Please Relinquish Your KeysA Poem by Deborah Leah Krempa(dedicated to my son Robert S. Krempa/killed by a drunk driver 4/15/07)P lease relinquish your keys, don't drink and drive L et some one else take the wheel, keep us all safe and alive E xceptions to this rule there are none A drunk on the road cannot be condoned S o many lives are destroyed, too many are lost every year E ach of us must be responsible for each other
R oads and highways need to be protected from drunk drivers E ach of us needs to have a greater awareness of this problem in our society L aws need to changed, stiffer penalties for offenders need to be in place I am responsible and I must face certain consequences if I drink and drive N o one should be allowed out on that road enebriated to any degree Q uestionable behavior in anyone who may be U nder the influence of alcohol or drugs I s my responsibility as well S obriety checkpoints need to be enforced not just on weekends and or H olidays but every day
Y outh programs for the safety awareness of alcholism and drug addiction O ught to be in order for the curriculum of our schools U rging our children to be aware of drunk driving and our laws R ehabilitation should be available to anyone at any age at low or no cost
K eys in the hands of a person under the influence is a detriment to society E stablishing fair and just laws and the enforcement of such is crucial Y et we tend to ignor the fact that so many lives can be saved every day S top! Think! Before you drink and drive! Please relinquish your keys! © 2009 Deborah Leah KrempaReviews
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Added on July 13, 2009Last Updated on July 13, 2009 AuthorDeborah Leah KrempaToledo, OHAboutI am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..Writing