Chaos! (AMERICAN STYLE)...A Poem by Deborah Leah KrempaJust my thoughts on the mess we're in, not just my country but worldwide.
For some reason I cannot figure out is the most the terrorist attacks here at home in America are the ones that attack our schools 🏫 armed with weaponry and kill the childen. We seem to lay blame and judgement on all Muslims, what we need to realize is the fact that it the extremist groups not the majority of the people who just have the desire to be able to live a decent life here. We also have extremist that have been born and raised in the good old USA like the KKK, Neo Nazi groups, etc. and others. Many of their members claim Christianity, so should we deport all Christian's back to Europe or wherever they originated? Or do we deport Native American's to India because someone didn't do their homework? We desperately need to rewrite our history books from all sides of the table.
Stop hate in it's tracks, replace it with acts of kindness, generosity and love. Take care of ourselves and look out for one another, not turn our head and look away with blinded eyes, deafened ears and muted lips when we fail to help the homeless, the sick and the needy. When we claim to be the greatest nation on earth, we best remind ourselves to be humble in our opinions for it is truth, liberty and justice that our soldiers fight and die for, so that we and the future generation's to come, have freedom. How many of us reading this post have read the Preamble and all of The Amendments of the Constitution of the United States? Do you really want to to see it changed or rearranged to suit the fancy of fools? I sure as hell don't! And yes! I have read The Constitution of the United States of America and all its amendments, in case you are wondering. .. G © 2017 Deborah Leah KrempaAuthor's Note
Added on March 25, 2017 Last Updated on March 25, 2017 Tags: Politics - Constitutional rights AuthorDeborah Leah KrempaToledo, OHAboutI am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..Writing