Kate began to have strength
Ester showed Kate how to breast feed.
Kate was so happy ehn her little girl
Was in her arms.
She named the baby Abagail
Ester and Thomas never had any children
So they where happy and willing
To take in Kate and Abagail
That nightr the doctor came by
"Nice to see you awake Kate,
And how is the little one doing?"
Something about the doctor seemed familiar.
"Do I know you?" asked Kate
"Oh, well, Ive been taking care of you
And the baby while you have been here."
"No, I mean from before?"
"Dont believe so. Ive lived here for many years."
The Doc checked out Kate and Abagail and left.
"Im sure Ive seen him somewhere before." Kate told Ester
"Doc Roberts is a good man. Hes lived her for about
Ten years now."
Kate sat out on the porch that night
Rocking Abagail, and trying to place
The Doc somewhere in her memory bank.
A light drizzle began to fall
And Kate thought how beautiful
This place is.