Above the Dead...Season 1, Episode 4 "Jumping Ship"A Screenplay by Mike DeckerMatthew desires to "jump ship" and takeover the tree house, where Sam and friends are surviving "above the dead"...ABOVE THE DEAD . com Season 1, Episode 4
(56 pages) "Jumping Ship"
INTRO BLACK Matthew's dad screaming, as he burns to death... FADE IN: INT. MATTHEW'S DAD'S HOUSE (flashback, day 1) - EVENING Remains of his dad's deceased upper half (lower half
burnt away). Tina (Jax), watching end of Matthew's video, and handing him his
phone (in some shock). She looks over her dead father. TINA So...you're thinking that's
going to happen, to him? MATTHEW I know it is. I've seen it
happen to someone else. As long as the brain is still
intact. Matthew's phone begins ringing. He ignores it. He moves
in front of his dad, looking over his body, and speaking to him... MATTHEW Because death isn't good enough
for you, is it, Dad? All those years hating
yourself, for what you are. Yet, what you became, is even
worse...(shouting at his corpse) ISN'T IT? YOU PIECE
OF S**T RAPIST! Matthew spits on the corpse, then swigging from bottle of
booze... TINA Matthew...that's the one thing
he actually never did. MATTHEW No, not to you, big sis. You're
not his type... Tina a confused look at Matthew, who again begins
speaking to his dad. MATTHEW Isn't that right, Dad? I mean,
why go out and get a boyfriend, when you can just
keep what you are, a secret… Tina a shocked look, at Matthew, who paces the room,
while swigging more booze... DISSOLVE TO: THEME TUNE/CREDITS Shots of all the
chaos in the city, on day 1 of the “zombie” apocalypse, followed by
bumper-to-bumper traffic on the highways, and tons of angry/nervous people
honking or trying to pull off the road. Shot of Mt. Hood, followed by shots of
a huge tree house overlooking a lake, which dissolves into the Columbia River,
and traveling down it, through a huge forest fire, before reaching the
Bonneville Dam. POV continues down the river, past the Glen Jackson bridge,
flowing by tons of houseboats where the dead are falling into the river,
chasing after whoever is drifting by… POV of the
Willamette River as it goes under the St. Johns bridge, and up into the hills
of Portland. It travels over them, into the Beaverton area, crossing over the
top of the Nike World Headquarters, and keeps traveling over farmlands, and
into the coast range, finding the Glenwood Market, and a large camp with log
walls, across the creek and behind the store… POV speeds over the
Tillamook Forest, Highway 26, and a bunch of other lands, before coming to the
Columbia River, traveling west, under the Megler bridge, and into the ocean. It
continues along the shoreline, past Astoria, the Haystack Rock of Cannon Beach,
coming to a pair of jetties, and following through the channel between them.
POV continues up into the nearby hills, finding a large camp, protected by a
large log wall… POV travels back
down to the shoreline, and over a huge hotel, with a shot of the Twin Rocks in
the ocean. POV travels by the bay of Tillamook, and along Highway 6, back into
the coast range, until leaving the road, back into the Tillamook Forest, until coming
to a very large compound, hidden away by all the brush and mountain-side, as
opening credits roll… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LAKE - DAY POV of the ever so peaceful lake, as night becomes
morning, and morning becomes afternoon. The lake remains quiet. The rope swing
hangs, just over the water, fairly motionless. The dock rests calmly, on the
water... POV panning over empty, beachy area, near rope swing.
Panning back to Fish's grave, and over to shady area, where Amy stares at the
lake, from a chair, next to Eli, Sam, and Jax (Tina)... ELI I don't even think I could ever
wade my feet, in the water, again. SAM My dad, ruined my entire
summer, a few years ago. He showed me Jaws, that
year... Best movie ever. But it wasn't until the
following summer, that I stopped thinking about that
shark… A great white is a picnic,
compared to yesterday... AMY Swimming,
was the one thing that felt normal. Could almost
forget for a moment, just what kind of mess
we're actually in. Amy a glooming stare, out toward the lake... JAX Until that mess, swam right up
into our freaking laps, just to remind us. POV panning off from them, and back toward lake. ELI (OS) Where did they come from, is
what I want to know. Still panning over the lake… AMY (OS) And what happened to them... SAM (OS) Or could there be more? ELI (OS) No, they would have come up, by
now…right? POV stops on water, where bubbles are surfacing... POV goes underwater, down to bottom of lake, where
Frank's zombie "granddaughter", is stuck in mud/lake debris... CUT TO: INT. FRANK/LISA'S CABIN - DAY POV out broken window, as Rhett cautiously approaches,
with a shotgun... RHETT Hello? I come in peace. I've
got a shotgun, but only For my protection. Just seeing
if you guys are alright. Pretty sure I'm talking to
myself, so...I'm coming in. Cut to Rhett, at front door, discovering it's locked. Cut to Rhett, discovering the same, of the backdoor. Cut back to broken window, where Rhett climbs through. He
begins looking around. He comes to see blankets on both sofas, in living room.
Lots of things are knocked over. Some blood is on the floor... Rhett goes into bedroom, finding blood on the love-seat,
and floor. He notices bandages with blood, next to the bed. Cut to Rhett, entering second bedroom, in shock, as he
discovers remains (mostly bone) of a corpse, on the floor. He looks around the
room, as he closes the door. He turns, and is violently punched in the face. He
drops the gun, and falls to the floor. He looks up at a man (RAY), holding
Rhett's shotgun, on him. RAY WHAT IN THE HELL DID YOU DO TO
WHAT DID YOU DO?! RHETT NOTHING! RAY I go to find help for my wife, and
come home to this mess, and someone I don't
know! RHETT I came here to find out,
myself, what happened. We were attacked yesterday; I
thought maybe the same thing happened here,
after I saw the broken window. RAY Attacked by who?! RHETT Not by who...by what. Ray's lip trembling, fighting back the emotion of
realizing what may have happened, to his family. He lowers gun, and walks around the room. RAY ERICA?! MACEY?! Please, DAVID?! He moves to front door (already open), and yells outward. RAY FRAAANNNNKKKK?! Cut to Amy, and others, as they can faintly hear Ray,
yelling. RAY (OS, from a
distance) ANNNNAAA?! Cut back to Ray, now on his knees, as Rhett comes from
behind... RHETT I watched my dad, have his head
blown off, before he was eaten, by the dead. Then
I watched my mom's
head, blown off, after she'd become one of the dead... I feel your
pain... RAY (weeping) They're just
children... RHETT How old? RAY My girls are teens. (more
weeping) My boy is only eight. Rhett closing his eyes, with dread... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. SHADY AREA (near gravesite) - DAY POV through binoculars, of opposite side of the lake. Amy using binoculars, standing next to Jax, Sam, and Eli.
She hands binoculars to Jax. AMY Damn it, Rhett. Where are you? ELI You don’t see anyone, at all? Amy shaking head, with a blank stare... JAX Maybe Rhett told them what
happened, and they're yelling for someone to
come home, or something. AMY It sounded like someone in
agony. JAX We would have heard him
shooting, if he was in trouble. They all stand there in silence, a moment... AMY Rhett and I, got into a huge
argument the day before this all happened... Amy silent (as if done talking)... Jax a perplexed look
at Amy, then at the others... Amy finally goes on. AMY Seems like so long ago, and so
meaningless... I'd do anything to get back to a
world, where the only problem, was my husband
losing his patience, with his pregnant wife. JAX Well, there were plenty more
problems in the world, but I get your
point. Amy gazing toward the trail... Suddenly, she takes notice of something, she becomes
nervous...before relieved. Ray approaching, on the trail, followed by Rhett. Ray is
rushing, yet fighting dizziness. RHETT Look, I don't know if you
really want to see them. RAY I need to know it's them. RHETT It's not going to be pretty.
Not even close... We had to...stop them... Amy a very curious look at Ray, as they walk past them.
Now a questionable look to Rhett, who gestures, that it's okay. RAY Where are they? RHETT Over on the side of the cabin.
