Huff goes down, but
so does Greg, in a ton of pain. He works to get back on his
feet. He looks down at the huff, then swigs some water, and dumps some over his
head. He moves on. A few steps later, he can hear a vehicle coming down the
road. He limps off, hiding. He watches military vehicle go by. Coming back out,
he trips, down onto the road... Dissolve to Greg limping same
road, and stopping. He looks ahead. His POV, of that same truck of
people (non-military), now off to the side of road, and everyone lifeless. Cut to Greg walking through
the bodies (all with fatal head injuries), and over to the truck, climbing
inside. Keys are still there. He turns them, but no such luck. He drops his
head, a few moments, before eventually climbing out. He's in pain. He fights though
the pain, and begins limping road. DISSOLVE TO: (DUSK) Greg limping same road, coming
to a spot with a steep cliff, off side of road. He limps over to it, looking
down. His POV, of how far down it
goes. POV Greg, just staring
downward, thinking... He closes his eyes, several moments, while taking a deep
breath...opens eyes, still staring downward, a few more moments, considering
jumping... He finally turns, and begins
limping back up road... DISSOLVE TO: (DARK) Greg (using flashlight)
finally happy, as he limps same road, but now toward a private road. He begins
hopping. He passes a sign, reading "Private Road", along with another
sign, that reads "Fish and Samantha Baker RD"... DISSOLVE TO: Greg's POV from brush, of
Michael killing the “hot huff woman”. POV Greg in brush, watching.
He begins trying to move in closer, but stops, due to ankle pain. He begins to
think... He suddenly reaches into his
pack, pulling out hat and jacket, and putting them on. Dissolve to Greg's POV, as he
approaches (pretending to be a huff) Michael, and punches him in the face. DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME Greg taking off hat, in front
of Sam and others. SAM GREG! Greg hushes her, with finger to nose, and uses knife to
set Rhett free. He hands him the knife. GREG Set them free, and get to the
tree house. I'm going (stops) Jax opens front door, staring at Greg a moment, before
running right to him, with a huge hug. JAX GREG!!! He reacts with pain to his ankle. JAX You're alive! (looking at him
closely) What's wrong? Are you okay? Greg nodding, with a look toward the cabin door, as Rhett
is quick to release the others. GREG Where's your psychotic brother? JAX I took care of him. (looking at
others) As promised. GREG He's dead? (Jax nodding, and
hugging him, with a look from Sam) Show me.
(speaking to others) You guys all get to the tree
house. JAX I'm sorry guys. I know you
weren't sure what to believe, but I came through.
(smiling) Greg limping toward porch. Jax helps him up porch steps.
Once they reach the top, huff Matthew comes tearing out front door, and
knocking Greg down porch steps. JAX Greg! Others all stopping. Sam runs to help Greg. AMY Sam! Jax aims gun at Matthew's head, and puts him down. Sam
watches, as he falls down steps, onto Greg. SAM Greg! Sam runs to him. Jax rolling
Matthew off him. Sam hugging Greg to death... SAM Thank God, that you're alive! GREG No, thank him that you're alive! Sam looking up at Jax (who is smiling), behind Greg,
coming out of hug, and staring at her. Greg looks back at her, then to Sam. GREG Sam, I need a minute with Tina. SAM Who? Because she told us she
was Jax... You and her...can't be... GREG It's complicated. (looking at
Amy and others) Can you guys please take her to
the tree house? I'll be right there. Amy grabbing Sam, leading her away, with a glance down at
the gun, Jax holds. Greg limps to Jax (big smile on her face)… JAX I did it! I made good on my
promise. Jax hugging him. GREG You did. As will I. No one will
ever cause you pain again (coming out of hug).
But we have some damage control, to take
care of. Jax noticing Michael's body, and walking to it. JAX He never
laid a hand on me...yet he never stopped others, from
doing so. (looking at Greg, and smiling) But I don't
have to worry about that anymore. (hugging him
again) I love you so much. GREG I love you, too. Coming out of hug, slowly limping back to tree house, she
begins helping him. GREG So, are these people okay? Did
they take good care of Sam? JAX They are good people. Better
than I've ever known. GREG (freeing himself
from her grasp) It's okay, I can walk on it. JAX I think they'll be fine
excepting me, here. (walking ahead of him, as he limps
along) It's crazy, the world
is crazy, yet I'm so happy. I'm in love, I have a new family, and other than
the dead, I have no one to be afraid of, anymore.
