Above the Dead...Season 1, Episode 3 "666"A Screenplay by Mike DeckerNew characters Michael and Matthew are more "666" than what is happening to the world...ABOVE THE DEAD . com Season 1, Episode 3 (59 pages) "666" INTRO FADE IN: EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY Vehicle losing control, causing a deadly pileup, with
other vehicles/semi-trucks (same scene/accident that clogged up highway, in
episode 2)... Driver’s (Michael, 21) POV, of rearview mirror, and the
accident, as it occurs behind him. MICHAEL (off-screen (OS)) Holy s**t! They're crashing
back there! Michael looking back behind him, as does his brother
(Matthew, 19), in passenger seat. MATTHEW Who? MICHAEL Everyone! Matthew looks around, noticing
some cars stopping, once at a safe distance. MATTHEW Pull over bro, I gotta’ get
this! Matthew getting his phone ready, as Michael pulls to side
of road. Both guys quick to get out and look. Matthew filming with phone,
approaching the scene as a few others rush past him, in aid of the victims. MATTHEW Brother, this is freaking
awesome! Guy with a dirty look, toward Matthew, while running past
him. POV from phone/cam, recording as man runs by, shouting
back at Matthew. GUY How about putting down the
camera and helping, eh?! MATTHEW Nah, you're the hero bro. I'm
good where I am. (talking to camera) Can't die
before I even get the chance to post this. Matthew filming the injured people and the damaged cars,
coming to a dead lady, buckled in her car. MATTHEW (OS) She's a goner... Michael standing back by the car, watching. MICHAEL Keep going. Grow a pair. MATTHEW (talking to the
camera) Says the
guy, standing way over by the car. Matthew walks around the corner of an upside-down car. He
films a man lying dead on ground, as someone runs to his aid, but quickly goes
on to someone else. POV through camera, zooming in on dead guy. MATTHEW (OS) Rest in peace, dead homie...better
you than me. Matthew moves onward, filming more people entering scene,
looking and trying to help. Victims can be heard crying, or pleading for help.
Matthew continues recording. MATTHEW (talking into
camera) You sob's back home better
appreciate me risking life and health, to bring you
this real-life situation on the highway, up on Mt. Hood. Suddenly, Matthew heads back, after the sound of frantic
commotion back behind him. MICHAEL (OS) Matthew, what's going on? Matthew cruises around the corner, to see one person
running back toward their car, and a couple others pointing toward that dead
woman, buckled in her seat, who Matthew begins to notice, is no longer dead. MATTHEW Sweet Jesus! (turning on
camera/laugh in tone) I thought she was dead! POV from Camera. MATTHEW You are some
kind of strung out, lady. Maybe that's why you're
still alive, for now. Matthew turning to face
others. MATTHEW This is who started it, right
here. Don't do drugs and drive, people. Matthew walking away, back toward his brother. Suddenly,
more frantic commotion comes from back at the other crashed vehicles, where
people are retreating. The dead guy he filmed on the ground, walks around the corner. MATTHEW Okay, what the hell?! I know that guy was dead! Matthew films him for a moment, while backing away. He
takes notice of others, scattering away, either driving away east, or running
off west. MICHAEL Matthew, get in the damn car! Matthew begins jogging back toward Michael, but soon
stops, staring into an upside-down, vehicle. His POV, of a zombie eating the driver (same driver from
EP 2, who caused the accident). Matthew tries to get footage of it, before
deciding to move on, as the dead man "zombie", draws close. Matthew
reaches the car, getting in as Michael drives away. MATTHEW What the hell was that?! MICHAEL You tell me! MATTHEW He was dead, I filmed him,
completely without a doubt, dead as s**t. Wait,
hold on, stop! MICHAEL Are you crazy?! MATTHEW I wanna’ figure this out! Michael stopping car in middle of the open road, as
Matthew climbs out, looking back toward the zombie. One more car speeds past
them. Zombie still coming, as Matthew reaches into glove compartment, pulling
out a pistol, with a look at his brother, and back at the approaching zombie. MICHAEL What does he want? MATTHEW I don't know, I've never talked
to a dead guy before! Matthew walking right toward him. Fires two shots in his
chest, to no effect. Runs and climbs back in car, as Michael begins driving
off. MATTHEW Did you see that?! It didn't
even faze him! Hold on, wait! Park up ahead, in the
shade. MICHAEL What? Why?! MATTHEW I wanna’ see
what happens, once the damn police get
here! Michael pulling over in the
shade, as Matthew rolls down window, looking back at zombie, who is turning his
attention back west. Matthew listens to all the frightened people, screaming
from the highway, on the other side of the accident. MATTHEW He's turning back toward
everyone else. Those people are so screwed. DISSOLVE TO: Same POV (about 25-30 min later)... MICHAEL How the hell
are the police not here, yet? MATTHEW This must be happening
everywhere. That's the only reason they wouldn't be
here. I think everyone is on their own, brother. MICHAEL Or maybe we died in that
accident, and still think we're alive. Matthew staring right at him. MICHAEL Makes more sense than what we
just saw back there, doesn't it? MATTHEW Well, dead or not, let's move
on, see what else is happening out there. Michael starting car, taking off. MATTHEW There are no rules right now,
no law... no consequences. Michael looking at him... MICHAEL What? MATTHEW If cops aren't responding to
that, imagine what else they're ignoring. I say we
stop off at the house, and finish what we almost
started, last summer. MICHAEL What? MATTHEW Why not? Even if things get
better, no one will ever know what happened. Come on
bro, it's the first thing on my bucket list, and
after what we just saw, I'm thinking it's a bucket list
kind of day. MICHAEL And then what? We just put him
outside, and watch his dead a*s walk away?
(chuckle from Matthew) And what are we going to survive
on, during this apocalyptic mess? Bread, baloney, and
booze? Cause when have you ever known the old man to
have anything else? MATTHEW Number two, on my bucket list,
to rob a convenience store at gunpoint. Michael, another staring look at his brother... CUT TO: INT. CONVENIENCE STORE - DAY A young man behind counter, looking up at the sound of
the door, instantly becoming frightened. Matthew coming right at him, with gun
aimed at his head. MATTHEW Don't worry, we ain't gonna’
hurt you. BOOM! Instantly firing gun, shooting him in the head... MATTHEW See,
that didn't hurt a bit. MICHAEL What the hell, man! We don't
even know who else is here! Someone with a damn
gun? Jesus Christ! Michael grabs the gun, and runs upstairs. Matthew checks
back rooms, while POV remains on a window, where a man and woman race off
toward the brush. Cut to the man (TAN), leading his wife (FRANCES), into
brush. They come to a safe place, duck down and look back toward the store, as
Tan dials 911. DISPATCHER 911, please hold... Tan looking at his phone, with shock, and contained
anger, to keep from being heard. Cut to Matthew, walking toward counter, peeking over at the
dead guy. MATTHEW Still dead, eh? Michael coming back down. MICHAEL Looks like we lucked out. But
damn dude, think before you react. Look at this
place. There's a bedroom upstairs, plenty of
food and beer, water, and if the power goes,
I'm betting there's a generator around here,
somewhere. Matthew grabs a dog leash. MATTHEW You saying we should hunker
down, here? MICHAEL No better place. What are you
doing with that? (leash) Matthew heading around
counter, toward the dead guy. MATTHEW Gotta’ tie this dead b*****d up…
(thinking) Wonder how strong they are? Michael's attention suddenly shifts outside, where a car
pulls up. MICHAEL Damn it, we have company! MATTHEW Tell em' we're closed. No wait!
We need someone, to test this dead guy on. POV cuts outside, to man's feet, as he climbs out of car,
with breath of fresh air. POV two more pairs of feet, climbing out of passenger
side. (DRIVER) (OS) Oh, how I love that fresh
Oregon mountain air. No wonder your uncle Fish likes
it here, so much. POV Vincent, as his boys (Greg/Mark) meet him on his side
of the car, heading toward store entrance, as theme tune begins... DISSOLVE TO: THEME TUNE/CREDITS Shots of all the
chaos in the city, on day 1 of the “zombie” apocalypse, followed by bumper-to-bumper
traffic on the highways, and tons of angry/nervous people honking or trying to
pull off the road. Shot of Mt. Hood, followed by shots of a huge tree house
overlooking a lake, which dissolves into the Columbia River, and traveling down
it, through a huge forest fire, before reaching the Bonneville Dam. POV
continues down the river, past the Glen Jackson bridge, flowing by tons of
houseboats where the dead are falling into the river, chasing after whoever is
drifting by… POV of the
Willamette River as it goes under the St. Johns bridge, and up into the hills
of Portland. It travels over them, into the Beaverton area, crossing over the
top of the Nike World Headquarters, and keeps traveling over farmlands, and
into the coast range, finding the Glenwood Market, and a large camp with log
walls, across the creek and behind the store… POV speeds over the
Tillamook Forest, Highway 26, and a bunch of other lands, before coming to the
Columbia River, traveling west, under the Megler bridge, and into the ocean. It
continues along the shoreline, past Astoria, the Haystack Rock of Cannon Beach,
coming to a pair of jetties, and following through the channel between them.