In the brush, next to the lake. Ray going straight for the brush. Rhett stops for a
moment, before following. Amy and the others, simply watch. Ray begins running.
He goes into the brush. He can be heard weeping. He comes out, holding his dead
son, David. He drops down to his knees, weeping uncontrollably... Amy and Sam, crying. Jax comforting Sam. Rhett stands off
away, from Ray, who eventually begins staring at Rhett, and his shotgun. Ray
rises, going for Rhett. RHETT I'm sorry. Ray walking right to him... RAY Kill me...kill me right now!
(Rhett stunned) SHOOT ME! Amy and Sam, nervously crying. Rhett doesn't know what to
do. RAY I SAID SHOOT ME, BOY! Ray arriving to Rhett, pulling gun up toward his head. RAY DO IT! DO IT!! DO IT!!! I SAID
DO IT!!! DOOOO IIITTTTT! AMY (freaking out,
IT! DO IT! DO IT! AMY (yelling over him) RHETT, just do it! Ray closes his eyes. Rhett
fires. Ray drops next to his dead son. Amy/Sam in hysterics. Eli
shaken up. Jax comforting Sam. AMY Why is there no help? Where are
they? How can this be happening? (Amy looking
at Rhett) I can't do it anymore, baby. I'm losing
it. Amy weeping... Sam frightened, to see Amy this way, while
being held by Jax... Everyone jumps, as Scott comes tearing out cabin door (no
shirt, was just sleeping), nervously looking around, after hearing all the commotion,
and the gunshot... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. STORE - EVENING Michael in the upstairs bedroom, looking around. He looks
at a picture, of Tan and Frances, along with a bunch of friends (outside the
store). Michael moves to window, looking out and around, and flinching, as Mark
yells from downstairs. MARK HE'S GETTING CLOSER TO ME! Cut to Michael, walking down the staircase, back into the
store, where Mark and Greg are still tied up, next to zombie Vincent, who is
relentless, with his attempts at Mark... MARK You have to move me, man! MICHAEL Not happening. Michael pulls out this phone, and dialing... MARK Come on, man, please! Michael waiting for an answer, on the phone... MARK If he gets loose, I'm screwed! Michael hangs up, nervously shaking his head, trying to
think... GREG I can tell you're not thrilled,
with your brother's choices. MICHAEL I know you guys think my
brother is the crazy one, but that's simply because he's
the stupid one. He's also the loyal one. I can trust
him with my life. But me, I'm the survivor one. If he
gets in the way of that, then for his sake, he
better not be trusting me with his. Greg optimistic, to hear that... GREG So, are you the smart one, or the less stupid
one? Because he's already gotten in
the way of that. Unharmed, we would have taken
you both to the compound, (with emotion in his voice,
as he looks toward his dad) but after this?
How can we do anything, to help you endanger
our family? MICHAEL You're not getting what I'm
saying... Michael looking right at them, sincerely… MICHAEL If I kill the guy who did this
to your father, will you allow me the opportunity to
contribute, at your compound? MARK YES!
Now please get me away from him! MICHAEL I will. But first, I have to
know you two won't try to kill me. I'm not a bad guy. I
was almost killed on the road, in that accident, watched
the dead come back alive, watched my brother shoot
that poor cashier, and now...this... He needs to
be put down. GREG You can trust us. You untie us,
and avenge our father's death, and our family
will welcome you, with open arms. Michael looking at them, pondering what to do... MARK You heard him, man; now please
get me out of this. GREG You have my word. MICHAEL I believe you. I just...I'm
just not sure how I take care of him, if he gets here, and
sees you guys loose... MARK Fine, but at least move my dad! Michael nervously looking at zombie Vincent... MICHAEL How the hell do I do that?
(shaking head) No, I'm sorry, I can't. He's not
within reach of you. GREG Then what's the plan here? Michael moves toward window, looking out, as a car can be
heard. It goes speeding by. Michael leaves window... MICHAEL He'll have more guns once he
gets back, but he won't be expecting to need them, as
long as everything here seems normal. Our sister will
be with him, too. She's no threat to you guys. She'll
be shocked when I betray Matthew, but she'll understand,
once she knows what he did, to your dad. Greg nodding a bit, pondering the plan. GREG How will you do it? MICHAEL I don't know yet. Not in the
back. I have to face him. I have to tell him he
brought it on, himself. GREG I'm sorry...sorry you have to
do that... MICHAEL I'm sorry my brother killed
your dad... Michael's phone rings. MICHAEL (into phone) You on your way, yet?....Yeah,
don't worry, they already told me where to find
the compound. But nothing about this
so-called, closer place. Michael pulling phone away, trying to redial (lost
service). MICHAEL What the... GREG What happened? MICHAEL (shaking head) I think I just lost service. He goes to counter, reaching for landline phone, and
checking it. MICHAEL Yep... GREG Society is crashing... Mark an uneasy look at Greg. Michael pacing, looking
outside, thinking... MICHAEL What's this other place, you
guys were talking about? Is it a better place to
be, than here? I mean, we do have food, and a
generator, here. Greg and Mark sharing a look... GREG It's my uncle's cabin. He's
probably waiting for us to arrive, so that we can all
head to the compound. MICHAEL So, we have to stop there
first, then. Will they be alright with me? GREG If you do, what you say you're going to do, and they'll think you're a hero. MICHAEL How far are they? GREG It won't take long to get
there. Once we do, we'll all be safer traveling with
them. MICHAEL You think the roads will even
be clear enough, to reach wherever exactly this
compound is? MARK It's not far, off of highway 6.
They've got a helicopter, so, hopefully they're scouting
the roads for us. MICHAEL You have a freaking bird! And
you honestly think they're using it to scout the
roads? MARK Our grandpa has a family plan
of action, for this sort of thing. Whatever the
hell this sort of thing is. But yes, that's a part of
the plan. Using the "bird" to ensure safe
travel, for those evacuating to the compound. MICHAEL Yet, now we have no way to communicate
with them. MARK We have walkie-talkies in the
car. MICHAEL Jesus...quite the fanatical
family, aren't ya’? GREG And how
convenient that is, for you. MICHAEL Indeed... Greg studying Michael, as much
as he can... MICHAEL So, uh, you guys want some
food? Something to drink? MARK Water, please. GREG The same... Michael grabbing two waters, and an energy drink. He
brings waters to them, while swigging from the energy drink. Greg watching him,
studying him... MICHAEL So...I've never killed anyone,
before...how about you guys? GREG You sure you're up for this? MICHAEL I'm not missing a chance at
meeting this family... Greg still watching him, as he and Mark drink water… MICHAEL So, where exactly is the cabin,
we have to stop at? MARK A few miles
from - (cutoff) GREG Mark...(shaking head at him) MICHAEL What? Greg just silently looking at him. Mark looking at
Greg... GREG He's lying to us...coning us... MARK What? MICHAEL I guess I don't blame you, for
being skeptical, but can I ask what I said, that
suddenly has you so concerned? GREG This is too much good cop/bad
cop. You're totally working us, and it'll be your
brother's death, before I believe any differently. MICHAEL (changing
demeanor) I wouldn't have survived
growing up, without my brother. We got through it all,
together. I would never
hurt my baby brother. Greg and Mark with disappointment over their faces... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. FISH'S PORCH - DAY Everyone on the porch, with gloomy/distraught
expressions. Scott looks exhausted. Amy simply stares ahead, with a blank
expression. SCOTT So...I'm going to go ahead and
say it. I know the plan is to wait it out, for
Sam's family or military assistance…But, after
this...and with how long it may take for help to come...we
need to at least explore what other options, we
may have. JAX It was really quiet out there,
when I was exploring... SCOTT You were on foot. I think I
should take Eli, and drive around some. RHETT/ELI Why, Eli? SCOTT Need a man, here with the
others. I need someone who can have my back, out
there. I know you're only thirteen, Eli, but you're
a big kid. You're not going to be easy for people to
mess with. ELI I got this... Do I get to take
a gun? SCOTT (looking at Rhett) You showed him the basics,
right? Rhett nodding, as Scott hands Eli a gun. SCOTT It's time we all start doing
what it takes, to survive this...We'll be going through
town, to see if the military has been through
there, at all. Then I know a few places worth checking
out. RHETT What if you run into aggressive
people? A big group of them? SCOTT I think the longer we wait, the
riskier something like that, actually is.
