You know Thanksgiving is a time for families to be thankful for all they receive at the dinner table, and to remember a time that history tells us was so nice and inviting for the Pilgrims and the Indians; a time for us to embrace one another and be at peace. I have done my homework and I have done it well, let us not forget the lives that were forever changed, the lives of many whom we may never know their names, the one's who have been forgotten, almost erased from our memories, they live on through us today, may we research all that is known, that is not written down in a paper book, which with weathering, age, and time shall fade away and be no more than dust is to the winds. May we find solace, in reaching out beyond limitation to learn our true histories, to find our roots, our ancestors of the past, so we may lead our children and the children of the future on a path of light and healing. The American Indian culture is one of beauty, the oral histories passed down throughout generations is steadfast and truth abides. Our loss is so great, the cost priceless, that no amount of oil, gold or silver could ever replace not one, of us. Have a wonderful dinner if you may with your families and friends, on this day, may your lives be blessed and your travels on our roads and highways safe and sober. Educate yourselves my friend, and pass on the knowledge and the wisdom that you learn along the life's way, as our nation begins the healing process, and let not history ever repeat itself upon our shores.