(Greg aims gun at back of her head) And trust me,
I'll take the dead, over the abuse of my old
family, any day. GREG Like I said,
no more pain. She turns to face him, right
as he pulls trigger, but without ammo. She looks at him in complete shock. He
keeps firing, but without luck. Once he stops, she slaps it right out of his
hand. JAX Are you kidding me!? What the
hell is this?! (just staring at him, a moment)
What…it was all just a lie? You tell me what I wanna’
hear, then just shoot me, in the GOD DAMN BACK!? I
came through for you! All of you! Even before I knew
you were still alive! I killed my own family,
to save yours! (becoming emotional) To become yours... All I wanted was to be a part of
it...and yet you treated me worse than MY (holding her
gun to his head) OWN PIECE OF S**T FAMILY! SAM GREG! Gunshot fired, but from tree house, which nails Jax in
the arm, causing her to drop her gun. She looks at Greg, before running off
into the brush, as she's fired on, several more times. Rhett stops shooting,
and begins racing down the ladder. Greg picking up her gun. GREG Go after her! Rhett racing toward the brush, with Scott not far behind
him. Amy holding Sam back, who fights to get away. SAM Let me go! AMY Sam, it's dangerous out there. Sam ignores her, running free and down the ladder. Eli
follows after her. Greg frustrated with himself. GREG God DAMN IT! Sam comes running into his arms... GREG I'm sorry, Sam. I'm sorry,
she's still out there. SAM I'm just happy you're okay. And
that you're not actually with her! GREG God no! I just had to play
along, to keep you safe, baby cousin. Some gunshots are fired, in the distance. Amy looking
outward with concern. AMY RHETT!? GREG It's okay. She doesn't even
have a gun. They're shooting at her. (quietly) I
think. AMY But those things are out there,
and God knows what, or who else! ELI Should I go after them? AMY No! GREG No. Come on, let's get back up
there. SAM Are you okay to climb the
ladder? GREG I'm good. Nothing a month off
my feet, can't help. Eli begins helping him hop, before Greg stops him. GREG Actually, can you please run to
the cabin, and get me a bag of ice? Eli stops, just stares back toward cabin, Matthew's body,
and then Michael's. ELI Did you get the other one, in
the head? GREG Yeah, he's not coming back...
It's okay. I'll get it. AMY Eli, you're okay. There's some
Ziploc bags in the top drawer, next to the
silverware. Just get in and get out. Eli hurries toward cabin. GREG Thank you, Eli. Greg and Sam approaching ladder. He takes notice of the
pit. GREG What's up with that? SAM A trap for the dead. Greg stopping at ladder, resting his exhausted face
against it. Then he lifts his head back up, and again is frustrated with
himself. GREG AHHHH, how did I let her get away!?
DAMN IT! SAM (a little
frightened) It's okay, Greg. GREG I know, Sam. I just...went
through absolute hell, to even have the opportunity to
make my way here, and a whole different
kind of hell, to actually get here. Now that I
am, I refuse to have it all thrown away, by the one
who flew over the God damn cuckoo's nest. Greg begins slowly/painfully climbing ladder... Dissolve to Greg in girls room, as Amy cleans up his
injuries. Eli stands looking out window. ELI They're back! AMY Thank God! POV Rhett and Scott, coming out of brush. Greg and
others, moving out toward ladder. GREG Please tell me you guys put her
down? Scott shaking his head. RHETT She drove off. Could be
anywhere... DISSOLVE TO: Rhett and Eli by cabin, disposing of Michael and Matthew.