Aggression will grow, the longer this thing goes on for.
As will the amount of dead people, which is why
you guys should get to work, on digging today. JAX Digging? RHETT You still want to build the
shelter? SCOTT Eventually. First, we need a
giant pit, over by the tree house. One we can lead the
dead into, when they show up. No more wasting
ammo, on them. ELI Huffs...no more wasting ammo,
on huffs. Sam smiling… RHETT I like it. We'll get started on
it, now. SCOTT Perfect. Scott leading Eli toward
truck... CUT TO: INT/EXT. SCOTT'S TRUCK - DAY Eli handling his gun, becoming
familiar with it, as Scott drives. SCOTT Alright, heads up. About to
enter town. ELI Oh my God, there goes a huff
right here! Cut outside of truck, driving by the huff, as it walks in
direction of them. SCOTT That's what I mean right there.
Keep your eyes open, tell me anything you see. POV of small mountain town, as they slowly drive through.
It's in decent shape, compared to what most cities would now look like. Some
houses even have people peeking out, behind boarded up windows. An occasional
huff, here and there. They speed up, as they come to a house, where a man with
a shotgun is shooting a huff, several times, before making the kill shot. ELI We should go back! SCOTT We're okay, but yeah…obviously
no military help, here... Truck speeding out of town... CUT TO: Truck slowing down. Scott's POV of two young children (a
boy and a girl), walking alone on the road. He and Eli share a look, as he
pulls over, close by the children. He and Eli cautiously climb out of truck
(engine still running). SCOTT Are you two, okay? The children look extremely scared/nervous. and don't
speak... SCOTT Where's your parents? A man and a teenager, suddenly rise from the brush,
aiming guns right at Scott and Eli, and quickly walk right up to them. The
mother of the children, comes running to them (from other side of road), and
holding them close. Scott and Eli hold up their hands, as the men grab their
guns, and the family all go straight for the truck... MAN Sorry. I love my family, and my
family needs your truck. The mother and her children, with solemn looks, at Scott
and Eli, as they drive away... SCOTT FUUU CUT TO: EXT. TREE HOUSE - DAY Close-up of shovel scooping dirt, panning back as Rhett,
Jax, and Sam, work hard (all shoveling), at the beginning process, of a large
pit (partially hidden by brush)... JAX I'm proud of you, Sam. Most ten-year-olds,
would sit in the shade with the
pregnant lady, watching. SAM I'm not most ten-year olds. I
worked hard the day we built that tree house,
up there. I'm not afraid of hard work. It's good
for you. JAX You remind me of myself, at
your age. If I didn't do things around the house,
things didn't get done. My dad was a drunk... SAM My uncle Leo, has that problem. JAX Drinking? SAM Yeah. I hate it... JAX You and me both, kiddo. You and
me both. Suddenly, they all freeze, as a noise comes from
somewhere near. Sounds like someone walking. Rhett drops shovel, instantly
going for gun. They all wait and watch, as eventually a man and woman
(with backpacks), are approaching the cabin. They don't seem to notice Rhett,
Jax, or Sam, as they keep their eyes on the cabin. The man spots the tree
house, and then freezes, as he takes notice of Rhett and the others. The woman
stops, and looks. Rhett makes his gun noticeable. MAN We're sorry for trespassing. We
didn't think anyone was here. (backing away) We're
moving on. JAX (looking at Rhett) What if they come back? RHETT (sarcastically) Should I go kill them? Sam a look from Rhett, to Jax... JAX Of course not. We just have to
keep an eye out, now. People are going to want
this tree house. RHETT Are they going to risk their
lives for it? JAX Some will. More and more, as
time goes on. SAM People will want to be “above
the dead”… Tree houses could be the way of
the future... Sam pondering that thought... CUT TO: EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Scott and Eli, walking along road (carrying sharp
sticks)... ELI Regardless of how rich Sam's
family is, they aren't going to be able to make it
here, are they? SCOTT I'd think they would. I'm just
worried it'll take some time. And what we just
experienced, that kind of thing will catch up
with us, even at the tree house...sooner or later. ELI So, you think people will try
to take it from us? Like they just did your truck? SCOTT Eventually, yes... ELI Don't we have an advantage?
Being up there? Shooting anyone who tries to
take it? SCOTT Maybe for a while. Maybe not.
But if people are willing to use their own kids,
as bait...who knows what else they'll try... Not to
mention, we don’t have a ton of ammo. ELI I wish DJ was here. We could
use him. I wish my dad was here. He'd know what
to do. SCOTT I wish that, too... Suddenly, a vehicle can be heard, approaching. Eli a
nervous look at Scott. ELI Do we hide?! Scott hesitant on what to do, as it becomes too late, to
hide. He takes notice of it being a military vehicle. SCOTT It's military! Scott and Eli anxiously waiting for them to stop, but
they simply drive right past, and even aim guns at them. TROOPER They're alive...for now... Soldier remains aimed at them, as they pass by.
Scared/disappointed and shocked, Scott and Eli watch them go by. ELI I thought they were going to
shoot us?! Scott just standing there, in shock... CUT TO: EXT. TREE HOUSE PIT - DAY Rhett and Jax, still hard at work (pit deeper), while Sam
sits (dirty/sweaty face) with some water, taking a break. RHETT You know, once we use this pit,
to catch some of those things, we could use them
as scarecrows. Tie them up close by, or
something. That'd scare people off, wouldn't it? JAX I'm starting to like the way
you think...very twisted! RHETT We need to
study them. I'm curious what would happen, if
we were in the tree house, with fifty of them below,
and they knew we were up there. Would they
just stay there waiting, for us? Or, eventually
go on? SAM You really think we'll see that
many, up here? RHETT Hopefully not. I can't imagine
how bad it is in the city, but up here, I don't see
it getting that bad. JAX Until more people begin
dying... Some silence… SAM Shouldn't they have been back
by now? AMY (OS) That's what I was thinking. RHETT You guys keep thinking that
way, and you'll just torture yourselves. They really
haven't been gone that long. JAX Sam, tell me more about your
family. Just to get your mind off other things. I
know Zane is your favorite. Scout too. Dakota? Is
that Zane's sister? SAM Yeah. JAX You seem to mention her a lot,
too. They have how many other siblings? SAM Zane is twenty-six, and the
oldest. Troy is twenty- four, and engaged to Angela,
who is pregnant. Kate is twenty-three, Dakota
twenty-one, and Jagger is nineteen. JAX Wow, you must really care about
them all, to remember their ages, so well.
Can you name the entire family and ages,
like that? SAM Easy. Hunter's forty-nine, his
wife April, is younger. They got married at
the compound. Miles...is...or...was,
thirty... Sam unable to go on... JAX Sorry. Was trying to take your
mind off one thing, guess I brought it to
another. SAM It's okay. I just keep
forgetting about him... because of my dad. JAX Must be nice...having so many
people to care about. SAM Or to worry about... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. STORE - NIGHT Close-up Mark, screaming for his life, panning back to
zombie Vincent, inches away from his neck. Matthew holds a leash, which holds
Vincent (his lower half still tied down next to Mark), and continues to allow
him closer and closer, to Mark's flesh. MARK STOP! STOP IT, NOW!!! GREG I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! MATTHEW TELL ME, NOW! MARK YES, YES, I'LL TELL YOU! Just
please pull him away! Matthew pulling back Vincent. Michael helps hold him
down, as Matthew ties the leash, keeping Vincent out of Mark's reach... DISSOLVE TO: INT. STORE UPSTAIRS BEDROOM - NIGHT Matthew, Michael, and Tina, (Jax) in bedroom discussing
options. TINA A single father and a ten-year-old.
