![]() Kiryozen IA Chapter by B.M.J.
Dark cloudy sky, sadness thick in the air rain begins to fall, but this rain is not water it is the blood of my young master’s bodyguards. Allow me to introduce myself my name is Shindo Kien I was one of young master Renku Trisuden’s personal bodyguards. I was once the squadron leader of his protectors I thought I was the best swordsman in all of the country of Japan that is until I fought the man who took my life. His name was Shikari Akuso the main assassin of the shogunate. His main goal this day was to cause rebellion and panic amongst the Tokugawa regime. The reason for all this is that the Trisuden clan is one of the main influences of the Tokugawa and with their sole heir gone is shows that they no longer have the ability to protect themselves let alone the Tokugawa regime. This swordsman used a sword style that I had never seen I have my suspicions that this is in fact the forbidden style known as the Shikydo and this man appeared to be a master of it. His long red hair that resembled the fires of hell themselves his bright yellow eyes that look like that of a demon but with the smallest hint of sadness hidden deep within them. He wore a black robe but underneath you could see his actual clothes, which was a dark blue yukata. The sword he used was again none like I had ever seen the hild was worn from constant battle and the blade, which gleams even though is it stained with blood from battles past.
He sets his eyes on my young master Renku I snap out of my state of utter shock and awe and quickly leap in front of my silver haired master. Renku who so proudly wears a yukata that holds the families’ colors dark purple and black his deep blue and red eyes, which set Renku apart from all the others of the family, stare in fear and shame. As the assassin Shikari leaps forth to kill master Renku I also leap forth to stop him to my surprise his movements are faster than I expected and just as I draw my sword Shikari decapitates me which is the cause of blood rain.
My head falls near Renku who had been training with me in the ways of the sword style Zenpaku. He weeps as he sees me lifeless head staring at him the assassin prepares for the final blow to finish Renku and his assignment. Renku reaches inside the carriage draws his father’s sword and intends to fight Shikari. Shikari stands sup straight and looks deep into Renku’s eyes as if feeling pity.
“Boy, surly you do not intend to fight do you?” Shikari asks with a chuckle.
“I……I….I can try,” Renku says with tears in his eyes barely able to speak “I must honor the final breaths of my sensei who risked his life to protect me!” he shouts
“I admire your courage but this will not honor this fools death.”
“Why not?!”
“Well the answer to that is simple he gave his life to protect you a child who obviously has no skill of the sword. He died a fool and so will you!”
“No he was not a fool he was my sensei and his name was Shindo Kien! I will kill you and you will regret what you have just said and done!”
“Very well die a fool like your pathetic sensei!”
Renku leaps forth to try and impale Shikari, but he is much to fast to be taken down so easily. As Shikari readies himself to draw his sword and cut Renku in half one of his bodyguards named Shinta Harumi gathered enough strength to impale his sword in Shikari’s leg and hold him down. He began yelling at Renku to run and save himself that he is much too important to be killed here and now. Hesitant Renku runs and takes one final look back at Shinta who was just impaled at the head by Shikari. Finally fearing for his life he runs away and doesn’t look back again.
Shikari has a hard time trying to keep up with Renku who has run off so far ahead that he can no longer see him. Shikari shouts angrily as real rain begins to fall he pulls out the sword from his leg and continues down the main road to try and find a place where he can rest and give his leg time to heal. Renku tired, hungry, and bloody from running into a tree (not a very bright boy never has been) has been searching for a town for days. Being lost in the mountains for 2 days hasn’t helped much either. At last Renku collapses and passes out expecting to die or be eaten by one of the wild animals.
“Run! You are too important to be killed here and now! GO!”
The memories of that day flash before him in his dreams being forced to relive that horrible experience. Sitting up and examining his surroundings he notices that he is no longer in a dark mountain forest but rather in someone’s house. The place looks a bit old but not much like about one or two years since it was built. The room is dark except for a small cooking fire to the right. To the left there is a window a small amount gets through the holes of the green curtain. Renku looks out side and sees the edge of the forest. Confused and scared Renku tries to run away but just as he is about to reach the door an old man appears through the door and knocks Renku down after running into him. Renku looks on in fear and concern for his well being.
“My, my you seem to have recovered quite nicely young man. Are you alright I didn’t mean to knock you down or scare you in any manner.” The old man says in a kind but stern voice.
“I’m fine. But where am I?” Renku asks with a hint of fear and doubt in his voice.
“Why your in my house my boy where else would you be.” The old man responds in a rather sarcastic manner.
“Ok I’m in your house but where is your house located exactly and who are you?”
“You sure are a lively little boy aren’t-“
“WHERE AM I AND WHO ARE YOU?! I’M NOT INTERESTED IN YOU MOCKING ME!” Renku shouts out of frustration and confusion.
“Very well my name is Ochuhi Kiroto and you are in the village known as Kyoro or as some like to call it the ‘Village of Swordsman’ I am the doctor of this village also the mayor.” He responds calmly and proudly.
“How did I get here,” finally calm “the last thing I remember was passing out in the mountains?”
“Lets see well about that when you passed out the leader of the village just happened to be out gathering medicinal herbs for me to use and happened upon you. He brought you to me and asked me to take care of you make sure that you recovered.”
“Wait, I thought you said that you were the leader of this village.”