POV continues up into the nearby hills, finding a large camp, protected by a
large log wall… POV travels back down to the shoreline, and over a huge hotel, with a shot of the Twin Rocks in the ocean. POV travels by the bay of Tillamook, and along Highway 6, back into the coast range, until leaving the road, back into the Tillamook Forest, until coming to a very large compound, hidden away by all the brush and mountain-side, as opening credits roll… DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FISH'S PORCH - EARLY DAWN Scott on porch (gun in arm) with a blanket, trying to
avoid drifting. His eyes keep closing and opening. He leans head against porch,
and eyes close. He snores very briefly, followed by not breathing, until waking
with a gasp for air… Cut to Sam in bed, petting Bailey, with a look over at
Amy, who remains asleep. Sam now looks at framed picture of her and Fish,
before briefly spooked, by sound of someone leaving boys room, for bathroom.
She again looks over at Amy, who is now awake. AMY Morning. SAM Hi. AMY (stretching) Have you
been up long? SAM Since the birds began chirping.
Sounds so peaceful out there. Like
everything is okay. AMY I believe it
soon will be...
Amy smiling, with a look around the room, and then at the
framed photo, in Sam’s hands. AMY So, with a
dad named Fish, I imagine you're used to
waking this early? SAM Used to scare me, hearing him
walking around, while it was still pitch black.
Then I realized a new day was about to begin, and
couldn't sleep, even if I was still tired. My
moms hated how early I woke up, after staying
at my dad's. "Go back to sleep, my little
fishy", they'd say to me. AMY (smiling) I can't wait to meet them. SAM I can't wait for you to meet
them, too. Rhett walking in. RHETT Nor, can I. AMY Hi, baby. Rhett kissing and sitting in bed with her. AMY Oh god, Dad? RHETT He's fine. He's out there on
the porch. Amy to window. AMY Good morning, Dad. SCOTT Now that you're up, yes, it is.
You guys can wake me up in about fifteen hours,
when you're ready to sleep again. AMY Fifteen hours? I'm crashing
again in fifteen minutes. Eli entering/standing at door. ELI (groggily) In what kind of apocalypse do
people wake up at the crack of dawn? AMY Apocalypse has been canceled
due to electricity, and the five-day forecast is
calling for cell service, and help from the National
Guard. ELI Sweet, wake me in five days...
(heading back to room) My forecast calls for
better dreams and tons of Z's. Sam a small smile, as she turns toward the wall, to keep
anyone from seeing it. AMY He's really a good kid, Sam.
He'll apologize later, once rested. SAM It's okay. I haven't apologized
to him yet, either. Amy a delighted smile, and curling up against Rhett... AMY (to Rhett,
quietly) Things are looking up. Scott entering room. AMY Hey, Dad. How did it go all
night? SCOTT Completely quiet, not even a
single gunshot. AMY Sleep at all? SCOTT Do I look like I slept? SAM I heard you snore at least a
dozen times. Amy and Rhett laughing. AMY Busted! SCOTT Yeah, for like a combined
twelve seconds of sleep. The kid said snore, not
snoring. Having sleep apnea makes me the perfect night
guard. I might drift here and there, but it won’t last. I
honestly have no idea how people with it, slept
before electricity. ELI (shouting answer
from other room) I'm guessing they listened to
you complain about it. Rhett/Amy cracking up. Sam again turns, to hide her
laughter, but caught by Amy. AMY Sam? Are you laughing over
there? SAM He reminds me of my cousin,
Zane. Amy a pleased look at Rhett and her dad... CUT TO: INT. FISH'S KITCHEN - MORNING Pancakes being flipped over, panning back to Amy, as
Scott enters kitchen. AMY Dad, go to bed! SCOTT Not until I demolish at least a
couple of those cakes. AMY Did you clean up in here, over
night? SCOTT Yeah, figured the fish would be
hard for Sam to see. AMY Which is why you get three
pancakes, instead of two. (a smile at him) She
really stole your heart, with that hug last night,
didn't she? SCOTT (teasing) Like the daughter I never had. AMY Just for that. Amy stuffing her dad's pancake in her mouth... Cut to Sam sitting, staring at her dad's grave, in total
silence... Cut to Rhett/Eli hiking the trail, along the peaceful lake. RHETT You certainly seem better
today. ELI Doesn't mean I don't miss them. RHETT Of course, it doesn't. Just
means you're strong... Maybe
even strong enough to talk with Sam, later? Tell her how sorry you
are, about yesterday. I know she plans on telling you
the same. ELI Really? RHETT So she says... You even made
her laugh earlier, with your comment about Scott
putting people to sleep. (Eli smiling) Even had Amy
cracking up. That's good... You certainly have Dad's sense
of humor. ELI He was way funnier, than me. RHETT Yeah, but he was also a
complete a*s, at times... (slight chuckle) I could hear
him now. Rhett begins talking in mock voice of their dad, with Eli
cracking up throughout it. RHETT “Boys... It's your duty to be
strong now. Women have come a long way. They
vote, they make as much, or more than us, hell, one might even
run for president, someday. But at
times like this, it's always a man who shines. You get her through
some crap like this, and she'll find her
way back to the kitchen” Eli/Rhett laughing... ELI You sound just like him! Rhett/Eli taking notice of a cabin up ahead, and people
nervously watching them, from inside. ELI Should we be nervous, right
now? Rhett patting the back of his pants. RHETT I have one of Sam's, dad's
guns, just in case. ELI Looks like they're nervous. Rhett waves up a hand at them, as they keep walking by.
The people stay inside... ELI (looking toward
Rhett's gun) Probably time you show me how
to use one of those. Rhett looking back at Eli… RHETT Yeah, it probably is... ELI You really think just because
the power is back on, that things will get
better? RHETT They sure can't get any
worse... ELI I wonder how many people back
home are alright? My friends, teachers,
baseball coach. Rhett a slight shake of the head, as they walk on in
silence... Cut back to Sam still sitting there in silence, staring
at her father’s grave… SAM I...I laughed today...(on verge
of crying) How is that possible? (crying out next sentence)
I'm so sorry, Daddy! (still somewhat crying)
I never thought I would do that again. (big
sniff) Funny thing is...I know you'd want me to.
(completely blabbing out next part) And I know how
disappointed you must be, by what I thought about
doing! I know how disappointed Grandpa, Scout, and
Zane would be. I'm so sorry Daddy, and I
promise I'm going to never think that way again!
(regaining her composure for a moment) I'm going to let you
see me get back to them. I'm going to do it for
you...and (blabbing again) I'm going to do it for them,
Daddy! Sam sitting there in silence, regaining her composure... SAM I love you, Daddy... Dissolve back to the lake, with Rhett/Eli standing
completely still on the trail, and staring straight ahead. Rhett slowly reaches for the gun, aiming straight ahead.
He fires it. Cut to Sam at gravesite, instantly looking up toward
gunshot. POV Scott/Amy, running out of cabin. AMY SAM!? Sam heading toward Scott/Amy. AMY Where'd that come from? Was it Rhett? SAM I don't know. (pointing to
trail) I think over that way. AMY (shouting) RHETT?! ELI?! In the not-so-far distance, you can hear a response. RHETT Coming! We're okay. Amy instantly relieved, as they all head toward trail...