I'm great with kids, and even better with
single fathers. I got this. MICHAEL You got your back-story, down? TINA Traveled up here with you guys,
got stuck in the traffic jam, got separated from
both of you, and am starving. MICHAEL And your brothers are all that
you had, in the world. Make them feel sorry for
you, and that you have nowhere to go. TINA Got it. MATTHEW We'll give you at least a few
hours, to bond. When we do show up, act shocked to
see us. We'll say we found a car, and have been
searching for you. MICHAEL Maybe mention someone took you
in, for the night. Some frightened people,
who asked you to leave in the morning. It'll
make you appear trustworthy. MATTHEW No, don't complicate things for
her. MICHAEL This family is smart. That guy
down there can smell BS, a mile away. His dad
was a clever one, too. MATTHEW So clever he got himself
killed. (looking at Tina) Just be the actor you've always
been. You're a natural, baby sis. MICHAEL We should get some rest. We
want to get her there early. TINA Early!? Okay
this plan just erupted, and I'm calling for an evacuation.
How am I supposed to sleep? I just got up,
a few hours ago. MICHAEL Good, you can help Matthew
guard, then. I'm gonna’ crash, for a few. Michael laying back in the bed, as Matthew/Tina exit
room. TINA (joking) You guys got anything good to
eat, here? Cut to downstairs, to Greg and Mark.. Vincent is still
close by, reaching for Mark, who now has a small amount breathing room. MARK I'm sorry, Greg. I couldn't
help it. GREG It's okay, I would have done
the same thing. MARK No, you wouldn't have. Dad must
be so ashamed of me. GREG All Dad cares about right now,
is that we find a way out of this. I think I can
get loose by morning. MARK Serious? I'm not even close...
You think they'll even keep us alive, till morning? GREG They won't kill us, until they
know for sure they can find Fish. We have till at
least morning, probably afternoon. TINA (OS) Now this is what I call an end-of-the-world
party, you don't even have to
BYOB! Tina opening cooler doors, reaching for some beer.
Matthew gathering some grub. Tina doing the same. Greg and Mark watch her. She
heads to table, sitting. She begins eating, while staring at the huff's
relentless effort, to reach Mark. Greg and Mark staring at her. Matthew taking
a seat next to her. TINA It never
gets tired, does it? It just keeps trying, until something
gives. (looking at Matthew) What happens when
something gives? MATTHEW The dumbass on the radio,
thinks you become infected, because he still thinks they're
sick, and not dead. So, I don't know... (just staring at
Mark and Greg, speaking quietly) But we sure need to
find out. Tina looking over both Mark and Greg. TINA Damn...I was so impressed, you
two took over a convenient store, that I didn't
even notice the hot guy, you have tied up. Guess
the dead guy, kinda threw me off. Tina walking over to Greg, with an extra beer, and
offering it to him. TINA A nice cold one? (looking back
at Matthew) You did feed these poor b******s,
didn't you? MATTHEW Chow time was on Michael's
shift. Tina looking at the can, next to Greg. TINA Really? You're making them piss
in a can? MATTHEW They already resulted to
violence, once today. Bathroom breaks are almost
guaranteed trouble. TINA Well, this one is cute. I just
may have to take my chances with him, later. Tina walking back to Matthew, at table... DISSOLVE TO: INT. STORE BACKROOM - NIGHT Matthew and Tina, going through backroom stock... MATTHEW This is why I hate leaving this
place. We can't just leave all this behind. TINA We should pile it all up. Maybe
even begin stashing it somewhere, close by the
cabin, until you guys show up. You're going to use an
abandoned store, as part of your story, anyhow.
Be hard to turn you guys down, if you show up with
all these supplies. MATTHEW Thinking this family has plenty
of their own supplies. But yeah, we should stash some
tomorrow. Michael said a few more cars pulled in,
while I was gone. I'm gonna’ check out some potential
new homes, in case we need to bail. Someplace with
less visitors. MARK (OS) Hey, he's getting closer to me!
You guys HAVE to move him, please! Matthew a smile at Tina... TINA You really gonna’ make those
two poor b******s spend the night, tied up next
to Hannibal Lecture? MATTHEW Don't believe everything you
hear on the radio, sis. At least not until you see it
with your own eyes. TINA So, what are you waiting for? MATTHEW Like I just said, to see it
with my own eyes. I wanna’ make sure what they told us, is
true. TINA Then let's go now. Why wait
till morning? MATTHEW Screw messing around out there,
in the dark. Besides, we have to hold down the fort. We
jump ship now, we might land in water. TINA Give me the... Suddenly power/lights go out. A few emergency lights come
on, but store remains fairly dark. TINA What the... Matthew reaches for a flashlight. MATTHEW Michael called it. I hate when
he's right. There's a generator out back. Turning on flashlight and leading Tina out, into store
section, as Mark begins freaking out. MARK Oh S**T HE'S LOOSE, HE'S LOOSE!
GET HIM OFF ME, GET HIM OFF ME!!! GREG GET OUT HERE! GET OUT, NOW! Matthew shines light at Mark, just as Vincent comes
within an inch from biting his neck. Matthew running toward him, with
BIT ME! GREG HELP HIM!!! Matthew shines light on Mark's
wound (shoulder), as Vincent goes for his neck. Matthew finds and pulls on
leash, just in time to prevent another bite. He hands flashlight to Tina.
Mark's in a ton of pain. MATTHEW Quit crying, it's just a flesh
wound. Tina turns, to shine light on
Michael, as he races down the stairs... MICHAEL What's happening?! MATTHEW Go get that damn generator
going. Dissolve to later, with store lights back on.
Matthew/Tina leading Vincent (using 2 leashes), out door, and latching him just
out of reach, from the door... MATTHEW Now, that's what I'm talking
about. Even someone as cray-cray as myself, wouldn't
come shopping here. TINE (laughing) Shopping! You’re funny! Matthew staring at him a moment. He reaches into his
pocket, pulling out a candy bar. He opens it, and places it right up to
Vincent's mouth. TINA What are you doing? Vincent goes around it, and right for his wrist, as he
quickly pulls it away. MATTHEW Are you God damn kidding me?!
Even with chocolate under your nose, you still
prefer flesh?! Tina laughs, and follows Matthew back inside. MATTHEW Now, I've seen it all... Matthew entering store, where Mark cries out in agony, as
Michael looks over the wound... GREG Come on! At least bandage it up
for him! Matthew heading toward backroom. MATTHEW Don't even touch that thing.
Could be contagious, or something. Wait, no. Actually,
go ahead and bandage it up. If he dies, I wanna’
know it was from the bite, and not an infection. Matthew enters backroom, walking straight to a pile of
powder, lying by some of his things. He snorts it right up, feeling
rejuvenated… DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Scott/Eli walking road... A car comes. They cautiously watch as it speeds up, while
passing them... ELI I wish Sam was here... SCOTT Yeah? I keep hearing how fond
of you, she's becoming. Didn't realize the
feeling was mutual. ELI What?! No! I just meant too bad
she's not here, because we could use her, the
same way those people used their kids. SCOTT Wow...Not even a week into this
new world, and you're becoming corrupt,
already? ELI Why do you say that? SCOTT Because anyone who'd stop,
would be good, honest people. Or else they
wouldn't stop. You really want to take advantage
of people like that? ELI No...But
what if it meant us or them? Silence a moment... SCOTT Then you get creative...and
find a way to save everyone... Walking on, in silence... ELI I think my dad would disagree
with you... I'm not saying I do, just that he probably would have. I keep thinking about
what he'd be doing, or saying, if he
were here... More silence... SCOTT Do you agree with what he'd be
doing, or saying? Little more silence... ELI I don't know... He joked a lot.
