

A Poem by Deborah Leah Krempa

i met a lady

in the psyche ward

who was labeled schizopherenic

she kept hearing voices in her head

she said she had no friends

accept the ones she met

on the internet

at home she secluded herself

sat staring into her computer

the only place she wasn't lonely

the only place that she had friends

was there on the internet

she said one day

as she read her email

the voices spoke to her

at first she was stunned

a little bit frightened too

then she turned off her computer

as the voices beckoned her to do


It was strangely comforting
The voices finally went away
And now she talks to real people
And enjoys their company
And leaves the dreams in bed
I met a lady
In the psyche ward
Who was labeled schizophrenic

© 2008 Deborah Leah Krempa

My Review

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a complicated picture made simple--nicely done--great use of metaphor. tovli

Posted 16 Years Ago

You have captured the feel of a person who hears voices. From what I read, discussed in my support groups, and from what the doctors told me about my son. The voices can be a friend to those who battle the world inside their heads, and an enemy to those who try to fight them.

My son's voices were telling him things that made his distrust those who loved and cared about him and would cause him to do things that got him committed and eventually locked in jail where he is learning control and acceptance, which what each person with any mental illness must do.

As one of your comments suggest this poem may offend one with an mental illness, don't fall for it, it appears they are hiding their own prejucice, guilt or lack of understanding.

Mental illness is an horric illness because it effects the brain and people who has no understanding or dealings with it tend to imagine that it's not real.

Continue to write your poems about the world you know.

Oh did I tell you this is another of your excellent writes. LOL


Posted 16 Years Ago

I love this poem. Reminds me of a lady I once knew. Thanks for taking me down memorie lane.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This saddens me, Deb and it is indeed a real illness that needs to be addressed. It would be horrible to only have friends on the internet. Makes me ever thankful for the wonderful friends that God has blessed me with (apart from the internet...) What would I do without the blessing of going to lunch or coffee with friends, my prayer group, my friends at church and so on...?

I think this disease shows up after years of abuse and takes much therapy for a person with this illness to get well. It is closely connected with DID and DPD. How sad.

In reference to Gabrielle's review, I don't think you were purposely mocking a person with this disease because I don't think you would do that, but you may have to word it differently to not give off that impression because it does seem to come off that way...

Blessings, Carole

Posted 16 Years Ago

how are you ?
i think i met you there too
no you are wrong
i never turned off the internet
of course i dont need the puter
i'm direct tuned to the internet

Posted 16 Years Ago

My uncle has Schizophrenia he sits laughing and then talking to himself once he cut his arms so deep with a knife but he was laughing.
Luckily we look after him.
But he sometimes is treated like a child i think people with things like this should be given things to do to help them stop thinking about voices and problems like jobs or hobbies.
Like my uncle used to do until they shut the place he used to go down now he sleeps or wathces tv.
We get bored and secluded then we start to go crazy it the way the brain reacts weird ah?
Very well written well done xxx

Posted 16 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on July 28, 2008
Last Updated on July 28, 2008


Deborah Leah Krempa
Deborah Leah Krempa

Toledo, OH

I am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..


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