Scott carrying bag of Matthew's guns, from inside, and heading toward tree
house. Amy watching from above... Dissolve to Scott, showing/handing guns to Greg (laying,
with foot iced/elevated). GREG Yeah, same bag he had them in,
at the store, and these are all the same ones. I
watched him going through them, and I heard him
say that was all he had. (looking at Scott) And all of my uncle's are accounted for? (Scott nodding) Along
with yours? SCOTT (nodding) Every one. GREG So, she mustn't have one. SCOTT And you're really not worried
about her smoking us out? GREG (shaking head) Nah...we have to be prepared
for it though. But that's exactly why she won't do
it. She wants to catch us off guard...to look me
in the eyes, as she gets her revenge. (frustrated)
How the hell did I let her get away... Dissolve to Rhett in tree house, by ladder, holding a gun
and shining flashlight all around, down below. Greg in girls room, looking
emotional. GREG Merry... He ate her? (looking
at Sam) And you had to watch that? Greg in shock, shedding a tear. He sits next to Sam
(Bailey in her lap), with his arm around her. GREG I'm so sorry, Samantha. I can't
believe you had to see that...while here all
alone. I just can't believe how strong you are. AMY As nails... An absolute
inspiration she has been, on us all. Greg a sad/proud look at her... Dissolve to flashes (without dialogue), of moments in
which they tell Greg of things they went through, and vice versa. Greg shaking
his head, as he listens to their stories. Eli talking with wide eyes. Amy
talking. Greg talking. Rhett at door listening. Sam crying. Greg talking. Sam
hugging Greg. Amy crying. Scott talking. Amy talking... Greg rising (with teary eyes), limping to Amy. AMY Greg, you need to stay off that
thing. GREG What I need to do, is hug the
woman who helped get my little cousin through
the last few days. They share a hug. He moves over, shaking Scott's hand, followed
with a hug. He moves on to Eli, doing the same thing... Dissolve to Rhett still standing guard, out by the
ladder. He moves toward girls room door, where all the others are. RHETT They actually shot at you? GREG They didn't just shoot, they
killed both the guys helping me. To be fair, the
first guy was still holding his gun, after having
fired it on the guy who stole his jeep. With
everything we've all gone through, I can't even imagine
what those military guys have seen. They might have
seen the gun, and considered him a threat.
(looking at Scott/Eli) They saw you with a kid, and
only aimed at you. You guys would have made one
wrong move, and you probably wouldn't be here,
right now. Dissolve to Scott in tree house by ladder, with gun,
while scanning the area below. Cut to Rhett, Amy, and Eli, sleeping in boys room. Cut to Sam, sleeping in her bed (with Bailey), Greg right
below, sleeping on floor (with foot elevated). Dissolve to cabin bedroom, where Scott sleeps in bed,
with Cpap mask (noise from Cpap machine), and gun next to bed. Cut outside, to Greg and Sam, at Fish's grave, silent... Dissolve to same location, as Greg and Sam finish
building two new gravestones, for Vincent and Mark. Dissolve to Rhett, Eli, and Sam, all in pit, digging
away. Amy and Greg each sit above, as he shows her how to work a handgun. Eli
stops a moment, nervously looking around. ELI I keep expecting her to ambush
us, or something. SAM I hate not knowing when she'll
pop up. AMY I wish she'd just do it
already. Get it over with. GREG Yeah...you guys aren't making
me feel like crap, in the least bit. ELI Dude, you saved our lives. RHETT Not to mention, the way you
played that b***h, was genius. GREG Thanks...but that's what I'm
worried about. AMY She may be "cookoo",
but she's also half smart... DISSOLVE TO: INT. GIRLS ROOM - NIGHT Sam sleeping in bed (with Bailey). Greg sleeping in bed
across from her. Cut to Scott, cautiously patrolling (with flashlight)
below tree house… Dissolve to day, and Scott in cabin bedroom, sleeping. Cut to Greg, showing Amy, Eli, and Sam, how to work the
different guns, while Rhett works hard in pit (ladder now inside it)... Dissolve to night, below the tree house, with Scott (with
blade and gun), carefully patrolling around. He stops, and listens... He hears something. He shines light all around, and then
again listening. He can hear something over toward cabin, as he shines his
light there. Coming around corner and into the light, is a huff. It approaches
his way. Scott just stands there at first, before heading to pit, and climbing
inside. The huff arrives, and simply falls inside, as Scott runs up the ladder,
and pulls it out. He just stares down at it... Dissolve to morning, with Scott, and everyone else, now
staring down into the pit... AMY So...what do we do with it,
now? GREG We begin training. (Rhett
nodding) We all need to know how to defend
ourselves...to kill those things. We already know how,
but we need to start practicing, perfecting
ourselves at it. (looking at Sam) You know they're
already doing it at the compound. Learning everything
they possibly can. Teaching the kids
how to survive... So must we... Dissolve to Rhett in pit, pushing huff away from him, as
everyone watches from above. Rhett keeps pushing him back, while avoiding his
mouth. AMY Good God, be careful, baby! GREG He's got this. See how he
avoids the bite? That mouth is getting nowhere near
his grasp. See how it doesn't have any real
strength, other than the weight behind it. Keep
calm, and don't be overpowered by it. It has no ability
to think, you can't be outsmarted by it. All
you have to do, is avoid its teeth... Rhett knocks it down, uses his foot to hold it down. He
looks up at Eli. RHETT Eli? Ready for your first kill? Eli nervous/hesitant. Greg nodding, with a look to Sam. GREG Don't worry.
