![]() Hit-1A Chapter by B.M.J.
Has there ever been a point in your life where you wondered-what keeps a person from taking a life? I did for a short time, that is until I became a Shinigami. I was only 18 and entering TokyoUniversity when I first began to wonder how many different ways could you kill someone. My name is Kai Getsu. Since I was a child I was trained in swordsman ship and gun use. Thanks to my training I can decapitate a person using my left hand and blow their brains out while their head is still in the air with my right hand using a shot gun. My skills were more than what was ever expected. My father and grandfather always told me the same thing and that was, “These skills are meant to protect never harm. You should never pick up a gun or sword unless it is the only choice left.” What a load of s**t! These skills may have been able to save me in past moments, but those times I had no other choice.
The first time I took a life with no reason was at the age of 19 when my skills had already exceeded that of a master. This person was always picking on me as a child always tormenting me. When I found out that he was my superior in the part time job I acquired I snapped. I could no longer bare this horrible temptation. I waited for him one day behind the office building. I sneaked up behind him, slit his throat, and made sure to cushion his fall using his own brains. As he fell I shot him four times in the forehead with a silenced handgun. Not even thinking of what would happen if the bullets where found. I simply walked away laughing smile on my blood soaked face and filled with overwhelming joy.
Not long after that I had enough of Tokyo University and decided to invoke my wrath on those who judged me unfairly. I took my four favorite guns (AK-47, M-16, and my 8-shooter twin revolvers) along with my number one katana. Pitch black blade with an inscription on the left side reading ‘On the wings of darkness a revolution was eminent’ the hilt had an ‘X’ shape to it, and the laces leading down to the double chain are blood red and stitched together with black threads. All of this ridicule began when I was made a fool of at an awards ceremony. The person giving the awards was Daku Shizu the class president. My name was called for the award of highest test scores. When I walked up there I was made a laughing stock when he simply said, “you are not the winner!” All who were attending the ceremony began to laugh at my expense. My pride was severely wounded only to have salt rubbed in the wound by a daily barrage of insults from both students and faculty members. I snapped the moment I killed my old boss.
A rainy day… what a perfect day for my plans to be carried out. The clouds make the day dark and gray. I take one last look at my equipment and check what I have on to make sure I have all the necessitates that I will require. I wear military night fatigues (black and dark blue with an old military design) black combat boots and a black beanie. I strap on a pair of ammo belts to my chest and stock them with grenades and clips for the guns I carry. A set of hunting knives strapped at the side of my boots and on my back I carry my katana. Loaded and ready to go my M-16 is going to be my starting weapon and strapped to my arm is my secondary weapon my AK-47. I decided early on to not bring my revolvers because reloading would be a b***h.
I step forward towards the campus entrance and just I am about to walk through the security guard decides not to let me in… what a hassle.
Not a problem though all I needed to do was shoot him in the head and plant an explosive on the gate lock and I’ll be able to get in.
There is a deafening blast much louder than anticipated which means this only gives me about 30 minutes before every one is evacuated. I rush in through the front door and begin shooting the panicking crowed. One after another fall to my barrage of bullets no one being exempt from my killing intent.
The police have arrived a lot faster than I imagined this should be fun. As I step out side I think of the count… 150 in 20 minutes a new record. I begin shooting those damn pigs. My grenades meet their gas tanks—explosions what a beautiful sound. Bullets fly past my head and some graze my arm these b******s have very bad aim. Well, maybe not all because one of them manages a hit to my calf, which slows me down. I throw my last grenade before I try to make my escape, but I am caught off guard and shot with a tranquilizer by the veterinary teacher.
I wake chained down and in a dark room with a single light over head. The room has nothing not even one of those infamous one way mirrors that always appear in an interrogation room.
A door opens behind me and a voice calls to me and says, “so your finally awake you piece of trash.”
“Where am I?” I say shakily head throbbing and in a deep haze.