Sometimes I couldn't tell how serious he
was, when he said some of the things, he
said... Scott chuckles. SCOTT He definitely made me laugh. ELI He either made you laugh, or if
you didn't get him, he offended you…is what my mom
always said. SCOTT Well, then maybe some of those
things he said, he wasn't so serious
about. ELI Maybe... CUT TO: EXT. TREE HOUSE PIT - DAY Pit is much deeper, as Rhett, Jax, and Sam (completely
sweaty/dirty), continue working. SAM And finally, after nothing but
uncles, I have my Aunt Scout, who is forty, and three
more cousins, Hope eighteen, Ryder seventeen, and
Bryant fifteen. There’s also my Aunt Barb. She
and her husband are already safe at the compound.
She’s Hunter’s ex-wife. They still get along really
well. JAX I can't believe I come from
nothing, and you come from all that. Even exes
getting along. One lucky girl! Jax shaking her head, as Amy approaches with concern... AMY Something happened. They should
have been back, by now. RHETT I'm trying not to think about
it. Not even sure what we can do about it. AMY I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind if
we used her dad's car, to go look. RHETT I just don't see the point. At
least not yet. SAM I have to stay here, in case my
family shows up. AMY You don't see the point? You
don't see the point, in your own little brother? RHETT Amy. AMY What? Am I overreacting? Did I
not see human swimming monsters, trying to
eat us yesterday? And that guy, (getting
emotional) that poor guy. I can't go through it, Rhett. I
can't go through what he did. (Rhett climbing
out of pit) Cause that's what the "point"
is. I can't lose everyone. I can't survive that. Not your
brother, not my dad, no one! Rhett holding her tight, as she takes a deep, deep
breath... RHETT I'm doing everything I can, to
prevent that. AMY I know you are. I'm sorry... Rhett leading her away. RHETT Come on, let's get you a cold
drink...God knows I need one. AMY You need a shower. JAX For the record though, I agree
with Rhett. AMY Because you're a b***h... Sam a wild look at Jax, as Amy and Rhett walk on... JAX (talking to Sam) I just meant like you said, we
need to stay here. We have to be smart now, not
emotional and paranoid. SAM She's just
pregnant. She'll be fine, once she gets to the compound. Both climbing out of pit, and
walking toward lake. JAX You guys have a doctor there? Sam looking at Jax. SAM We have a hospital. Jax excitedly impressed. JAX Holy apocalypse! How can this
place be that great? SAM Zane always said the apocalypse
was like Christmas, to Grandpa. Grandpa always said
the compound was for the family, of the future.
For my kids, or their kids. He said he'd rest well in the
afterlife, knowing his family had a fighting chance, if
things did go bad. I don’t think he actually expected it to
happen so fast…or even in his lifetime. JAX What an amazing guy. I just
can't believe I'm lucky enough to have met you. Your
family seems like a dream. End of the world, or
not. Sam looking ahead at the lake. SAM We're not really walking to the
lake, to wash up, are we? They both stop, and stare at it. Then Jax looks at the
cabin... JAX You guys have a hose, right? Sam nodding, as they both turn and begin walking toward
cabin... Cut to the cabin, as Rhett places down a plate/sandwich,
in front of Amy. AMY And there's just something off
about Jax, don't you think? RHETT What do you mean? AMY She's all over Sam, for one
thing. Asking all these questions about her family, as
if that's the only reason she's interested in her.
And does she scare at all? She's not the least bit freaked out, about anything. You, Eli, even Dad,
you've all been traumatized and shutdown, with
shock. It's like she's already used to it. She's
seen more than she's sharing. I just don't
know why... Rhett beginning to grin at her... RHETT There's my sexy, psychiatric
specialist. You know I love it when you analyze, the
way you do. Amy trying to muster a smile, before going on. AMY Then you know I'm right. RHETT Yeah, but you said it yourself,
you don't know why. She might just not want to
talk about it. AMY (shaking head) No, I don't think that's it. An
option, sure. But, (again shaking head) it's something
else, with her... RHETT A little jealous, maybe? Sam
seems to like her. Amy in shock... AMY I adore that child! I love that child, and I don't care who her family is! RHETT I know, I know. I just think
Jax is harmless. I also think we need her. AMY I think you should check her
stuff. RHETT I already did, the day she got
here. AMY Check it again. Maybe she was expecting us to check. Suddenly, Jax (followed by Sam) can be heard screaming
outside, as Rhett goes flying out of kitchen. Amy goes toward window, with a
look, then following after Rhett. Cut to cabin door, where Rhett comes speeding out,
hopping off porch, running around side of cabin, where Jax/Sam, continue to
scream. Rhett suddenly stops, watching. Amy comes from behind
him, also stopping. Suddenly, water from the hose, sprays them both, as screams
(from Jax/Sam) turn to laughter. POV Jax and Sam (soaking wet), as Jax turns, to spray
Rhett and Amy. JAX It's not the lake, but it gets
the job done! Sam, suddenly becoming even more happy/excited. POV Eli arriving, and more than anxious to be sprayed
down, as Jax turns the hose on him. Amy (super relieved), turns to see her dad
arriving, as she runs into his arms. AMY Oh, thank God! What happened? SCOTT We're okay. Amy coming out of hug, looking at her dad. RHETT Where's the truck? Scott taking a deep breath, with a look of dread. SCOTT Just a second. Hey Jax... Scott putting up his arms (needing to be cooled off). Jax
begins spraying him, to his relief... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) EXT. STORE PARKING LOT - NIGHT Vincent (huff), becoming excited, as someone appears to
be approaching him. POV swastika tattoo, panning back, to the guy who killed
Fish, as he approaches the store (with knife). Suddenly, he is fired on, as he runs for his life, back
toward car, along with his two friends, as they all jump in and drive away... Cut inside store, to Matthew. MATTHEW I can't believe that crazy a*s,
tried coming in here. (looking at Michael) You gonna’
be able to handle this, by yourself, tomorrow?
(now looking at Mark) Maybe he'll be dead by then,
and we can double up at the door. (with laugh) Or just
tie em' all out there, and see what kind of a looney tune
it takes, to approach that mess. GREG You're going to wish we were
still alive, after you fail to do whatever you plan on
doing to my uncle. Your only chance of seeing that
compound, is by freeing us. (looking at Michael
and Tina) You do that, and put a bullet in your brothers
head...and you’ll have your tickets to
said compound. Matthew putting his arms around Tina. MATTHEW Michael said you already played
those cards. Good luck with dear old sis. She
actually kind of liked my dad, yet watched me set his a*s
on fire, without dispute. She's going to steal
your uncle's heart, is what she's going to do, and get
her loving brothers, right on into "said" compound. Greg sharing a look with Tina. A look that gave him hope.
He turns to look at Mark, who is becoming feverish... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 2) Same POV of Mark, from previous scene, as night gives way
to early morning. Both he and Greg, are now asleep. Mark more feverish than
before... Greg wakes up. He looks to his brother. He feels his
forehead, with a concerned look, coming over his face. He looks over at Michael
(asleep), at counter. He glances outside, where Vincent is quietly pacing
around. Suddenly, Greg is aware of something in his pocket. He pulls out a
nutrition bar, with a folded piece of paper, taped to it. He unfolds it, and
reads. POV note. NOTE Eat! I want you to survive. I
will do my best to warn your uncle, and lead him to
you. I hope to get to know you better. Love, Tina. Greg not sure what to think... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HOUSE - DAWN POV of smaller/older home, in private area, without
nearby neighbors. Matthew's car is parked outside. Tina walks from car, over to
front door of house, and knocks... Cut inside, to a man, with shotgun (dark inside, no
lights on), quietly coming to his front door, and peeking out the boarded-up
window. His POV of Tina, standing on other side of door. She
knocks. He stays back, quietly and ready to use his shotgun, if necessary. She
knocks one more time, loudly. TINA (OS) Please, help us! My brother has
been bit. I have food and supplies, but I need your
help with my brother! He watches her turn back toward car. Man turns around,
coming face to face with Matthew, who immediately sticks a knife in his gut. MATTHEW That's for not helping her
brother, you piece of s**t! Man drops to floor, dead/dying. Matthew opens locked
door. Tina smiles, and comes back to door. She enters, and looks down at the
guy. He is wearing a Portland Trailblazers jersey (same man who was a huff, in
episode 2, and attacked Scott, before Rhett chopped his head off, and tried to
drown in the lake). Matthew begins strapping leashes on him. TINA You had to kill him? MATTHEW I'm sorry, did you want to do
it? Don't worry, you'll get your chance. TINA What you mean? MATTHEW We'll set him loose, at their
place. You show up and save the day. TINA Are you kidding me? With what? MATTHEW Here, help me move over there,
to tie him up. (Tina begins helping) Do it with a
gun. You try it with a knife, you might get bit. Plus,
when they see you know how to use a gun, they'll
know you're a keeper. TINA I guess I can do that. MATTHEW Just blow his head off. And
don't miss, or he'll bite yours off. TINA You're sure
he'll definitely die? MATTHEW What's it matter? You blow his
damn head off, and he can no longer bite you. TINA Just creepy, thinking about. MATTHEW Come on, let’s unpack all the
goods. Matthew heading out door, while pulling out walkie
talkie, and calling out to Michael. MATTHEW (into radio) We have our backup ship.