Next one's yours, kiddo. Eli no longer hesitant. He
jumps right in, walks over to it. AMY Please be careful, Eli. SAM Good luck. GREG (speaking to Sam) Watch him, then go pick up the
hammer over there, and practice swinging it
into that tree. Imagine the tree, as the head
of one of your, what do you call them, huffs? Sam picks up the hammer, and goes over next to tree, then
watches, as Rhett hands blade to Eli. He looks at huff, then to Rhett, and then
to Greg/Sam, followed by slamming the blade into its head. Sam smiles, and
swings her hammer at the tree. DISSOLVE TO: INT. GIRLS ROOM - NIGHT Sam crawling into bed and covering up. SCOTT (OS) We've got one! No, make that
two! Sam hopping out of bed, and heading outside room, with
Greg, Amy, and Eli, all coming from boys room, as they look down at Scott, who
jumps off tree house ladder, heading toward pit. He hops down inside, waiting
for the first huff to fall in, before climbing most of the way up the pit
ladder. He waits for the second huff to fall in, before fully climbing out.
Greg nodding from above… GREG Nice... Dissolve to day, and close-up of one of the huffs in the
pit, panning back (dead huff next to it) to Rhett, holding it down with his
foot, as Sam shows no fear, while placing blade down onto its head, and slowly
sticking it through the skull... GREG Smooth...I like it, Sam... Dissolve to everyone (except Scott) relaxing on cabin porch.
Rhett holding a gun. GREG (smiling) That's what
huff stands for? Oh my God. (shaking head) I'm
not even sure how to react to that. ELI Gotta’ call em' something... Dissolve to night, and Rhett patrolling near tree house
ladder. Others all standing/sitting around on tree house deck. Sam staring at
Greg... SAM What are you thinking, Greg? GREG (deep breath) I don't know...my crazy ex-bride-to-be.