“You’re in our holding and interrogation room. You’ve been asleep for about 12 hours.” The voice responds. How I wish I wasn’t chained so I could see this guy’s smug face. “You really made a mess of things back there. 150 students in twenty minutes and 65 officers in fifteen minutes I really hope that you’re proud of your self.”
My head is finally cleared up so I just simply laugh hysterically. And manage to say, “Your damn right I’m proud of myself you pig!”
“You seem really cocky for someone who is chained and about to receive the death penalty!” I hear him say.
I laugh even louder and scream, “Your only hope of survival and killing me at the same time is to lock me away right here and forget me for if you release me all hell will break loose!”
“You piece of—”
“That’s enough!” I hear a woman’s voice cut him off.
“J-Jen…” the man stutters.
“Oh, so your girlfriend is here? Come on why not try to—”
I myself am cut off by this impudent wench, “Shut up Getsu Kai age 19 and mass murderer.” I snicker at her oh so forceful voice…HA! “And you it’s not ‘Jen’ it’s Detective Stone to you.” She corrects him.
“HA HA HA HA! I SEE SO IT’S A ONE-SIDED LOVE HOW AMUSING! HA HA HA HA HA!” I can barley speak because of the laughter.
No more sounds the injected me with yet another tranquilizer. I awaken on a bus staring in to the eyes a blonde woman with blue stern eyes that seem to pierce whom ever they look at. Skinny little thing looks a bit fragile. Heh I like em’ like that. The bus comes to a sudden halt and the driver stands.
“Driver what are you doing keep drivi—” she can’t finish asking because as she looks around she notices that this isn’t the correct way to get where ever we were going.
“I’m sorry detective Stone but this is where we take our leave.” A deep voice comes from the front as the guard stands.
“Who are you?” The detective asks trying to act tough.
The driver turns and I see a tall man with pale skin and a goatee face her, “Who you ask? Well that’s easy I’m sure you’ve heard of the Shinigami Organization have you not?”
Her facial expression changes from confusion to utter and absolute fear. “Shi-Shi-Shinigami?!” she struggles in saying that one word. The man simply smiles. “Why are you here what do you want?”
“Simple question with equally simple answers. We are here to pick up our newest member,” he looks straight at me. His gaze is so intense that it seems to have the ability to paralyze, “As for the question you are about to ask which is going to be ‘Why him what makes him so special?’ He is the only person that I know of that can kill 215 people in 35 minutes. Now that is impressive.” The detective is stunned she can’t bring herself to speak.
The driver makes a hand sign to the guard who approaches the door that separates them from us. Detective Stone stumbles over her self as she tries to run to the back but the guard is on her almost immediately. He covered over 13 steps with just two. He drags her off the bus by her hair as the driver approaches me. I flinch when he reaches out to me but he simply smiles and removes my chains and leads me off the bus where I see a black Lexus round the turn of the cliff that we’re on.
On a mountain devoid of life or so it seems. A straight drop off into a deep chasm of jagged rocks and water. “Here,” The driver says as he tosses me my katana, “Lets go.” He looks at the guard and nods. The guard makes his way over to the detective and pulls out a gun only to point it at her head. “Any last words detective?”
Before she can speak I shout, “Don’t kill her please!”
“Oh, and why not?” the driver asks. I can’t seem to find a reason but it doesn’t matter he answers for me. “I know you want to keep her for your own amusement very good taste I must say but you have to earn her. If you want to keep her kill Jones.”
His command catches me off guard and I take a step back. Before I can ask who Jones is, the guard jumps into the air and pulls out a blade. I don’t know how but I severed his arms just a little past the wrist. He falls to the ground screaming in pain, but I take no notice my body is moving on it’s own accord now I no longer hold any control. I jump over him slashing his shoulder which caused him to bend backwards the moment I land I crouch and drive my blade through his back having it come out through his heart while at that precise moment I scream “Ba-Zen-Sho”! I didn’t realize what I did or what happened up until I removed my blade from his back.