Unpacking, and then en route to meet our new
family. MICHAEL (over radio) Rodger that... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NEAR TREE HOUSE - DAY (morning) Matthew turning radio down, before speaking to his
brother, very quietly. MATTHEW (into radio) We have eyes on the mother
ship. Good old Mark was telling the truth. If he
actually lives, we'll give him a quick death. We're moving
in for a better view. cray-cray out. Tina walking to guy in trail blazer jersey (now a huff),
who is tied up, by the leash. MICHAEL (over radio) Just be smart, not cray-cray... MATTHEW (talking to Tina) Just leave him there, for now. DISSOLVE TO: POV through binoculars, of Fish (as a huff), walking
around near the tree house... MATTHEW (OS) Son of a b***h... TINA (OS) What? Matthew reaching for phone from his pocket (Mark's
phone). He pulls up picture of Fish and Sam. He then looks through binoculars
again. MATTHEW Greg is going to be so
disappointed. His high and mighty uncle, is not so tough,
after all. Tina grabbing binoculars and looking for herself. TINA You're saying that's him? Uncle
Fishy? Tina looking at the picture... TINA Must not be a recent photo... Matthew squinting eyes, taking notice of something, and
reaching for binoculars. MATTHEW Wait a minute. Who the hell is
this? POV through binoculars, of an old lady (with a suitcase),
approaching Fish. The lady (Mrs. Pederson) walks right to him. TINA (OS) Is she dead, already, or... POV remains through binoculars, as Fish bites into Mrs.
Pederson, who screams, loudly, followed by a second weaker one, as she quickly
fades away, and Fish begins gobbling down her body. Tina ripping the binoculars from Matthew, and looking. MATTHEW Where the hell is the girl? TINA Is he going to eat her whole? POV through binoculars. MATTHEW (OS) Wait! Look up in the tree
house! I think I see her, peeking out. Binoculars move to tree house, finding Sam peeking
downward at the scene, before quickly looking away. TINA (OS) Bingo... POV Matthew. MATTHEW Well, if this just doesn't work
perfectly. She's all alone, all we have to do is babysit,
until her family shows up. TINA We? MATTHEW Yeah, look at this place. It's
perfect. Grab that generator, all the food, and either make a
life here, with our new baby sister, or our new family,
at the compound...if they actually make it here. Matthew looks at Tina, as she comes out from binoculars,
with a tear running down her face... MATTHEW What the s**t? Are you kidding
me? Everything you've been through in life, yet
you're feeling pity on this kid? TINA It's not like I'm trying to. I
mean...she didn't just lose her dad, she's watching him go
to freaking brunch, on that old woman... Guess I'm not
as “Tin Man”, as you. MATTHEW (shaking head) You big softy. TINA Just getting into character,
before I become the guardian of a ten-year-old. MATTHEW Yeah well, due to the
circumstances, motherhood is gonna’ have to be put on
hold, for a few hours. TINA Why is that? Shouldn't I go up
there, now? MATTHEW (shaking head) Now that we're ditching the
store, we'll need your help gathering everything. TINA And what? Just hope for the
best, when it comes to her safety? MATTHEW She'll be fine. The dead are
too...dead, I guess, to climb ladders, or he would
have gone up there, already. Matthew heads away, as Tina follows. TINA What about your friend? MATTHEW Leave him here. We'll set him
free, and kill him in front of the kid. She'll
tell her family, and make us heroes. CUT TO: INT. STORE - DAY Greg's head in his hands. He looks up as Matthew/Tina
enter store, with looks down at him and Mark. Mark completely feverish, and out
of it. MATTHEW Still human, eh? MICHAEL Not for much longer. MATTHEW Smells like he messed his
diaper. MICHAEL I believe he did. MATTHEW Mother of the year here, can
change it. You know this sappy sister of yours, actually
shed a damn tear, over her soon-to-be foster
daughter? Greg looking up, with concern. GREG Why? What do you mean, foster child? Matthew looking at Michael. MATTHEW You didn't fill him in? (now
speaking to Greg) We caught your Fish, but had to
throw him back. He wasn't alive, enough. Although,
alive enough to be snacking on that poor old
woman, he killed with his bare teeth. Greg hanging his head, as Michael follows Matthew into
backroom. MICHAEL You look like s**t. You need
some sleep. MATTHEW I need coffee...some like it
black, some like it white... They disappear into backroom. Greg looks up at Tina,
who's staring back down at him, with concern. GREG Is he really dead? TINA (nodding) But your cousin is okay. GREG Oh my God, Samantha. How okay
can she be? Tina kneeling down, speaking quietly, near his ear. TINA I'm not gonna’ let anything
happen to her. Treat her like my own kid. When the
time is right, I'll take care of my brothers. Greg a very serious look at her... GREG You do that...then you better
do one more thing... survive! Because you're mine,
I'm yours and no one, I mean no one, will ever lay a
damn hand on you again. Tina with emotion in her eyes, leans in for a kiss. He
places his hands on her face. She comes out of kiss, staring back at him. GREG (his hands still
on her face) Other than me... Tina can't help but to smile, and has to wipe away a
tear, as she rises and heads to backroom. While en route to backroom, she
flashes to a memory, of childhood. DISSOLVE TO: CHILDHOOD MEMORY INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Tina (about 13) at her door (cracked open), listening to
the sound of Matthew, being beaten (downstairs), by their father. He is
crying/hurting, and begging his dad to stop... Eventually, he does stop. Tina can see Matthew (about 10)
walking up the staircase, bruised and bloody. He notices her, and comes right
to her door, violently forcing it fully open, and throwing Tina down against
her bed, and onto the floor. MATTHEW How come all you do is watch?! Tina frightened, and bracing as he moves in and kicks her
HELP! He begins beating on her as much as he can. Michael
(about 11), comes running into room, trying to stop Matthew, and his rage.
Matthew (breathing hard) finally stops... Tina is crying and bloody. Michael staring at Matthew,
who looks back at him. Suddenly, their dad comes charging in, beating the crap
out of all three of them. They fall to the floor, trying to brace from the
abuse, as much as they can. DISSOLVE TO: INT. STORE BACKROOM - DAY Tina entering backroom with a look at Matthew and
Michael, who both stare back at her. MATTHEW You want the honors, sis? TINA To do what? MATTHEW Time to get rid of dead weight. Tina eyeing her gun (lying on counter between them). MATTHEW Not with a gun, we need the
ammo. TINA You sure we don't still need
him? MATTHEW For what? TINA Just until we finish moving
out. You said we're still making at least one more trip
back here. I want him to tell us everything about his
cousin, that he can. MATTHEW Good luck with that. Now start
carrying these boxes out. Matthew and Michael, both exit
with boxes. Tina grabs her gun, placing in her pants. Then she grabs a box, and
exits... Cut to Michael, loading the
last box, in the stuffed car. Matthew and Tina, climb inside and drive off. MATTHEW So, you get anything out of
lover boy? TINA (staring out
window at Michael) I told Michael to work on him.