(few smiles) What do you think those guys
were like, before everything happened? With all
the people in the world...how many others out
there, you think, were living their lives on the edge
of snapping, like they did? Or even normal everyday happy
people...how many of them are now
"flying" over the cookoo's nest? I mean, even if this
thing ends soon, no one's going to jail for anything
they've done, since it began. It's a world without law
and consequences. Grandpa, never in his right
mind, could have predicted this surreal mess,
but he nailed it, when it came to what we'd have to
worry about, the most... SAM People... Greg nodding… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PIT - DAY Rhett in pit, with chokehold over huff, as Eli approaches
it, with a blade. Rhett suddenly jerks the entire huff right at Eli, who freaks
out (not knowing Rhett was still in control) and zips to other side of pit. Amy
above, a little freaked herself. Sam a half smile. RHETT It's okay, I still got him. GREG He's making it more realistic,
for you. The time will come, when you have to do this
without help. That huff will be coming at you,
like that. Either you stick him with your blade, or you
feed him with your flesh. Eli stepping back in front of huff. ELI Do that s**t again. Greg a half smile, as Rhett does it again. This time Eli
immediately dodges it, as Rhett lunges in toward him, and Eli angles himself
perfectly, to stick it in its head. Applause from Greg/Sam, and a high-five
from Rhett... Dissolve to dusk, and everyone in the tree house, as a
family of huffs walk below, while everyone up top, watches in silence... GREG (whispering) I think we'll just let these
ones go on their way... Others nodding as they just watch, while the zombies roam
through the area, before eventually disappearing into the woods... Dissolve to night, as Scott climbs tree house ladder,
stepping up onto the deck (holding coffee), where others all sit around. ELI I wonder where all the movie
stars are, or NBA players, the Yankees? It's hard
to imagine this affecting them, the same way it
does us. Are they safe in their mansions, or...is
my dream of seeing a ballgame at Dodger Stadium,
toast? (Sam looking at Eli, at the mention of
Dodger Stadium) And if this thing ended tomorrow, or next
week...how many famous people are left? How
many Trail Blazers are dead? How long till they
reform the teams? AMY How long until they get Pizza
Hut up and running? Some laughs... SAM (looking at Eli) You're a Dodger fan? RHETT He is, or was, and Dad hated
him, for it...being the huge Yankee fan, he was. SAM My dad loved the Dodgers. I've
been to Dodger Stadium a bunch of times. ELI No way! SAM I used to hate them. My dad
used to give me heart attacks. He never yelled
at me, but he yelled at them all summer long.
(some laughs) It was even worse when they
made him happy. Out of nowhere, he'd begin
jumping and screaming, like a lunatic.
Scared me more than those huffs do. (few laughs)
Until he began doing his happy dance. That was
hilarious. Even though, most of the time I'd
try not to laugh, because I was still angry about
the near heart attack, he gave me. Sometimes I
couldn't even tell if he was happy, or upset,
until he broke into those silly dance moves. GREG (laughing) Yeah, uncle Fish was definitely
not built to dance. Some smiles, and silence... Scott looking out and around. More silence... ELI Clayton Kershaw better still be
alive... RHETT Are you kidding me? There's not
a huff on the planet that could touch
Kershaw. Lot of laughs, especially from Scott and Eli... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CABIN PORCH - DAY Greg, Sam, and Eli, on porch... ELI It's been almost a week...I
think she's dead... GREG (slowly shaking
head) I don't know...long as we're on
this mountain, I'll be expecting her every
time I turn around. I imagine she's running low on
candy bars. SAM What if she's just watching us?
Like her creepy brother was... Eli looking out and around... Dissolve to close-up of Cpap machine, panning back as
Scott sleeps. Suddenly, the sound of the Cpap machine goes off. Scott remains
asleep, as Amy can be faintly heard, from the other room. AMY (OS) Did we just lose the power? Scott continues sleeping, until he suddenly begins
gasping for air, waking with wide eyes... Dissolve to night, and Scott on tree house deck, near ladder
(with shotgun) patrolling the area, as Amy exits bathroom, approaching others
on the deck (lantern on)... Rhett helps her take a seat, they all sit there in
silence... The silence continues... AMY It's the compound or
bust...(everyone looks at her) No help is coming, no doctor to
deliver this baby... More silence... AMY Maybe it's time we talk about
traveling there? More silence, Greg shaking head... GREG I know with that baby due soon,
you must be freaking out. But going into
labor here, compared to on the road, which would
very likely happen, is way too dangerous... If they