Eventually they see Eli, soon followed by Rhett, carrying a dead deer... AMY You shot a deer? Dissolve to Fish’s cabin, as Rhett drops deer down on
porch. RHETT It was just right there, in
front of us. SCOTT The deer here are used to being
fed, very friendly. Amy waddles away, on verge of vomiting, but fights it
off, but becomes emotional. RHETT What's wrong? AMY That poor thing wanted to be
fed, not to be fed on. Amy crying... RHETT I don't get it? I've hunted
before. You've eaten food, I've killed. AMY I don't get it either. I just
can't stop picturing it, waiting to be fed, by friendly
people. RHETT So, it's a hormone thing? Amy simply turns, heads inside. AMY Just keep that thing away from
me, and do NOT eat it anywhere around me. Everyone looking amongst each other... SCOTT She'll be alright. It was a
good call, Rhett... Someone's POV, from brush (watching them), as Sam goes
inside the cabin. Scott, Eli and Rhett, all standing around, on porch steps. someone
keeps watching, while carefully moving around in brush... CUT TO: Amy at kitchen sink, washing face, as Sam comes in behind
her. SAM My uncles all hunt. My grandpa
says it's necessary to know how, in case you ever
need to. My dad agreed... I never disagree with
anything they both agreed on… Amy drying her face, and sitting at table, resting head
against hand. AMY I agree too. I just...don't
know why I'd be so worked up over a deer, after what
you've been through, what they've been
through...it's ridiculous. SAM It makes me sad, too. I even
got sad over the fish my dad caught. Even the ones I
caught. AMY I just...(stops talking,
staring straight ahead) Sam turns to face direction Amy is staring. Amy rises,
walking to window, and watching a woman (about 20, carrying a bag, wearing dirty
clothes, and with a black eye), who is approaching from the brush. Amy pushes
open window. AMY Dad, someone’s coming! Cut to Scott, turning to face
approaching woman. Rhett grabbing his pistol, walking off porch, aiming at her.
WOMAN (raises hands) I'm unarmed. (spinning around)
Come in peace. Rhett still aiming gun on her, as she arrives. Amy comes
outside, followed by Sam. SCOTT Who are you? What is it you
want? WOMAN My name is Jax. I heard the
gunshot, while on the road. I thought maybe it was
the military. I've heard a rumor that they're camped out
in the area, somewhere...(Rhett lowers gun,
Jax lowers hands) and responsible for getting the
electricity back on. AMY Where did you hear that? JAX From some folks who fed and let
me stay with them, last night. I'm trying to
find where those military guys are, to see if
getting back to the city, or someplace safe, is
possible. AMY What else did they tell you? JAX They saw the military rolling
through, yesterday afternoon. Figured they got the
power back on, and were securing the area. AMY Thank God...
DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. STORE - DAY Vincent, Greg, and Mark, sitting on floor, hands tied
behind backs. Michael just finishing with Mark's hands, and holding the gun on
them. Matthew simply staring at the dead cashier... MATTHEW I don't get it, why hasn't he
come back, yet? Vincent/boys puzzled looks amongst one another. MICHAEL Maybe it's something in the
air, or that virus they've been talking about? More puzzled looks between Vincent/boys. VINCENT What exactly are you guys
expecting that deceased guy to do? MATTHEW I was hoping to watch him eat your a*s. Michael a slight chuckle. Vincent/boys not sure what to
think... VINCENT Look, I don't think you guys
mean to hurt anyone. You're obviously on something,
and something good. The thing of it is,
that's exactly what we came up here to do today, ourselves.
My youngest here just graduated, and I want
to do for him, what my father did for me. Get
loaded. Maybe not whatever it is you two are on. (motioning at Mark)
He's a first timer. But I'll
certainly give it a shot, if ya don't mind sharing? Matthew grinning... MATTHEW Bro, I applaud your effort, but
I haven't even begun drinking, yet today. GREG Then explain why you believe
that dead guy is going to magically wake up? MATTHEW (pulling out
phone) Better yet, I'll show you. Suddenly, car is heard, tearing out of side garage.
Michael and Matthew run toward window. Matthew goes running out door, holding
up gun, but saving his bullets, as Tan (wife ducking down in passenger-seat)
speeds away... Michael walking up behind Matthew. MICHAEL This is why you think, before
you act. Once they realize there's no place to go,
where do you think they'll turn? For all we know,
they have guns. That of which, we only have
one! Matthew heading toward store door. MATTHEW We'll have more, once we take
care of Dad. Matthew entering store, and immediately begins rushing
after someone. Michael begins rushing himself. Vincent (hands still tied), at
counter, desperately trying to make a call on his phone, as Matthew tackles him
to the ground. Greg does his best to jump Matthew. Michael is taken down from
behind, by Mark. Matthew is fighting off both Vincent and Greg. Mark actually
has the gun, within reach (hands still tied). He grabs it, but without any
ability to aim it. Michael secures it, while kneeing Mark in the face, and
holding gun on him. MICHAEL (speaking to
Vincent and Greg) STOP, OR HE DIES! Vincent and Greg stop immediately. VINCENT NOOO! Matthew with a couple instant
blows, to Vincent's face, followed with anger, over the pain it brings to his
fists, as he begins shouting sounds of frustration (with a quick glimpse at
NOW?! Everyone including Michael, just staring in a panicked
bewilderment, as Matthew grabs Vincent, heading for the door. GREG What are you doing?! MICHAEL Matthew,
what are you doing? MARK Dad?! MATTHEW Maybe it's something in the
air, maybe you have to be outside when it happens. Matthew grabbing gun from Michael. VINCENT You don't have to do this! GREG Don't you even dare! MARK Dad?! Vincent's phone begins going
off (vibrating on counter), as well as both Greg and Mark's phones. Matthew
slows down, stops, looking over at ringing phone. He looks at Vincent, then
hands gun to Michael, and walks to phone, picking it up with a glance. He then
glances over both phones on counter, before looking over at Vincent... MATTHEW What the
hell does 666 mean? Absolute shock, taking over
already shocked faces, of Vincent and his boys... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. FISH'S KITCHEN - MORNING Everyone including Jax,
sitting at table eating pancakes. JAX That's when everyone started
screaming and running for their lives. I got
hit hard in the eye, hence the shiner, and then got
separated from my roommate. When I couldn't find
her up ahead, I tried going back to the car.
That's when I saw... the same type of things you
people saw. I'm kinda’ glad you did, because the
people last night, they thought I was crazy... Anyway,
I just ran past it all, and got back to the car. She
was nowhere around. But those things sure were. So,
I grabbed what I could, and headed East. I saw
the accident, and could not believe it was just sitting
there, abandoned like that. No police
ever came... Everyone taking bites from their plates, in silence... AMY (finishing
chewing) Things are getting better, now.
They'll broadcast something soon, telling
everyone what to do. RHETT You hiked all the way up here? JAX (nodding) I didn't sleep until last
night, when those kind people took me in. They had
very little to survive on. I couldn't blame them for
asking me to move on, in the morning. That's when
my plan became to find the troops. RHETT You didn't run into any
trouble, on your way here? No more of those... ELI Huffs... Sam a curious look at Eli. Jax looking at everyone, then
at Eli. JAX Huffs? AMY What does that stand for, Eli? Sam waiting curiously for an answer. ELI I'm not comfortable cussing
around your dad. Sam smiling, little laughter from Amy and Jax. SCOTT Go for it, kid, ya’ got me
curious now. ELI You guys start calling them
that, and I'll eventually spill it… You have to earn it. RHETT You know, even if the military
has things, or are getting things under control,
people coming back, as...huffs, how and where does
life go from there? Everyone again taking bites from their plates, in
silence... AMY (finishing
chewing) Maybe there's a way to stop it.
Maybe they know what's making it happen. More silence... JAX Just knowing what they know,
would make me happy. My place is smack in the
middle of downtown Portland. I won't even
attempt a return there, without word to
do so. More silence... Amy taking a layer of clothing off. AMY It's warm already, today. ELI If things really are getting
better, I'm going to celebrate by putting that rope
swing, out there, to use, and even if things are
still F'ed, I'm going out with a bang, and getting my
swing on. JAX You guys have a rope swing
here? CUT TO: EXT. ROPE SWING - DAY Jax (in swimsuit), flying through air (with joy),
dropping into water, next to Eli. Amy in a chair (in the water), soaking her
feet. Rhett in chair, at shoreline. Sam close by, watching from her dad's
grave. Eli watching Jax, approach Amy. JAX The funny thing is, I was
supposed to be doing exactly this, right now. The
rope swing at my roommate's folks, has a huge
rock to swing from... (sitting down behind Amy, on
the bank) I wonder if she made it, or where she's
at? She's really the only family I have. RHETT So, you mentioned being a
hunter. If you can help catch food, we can offer
you shelter. JAX I can do that. AMY You really think we'll need
more food, before... before it's over? RHETT Even if things are on the up,
it's going to be a very slow process. Life is
going to be hard, and dangerous, for quite a while. AMY So...you think we're on our
own, for the baby? RHETT We'd be foolish to not prepare
for it. AMY The troops have to have
doctors, though, right? RHETT Which is why if they don't come
looking for us, like Jax, we may need to go
looking for them. Amy rubbing her tummy, talking to her baby. AMY You hear that, my little man?
