As the leaves rustleA Poem by Deborah Leah KrempaA s the leaves rustle in the wind S ounds of autumn
T he crunching of such leaves H ave fallen to the ground E nchanting
L ittle children E verywhere when the season of A utumn V entures near E ach leaf raked neatly into a pile S o the children can leap into the bundle
R aking the leaves is so much fun U nder the Autumn S unshine T he sound of leaves blowing in the wind L ingers in the memory of each and E very child © 2008 Deborah Leah KrempaReviews
3 Reviews Added on May 19, 2008 Last Updated on May 19, 2008 AuthorDeborah Leah KrempaToledo, OHAboutI am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..Writing