I want her to be able to relate to whatever character
I come up with, for myself... The character I will
become... Cut to Michael, entering store. POV remains on closed
door, and over to Vincent, who seems interested in something, off in the brush. POV Tan (store owner), with gun, creeping out of brush.
Another man is behind him, and one more behind the store. All creeping toward
it, but trying to remain unseen… CUT TO: EXT. HOUSE (where Matt killed Trail
Blazer fan) - DAY Tina and Matthew carrying
boxes, from car to house. They go inside, placing down boxes. Matthew turns to
go back out. Tina behind him, reaching back, placing hand on her gun. She
stares at Matthew. She begins to pull out gun. Suddenly, Michael comes over the
radio (in hysterics), with gunshots in the background. MICHAEL (over radio) MATTHEW, I NEED YOU HERE NOW!
I'M TAKING FIRE. THERE'RE TOO MANY! Matthew running to car, followed by Tina, as she places
gun back in her pants. MATTHEW How many?! We're on our way!
Hold them off! CUT TO: INT. STORE - DAY Mark (dead), with a bullet wound to his chest. Greg
crying next to him. Michael ducked down, by the counter. He rises and fires a
few shots, before going back down. He speaks on radio. MICHAEL (into radio) ETA? MATTHEW (over radio) Five
minutes! A bunch of shots fired into
store, from outside... MICHAEL (into radio) Thinking a run for it, is my
only option, here! MATTHEW (over radio) Yeah, do it! Stay close to the
road, where you can hear me driving. But kill the brothers, we
can't have them showing up at the
cabin. Michael begins to move, but
more shots are fired inside. He waits it out, before firing a few shots back.
He comes around counter, again ducking, and waiting out a few more shots. He
moves toward Mark and Greg, looking toward them (once able to). His POV of Mark (now a huff),
and Greg, bloody and completely lifeless. Mark is trying to bite him, but out
of reach. Greg shows no fear, or signs of life, as Michael moves toward
backroom. Cut to Michael jumping out
window, from back of store, running toward brush. He begins being fired at, but
not hit. He disappears into brush. Few more shots fired. POV Tan and two other guys,
slowly approaching store. One of them shoots Vincent, in head. They cautiously
come to door, and enter store. CUT TO: INT. CAR - DAY Matthew speeding mountain
road. Tina crying. MATTHEW Why the hell are you crying?! TINA I'm worried about our brother! MATTHEW He's a survivor... Suddenly, they see Michael running out from the trees,
raising his arms to get their attention, as Matthew breaks. Michael runs right
over, jumping in. MATTHEW What happened?! MICHAEL The owners came back. With
backup. (shaking head) At least a half dozen guys, all
with guns. I didn't even have to shoot the brothers,
they were already dead. Matthew instantly worried. MATTHEW What?! Are you sure?! Tina a hopeful look at Michael
(hoping he's not sure). MICHAEL The younger one was already
turned. His brother was shot dead. Tina disappointed. Matthew begins turning the car around,
hesitates, and finally goes on, toward the store. He drives around corner of
road, with store coming into view. He speeds up to it, skidding out, and
waiting... MICHAEL What the hell are you doing?! Matthew simply staring toward store. Tina too. No one is
coming out. MICHAEL It's time to jump ship, little
brother... Matthew contemplates a few moments longer, simply
staring, before speeding off, and away... CUT TO: INT. TRAIL BLAZER FAN HOUSE - DAY Matthew walking in, followed by Michael and Tina. Matthew
is pissed, kicking a box of supplies. Tina heads for bedroom. MATTHEW Where the hell you going? TINA I need some sleep. MATTHEW You can sleep after we get up
to the lake. Now start packing the car, so we can get
there, already. TINA (picking up a box) Sorry, figured you were going
to throw one of your temper tantrums. Without hesitation, Matthew punches Tina in the face
(with a closed fist), causing her to drop the box and fall to the floor. Mathew
picks up a couple boxes, and heads out. MATTHEW Now pick that crap up, and get
it packed. Tina lays there, silently weeping... CUT TO: EXT. TREE HOUSE - DAY Matthew throwing down binoculars (as Michael picks them
up), pacing back away (from where they're hiding in brush), and shouting the
"loudest", silent F-bomb, there ever was. He basically throws a
tantrum, without making any noise. Tina (with black eye) watches. Michael uses
binoculars. His POV of Scott, Rhett, and Eli, all carrying supplies,
up into the tree house. MATTHEW We're totally effed! MICHAEL No, I don't think it's her
family. They're carrying supplies to the tree house.
They're not going anywhere. TINA Maybe they had more family,
meeting them here, like Greg and his brother were? MATTHEW Why wouldn't they use his car,
to go to the mighty compound? Assuming they got
here somehow without their own vehicle, which I don’t... MICHAEL I don't see the kid. Just an
older dude and a couple. TINA They killed her. MATTHEW Why would they kill her? MICHAEL She's probably up there somewhere,
in shock. Whether these new people know who she
is, or who her family is, they're probably taking
advantage of the tree house. MATTHEW Can't shoot em', that won't
make us look like heroes. We could send Trail Blazer in
there, after em'. Never know, could get lucky. TINA What if he
gets the girl? MATTHEW Or unlucky. MICHAEL Can't afford to be unlucky, not
with the girl. She's the only ticket we have
left. Silence a moment. Tina looks like she's falling asleep... MATTHEW We're just gonna’ have to keep
an eye on these people. Until we can make
something happen. Dissolve to Michael and Tina both crashed out in the
car... Cut to Matthew using binoculars, to watch tree house. His
POV, of Scott and Rhett carrying off a huff (the one Sam shot in EP-2). Matthew
looks up toward tree house, unable to find anyone. He moves over toward cabin,
and all around, without finding anyone else. He moves back to Scott and Rhett,
who dump body next to brushy area, and head back toward tree house. Again,
Matthew moves to tree house, slowly scanning over it. He stops, when he sees
Eli, walking out of boys room, toward bathroom (much smaller than other rooms).
He goes inside... POV Matthew, speaking to himself. MATTHEW What is that, a freaking
outhouse, or something, they got up there? Binocular POV of bathroom. He moves slowly over the other
rooms, and down the ladder, where Scott and Rhett go to pick up Fish, and begin
carrying him away. Suddenly Sam can be heard crying out above, and hustling
to the ladder. SAM DADDY! (climbing down) POV Matthew, coming out of binoculars, with a smile, and
again speaking to himself. MATTHEW There you are... Looking back through binoculars. Binocular POV of Sam,
arriving at Scott and Rhett. SAM You put him down! Sam simply sitting down on the ground, weeping. Scott
motions for Rhett to place Fish's body down. POV Matthew, on binoculars. He turns back with a thought.
He looks again through binoculars, a few moments. He then rises and walks
away... Dissolve to close-up of Sam, as a tear runs down her
face, panning back to her sitting there, looking down on her dad... CUT TO: Matthew holding leash, and jogging ahead of Trail blazer
huff (to avoid being caught), as he leads him along... CUT TO: Close-up of Eli, lying in bed, of tree house
"boys" bedroom, as a tear runs down his face, panning back to him on
his phone, looking at pictures of his folks... CUT TO: Matthew, pushing huff down into brush, and quickly
speeding away, around corner, before huff can see him... CUT TO: Close-up of Amy (teary-eyed), panning back to her view
below, of Sam sitting next to Fish... CUT TO: Matthew watching (from around corner), as Trail Blazer
huff gives up on finding him, after he sees (through the brush) Scott, at the
tree house ladder. Cut to close-up of Scott, watching Sam. Cut to Matthew, arriving around another corner, quickly
watching with binoculars. Binocular POV of Scott, as huff reaches out of brush,
placing hands through ladder, and around Scott's neck (to his shock/surprise). Cut to Matthew smiling, as he watches. MATTHEW Go Trail Blazer! Binocular POV of Amy and Eli, from tree house, watching
in horror... POV Matthew, watching as his smile fades away... MATTHEW God damn it...Fail Blazer! Binocular POV of Rhett, arriving at the scene. RHETT Don't shoot it! Don't shoot it!