No need to vacate. stay on in there, until things
get back to normal. Jax heading for rope swing. JAX Not sure normal is ever coming
back. Eli listening to conversation, while floating on his
back... Sam staring at the grave, takes a peek at the others
(sound of Jax splashing down), then back at grave... JAX Come in,
Sam. Amy a look back at Sam... AMY I will if you will... Sam just staring at grave a few moments, before speaking
to her dad... SAM I love you, Dad. Sam rising, and heading toward water, to the sound of the
others pleased. POV through binoculars (from across the lake), of Sam
approaching others, in the water... POV man, with binoculars to his face. Man (Frank, 60-65), lowers binoculars... FRANK It's playtime, over there. As
if everything is fine and dandy. Woman (Lisa, 60-65), grabbing binoculars from Frank, and
looking for herself. LISA Maybe we should just go over
there. They could have the medical supplies that
our daughter needs. FRANK They have guns. Guns that have
been going off over there, since this all began. I
moved us up here to get away from people like that. Frank leads Lisa away. LISA But they seem friendly. They
waved as they walked by earlier. FRANK Walked by with a gun. And I'm
telling you, those are not the people who normally
vacation there. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - DAY Sick woman (40ish), with fever, lying in bed. Her
daughters (Erica 15, Macey 14) and son (David 8), are present. David is
apprehensive, and leaves the room. Mom takes notice, but unable to find the strength
to call out to him. ERICA I'll check on him, Mom. Erica leaving room after him... ERICA David?
David, come here, buddy. DAVID (sad) Mom's going to die. ERICA No, David. Grandpa is not going
to let that happen. Frank walking through door,
followed by Lisa... FRANK What's wrong? ERICA He's worried about Mom. Lisa leading David into kitchen. LISA Oh, he's just hungry is what he
is. Let's see what yummy treats we can find you. Frank and Erica heading back into bedroom, closing door
on POV. CUT TO: EXT. FISH'S CABIN �" DAY Sound of others swimming, as Rhett opens side door,
coming out (with bloody hands) and using hose, to rinse off. He goes back
inside, coming out with meat, he cut from the deer. He heads to porch. Cut to Eli, dropping from rope swing, next to Jax. Sam
and Amy floating/watching, from a distance... JAX Come on, Sam. (holding up rope)
Show me what you got. SAM Maybe later. Amy looking at Sam... AMY I'd tell you, I'd do it if you
do it, but... Amy holding her pregnant belly. Eli swimming over to
Amy/Sam... ELI I bet you can do backflips, eh? SAM No...but my cousin Zane, can,
like no one else. Except maybe my cousin, Greg.
He's pretty good, too. ELI Are they both at the compound? SAM Zane should be. If not, then
he's on his way here, to find me. Not sure what
happened to Greg. His dad and brother were supposed
to meet us here, two days ago. Silence, and some floating
around... ELI I'm sorry, Sam...about
yesterday... I like your cat. What's its name? SAM Bailey...
I'm sorry, too. More silence... Rhett arriving at shoreline, as Amy swims toward him, and
her chair... AMY So, I take it, everyone's name
that isn't Amy, is eating deer, for dinner? RHETT Really bothers you that much? SAM The dear is honored, by all who
use it to survive. Wasting the meat is
disrespectful. Silence... ELI Are you like, half Indian or
something? Some laughs, including Smantha, who tries to fight it. AMY Eli! ELI I mean, don't get me wrong, I
can't get the image of him shooting that poor thing,
out of my mind. Which of course is better than
the previous images, stuck there, but...(shrugging) More silence... ELI Awkward silence... More silence... ELI Seriously though, I know your
family is waiting for you, at a compound, but uh,
you sure it's not a reservation? More laughs including Sam... SAM I love Indians, but no. We get
our fireworks at the reservation, though. JAX Compound? ELI Oh yeah, you don't know yet.
Her family is loaded. They have a compound,
in...where at? SAM Not too far from the beach. AMY Tillamook, State Forest. JAX Are you kidding me? Sam as happy/excited as she's been since the loss of her
dad. SAM My grandpa built it. But he's
retired now. So, my uncle Hunter runs it. My cousin
Zane, is next in line, and he and my aunt Scout, are
going to come up here and get me. I mean us, get
all of us. JAX Well uh, screw the military,
let's find that compound. AMY If they don't show up here in
the next couple weeks, that's exactly what we're going
to do. We are getting this special kid back to her
family. (smiling at Sam) JAX So, your entire family is
there? SAM Family and friends. There were
over a hundred people, already living there
before this happened. ELI Really? AMY I didn’t know that. No wonder
you have a doctor there. SAM Probably more than one doctor,
now. Grandpa had others, who invested in
homes, there. They have places there to live, in
case anything like this happens, or just to vacation.
He built it big enough for thousands to survive there. JAX Wow. ELI Really? AMY Holy crap! RHETT So, it's an ark... SAM That's what's grandpa called
it. AMY I can't even begin to imagine
how much money must have gone into that. SAM I think all of it. Because they
still had more they were waiting to get, like army
vehicles, or apocalyptic vehicles, Zane called them. But
Grandpa, was turning it into a way to make more
money. We have a huge farm there, I think he sold
most of the food. There's baseball fields, softball, a gym,
park, even a forest and manmade lake, inside.
There’s also a river that flows through the back end of
it right under the compound walls. Grandpa was
talkin about building a new hotel there, as a tourist
attraction. But only if his idea of a theme park, in
the area, was accepted. AMY/ELI Theme park?! JAX Like a Disneyland, or
something? SAM Yeah, except he wanted to name
it with "land", at the beginning, rather than
the end. "Land of the Great Northwest", he
called it. Instead of Mickey Mouse, he wanted
Bigfoot, as his main theme character. Part of the
park would even be called, Bigfoot County. JAX Whoa! Nice. AMY Are you kidding me? That's
actually genius. Was he really going to do this? SAM He was working on help,
investors, I think, and then he was going to be able to
afford to invest more, for supplies at the
compound. My uncle Leo wasn’t happy about it. He
just wanted the compound to be about the apocalypse.
ELI Smart man. JAX Right? AMY What beside Bigfoot County, was
he going to have? SAM He was
designing rides called, The Gorge, Mt. Saint Helens, the
Coast Range, Sneaker Wave, The Lewis and Clark Expedition,
Hood to Coast, and a ton more. (she smiles at
Eli) He wanted an Indian theme, too, and Indian
characters. ELI I knew it! Everyone laughing, including Sam… DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. STORE - DAY Vincent and his boys in shock, as they stare at Matthew. VINCENT You can't be serious? MATTHEW As a damn apocalyptic event!
All three of you got the same text. You must know
what this means. VINCENT We do. We just never thought,
in our lifetime, we'd see it. MATTHEW What the hell are you talking
about? VINCENT Look, you guys are going to
need our help. You guys expecting that guy to wake
up, suddenly doesn't seem so off. MATTHEW Dude, if you don't start making
sense, I'm gonna’ 666, your a*s straight to hell! GREG Just let him explain! VINCENT We have a wealthy family. So
wealthy, that we have a compound in the coast
range. Some of our family already lives there.
The rest of us, are supposed to gather there asap,
if we ever receive that code. I don't know if
we're at war, or what's going on, but you mentioned
something on your phone, to show us? Michael/Matthew sharing a look at one another... MICHAEL Makes sense, with what we've
seen. VINCENT What have you guys seen?