I look over at the driver and he simply smirks—the same stupid smirk he’s worn since I first spoke—he lifts his head to reveal his wide eyed expression that is over filled with satisfaction and joy. “Very well done you don’t disappoint,” he looks over to the people getting out of the car “take care of the body you know what to do accidental hiking accident. So Kai, I guess you have your self a pretty little slave there and rest assured it is law that if she is your property no one will ever be able to touch her for if they do instant execution!” his eyes flare with intensity when he says this.
No more words are shared only gestures. He motions for me to go over to the detective who lay on the floor motionless from the shock of it all. I stand in front of her and offer my hand and smile at her as kindly and as reassuringly as I possibly can. She looks at me and eases her expression only slightly before she takes my hand knowing that this is the only kindness she will know for the rest of her days. I became her one shine of hope that day and it isn’t surprising because she seems to know a lot more about these Shinigami people than I do. The final gesture…we get inside the car and dive off with the bus following close behind.
Not soon after we set out we begin to see more and more people—guards of what seems to be a mansion in the horizon. We come up to the fates where the driver of the car inputs a code, the gates the open and we drive trough. The once proud detective rests her head on my right shoulder seeking some sort of comfort. As we approach the massive eggshell white mansion the detective quivers and I feel my shoulder getting wet from her tears. Before the care comes to a halt I place my right arm around her and with my left hand I wipe away her tears and place my hand on her chin. Guiding her head to face mine her eyes instantly look into mine and I utter the only words that come to mind, “Don’t worry it’s gonna be fine I’m here and I’m gonna make sure nothing bad happens to you.” Those words came from the way I once was but they seemed to work because she smiles and rests her head on shoulder once more.
We step out of the car and are guided to the steps of the mansion. The moment our feet touch the first step they rip us apart…violently. She was dragged to right and I to the left. They threw us down and pointed almost every single gun that anyone could think of. I look up and see the detectives face now engulfed in tears staring at me frightened begging me to do something but silently. The man driving the bus steps in between us and gestures to those holding me down and almost instantly I am lifted to my feet. The driver pulls out a gun himself and places it under my chin before I can say a word he cuts me off, “You didn’t think that there wouldn’t be a price for us saving you now do you from death row now do you? Here the thing we could use an assassin of your caliber to bring the Shinigami to a new level, but for that to happen we need you to help. If you refuse fine now that you know where our base resides we’ll have to kill you, but should you choose to cooperate you will have a guaranteed high-ranking position within the organization. So, will you join us?”
No second thought I answer almost at the exact moment that he finishes his question, “Yes, I humbly accept your offer thank you very much.” He smiles and snaps his fingers and all guns are put down. The detective, however, is lifted violently by the hair and thrown in my direction. The driver turns and hits him with the but of his gun at the same time he give him a side sweep before his head hit the floor the gun is already upon his head. The driver screams, “You do not touch her in that or any other manner!” he grabs that man by the head shoves his face in my direction, “This is her owner and only he can do with her what he will not you or any one else understood?!”
All the men simultaneously screamed, “Sir yes sir!” The driver goes silent yet again and signals for us to follow.
We enter the mansion but can’t get a good look around because we seem to be in a rush to get where we’re going. We arrive at a room that is rather big it’s like it’s own house. Two bathrooms, one bed, a chandelier, and it’s own kitchen. The driver says one final speech before leaving the room in as much a rush that he used to get there.
“This is your room you will live here for as long as live. Any questions you have and anything else that has not yet been mentioned will be explained tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. so please until then do not I repeat do not leave this room. Now if you will step inside and make your self at home we will return at the mentioned time for the explanation meeting.” We walk in and before we can look back the doors slams and we are left alone the detective still holding on to my arm with a death grip.
I lead her to the bed and lay her down. I begin to walk away towards the chair on the other end of the room but she pulls me back by my shirt and says, “Please Kai don’t go keep me company I’m scared.” Tears begin to return to her eyes and I know that I am obligated to stay by her side.
She falls asleep the moment she latches on to me. I my self begin to fade away but before I do I begin to think…“Good god what have I done?!”
Continued in Shinigami-Hit 2
© 2008 B.M.J. |
Added on August 16, 2008 Author