Back away! MATTHEW (OS) Who is this Jackass? DISSOLVE TO: Matthew looking through binoculars, coming out,
stretching his neck for a moment, before looking back in binoculars. Binocular POV of Rhett, pulling huff's head out of lake
water. RHETT This is it. This is hell on
earth. (looking right at his brother) No need to continue
mourning Mom and Dad, little brother. We'll be
joining them, very shortly... Rhett walking out of water with huff head, placing it
down while picking up axe, chopping it right into the head. Cut to Matthew, coming out of binoculars, laughing. MATTHEW Holy s**t, I love this dude! CUT TO: INT. CAR - DAY Tina asleep in backseat. Someone opens door, climbing in
driver's side, and starting engine. Driving off, as Tina remains passed out, in
backseat. Michael waking from passenger seat, with a look over at Matthew... MATTHEW Looks like we'll have to shack
up at Trail Blazer's place, for a day or two, until
we can come up with a plan B...or is it now plan C? MICHAEL From scratch, or do you have an
idea of what you want to do? MATTHEW I'm shootin' blanks... Maybe go
in at dark, and take em' all out? MICHAEL Way too risky... MATTHEW Go back to plan A? Send Tina in
as planned? MICHAEL Why not all of us? MATTHEW They'd be too intimidated to
take us in... I don't know, let me study them for a
day or two. See what kind of people they are... CUT TO: EXT. FISH'S GRAVE - MORNING (day 3) Matt hiding in brush (close-by), and watching Sam, at her
dad's grave... SAM I had a dream about Jax and
August. It was wonderful... until it became a nightmare. I
feel so guilty for missing them, the way I do. How could I
miss them, after what happened to you? But it helps.
Missing them, wanting to get back to them...it helps
me not hurt so much, when I think about you...and
Dad, I just can't stop thinking about you. (tears) Matthew leaving brush, to hide elsewhere, with a smile. MATTHEW Helps to miss Jax and August,
eh? I think I can do something with that bit of
information. CUT TO: EXT. LAKE - DAY (day 4) Matthew in brush, looking
outward. Sound of Jax, Eli, and Sam, swimming... Matt's POV of
them swimming, as huff Frank, surfaces, in front of them. MATTHEW (not speaking loud
enough to be heard) Oh, my holy hell! Get out of
there, sis! Get the kid, out! DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. BRUSH - EVENING Jax in brush (still dirty/wet), holding radio. MATTHEW (over radio) About time!
Why didn't you check in last night? JAX (into radio) I couldn't. The older guy
sleeps during the day, and keeps watch all night. MATTHEW (over radio) I saw your close call in the
lake, yesterday. JAX (into radio) That was a God
damn nightmare! I'm sure you were plenty
amused. MATTHEW (over radio) Anything interesting to report? JAX (into radio) Not really. The compound is
huge and the people...well, let's just say,
I'm curious to know how you plan to fit in with
them. MATTHEW (over radio) Same way you do, sis. Act... JAX (into radio) Good luck with that. MATTHEW (over radio) It'll be easy at the compound,
but for now, I'll stay here. Although I like Rhett, he
seems paranoid, he and
his annoying wife. Scott would smell my s**t a mile away. These people
wouldn't accept me. Me or Michael. JAX (into radio) So, what do
you wanna’ do? MATTHEW (over radio) Keep the radio close enough to
reach us, if the family arrives. When you guys
leave, and see us "broken" down on the
road, you tell them it's your brothers...and to the
compound, we all go. JAX (into radio) Michael's okay with this plan? MATTHEW (over radio) Are you purposely trying to
agitate me? Jax waiting, as she thought he'd go on to say more... JAX (into radio) No...I just want to make sure
the two of you aren't arguing. MATTHEW (over radio) Worry about Tina, or Jax,
whoever you are. JAX (into radio) Jax, has already done her job,
here. Yesterday's Camp Crystal lake moment, has
actually played to an advantage. The pregnant
one is now scared and bitchy, leaving me as the
fun one, to keep the kid's hopes up. Jax waits, but no response from Matthew... JAX (into radio) Matthew? (waiting, still no
response) Matthew!? MATTHEW (over radio) Oh sorry, you kinda’ put me to
sleep there for a moment. (Jax rolling eyes) Just
keep that radio close, and let us know if they
show up. I'll be there watching most of the time,
though. Kind of becoming addicted. Little too much drama
there at first, but that lake scene was pretty
badass. Oh my God, and earlier today when their father
showed up! Wow... you couldn't write this
stuff... JAX (into radio) God, you were here then, too?
Creepy stalker, much? MATTHEW (over radio) Told ya’, I'm addicted. Matthew
out. Watch ya later... Jax shaking her head, then putting radio back in bag, and
hiding it behind a log. She pulls out a gun, from hiding place. She checks the
ammo, and places gun in her pants, taking with her... CUT TO: EXT. FISH'S PORCH - EVENING Amy, Rhett and Scott, all on porch. Amy looking
disappointed. AMY They just drove on? Without
even a word? SCOTT Heard them mention we weren't
infected... or dead...yet RHETT So, that's why they raised
their guns at first? SCOTT They didn't drop them until
they were by us. They considered us a threat,
regardless of being dead or alive. AMY So, that's that. We're on our
own... SCOTT I think it's time we at least
plan on it being that way. And not just on our own,
but...things...they really will get worse. We have
to get creative, and plan how to survive here,
until Sam's family can make it. AMY Let's just - (interrupted) SCOTT (shaking head) No. (still shaking) Leaving to
get to them, is not an option. You've heard her
talk about that place, and those people. They will not give up on getting to us, and if it’s taking them
this long to do it, then what are our chances? Silence… DISSOLVE TO: INT. GIRL'S ROOM - EVENING Close-up of framed family photo, panning back to Sam, as
she brushes her hair, while looking at the picture. Jax walks in (still
dirty/wet)... SAM Where were you? JAX Walking around, looking for
more potential pit locations. Scott wants to come
up with any ways we can, to prepare for what's
coming. Jax slyly places her gun in her bag, while Sam is focused
on her photo. Eli can be seen approaching, from boys room. Jax (her back to
Eli) takes her shirt off, as Eli instantly turns around, walking back the way
he came from. Jax throws on a clean/dry shirt JAX I know your family will make it
eventually, but until then, Scott is right. We
need to be smart, like that family of yours. SAM I agree...but they will be
here, soon. Sam keeps looking at photo, while Jax continues to
change. Once done, she comes over, sitting next to Sam, and looking at the
photo with her. JAX So, which one of these nice-looking
cousins of yours, are single? Sam smiling. Jax placing her finger over the photo. JAX (finger on Zane) Zane is definitely a hunk, but
(moving finger over Greg) Greg is just so darn nice
to look at. Sam rising from bed, as Jax gets lost in the picture. She
is almost emotional, at the thought of Greg. Sam in background, is moving
toward corner (toward boxes of supplies). Jax continues to look at the photo... JAX This one right here, looks my
age. I don't see a girlfriend in the picture. Jax holds photo up, while pointing to him, before looking
up at Sam, who is now standing in front of her, at the door, holding a gun
right back at her. JAX (with a laugh) Sam? What are you doing? Sam (with a very serious expression) takes one step back,
and fires a single shot, up into the sky, and immediately aims gun right back
at Jax...who now looks extremely shocked/frightened... BLACK CREDITS THE END © 2024 Mike Decker |
Added on December 31, 2018 Last Updated on March 13, 2024 Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse AuthorMike Deckervancouver, WAAboutMy daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..Writing