Please, show me, so I can make sense of all
this! Matthew pulling out his phone, playing video for Vincent
and the boys... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME INT. TREE HOUSE (girl's room) - NIGHT Close-up of picture (on cell phone, of Zane/Scout),
panning back, as Sam shows it to Amy. SAM (OS) That's Zane and Scout... Scott/Rhett sitting on beds, Eli on floor, petting
Bailey, as Jax enters room. JAX Our saviors? Let me see. Sam holding phone out for Jax, and points to framed photo
next to her. SAM That's a family picture, right
there. JAX Mmmm, Zane is cute. SAM You're not his type. Amy a sheepish smile, as Jax moves to look at family
photo. Sam points to someone in photo. SAM Her name is Jax, too. JAX Really? SAM That's her grandpa, Hunter,
next to her, the compound leader. JAX (pointing to guy
on other side) Is that her dad? Sam a solemn nod... SAM He might be...dead. Jax a heartbreaking look/sound at Sam. AMY That's the one who was bitten? Sam nodding... JAX Bitten? AMY Yeah, uh...didn't really want
to bring it up in front of Sam, earlier, but... Some silence... SAM I can handle it. I watched my
dead dad, eat my dog. Jax a wide-eyed look at Amy, and mouthing
"What"... SAM Not sure what I couldn't
handle, now. AMY You're simply amazing, Sam. JAX (hand on Sam's
shoulder) Ain't that the truth. Sam, a look at Eli. SAM Well then, I guess Eli is, too. AMY He certainly is... JAX I'm really sorry to hear that
about your dad, Sam, and your dog. SAM Thank you... I know he's
watching... I know how happy he'll be to see me
make it home. AMY Yes, he will. (almost teary-eyed) SAM Both him and Eli's dad. They'll
share a hug, as we're walking through the
compound gates. Amy becoming emotional. Eli a faint smile... SAM Your mom, too. AMY Rhett? Escort a lady to the
restroom? Not to go... just to cry. Jax a laugh, Amy touching Sam on shoulder, as she walks
by. AMY Thanks, Sam. Rhett/Amy leaving room. ELI Okay, maybe I was wrong about
the Indian, thing. It's religion, your family is
into, eh? Amy a crying laugh from outside the room. Sam smiling. Rhett walking Amy into bathroom. AMY (with emotion) I hope your brother likes them
young... I think that child in there, someday
wants to be your sister-in-law... CUT TO: INT. FRANK/LISA'S CABIN - NIGHT Erica/Macey (15 and 14), sleeping on couches in living
room... Cut to David (8), in a bedroom, asleep next to Lisa. Cut to Frank (Grandpa), in a different bedroom, asleep in
loveseat. The children's mom is in the bed, across from him. She begins waking
(as a zombie). Seeing/hearing Frank, she rises and goes to him, crawling onto
his lap (in chair), and digging into his chest, with her teeth. He wakes
instantly, in shock, and unable to scream, due to a massive heart attack that
kills him, before the zombie does... Cut to girls, still sleeping in living room... Cut to David, still sleeping, but in a dream state,
squirming around... Cut to zombie, feasting on Frank. Frank suddenly wakes,
as a zombie, causing other zombie to stop eating, and eventually rise off
him/loveseat… Cut to girls, still sleeping in living room... Cut to David, squirming/moaning from nightmare... Dissolve to images of his nightmare. His mom crying, in
pain as she is bitten, by a zombie. His sisters crying, as they all flee from
the zombie. His mom lying in bed, sick. Suddenly, she screams. Cut to David, waking in bed, as his zombie mom eats from
his tummy, his screams instantly waking Lisa (next to him). Lisa screams, as
zombie climbs over David, and overtakes her. Lisa screaming. Girls come
charging through bedroom door, freezing in shock, at the scene in front of
them. They scream, turn, and are stopped at the door, by zombie Frank, who
traps them inside. POV behind zombie Frank, as he enters room, full of
screams... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. TREE HOUSE - NIGHT Scott leaving bathroom, heading toward boys room. His POV, as he looks in at Rhett/Eli, sleeping. Scott now
walking toward girls room. His POV, as he looks in at all three girls, sleeping.
Scott walks over toward ladder area. He picks up his shotgun, sits down, and
looks out over the lake... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. STORE - DAY Matthew pulling away phone, as Vincent stares off in
disbelief, over what he just saw... VINCENT I...I always thought it'd be
war, or terrorism...that lead to that code, coming
across our phones... GREG How can that not be terrorism? Michael/Matthew curious, and waiting for Vincent to
answer... VINCENT (nodding) I guess...I guess it could be. GREG It has to be. MICHAEL Like...something biological? GREG Has to be... VINCENT But...what
could make the dead come back? Vincent in thought, as
everyone awaits him to share... VINCENT It's.....(simply shaking his
head, at a loss for words) MATTHEW It's the end, is what it is.
(talking to Michael) Get some more rope, and get them
tied down. VINCENT (shaking head) No man, you don't have to do
that. Now that we know what you two have been through,
what the world is going through, we're all better
off working together. MATTHEW (with laugh) There you go again, trying to
talk your way outta' this. GREG Are you kidding me?! Did you
not hear us say we have a compound? MICHAEL (holding rope) Maybe they're right. MATTHEW I just almost killed this guy!
He'll do the same to me, with his bare hands, if
given the opportunity. VINCENT (shaking head) No, I won't! MATTHEW Tie them up! Michael begins tying them up against wall. Matthew goes
to window, looking out at car, pulling into parking space. MATTHEW Damn it. We got company. Michael coming to window... MATTHEW Finish tying them up. It's just
a family, with little kids... POV cuts outside, to father holding little girl's hand,
as they approach the store. Mom and young son, nervously waiting at car, mom
looking all around (engine still running). The little girl obviously in need of
using restroom. Dad's POV, of "closed" sign on door, as Matthew
comes out (backwards), dragging dead cashier. Dad freezes. LITTLE GIRL Daddy, I have go! Matthew simply leaves body on side of door, heading back
inside. MATTHEW We're closed. Dad/girl looking at body, girl begins peeing, as dad
picks her up, running back toward car. MOM Is that? DAD Get in the car! Get in the car! Girl now crying, as they all quickly pile in. Dad peels
out, in a hurry... Cut back inside store, where Michael finishes tying them
up. Matthew laughing at the family, driving away. MATTHEW Who needs a "closed"
sign, when ya got a dead body at your door? VINCENT That may work against innocent
families, but what happens when someone more
aggressive, like yourself, shows up? An entire
group of them, hungry and desperate, for a
place to ride this out... Your dead body out there, will
only warn them to take you by surprise. MATTHEW We'll have more guns soon. No
one's getting in here. Vincent shaking his head, looks to Michael... VINCENT (talking to
Michael) I can tell you know what I'm
talking about. Please talk to him. Matthew instantly throwing a punch at Vincent's face. GREG STOOOP! MATTHEW Don't try to use my brother, to
go over me! MICHAEL Matthew? MATTHEW Next time, you get a bullet, or
a damn blade in your gut! MICHAEL MATTHEW?! MATTHEW WHAT?! Mathew simply stares Michael down, before Michael
eventually signals him outside. Matthew follows him out, while gesturing the
others, toward the food isles. MATTHEW (heading out) Plenty of munchies, if you guys
get hungry... Michael/Matthew out door. Mark (next to Vincent) looking
at his dad, as Greg works to get free. MARK You okay? VINCENT I'm fine. Look, no more
aggravating the crazy one. No matter how intense things
get, don't try reasoning with him. He doesn't
have any... GREG We're dead, if we don't figure
something out, quick. VINCENT Getting the other one alone,
would be our best bet. GREG And how do we do that? VINCENT Was hoping, one of you had an
idea... MARK Maybe if we tell them about
Fish's place (Vincent shaking head), we can -
(cutoff) VINCENT Under no
circumstances, do we mention Fish, or his
cabin. If they ask, we're just up here vacationing
from Cali. Cut outside, to Michael/Matthew, in parking lot. MICHAEL You have to calm down. Quit
reacting, without thinking. That compound, one
way or another, is our best play. Matthew just staring at the dead body... MATTHEW Why hasn't this guy come back? MICHAEL Dude! Are you even listening to
me? Am I just here for the ride? MATHEW If you are smart enough, to
know just how in the hell we are supposed to make
that compound our play, then sure, I’m
listening... Michael speechless... MATTHEW I didn't think so... MICHAEL It's like I said. Don't react,
think. Killing them would be reacting. Again, Matthew simply staring at dead guy... MATTHEW There has to be a reason, he
isn't coming back... Matthew heading back inside. Michael rolls his eyes, and follows
while shaking his head. MICHAEL Dad must have hit you harder,
than he ever did me. Matthew through door. Vincent waiting for Michael to come
through, before speaking… VINCENT I see a radio over there, can
you guys please see what's being said, about what's
going on out there? Michael heading behind counter, turning on radio. He
finds silence, static and emergency alerts, before coming to a man talking
