Wow ™ she took the words right out of my mouth. She said the things I been thinking about, she spoke of the earth and all that it's worth. She is me, we are one and the same. Scarier than the fires of hell and old satans regime. God is alive and well and he sees and he hears and he knows of the powers that be. Are they really going to destroy his creation for their war games, entertainment and recreation? I feel such frustration living the world's greatest nation. Built by the stripes and the scars on our backs for our labors. We are all related, we are one. I read somewhere that we were the ones that sat on the shores of Galilee. We are the seeds of our ancestors, sown by their blood and spilled upon mother earth. We are the survivors our lost brother's have failed to destroy. We lost our roots along the trail of tears. We buried our hearts at Wounded Knee. We found our strength in numbers, for we are like the stars 🌃 in the evening sky. We replenished our souls with unity, dignity and solidarity. We stood our ground as a proud, yet humble people's at a place called Standing Rock.