yes, the much needed rain after a long period of drought can revive the soul and bring it back to life......much like the roots of a tree when they absorb this gift of heaven....very soothing words
"I drown in the downpour/ knowing that’s what it will take/ to keep my soul on higher ground." Oh I just adored those last lines-what a beautifully powerful way to end the piece with. This entire scene is so vivid it's almost surreal. Extremely well done, friend!
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you so much... glad you enjoyed it and nice to have you back in action around here.
12 Years Ago
Welcome! And thanks, it's nice to be back as well :)
"Be still, sad heart, and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary". Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"When I feel the first drop baptizes my forehead" great words
I think we can all indentify with Yours and Mr. Longfellows words. "
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Wow thank you for putting mt in the same class as Longfellow, I know I am not but the compliment was.. read moreWow thank you for putting mt in the same class as Longfellow, I know I am not but the compliment was nice.
This brought back memories of a trip around India that I took many years ago, the monsoon rains were late and the heat just built and built and built - and when it did rain as we travelled past little villages on the train all the children were washing in the rain as it ran off the rooftops. being English I had never thought I would be glad to see rain - but it was more than welcome that day. Thanks for the reminder
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you for reading and sharing that story.
12 Years Ago
~ thank you from me too, dearest shelley... i always love to hear about your adventures... in your b.. read more~ thank you from me too, dearest shelley... i always love to hear about your adventures... in your beautifully poetic way... and, india, as you know, is where my home is... so this was really special... :)
~ i've been wanting to let you know what a beautiful symphony this piece is... but something or the other kept happening... ~ am glad i'm hear today... ~ i love this piece because it works at many levels... the symbolism is magnificent so is the literal meaning... ~ yet what inspires me the most is a certain submission to the process of natural changes... (i mean at a spiritual level)... for me, rainfall is tears... and i don't fear them... but i have seen those who are terrified of them... they'd rather remain cold, dry, even hot as envy... ~ so, for me, this poem is about the dynamism of evolution and the acceptance with which it can be received... excellent work, monsieur...
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Why thank you so much... I appreciate your insight.
I love the smell of rain :D
"When I feel the first drop
baptizes my forehead"
I love those lines...this poem is great, refreshing almost. The imagery is fantastic and I wouldn't have to try hard to visualise the scene you set!
There is such a wonder you create in the rain... yes.. how it washes away the barren places of life.. the pain.. and brings a deeper blessing.. Powerful.
It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool
Birth name: Dale Deadmond
Born November 20th, 1969
Metaphorically speaking music is my BFF and poetry is my soulmate.
This is my world of
my favorite poets are E.A. Poe, Dylan Thomas, R.. more..