Chain smoking

Chain smoking

A Poem by Deborah Leah Krempa

C hainsmoking at the young age of fifteen

I  smoked one cancer stick after the other

G ot hooked on the damn things right away

A ddiction to nicotine seemed to take the edge off

R eaction at first was a bit of dizzy high for me

E nded up hooked by the very first one that I lit

T he other kids I knew did it too, they were my friends

T rying so hard to fit in with the crowd, it was so cool

E xperimenting with a slow death is what I know now

S moking was one of the most foolish things I ever done




R eactions I get from withdrawl are surely the shakes

E levated moodswings and angry and raging not mild

G rinding migrane headaches and coughing up flem

R egretting I ever picked up this nasty habit I swear

E ntering is bronchitis, can't hardly breathe anymore

T o worrying about stroke or cancer to knock at my door

S till I fiend for these horrible things that run my life

© 2008 Deborah Leah Krempa

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That is an extremely good acrostic poem on the dangers of smoking! It really opens your eyes to the consequences of what could,would, and will happen to you if you start and become an addict to smoking! Is this a true poem? Are you an addict that is trying to stop? If so I must give you your props! That is a couragous and brave thing to attempt. Good luck and stay strong. Peace to you and the world, Will's Gurl

Posted 16 Years Ago

What a superb poem to alert all to the dangers and all from smoking. Also you tell how you got hooked, which is good to let others know also. Cigarettes truly are a horrible addiction.
My neighbor chain smokes and her cat just died of lung cancer. It's so very sad. Thank you for telling everyone in such a great way here--I love the acrostic and you did a fine job.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 11, 2008


Deborah Leah Krempa
Deborah Leah Krempa

Toledo, OH

I am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..