“No I am the mayor my role is simply to handle diplomatic affairs the leader is in charge of what goes on within the village and makes all of the decisions he is also the one who teaches the hidden style Akaryokizen.”
“What else can you tell me about him?”
“No I refuse to answer any further questions you rude child! He said to go to his dojo on the other side of the village when you awoke he wanted to talk to you. Now leave at once you little disrespectful child!”
“What have I done that is rude what ever is I apollog-“
He cuts in short on Renku’s words and only says one final thing “be weary of your manners in this village young fool if you disrespect the leader like you have me then he will not help you and he will kill you on the spot!”
Renku looks on in utter shock then with no further words spoken leaves. As he steps out of the hut he sees the ocean and realizes that he’s on a remote village hidden on a beach. He looks to his left and sees the beach narrow and end at the mountain’s edge. Looking to his right he sees many huts much like the one Ochuhi lives in. Further down the beach he sees a huge building a tower in the center that is about 10 stories high. Large walls surround the castle like structure. He sets forth towards the dojo while all the while examining the people and houses towards the center of the village is the market where fresh fruit is sold along with a wide assortment of fresh fish and other kinds of meats. Looking around past the market there is a stand that appears to be quite popular because of the amount of people sitting at the counter. The attendant who is wearing a white yukata like shirt but it’s its own piece and very worn pants like the kind that field workers wear. As Renku approaches the people are weary of him as if they are afraid of him. When Renku gets closer the attendant who’s facial scar is now visible. The scar comes straight down over his left eye end curves over his lips. His left eye remains closed it must be due to the fact that his eye left when the scar arrived. Still screaming at Renku he tells him this is a sake bar and that children do not belong there. Stepping away from him Renku continues toward the dojo. Finally arriving at the dojo with a sign on the side that read ‘Akuro Nigaturo’ below that it read ‘Akaryokizen style’ knocking hard on the door a tall boy appears. His face rough and UN-welcoming he wears a white robe and holds a boken sword on his shoulder with an expression that screams leave at once.
Before Renku has a chance to say anything the boy simply gestures to follow and without hesitation Renku follows. Speechless Renku admires the huge courtyard that surrounds the huts where the many young people that appear to be training live. The huts, which are spread out through the massive grounds which, seems to dig straight into the side of the mountain. Following a stone path everyone seems to stare and whisper at one another he manages to catch what some are saying. ‘This scrawny kid is the one master thinks can be his number one apprentice that is insulting!’ Ignoring the comment Renku continues down the path towards a large building that lies in the wake of the massive tower in the center. They come up to the building and the boy stops and gestures for Renku to go in. Suspicious Renku doesn’t budge but the boy simply gets into a fighting stance boken in hand. Renku quickly turns around and walks towards the building. He comes upon a sign that reads ‘Main Dojo’ taking his shoes off as accustomed to he walks into the dojo.
As he enters he finds this dojo is filled with many types of swords and sword like weapons from the west (some must be from Germany others from France) there are more people in here. They aren’t training they whiz around on the wooden floor with cloths in had cleaning the dojo. They all stop and stare frightfully and menacingly at Renku as if he’s committed a violent crime.
“Who told you to stop?” a deep voice said from behind him
“Sorry sir!” all four of them chant harmoniously and resume their duties.
Renku turns rapidly and gazes at the large man behind him. A ceramic bottle of sake in his left hand and a pair of swords on the same side of his belt he wore a large shoulder armor with the sides curving upwards a white cape drapes down from the back of the shoulder armor. Deep brown eyes and red shirt coupled with a black pair of pants.
“Well.” He says sternly
The memory of Ochuhi’s words and then he knows what kind disrespect he showed the wise old Ochuhi he never properly introduced himself. “I’m sorry! My name is Renku, Renku Trisuden. I am forever grateful to you for saving my life.”
A big grin of satisfaction appears on the mans face and simply says, “follow me boy I need to speak with you.”
Following him to his room, which is very empty except for a futon and a table. The room is much like the main dojo except smaller in size and divided into four different rooms, which appear to be closed off so he can’t catch a glimpse at what is inside them.
“Take a seat boy.” He says sternly
“Ok,” he takes a seat close by “what is it that you wanted to talk to me about sir?”
“Your fate! Why do you think you survived? It is because you were destined to. I knew this from the first moment I saw you. So here is my offer to you will you join our group and fight at my side against the Shogunate? Be forewarned there will never be a greater than mine to think carefully.”
He thinks of the night where all his bodyguards were murdered by the Shogunate’s assassin…Shikari Akuso. “Before I answer I would like to know what is your group and what shall I play in all this?”
He smiles “My groups name is the Kiryozen and we are only interested in seeing the Shogunate fall and bow before us. As for the role you will play in all this you will be my apprentice and master the Akaryokizen style. So what’s it going to be Renku will you join us or cower in fear and refuse to take revenge on the Shinzogoku. Oh, and just to let you know the Shinzogoku are the ones responsible for the killings of your bodyguards and old sensei Shikari Akuso is the leader of the group so think about that as you make your decision.”
Renku looks him square in the eye thinking of all that Shikari Akuso has done and the offer along with the joy of taking down the Shogunate. Thinking of all this he finds himself looking back at the day his bodyguards were slaughtered. The choice is clear. “Akuro Nigaturo I…
© 2008 B.M.J. |
Added on August 16, 2008 Author |