It is said we hurt the ones we love the most, but I think it is more because of the disappointment one might feel after being hurt. But then again without that hurt, that pain, how would we know true love? Love and hate, pleasure and pain, they are both two sides of the same coin. You can not have one without the other.
A good person who wants to do right, but like we all, we make mistakes.
We shouldn't make our own hell. This is a good read, quite sensitive, and true
to who you are. AD
Yes, it is everyday. The battle between doing what we feel and what is right. Most often they are the same, but we are too scarred and hurt to see that. This is one of your most touching poems ever. Honest, deep, true, and heart breaking. From the lines of a broken heart light shines through. This is going into my favs.
i liked this. you expressed the inner turmoil in the average persons mind wonderfully. it's deep and easy to relate to, but put simply. and amazing word usage. i enjoyed reading this a lot. great write.
Mind and heart... heart and mind... we can't live without them. Maybe we think and feel too much sometimes, and, realising it, overreact to things or people that just need a smile instead of an enormous rib-tickling laugh! I don't know, maybe
Your poem is so well written and says a great deal about your thinking, trying to work things out. Maybe a look at the clouds or the stars would clear the mind and fill the heart.
Within the vortex /'Of my aged intellect / Emerge sentimental ideas / To make loved ones feel / As special as they make me feel. ' Maybe we can't 'make' people feel... they do or they don't and same applies to us.
'Though mind and heart / Have so much in common / Trying to do what is right / And sometimes doing wrong / With the best of intensions / The relationship between the two / Is like a personal Armageddon /
Every day!! ...' You know the mind and heart aren't the same... the mind considers/uses what the brain stores, the heart sort of does what the mind works out is right or wrong. Maybe we need to let the heart stand alone. I dont know, still working it out for myself!
This write has certainly got me thinking.
I think lots of us feel that way now and again and again and again.
It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool
Birth name: Dale Deadmond
Born November 20th, 1969
Metaphorically speaking music is my BFF and poetry is my soulmate.
This is my world of
my favorite poets are E.A. Poe, Dylan Thomas, R.. more..