Broken Records 45's and 33 lps

Broken Records 45's and 33 lps

A Poem by Deborah Leah Krempa


B roken records 45's and 33 lps

R eminds me of you when you knocked me down

O n my knees as pretty as you please

K eep wondering how you could have done

E verything that you did to me when we were together

N ot giving a damn about the consequences


R eally it breaks my heart and I am so relieved since we are apart

E ach time I hear our favorite song I think about broken records

C an't stand the pain or the memories you left behind

O n top of it all there were the kids and I believe they were hurt the most

R efusing to change your drug addicted life style really took it's toll

D amn you for leaving these broken records 45's and 33 lps

S o much you took for granted your children and me

© 2008 Deborah Leah Krempa

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Very sad, but unfortunately a common tale in this drug-infected world of ours. As a young person in the 1950's-1960's, I could never understand how people could take such chances with their lives by imbibing substances which were often manufactured in less than sterile conditions, not to mention the long term effect they had on your life. Today, young people are still as blase about it, despite the drug-related deaths and horrors of domestic violence that they initiate. 'It would never happen to me' must be the Devil's favourite piece of propaganda. How many people out there have a similar tale to tell?

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 18, 2008


Deborah Leah Krempa
Deborah Leah Krempa

Toledo, OH

I am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..