about what's going on. RADIO GUY 911 is unreachable. Panic is
developing everywhere... I can't say it enough. For
those of you just tuning in, whatever this virus going
around is, it's making those infected with it,
extremely violent. So many are infected with it, that they are
walking the streets with it. I was attacked, just
outside the station here, twenty minutes ago. I got away with my
life, but was indeed bitten. Yes bitten...and, I'm
not talking skin broken and a little blood... I'm talking
violently grasped, with this guy's teeth, and a chunk of my
flesh now gone. I'm guessing this means I am now
infected. I mean...you come in this kind of contact, with
anyone infected... you catch it, right? In a
matter of time, I'll be in the same state of mind, as the guy
who did this to me, right? Now, everything I'm
hearing, through scattered reports, is that nothing other
than a blow to the brain, is able to take these
"infected", down. (Matthew reacting to that news) I'm not
even going to share some of the wild things I've heard,
as I simply believe them to be paranoid rumors, and wild
speculation. I have heard terrorism, and honestly, I'm
all on board with that. I can tell you this, if I am to
become like the one who bit me, I won't be hurting or spreading
the virus myself. I'm all alone here. I've got the doors
barricaded. The one outside my door appears too
weak, to even attempt breaking in. Once I become like
him, I should be stuck inside... until I pass. Until
then, I will continue to bring you the latest... Again, I
cannot say it enough... (Matthew over to radio) For
those of you just tuning in... Matthew shutting it off. Walking around counter, and
toward those tied up... MICHAEL Matthew? Matthew pulls out a blade, as he approaches Vincent, and
jams it straight into his gut. GREG/MARK NOOOOO!!!!! Vincent looking into Matthew's eyes, and fighting to say
his final words. VINCENT Please don't hurt my boys. MATTHEW I won't. You will, once you
come back... If they don't tell me what I need to
know. Matthew finishes him off, as both boys express their
agony... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. LAKE TRAIL - DAY Rhett carrying shotgun, as Jax walks in front of him, on
trail. RHETT This is far enough. Jax stops, and faces him. He moves toward her, takes a
look in all directions, places shotgun against tree, and takes Jax into his
arms, as they begin kissing. POV from someone, or something, as it approaches from the
brush. Rhett stops kissing her, and turns to face POV. Dread takes over his
expression. AMY (OS) I knew you were a cheater! Amy walking out of brush, instantly shoving Jax into the
lake. Jax climbing out of lake, as suddenly Eli tears out of
brush (in the water), biting her neck, as she screams. Rhett grabs Amy's arm,
leading her away, but she is now a zombie, too. She bites him in the neck, as
he instantly wakes from nightmare. Cut to Rett's eyes, waking in bed (dark outside). He
stares straight ahead, before closing eyes. POV cuts outside, and below, where Scott is walking
around, with a flashlight, just kind of investigating the surrounding area. He
stares at some brush, not too far from the tree house. He actually walks into
the brush, looking around, before exiting… Cut to Scott in Fish's garage, looking through tools and
other types of supplies, along with leftover items from the tree house. Scott
moves to go out door, where he comes face to face with Rhett, scaring him to
death! RHETT It's just me! SCOTT JESUS! What the hell are you
doing? RHETT Sorry! I was up, and heard you
out here...wanted to make sure it was you. SCOTT (walking out) What are you doing up? RHETT Nightmares... SCOTT Yeah...they're pretty crazy,
and pretty constant, right now. Better get some
rest, though. I'm going to put us all to work tomorrow,
after I get up. We need to plan for the future, in
case...things don't get better... DISSOLVE TO: INT. BOYS ROOM - MORNING Eli sleeping in his bed. Sam stands over him, staring at
him. He slowly begins to wake. He begins moaning, like he's too sleepy to get
up. Suddenly, he moans like a zombie, and leaps right at Sam. Cut to Sam's eyes, waking in bed. She rolls over, finding
both Amy and Jax, still asleep. She then looks to Bailey, who is safe at her
side. She looks at the framed photo of her and her dad, followed by the one of
Scout and Zane. She then begins rising from bed, while picking up Bailey. She
heads for door, and in a hurry, walks straight to the bathroom (carrying Bailey),
and going inside. Cut to Scott, on porch looking toward tree house. SCOTT (speaking to
himself) Alright, Sam's up, that's good
enough for me. (turning and entering cabin)
I'm going to bed... Cut to cabin bedroom, as Scott enters inside, going
straight to cpap machine, turning it on. He puts mask over his face, and climbs
into bed, closing eyes... Cut to Sam (with Bailey in hands), hurrying from
bathroom, back to bedroom... DISSOLVE TO: INT. FRANK/LISA'S CABIN - DAWN Bedroom, where one corpse (one of the girls) has been
fully eaten. POV pans back from it, going through the cabin, where the other
five are doing their zombie thing, roaming the house, with no way out... DISSOLVE TO: INT. GIRL'S ROOM - DAY Amy screaming in pain. She stops, as she can hear a baby,
crying. Rhett (with a smile on his face) hands her a baby zombie, as she
immediately screams. Cut to Amy's eyes, waking in bed... She looks to Sam, who is looking back at her. Then to
Jax, who is still out. AMY At least I'm not the last one
to wake up... What about you? Get up with the
birds again? SAM Too many nightmares to sleep. Amy nodding... Cut to Eli's eyes, waking in bed. He looks over at Rhett,
who's still asleep. He looks back upward (lying on his back), taking a deep
breath, and shaking his head... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. LAKE TRAILS - MORNING Rhett, Eli, and Sam, all hiking the trail. Eli handing
pistol to Rhett. ELI Thanks. I'll need to go back
over it all, with you again, later. I want to know
everything I need to know, and know it right. RHETT Good... ELI When can I fire a loaded one? RHETT Next time a
deer walks in front of us. Can't really afford to
waste ammo. ELI Can you show me how to work the
shotgun next? RHETT Yeah, we'll do that a little
later. SAM My grandpa and uncles, have
been teaching me self-defense, all my life. My
cousin Zane, got to learn how to shoot, when he was
six. I was supposed to learn when I was
twelve, because my moms made a compromise, with
my dad. He wanted me to be ten. They
wanted me to be one hundred and ten. Rhett a laugh... ELI Moms? They?? SAM Lesbians. My real mom is my
dad's best friend...was… Sam, sad as they walk in silence... ELI Sounds like a comedy... SAM What do you mean? ELI Kinda sounds like a movie. A
comedy... Sometimes I see everything in life, as a
movie. SAM What are we in, now? ELI (shaking head) I don't even
know. Horror? A dramatic suspense thriller? The
Twilight Zone? (shaking head again) I'd have to
start reading comic books, to find something
this twisted... Rhett a smile... SAM So...what does huffs stand for? Eli quiet... SAM I can handle bad words. ELI It's not that, it's... I don't
want you to be offended... Sam quiet, a moment... SAM Because my dad was one? ELI That, and...what you saw him
do... Rhett a curious expression... SAM I can handle it. Eli a skeptical look. from Sam to Rhett... SAM I have my dad's gun on me,
don't make me use it. Sam a half smile. Both Eli and Rhett shocked, as Rhett
looks at her. RHETT Are you crapping me?! Sam pulls it out. Rhett putting his hand out for it. RHETT May I please carry it for you? Sam placing it back in her pants. SAM I'm good. Rhett astonished, as they walk on... SAM Tell me what it means. Eli moving in to whisper, it to her. ELI I'm honestly terrified, not
to... He whispers in her ear. She listens, and smiles, as he
finishes. Then the smile fades, and eventually comes back again... Rhett looks disappointed, to be left out on the secret. RHETT (quietly to
himself) I've got a gun, too... ELI The ones we saw on the highway,
they were really bad... SAM (smiling) It sounds like something Zane
would come up with. He'll love it. Rhett now shifting his attention, toward the same cabin where
they saw people the day before. He watches it, as they walk the trail. It's far
off the trail, so seeing inside, is hard to do. He doesn't see anyone... Cut inside cabin, with view of Rhett and others (through
window), as they walk by. Zombies inside, are pacing around, without noticing
Rhett and others... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FISH'S KITCHEN - MORNING Amy with eggs, sausage, and bacon, on the stove. Rhett
and Eli at the table, but no Sam or Jax… AMY I guess she likes to sleep in,
even more than Eli. RHETT She better come through on
being useful. Sam’s family might not be thrilled,
if too many people are here, waiting for
hospitality. AMY Keeping Sam safe, whether we
get to them, or they get to us, is all they
will care about. From what Sam said, it sounds as if
taking people in, is exactly what they do, there. ELI I think she's cool. Amy a shrewd look, aimed at Eli. Then speaking to Rhett. AMY What were you saying about Dad?
