The Beautiful Black and Gold UrnA Poem by Deborah Leah Krempa(please don't drink and drive)T he beautiful black and gold urn H olds the ashes of an unsung hero E verything about the man was good
B ecause he understood the meaning of life E verywhere he went left behind a smile A mother's pride and joy always U ntil the fateful day arrived, a head on collision as the cars crashed T he choice of life and death he held in his hands I am so proud of him because he thought not of himself F or he placed his life in danger to save a child's life U nyielding in his decision, he protected the tiny tot from death L osing his own life in the process
B ehold this unsung hero L ong live his memory A man who dreamed of being a teacher C ould he teach us more in death than life K eeper of his brother surely he became
A bright young man who had wonderful dreams N ot just dreams but great visions for the future D ied laying down his life for another
G olden memories his mother now holds O ld photographs now worn L ingering images of her precious son D eath cannot overcome the beauty the man has done
U plifting was his spirit which is now free R eaching heaven's door is he N ow as his mother does let his ashes go to out the sea © 2008 Deborah Leah KrempaReviews
7 Reviews Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 2, 2008Last Updated on August 10, 2008 AuthorDeborah Leah KrempaToledo, OHAboutI am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..Writing
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