Worthy Of You Always And Forever

Worthy Of You Always And Forever

A Poem by Deborah Leah Krempa

(dedicated to my lovely grandsons: Brendan, Alan and Alex)-(I love you with all my heart and soul)


W e need you home with us my darlings

O ut of foster care and back where you belong

R eturned soon to your natural family

T he thought of losing you breaks my heart in two

H ope is all I have to hold on to for now

Y our case review is coming up soon


O nly know how hard it's been on us all, we love you so very much

F or your mom and dad, grandma, aunts and cousins too, it's been very hard


Y ou may not understand right now why you were taken away

O h, how do I explain this to you so you might comprehend someday

U nduly circumstance that went far beyond our control


A lot of stressful things have happened the past two years

L ike the passing of your uncle in a tragic car accident not long ago

W e had no time to mourn and then you beautiful twins were born

A  sadness fillled our hearts when your mom had a nervous breakdown

Y et another tragedy we had to face that set off a multitude of manic episodes

S he just wasn't quite able to take care of you during the time of her despair


A nother family took you into their home, cared for and nurtured you

N ow the time has come for a reevaluation of our situation to

D etermine whether or not we are now worthy of you now and forever


F oster care is short term, a temporary situation meant to help familes

O f which our family unfortunately became in dire need of

R ealizing this, I must say that I am greatful that you have been in good hands

E ach visit with you is a precious moment of time, often too short 

V aluable beyond measure are the memories that we have made

E xpressions of your love I treasure when I hold you in my arms

R eunited as a family once again is what we so desperarately need

© 2009 Deborah Leah Krempa

My Review

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I can relate to this pain, but on the other side to a degree. I took in my nieces in 12 years ago. I was torn in so many directions. This piece is clear and to the point and it is clear to me that you love your family and you appreciate what strangers have done for your family, when you couldn't have done it yourself. It's important in life to know what you can and can't do and putting your pain and sorrow in poetic words is a gift from God to help heal your heart. Nicely done!

Posted 14 Years Ago

This has to be the best acrostic I have read to date Deb, so poignant!! Your writing always tugs at my heartstrings so hard that I can feel you hurting. I hope the children come back to your loving arms, you all deserve some quiet time together...surely the authorities will see that is what should happen...
My thoughts and prayers are with you right now...
God Bless you all,

Helen :-)

Posted 15 Years Ago

I question your continuing use of acrostics. I think it actually takes away from the seriousness of the message in some way, relating it back to just another mental exercise. These are not poems, after all, but short vignettes of despair and sadness. By tying yourself into this form you may be crippling your ability to be more poetical in the delivery.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Ah! That was such a beautiful and emotional piece of writing!
Very heartfelt...

Posted 15 Years Ago

Your poetry is so deeply personal and moving... So much pain has passed through your family over the last few years, and your words powerfully communicate that to each of us... Oh, reunited... yes... oh yes... may it be...

Posted 15 Years Ago

Yet another tragedy, so sad, so empty and sad; this makes the heart tremble.

God willing that one day you'll be able to write of happier times.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Your poetry is so genuine and full of emotion. You are a strong poetess that does not fear laying open her life to her brothers and sisters in the poetry realm. You have written from both sides of the coin, the one of despair and the one of hope. This acrostic shows hope. A writing that tugs at your heart strings.
We look forward to the time that you write of the laughter from the twins filling your day. Will be praying for you and the family.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh wow this was such a wonderfully sad, heartfelt, and hopeful piece. This poem evokes so many emotions; sadness, pain, worry, hopefullness, and gratefullness. I loved this so much. This was the best acrostic poem i have ever read. It flowed so well that you couldn't even tell that it was an acrostic poem. I usually hate acrostic poems but I loved this one so much. It was great. Wonderful job!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 16, 2009
Last Updated on July 16, 2009


Deborah Leah Krempa
Deborah Leah Krempa

Toledo, OH

I am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..


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