haven't gotten to us yet, there is no way we're making
it to them... More silence... Scott hears something. A huff is below. Rhett turns off
lantern. With no moonlight, it becomes too dark to even see the huff, only hear
it, as it passes through. They sit there in silence, as it walks far enough to
only be faintly heard... Dissolve to day, Amy standing over pit (sound of single
huff inside), looking down inside, and crying. Sam (also crying) hugging Greg,
and looking down inside. Eli just watching, Scott too. Rhett climbs down
ladder, inside. A little (maybe five-year-old) huff girl, approaches him. He
raises his blade. Greg looking at Sam, then back in pit. GREG Wait! Rhett stops, backs up, and then actually pushes little
huff girl away from him. RHETT What? GREG Sam has this one... Amy simply walking away, with emotion. RHETT Are you serious? SAM I... GREG Sam, you got this… (handing her
a blade) Sam staring at him a moment, then into pit. She slowly
goes to ladder, and down inside. Rhett continues to push away the huff. Sam
waits for him to push it back one more time. He does. She moves in on it (Rhett
close enough to intervene if necessary), but backs away. The huff comes toward her. She backs away a bit more, and
positions herself for the kill. Huff now stops, and goes for Rhett, who pushes
it away. Sam takes advantage and lunges forward, sticking little huff girl in
the head. Sam immediately turns around, and vomits... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TREE HOUSE DECK - NIGHT Everyone on deck (light from lantern and moon reflecting
off lake). Scott looks exhausted. AMY You didn't sleep at all, today,
Dad? SCOTT No, my days of sleep are
numbered. I'll drift here and there, for a moment,
probably every hour of the day. Until I look just like
a damn huff. GREG Is it really that bad? SCOTT I stop breathing almost
immediately, most of the time. I don't know, maybe
my body will help me out, and adjust, once
it goes a few days without sleep. Suddenly, sounds come from the brush, as they all get
quiet and look below. The sounds quickly intensify, and soon they can see a
numberless amount of huffs, coming through, around and in between the brush. Tons of them walking under the tree house, and over the
property (they avoid pit due to heavy brush in front of it). They watch in
fear, and dead silence, as the huffs head toward the cabin, and past it. There
must be well over a hundred of them. Everyone looking amongst each other, as
the huffs begin to disappear into the woods... Suddenly, they can hear a couple more, who sound stuck in
the brush, as Greg tries to get a good look. He shines flashlight down, and can
see at least two huffs in the brush, close by. Greg looks to Rhett. GREG Maybe we pit, these ones? ELI Yeah! I want my turn at one. AMY How do you know there aren't
more down there? RHETT I'll go first. Greg, follow
with the lantern. Everyone else grab flashlights, and be
the eyes in the back of my head. (looking to Greg) The
ankle's good, right? Greg nodding, and grabbing lantern, as Rhett begins down
ladder. Once to ground, he shines light all around, and then toward the huffs.
The first one frees itself, coming out of brush, toward Rhett. Greg on ladder
shining lantern, as Rhett makes his move. He drops it dead, and goes toward the
other huff (still somewhat stuck in brush). GREG Careful! There's a third one in
there! AMY See! Rhett, just come back up! RHETT I'm good. Rhett sticks second huff, and
the moment he does, the third huff (completely bloody) charges, screams
(LOUDLY) and holds up a knife (It's Jax!). She goes right for Rhett, who blocks
her knife with his arm (stabbed in arm). AMY RHETT!!! Greg drops from ladder,
instantly helping. He tackles Jax. Three more huffs are approaching the scene. AMY Oh my God, Rhett GET OUT OF
THERE! Rhett getting up, as is both Jax and Greg. Jax pulls out
a second knife, using it to jab approaching huff. Rhett begins going up ladder.
Greg moves on Jax, but diverts toward approaching huff. But Jax goes for Greg,
who has to again divert, this time for Jax. He moves away from them both, as
Jax now takes out the huff. Greg looks outward, where the army of huffs are
returning. Everyone up top, watching the huffs quickly return. SAM GREG! GET UP HERE, NOW! Greg takes out the third huff, and uses his leg to kick
Jax, as she tried to again take a stab at him. She goes down, and he goes right
for her. Another huff comes from brush, falling right onto Jax, who screams.
Greg watches, with a look back, toward approaching huff herd. They’re
dangerously close. Jax kills huff, and throws him off. Greg takes one last look
at her, about to go for her, but wisely goes for ladder. She goes after him. He
begins climbing. She begins climbing. GREG SHOOT HER! Just then she is swarmed by the huffs, who begin digging
into her legs, and tearing her down from the ladder. Greg reaches top, with help from Scott. Amy aids Rhett.
