Children Of The Night

Children Of The Night

A Poem by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)


In this midnight masquerade

Secrets are hidden

On the dark side of the moon

While the bold side

Looks down upon me with a smile,

Or is it a snicker?


Can he see the real me?

The one who walks amongst

The down and out using the shadows

As a blanket of security,

So I can understand

Why they find the blue skies

A curse born of sin.


Or does he see me as One

Who should remain in the dark

Cause my eyes were tainted

By the nocturnal side of human nature

Therefore being poisoned

By impurities that society heeds.


Could the moon be so blinded

By what the sun reflects on him?


I think not…

              Or why else

Would he gravitate here

Every night to turn negative light

Into a positive glow

So the children of the night

Have a reason to believe.


Maybe I am better off

Staying here,

With the man in the moon

For his wisdom

Far out weighs

Any superficial intelligence

The sun can cast light upon.


© 2009 The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

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Featured Review

Wow! This was such a great write! It's so powerful. My favorite parts were,
"As a blanket of security,
So I can understand
Why they find the blue skies
A curse born of sin."


"I think not�
Or why else
Would he gravitate here
Every night to turn negative light
Into a positive glow"

Posted 15 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


This is a thought provoking piece with a deeply thoughtful message. One can derive many things from this piece. Well penned. You are a master of metephors.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A very beautiful poem indeed, theres alot of deep emotion throughout it as well.
Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!
-Dana :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

gorgeous, intelligent & deep write. you've taken the classic man on the moon & gave it all a twist. "So the children of the night Have a reason to believe." & "For his wisdom Far out weighs Any superficial intelligence
The sun can cast light upon." i love these lines. gorgeous write!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Stay here with the man in the moon, so you can write wonderful poems that thickle my imagination and make me reflect and make me want to read this over and over again...

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A great fantasy write.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Truly an enjoyable read as I could feel the entanglement of the chaos of self searching the fact that we all struggle to survive that which is our greatest foe, ourselves. When words become more than words then take a life of their own and I believe that is what has taken placed here. The words became something that is more a truth and experience of a life lived.

Great Job!!!!!!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

By the nocturnal side of human nature
Therefore being poisoned
By impurities that society heeds

I think not�
Or why else
Would he gravitate here
Every night to turn negative light
Into a positive glow

wow these lines blew me away. great emotional depth throughout. Really enjoyed reading

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is such an awesome write.
The metaphorical rapture is powerful.
The whole dark/light thing and how it is an
avenue for evil, and the shamed to hide is mysterious
but truthful.
I really enjoyed the whole experience of this write but
could feel even more strength behind this line.
"Could the moon be so blinded
By what the sun reflects on him?"

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Woah, where to start?

Well, first off, it took my mind quite a while to wrap around this, it's quite the piece, I really enjoyed it.

Anyway, it almost seemed to me that in the beginning, the moon was some kind of antagonist, and the sun had some kind of power over it. It's good personification. As the poem went on, it seemed more and more that the person telling the story was siding with the moon. I dunno, maybe I'm out on a limb here, but I guess my brain isn't processing this the best.

Either way, the words are gorgeous, the peom is well-written, and I enjoyed it [Even if I had a hard time getting my head around it.].

Thank you for yet another fantastic piece.

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Dale, the depth of this piece is absolutely incredible. I have been following your work for a couple of years now and have watched it evolve to overwhelming heights. You need to have an anthology of your work published : "The Complete Works of The Rock and Roll Cowboy'......yes, indeed.

What an insightful question you pose :

Could the moon be so blinded
By what the sun reflects upon him?

And then the narrator answers...

I think not...

Tone, mood, atmosphere...perfect combination of dark and light. How could we recognize the light without the presence of darkness? And is the dark, in essence, light?

I fancy that many of your readers gain something different/unique from the work. Superb from the initial sentence to the concluding line! Love, it!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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39 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on February 3, 2009
Last Updated on December 27, 2009


The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool

Birth name: Dale Deadmond Born November 20th, 1969 Metaphorically speaking music is my BFF and poetry is my soulmate. This is my world of my favorite poets are E.A. Poe, Dylan Thomas, R.. more..