Putting you guys to work today? RHETT He wants to dig an underground
shelter, close by the tree house. One we can
build a tarp roof for, and actually walk down into. AMY So, planning on the long haul?
You have any idea how much snow will be here,
three-four months from now? Amy simply shaking head as she flips bacon... CUT TO: EXT. FISH GRAVESITE - MORNING Sam speaking to her dad. SAM It made me laugh, but it made
me sad, thinking about you. Then it made me think of
Zane, and then Scout, Grandpa, Hunter, (getting
emotional) Dakota, Bo, all of them. They all remind me so
much of you, Daddy. (regaining composure, not
getting as emotional, as before) I need to be with them.
I promise you I will be. I promise you, you will see me grow
old, at the compound, helping the family do
what Grandpa always wanted...to start a new
world... Sam sitting there silently, looking at his grave... SAM Hungry, ugly, freaky...and the
F word, plural... (with laugh) That's what he
calls them. Huffs... You would have really like him,
Daddy. He’s so funny, just like you.
(emotional) DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) INT. STORE - EVENING Close-up of Vincent's dead expression, panning back to
the emotional aftermath expressions, of Mark and Greg... MATTHEW (OS) Why hasn't he come back yet?
Those ones on the highway, were dead for only
minutes, before coming back. Why ain't it
working? Michael a look at his brother. MICHAEL Maybe those ones on the
highway, were infected. Maybe it's the virus, like the
guy on the radio said. He just doesn't realize, yet,
they're dead. MATTHEW All the more reason to get
these a******s, to tell us exactly how to find that
compound. Can't stay here, we have to escape this
so-called virus, if it does indeed exist. MICHAEL You guys
better do as he just said. As you already know, I can't
seem to control his crazy a*s. Mark/Greg with dreadful
expressions, when suddenly, Vincent begins coming back. Both Mark/Greg now into
dreadful shock, as they watch their dad open his eyes, and start grunting. MATTHEW (OS, excited) Here we go! Fear now takes over Mark/Greg,
as Vincent immediately begins lunging for Mark. MATTHEW Oh, YEAH! Vincent doing his best to reach Mark, who also does his
best to avoid Vincent's reach, which is way too close for comfort... MATTHEW Brother, are you seeing this! Woo-hoo!
This is sick! GREG UNTIE US! UNTIE US! Mark shouting in fear. Matthew pulling out and using his
phone, to record it all. Michael watching, in shock. GREG You son of a b***h! You untie
us, now! MARK Please, I don't wanna’ die! MATTHEW Will you tell me how to find
your compound? GREG NO! You'll kill us anyway! MARK We'll tell you about a closer
place! JUST STOP HIM! STOP HIM, NOW! GREG MARK! Mathew 's attention suddenly drifting outside, where he
watches another vehicle pulling into parking lot. MATTHEW Damn it! World's ending and
people wanna’ go grocery shopping! Michael looking outward. MICHAEL These guys are strapped! Cut outside, to three guys climbing out of vehicle. At
least one of them, visibly has a pistol. They begin cautiously approaching the
store. Suddenly, they scatter, as they take on gunfire. The guy with the gun,
fires a couple shots (taking out a window), as they all rush back inside the
vehicle, pulling away, just as the last guy jumps back inside... Cut inside store, to Matthew and Michael, slowly coming
back up, and watching the vehicle speed away. Mark still desperately keeping his distance, from
Vincent. GREG YOU SEE?! My dad was right!
It's only going to get worse! Matthew in thought... MICHAEL Matthew? They're right, man. We
have to at least go get Dad's guns! MATTHEW Alright, alright! You get these
guys talking, about whatever this other place is,
they mentioned. I'll get the guns. Cut to parking lot, as Matthew comes out, drops supplies
in Vincent's trunk, climbs into Vincent's vehicle, and skids off in a hurry... DISSOLVE TO: PRESENT TIME EXT. TREE HOUSE - DAY Rhett's POV, from tree house, of Sam flying through air,
on rope swing, and splashing into water, near Eli. Amy sitting in chair (in
water). Eli turns and takes notice of Jax, in tree house girls
room, topless (with her back to Rhett), and putting on her bikini top. Rhett
watches a little longer than he should, before turning and entering boys room.
Jax comes out of girls room, heading to ladder, climbing down and approaching
others, at lake. Amy smiles, as she watches Sam and Eli, having fun and
splashing around. She bites from a protein bar, and rubs her belly. She speaks
quietly to her baby. AMY Please let me see you happy and
playing around like those two, someday. That
is all I want. I don't care if it's behind walls, that
keep us safe, or in a new world, where things will never
be the same. I just want to see you happy, and
being a kid... Can you please do that, for me? Amy looking upward, as both Sam and Eli flee from Jax,
who is swinging over them, and splashing down into the lake. RHETT Hi, beautiful. AMY Hi, handsome. Are you actually
going to swim? RHETT Tempted. Water feels great... AMY Go for it. RHETT What I'm really tempted to do,
is ask Sam where the keys to the boat, are.
Maybe take the kids for a tube ride. AMY They would love that! It's nice
to see you thinking about fun. RHETT I don't know, it's just
something about that "not so little", girl. She has
me thinking, there's no way her family isn't going to make
it here, soon. Amy smiling. AMY So, not only fun, but positive
thinking on your mind today, as well. I like it. RHETT Just listening to her, go on
and on about them and that place...If they care about
her half as much as she cares about them, they'll
be here, eventually. ELI (OS) Come on, Rhett. Come get wet! POV from across lake, of Rhett leaving Amy's side, and
charging toward Eli, until he dives in, causing the others to create a lot of
commotion. Cuts inside of Frank/Lisa's cabin, where zombies roam
around (window in background, with view of swimmers). One of them begins going
for window. Once at window, it begins grunting more, attracting the other
zombies, now also heading for window. POV outside window, of zombies putting pressure against
it, before it gives way. One zombie immediately falls out, rising and walking
forward. Other zombies all make their way out, except for the young boy
(David), who struggles (due to his size), before eventually making it out. POV (from inside) out broken window, as zombies (five of
them, two grandparents, mom, teenage girl and young boy) approach lake, with
swimmers in their view... Cut to Rhett, swinging and dropping from rope swing, to
the applause of all the others, as he does a cool backflip. Cut to zombies, walking right into lake, heading for
swimmers... Cut to Rhett in water, picking up Eli, and throwing him
up and into water... Cut to zombies, continuing toward swimmers, and
disappearing, as they sink to bottom... DISSOLVE TO: Rhett laying out (by lake) on towel, drying off. Amy in
her chair (in water). Sam and Eli, still splashing around in the lake. Jax,
almost in middle of lake, floating on her back. She swims under, coming back up
quickly, before diving down deeper, and remaining under for a while. Sam/Eli
look out her direction, waiting for her to rise... ELI She can hold her breath, a long
time. SAM That's nothing. You should see
Zane, in the water. Jax pops back up, and continues going under, and coming
back up... ELI You wanna’ marry your cousin,
don't you? SAM Ewww! No! ELI I know, I'm just kidding. I can
just tell you look up to him. Like I do with my
brother. SAM You'll know why, once they get
here. He is not only a complete badass, he's
crazy funny. So is Scout, Dakota, Greg, Wyatt,
Jagger...get them all together, oh my god, so
funny. ELI How many cousins do you have? SAM Twenty-two, including second
cousins. ELI Damn! Uncles and Aunts? SAM Four blood uncles. Hunter, Leo,
Mason, and Vincent. One blood aunt, Scout. ELI (mocking 12 days
of xmas) Three Indians, two moms, and a
compound in a pair treeeee... Sam just staring at him... SAM Sometimes you're funny...and
other times, you're a total dork. Eli instantly splashing water at her, as she laughs. She
splashes some at him. He stops, looking all around, with paranoia. ELI Something touched me! SAM (laughing) Yeah, right. Sam can now see in Eli’s face, that he’s not kidding, as
suddenly, a zombie jumps out of the water, at Eli, causing Sam to scream! BUT,
it's not a zombie, it's Jax! She begins laughing. Eli and Sam splash water at
