Spreading… the disease of fear.-----I loved how you constructed this repetition in builds powerful impact while I was reading it - and I like how you made your contribution how to safe this planet, you did it your way but you "did", and to spread such an awareness is what poets should do. I liked this.
Forbidden the power of the myth,
Forgotten the reason for the lie,
Buried the hopes of tomorrow,
Spreading the disease of fear.
love these lines. it is true, we are our own worst enemy. i also love the lines about trees still giving us cpr, how delightfully worded & true. men are evil & i'm not sure they will ever change. but here's hoping. a powerful write.
Spreading… the disease of fear.-----I loved how you constructed this repetition in builds powerful impact while I was reading it - and I like how you made your contribution how to safe this planet, you did it your way but you "did", and to spread such an awareness is what poets should do. I liked this.
I really liked these lines.....although I will never be comfortable here but long for those golden streets and that river of life.
Everything is tainted and that's why He came...
Yes, let's bow our heads and pray for His love and be thankful for what we have. Especially in this country - we have so much.
this was a wonderful gift to us
yes our earth is tainted by
our human presance alone, but our
hearts are not,, the gift of love and
life lies within the layers of our skin
where God lives
This is a great poem to sit and ponder about. I just keep reading it over and over, if more people read this and lived by it our short stay on earth would be alot more pleasant. Thank you for sharing.
This is so beautiful Dale.
This world was made for us to enjoy but man has brought it to ruin yet our maker is such a loving and kind God that he is willing to forgive man for everything he has done to destroy his creation. Sometimes I look at the condition of this system of things and I wonder, Is it really worth living , in a world where there seems to be nothing but pain ? But then I know the answer, yes it is, because there are also those special moments that make it all worth while, There is still so much beauty to be found in this earth. We just have open up our eyes, hearts and minds to see it.
I feel that this is exactly what you are trying to tell us. And the rain falls on the just and the unjust, exactly the same.
Beautiful writen, It gives us so much to think about.
We are wonderfully made in the image of our God, Heavenly Creator.
There is much good in man, but so much "of the world" dominates our behavior. You have captured this concept in a way that makes me stop and think, but most of all to stop and offer thankfs for the abundant blessings we have.
Excellent write my friend!
Excellent job I have enjoyed reading this piece. God did create us inspite of the way we turned out. We have screwed things up but we still should be greatful for being alive and for the greatest thing that still exisists love.
It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool
Birth name: Dale Deadmond
Born November 20th, 1969
Metaphorically speaking music is my BFF and poetry is my soulmate.
This is my world of
my favorite poets are E.A. Poe, Dylan Thomas, R.. more..