My penknife grows weary as I write... I am in the autumn of my life, fading fast into the winter season where I must contemplate my final days here upon this precious soil. There is no need for bickering amongst family, friends or foe. Democrat, Republican, Independent party? It's all rhetoric, political correctness or just plain crap. Yes, the election is over and our country has elected a new president, Donald Trump. The first week of his sworn oath to serve the people has been quite intense; so many voters quite elated that their candidate won the seat of the oval office. If the tables had been turned? What then? Would we as a nation, have become as one people had Hillary Clinton won the race instead? What about the third party candidates? Bernie Sanders? Jill Stein? The heart's of millions are heavy burdened and fed up with all the anger, rage, hatred, bigotry and lies. " Feel free to leave a comment if you like... If not that's cool. Deb.