They watch down below, in shock... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (night Jax got shot in arm) EXT. VINCENT'S PARKED CAR - NIGHT Jax (with gunshot wound to arm), jumping into front seat,
and starting engine. She stops, staring at passenger seat. POV Matthew's stash of coke (large stash). She opens it
and snorts some up. She can see Rhett off a ways, in the brush. She peels
away... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HOUSE (where Matt killed Trail
Blazer fan) - NIGHT Jax pulling up in a car. She
parks and snorts more coke (car lights still on). She sees a huff (male)
outside. She opens door and approaches him (with no weapons). She walks right
up to him, punching him in the face, a few times, before knocking to the
ground. She bashes in his head, with her foot (boots). She climbs on him,
beating his chest over and over, slamming his head against ground, while
screaming at it. JAX I TRUSTED YOU! I GAVE YOU MY
going all over her, as she bashes open his chest)
TO THE KIND OF PAIN YOU CAUSED ME! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Jax leaning down against his bloody chest, her face all
up in it, as she weeps... Another huff is heard. She slowly looks up (fully covered
in huff blood), at huff coming around corner of house. She just sits there,
watching it approach... She looks back down at the dead huff. Other huff arrives
into headlights. Jax looks up, and rises, while closing eyes, waiting to be
eaten… But, nothing happens… She opens her eyes. The huff looks toward dead huff, and
turns away. She can't believe it. She sees a third huff arriving. She slowly
walks right to it, then walking along with it, acting like a huff. She
smiles... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. BRUSH - DAY Jax in brush, eating a candy bar. Her POV of the pit, with sound of Sam inside, vomiting. GREG You're okay, Sam. You're
alright. (he looks to Eli) Next one we catch, is all
yours... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. WOODS - NIGHT (moonlight) Jax running as fast as she can, coming to brush, and
hiding inside, around some trees. She watches as over a hundred huffs, come
walking through the area. She watches as they all pass. Once they do, a few
linger behind, the main crowd. Jax quickly kills one, and just as quickly drags
it into the brush (away from the others), before stabbing it a bunch of times,
and smearing its blood all over herself. As the others arrive, she stands and
begins walking with them... Dissolve to several huffs leaving field, into brush. They
slowly go through. Their POV of Rhett, climbing down ladder, to the ground, shining
light all around. One huff comes out of brush, toward Rhett. Greg on ladder
shining lantern, as Rhett kills it dead, and comes toward another huff, in the
brush. GREG Careful! There's a third one in
there! AMY (OS) See! Rhett, just come back up! RHETT I'm good. Rhett sticks second huff, and
the moment he does, Jax (where POV is coming from) charges him, with a violent
scream. AMY RHETT!!! DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. TREE HOUSE - NIGHT (moonlight) Everyone on deck, watching mob of huffs eating Jax,
below. Amy cleaning Rhett's wound. Greg using finger to nose, to keep everyone
hushed... Dissolve to everyone watching, as the last of the herd of
huffs, begins to clear out, back toward the cabin, and through the woods. This
time a bunch of them are left behind, trapped in the pit. As the rest of them finally disappear, Sam gives Greg a
huge hug. Eli looks at Rhett. ELI Are you okay? RHETT More okay than that dead b***h,
down there. SAM We finally got her. GREG We did, but am I the only one
who noticed she was making new friends...with
the freaking dead! RHETT She was pretending to be one,
like you did. GREG Only I didn't have backup! How
the hell did she do that? RHETT She was covered in blood, even
guts, I think. Greg pondering that... GREG Like...camouflage? AMY You
think...they couldn't tell she was...alive? Greg shrugging, and shaking his head. Everyone pondering the thought... Suddenly, car lights come through the trees. Sam's face
lights up. SAM They're here! It's them, it has
to be! Everyone eagerly watching, as a camper and car pull into
the lot. SAM They wouldn't be in a camper,
would they? GREG I don't think it's them. Everyone completely quiet, as a group of seven adults and
four young children, climb from the cars. They look all around, before
cautiously approaching the cabin. AMY (OS) Oh my God. Everyone quietly looking at Amy, who holds her belly… AMY It's starting...I'm going into
labor... BLACK CREDITS SPOILER... The next episode is the season finale. Not everyone is going to survive... THE END © 2024 Mike Decker |
Added on December 31, 2018 Last Updated on March 16, 2024 Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse AuthorMike Deckervancouver, WAAboutMy daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..Writing