Kate stayed at the farm house
For many years.
Abagail grew up calling
Ester and Thomas
Grandma and Grandpa.
The Doc came out once a week.
And Kate was always weary of him.
The dreams still came every once and awhile.
Abagail began school.
Thats when they all found out
About the rumors floating around town.
All the gossip that has been going on.
How they came to town.
Why were they brought here
So on and so forth.
Abagail was taken out of school.
Her and Kate lived in hiding
At the farm house.
Kate was desperatly trying to find out
Where she came from
And who she was.
The Doc came out that night.
And gave Kate a pill to take.
Which she didnt.
She never took any of the medicine
The Doc gave her.