Feel me Touch me And Kiss me

Feel me Touch me And Kiss me

A Chapter by manel he.

“I fell in love with his words. Unfortunately , he was a good liar.”

It was the first gift I got it from him for my birthday . The birthday that everyone had forgot about it even my mother . Because of that I started to forget it too . It was our first night together . He was the only person who kept surprising me everyday . The best thing that he didn’t pretended that he forgot about my birthday and then surprise me with a gift . Because the most thing I hate about birthdays is that they pretend that they are going to surprise me and waiting to the right moment . But in the end I just realize that I was a fool they forgot about it . I hated my birthday the most and I hated people with it . I really hate them . But he was a special one a special flower to me to keep surprising me everytime . The gift that he choose for my birthday it was so simple and I loved . It was a movie tickets . I’ve never went to the cinema before . I think that he knew about it that’s why it was his gift movie tickets . He choose romantic comedy one because I hate horror movies they are so scary . It’s the time and I have to prepare myself for this special evening . I’ve wore a Red Short Sexy Dress with Black High Heels , Simple Make Up and for the end with an Attractive Francy . It took from me 3 hours to prepare myself for this special occasion and choose something suitable for it . Something special for my special flower . We went to the cinema to watch the movie . The whole cinema was empty I didn’t know at first the reason but I realized that he reseved all the cinema for my birthday and watch the movie alone together . He wanted me to feel confortable . He hold my hand in the middle of the movie like normal couple . He just wanted to act normale . I think that he read these things on that book. “How to act like a real boyfriend not like a killer?” But he didn’t know that I know his truth

“Time flies. You turn into elusive wind in a secluded place. Only my thaughts can stay with you .”

And because “I can see the truth, behind those lies.”

He kept showing his innocent smile and I kept showinh him my angelic smile . They once said

“Don’t be fooled with that angelic smile. You don’t know what’s going inside that demonic mind.”

So act like a fool and I will like like a fool too. Some of me wanted to tell him that I am already knew his truth. But something stoped me . Maybe I wanted to know how it’s gonna to be the end of the story . Or maybe I just wanted to feel these feelings that felt with him it was the first time that that kind of feelings with someone . Something new I wanted to discovered and know about it more maybe learn it . In the movie there was romantic scene and a bed scene . It was inbelievible scene to watch full of romance . Some of me know that he wanted to do it . The end of the movie it was so romantic. We went to resterant where he reserved for our dinner. It was the second surprise for the day . It was so romantic. Honestly I don’t know how to discripe the romantic moment or the romantic things because I’ve never felt that way before . But in one word it were amazing moments . I was so tired so he reserved a suit for us. A honeymoon one. I don’t know why but i heard that all the suits were reserved so we took it . He started taking a shower and after him my turn. That’s what I was thinking . He called me to have a shower toghether. I was so surprised and shy in the same time . So he draged me to the shower and put me in the water . After that he huged me from behind . 
He said “Don’t be shy we are couple now” .
I started becoming red and red like the roses in the shower . He kept holding me and laughing because how I become red and so shy . He gently  started washing my hair .And after finishing the shower he gave me the tower he was laughting because I told him to close his eyes and don’t look . Going out from the shower he helped me to dry my hair . But the real butlle is just gonna to begin . Alone, One bed , Red wine And Red Flower I don’t think that nothing is gonna to happened . Tick! Tock! It’s bed time . I looked to the bed he was covered with a lots of red petals . There was a saying about petals and love

“If you fell in love with the petals, what will happen if autumn comes?”.

Romantic one . He hold me from behind . He were looking and thinking like

“Those . That look . That spirit .. I can’t wait .. To break you.”

He scared me at first . Then he turned my face to see his . Face to face like Lips to Lips , nose to nose , eye to eye . He gently put me under the bed . I still in shock .He got on the top of me .  Between my face and his maybe less than 1inch . I wanted to get up but he hold me. So I turned my face . And with his gentle hands he touch me and started kissing my whole body . It feels so hot .Touching my whole body more and more I can’t take my eyes and stop looking to his face his lips the way he is moving. He turned my face face to face lips to lips and kissed me. I closed my eyes and he kept kissing me it was like a pleasure kissing him. My flower Started tasting his dessert .It was feels so good an amazing feeling . He started taking off my clothes and his too . I don’t know what stoped me from stoping him and stop this feelings . I think that I wouldn’t stop these feelings this moment I think that I wanted to live it and feel it . Even with a serial killer. I started lossing controle on myself .  It lookes like i am under a spell his chgarming spell . And slowly we went to the level that we were naked . He started touching me so gently . It was the last thing that I can discripe I want to keep the rest of the story only for myselfe to remember it . 
The morning, I woke up he was holding me too tie . I am not anymore virgine he took it . But who cares about it anymore or anyway . At least I’ve slept with a serial killer who’s everyone is looking for . My beautiful flower and I am his perfect dessert . It was like this

“-Lelouch ,  do you know why snown is white? 
-It’s because it has forgotten what color it once was ..”

Our night it was like that .

© 2018 manel he.

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Added on February 20, 2018
Last Updated on February 20, 2018


manel he.
manel he.


i am not a pro writer and you may found a lot of grammer mistakes but my novels re quit intresting and i hope to read them and tezll me.. more..

Introduction Introduction

A Chapter by manel he.