her... Amy laughs, as she watches from her chair... Suddenly, zombie "Frank", is seen surfacing, behind
the swimmers, closer to shore than them. Amy's POV of "Frank", as he turns to face the
swimmers, who all begin screaming, as they notice him. Rhett pops up! He rises and rushes toward water... Frank heading back into deeper water (going after
swimmers). Jax helps Sam, swim away, with Eli following. AMY NO, WATCH OUT!!! Suddenly, they stop, as they almost swim right for zombie
"Mom", who is surfacing, in front of them. Not far from her, is
zombie "Lisa", beginning to surface. The swimmers all go into a panic, as Rhett is now diving
off of the dock, toward swimmers. Zombie "Frank" has disappeared
again. Zombie "Mom" is continuing toward land, toward frantic Amy. Zombie "Lisa" heading back under water, in
direction of swimmers. Jax helping Sam, into even deeper water, to avoid
"Lisa". Eli follows, as Rhett reaches Sam. RHETT I got her! Go for the dock,
Eli! Jax going for the dock, followed by Eli. Rhett helping
Sam. "Frank" and "Lisa" submerged. Amy leaving her chair,
heading for land, with zombie "Mom", heading after her. Scott is seen (with shotgun), running toward the lake... POV from brush, where someone (can't see him/her),
anxiously watches the entire scene... POV cuts to swimmers, all climbing the dock, rushing to
get their feet out of the water. Rhett helping Eli up, and leading them all off
the dock. Scott arriving at lake, running past Amy, and firing a
shot. He fires a second, which takes down zombie "Mom". Rhett and
others, meeting Amy. All of them looking out, as both "Frank" and
"Lisa" begin to resurface. Scott walks right out into water, aiming a shot at
"Frank's" head, blowing it off. He then aims at "Lisa",
blowing her head off... Everyone in complete shock. Sam dripping wet, lips
trembling, and holding on to Amy... Scott stands there with a look outward, then down at the
water, almost nervous to be in it, before stepping back out of it… JAX What in the holy hell of
Christ, was that?! AMY Where...where the hell did they
come from?! Rhett looking across the lake... SCOTT Is everyone okay? Amy looking over everyone... AMY I think so...but...(just
staring out at the lake) SCOTT What happened? AMY They just all popped up! Right
in front of the kids! It's like...they walked underwater,
to get here... Everyone just staring outward, at lake. SCOTT But…from where? RHETT I think they actually saw, or
heard us, from across the lake...and walked right
into, and under it, to get over here. (shaking his
head) SCOTT You have got to be kidding
me... SAM We need to get to the
compound... JAX I'm with the kid... POV from person from brush, still watching, as they all
turn and slowly walk away, from lake. POV from child zombie, as he surfaces from lake. His
view, of the backs of everyone, as they come to a stop, and slowly turn around,
facing the child zombie. Amy simply screams, drops to her knees, weeping
uncontrollably, as Rhett tries to help. Scott heading back toward lake, with
shotgun... POV person (can't see who) in brush, watching, as shot
from Scott's gun is fired, followed by the sound of Amy, crying... DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK (day 1) EXT. MATTHEW'S DAD'S HOUSE -
EVENING Matthew parking at his dad's
house (in Vincent's vehicle), getting out of car, grabbing supplies from trunk,
and walking toward door. Cut inside, to man passed out,
in loveseat, in front of TV (special alert playing over the screen)... Matthew enters inside,
approaching his dad, seeing that he's passed out... MATTHEW Just as I'd figured you'd be,
by now. Matthew begins tying rope around him, tying him securely
on the loveseat. He then dumps gasoline on his dad's feet, and bottom of
pants/legs. He begins playing with his phone. Now he opens a zip lock baggie, placing
phone inside. He then walks into kitchen, turning on sink. He's letting
it run awhile. He eventually comes back out, carrying a bucket/container,
filled with water. He sets it down, and again works his phone (while it remains
in baggie), and places it in his dad's lap, as video of the highway crash
scene, begins playing from it. He then dumps the water, over his dad's head,
causing him to wake, scream, and curse. DAD What the hell! Dad looking at phone, in lap. His hands are free enough,
to grab it. He pulls it out of the bag, watching the video, and trying to look
around the room, but unable to see Matthew, standing back behind him, holding
in his laughter. As frustrated as Dad is, the video begins capturing more
and more of his attention. He looks up, and notices the emergency alert. He
glances at his empty bottle of booze, and back at the video. He works to get
loose, but to no prevail. Eventually, he sits completely still, watching the
shocking part of the video... DAD What the hell am I seeing?!
WHAT IS GOING ON!?! MATTHEW, WHERE ARE YOU?! Dad watching zombie on the video, in disbelief. Matthew
slowly comes into Dad's view... DAD You sorry excuse for a son,
what in god's name are you doing to me? What is
this s**t? MATTHEW It's my birthday, Dad. I have
never felt so alive. Something, you will no longer be. Matthew simply staring at him, with an eerie smile... DAD You can't handle prison. Your
sister could, but not you. MATTHEW That's what the video was for,
dad. Didn't you get that concept? No more
rules, no more cops to enforce them, no more
prison. Michael and I, already have a safe place, to
ride this thing out. But I couldn't begin my new
life, without ending yours… (Dad just staring at
him) Dad forcefully trying to break free. Quickly losing his
energy. MATTHEW Speaking of sis, where is she?
Pretty sure she'd wanna’ see this. DAD The s**t is upstairs, sleeping
off whatever crap she was snorting twenty-four
hours ago. She makes me about as proud, as her
piece of s**t little brother does.. MATTHEW Well, you must mean Michael,
because I imagine you'd be quite proud of what I
have in store, for your ending...not to mention,
your return. Dad a look at Matthew, remembering what he just
witnessed, in the video... MATTHEW That's right, Dad, people come
back, now. Not as yourself, but as a hungry demon-like,
image of yourself. Nothing kills you,
other than a blow to the brain... But don't worry,
we'll be leaving your brain alone, today. I only
lathered your feet with gas, not your upper half. As
your lower half burns away, and kills the sob who
raised me...your upper half will remain intact, for
your demon-like, return... and being stuck here, legless
and tied to that fav chair of yours, will be your own
little personal hell. DAD You waiting for me to beg for
my life? MATTHEW Nope...just want to let ya’
sweat it out, a little longer. I want the anticipation
to last, as long as the death. Matthew walking over to staircase, and yelling up. MATTHEW TINA! WAKE UP, SIS! Matthew walking over and sticking a blade in his dad's
leg, causing him to scream, in agonizing pain... MATTHEW Thanks, pops. That should get
her up. Dad screaming, and working with everything he has, in
effort to get loose. He again cries out in pain. Matthew's sister is heard,
rushing down the stairs. TINA (OS) What in the holy hell of
Christ, is going on, down here?! Once downstairs, it is revealed that Tina (in only a long
shirt), is JAX (with no black eye)!!! MATTHEW Bout to bbq, Dad. Thought you'd
want to sit around the campfire, with me. Jax looking over the situation, with some shock... JAX You've finally flipped, haven't
you? MATTHEW To be honest with you, no, the
world has. I'll explain, after he dies...well,
actually, I’ll show ya’. (with a crooked smile) JAX You're really doing this? Matthew lighting his lighter, and holding her direction. MATTHEW Unless you’d like the honor? JAX (shaking head) I always knew you would. It's
why you're my favorite little brother. Jax an evil smile, as Matthew ignites his dad's feet... BLACK "Eminem - Love The Way You Lie - featuring
Rihanna" instantly playing (from beginning of song). ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiUNTdFX8G8
) CREDITS MUSIC "Just gonna stand there and watch me burn..." Song continues as instrumental, until credits end... THE END © 2024 Mike Decker |
Added on December 31, 2018 Last Updated on March 13, 2024 Tags: The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Zombies, apocalypse AuthorMike Deckervancouver, WAAboutMy daughter and I are huge Walking Dead fans, and have put together our own spinoff series, of it... Above The Dead It's an absolute emotional mess, and a total suspense/thriller... https://w.. more..Writing