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Bedbug Infestations In American Cities

Bedbug Infestations In American Cities

A Story by Deborah Leah Krempa

I am still advocating to alleviate this problem in our community, just to let you know, I for one have lost almost everything I owned, material and sentimental items, I am at a loss for words how devastating it feels, to know that it was the neglect of my landlord to follow up and find the solution to the bed bug infestation that occurred at my previous address of residence. I called said landlord at the first sign of these pests, in September of 2015, only to be frowned upon, and told that I must have been the cause, since I was the only one to report it, that to my dismay, was a slap in the face, as I was a very clean, and reliable tenant for the course of nearly four years. The landlord later apologized to me, I was not impressed, by his arrogance. I do have a letter from him stating that I was a very good tenant, and he was very glad to have had me as his tenant. However, I feel very much neglected, by the landlord, the Health Department of Lucas County, Section 8 Housing Authority, The Toledo Blade and the Mayor's Office of our fair city. Thank you, "Betterin Toledo for responding kindly to my letter here, however I don't feel that thanking me for my concern about the bedbug infestions in this town are an appropriate response to the problem at hand. It is inhumane that this is not a first and foremost health concern for this areas residents. When I called the health department I was told that bedbugs are pests and do not cause or create disease, well, I have scars that are in plain sight from these blood sucking creatures, that goes beyond something I could even think of considering a mere pest. Disease or not, I have lost so much more than one can imagine, not only, petty furniture, that I paid good money for, tax payers money from my social security, to furnish a decent home for myself, sentimental items that were lost than can never be replaced or put a monetary value upon, and myself being labeled as mentally ill with bipolar disorder, undergoing such mental anguish due to the bedbug infestation that occurred in my home, it is a wonder at all that I was able to walk away from that place, with my sanity intact. If our mayor cannot find the heart or the time to take these concerns seriously and to address the issue, in the utmost urgency to alleviate the bedbug ordeal, what am I doing wasting my breath, when I know I can write to the newspapers and other media, about the problem, when all in all I feel it is of vital importance that someone be a voice for the people whom must suffer as I have. I would love to go to Washington D. C. myself and address the issue, but I have not the education, nor the aura of a state representative, such as the respect and prestige of our elected mayor can bring light to this matter. Please, in all due respect for the office that she holds, I am anxiously awaiting to hear from anyone that may feel that my letter and my concerns are worth the time of day.

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On Monday, November 30, 2015 1:50 PM, BetterinToledo <[email protected]> wrote:

Ms. Kempa �"

Thank you for sharing your concern regarding some of the most vulnerable members of our community. Part of our office’s mission is to provide safe and livable neighborhoods for EVERYONE in Toledo. A pest free home is certainly a part of that agenda. We are currently looking in to what resources our community currently offers, and how we can advocate for more and better services at all level of government.

From: Deborah Krempa [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2015 1:19 AM
To: BetterinToledo
Subject: Inre to: Bedbug infestations & other insects, that run rampant in our inner city neighborhoods!

Nov 7th, 8:51am

To our mayor, Paula Hicks Hudson: Are we paying attention yet? Poverty is one thing, but being neglected is an outrage. The poor and the underprivileged in our community deserve so much better. No one should have to live with infestations of pests and/or insects that cause pain, suffering or disease. It is privy to imagine a city and/or town that takes care of it's own residents, by providing a low to no cost service to its patrons, We all pay some form of taxes, whether it be what we pay for in rent and utilities or what we spend at the grocery store. We all contribute, even the poor soul that has no other means than to be reliant on government subsidies, does make a difference. The contribution may be petty to some or menial to others... This is our sweet America where one looks out for another in need, and gives a helping hand, to a starving man, woman or child. Why would we turn our back on the homeless or the less fortunate of our peers, why would we look the other way, and not see that what affects the needs of one, affects the needs of all, and so reflects on our society or city as a whole? In other words, my home is my refuge, my hiding place, my den.. for me as a poet it is where I rest my pen. So tell me this sirs/madam would you leave a man/woman or a child be subject to filthy conditions, in which need not be? Would you tolerate it if the shoe was on the other foot, and it was you or your family that had to suffer, for lack of government and or private funding, to alleviate this major problem that every city in this country is plagued by? No, you would not, if it were your problem, but don't you be blinded by the light shining to bright, on your neighbors doorstep, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Toledo< Ohio could be so much more than it is if the people and the community leaders took control, and sent our mayor or our congress person, to Washington D. C., to plead with all their might to for a solemn pledge of funds to alleviate said problem, our community deserves to be pest free. Extermination is extremely costly to landlords and tenants, so exuberant is this cost that no one can afford it, we need to be taken seriously on this matter. Signed, sealed and delivered. Written by Deborah L. Krempa

© 2016 Deborah Leah Krempa

Author's Note

Deborah Leah Krempa
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Added on February 18, 2016
Last Updated on February 18, 2016


Deborah Leah Krempa
Deborah Leah Krempa

Toledo, OH

I am grandmother,.. My children and my grandchildren I love them all so very much. They are my gifts from my creator, the blessings in this life. I simply adore poetry and the .. more..
