I belong to a strange crowd of people. People who work night and day in a world of nearly endless possibiltys and yet i can still be amazed by the inventions created here at Crane Industries. Today i show my father an invention all my own, i hope he is as proud of me as i am of him everyday, but first he has something he wanted to show me and im about five muntes late to his office because everday i am faced by an arrogant prick named John Emberhand, he sucks up to my father more then i ever did as a child with hopes of a new bicycle. Do get me wrong the guy is a geniuss but man i would sleep good every night if by chance he slipped and fell into a volcano. John had been working on something my father had instructed him to build something they both kept very private, something i was very eager to learn about, but enough about john and the fact that he may infact fall into a active volcano. I dashed down b hall which was a direct route to my fathers office and is on the 15th and top floor of the building, my long white labcoat bearing the crane family logo embeded on it and burst into my fathers office were he was having a meeting with a firend of his all the while i kept my invention covered in a white small white sheet, "my boy, icarus" said my father like always "good your finally here, im so excited son" he lept to his feet and said good day to mr. lekko who was just about to leave as i shook his hand, "INCOMPLETE"