![]() The Boy from the Streets (1)A Chapter by Sarah![]() Chapter 1![]() Scarlette’s P.O.V. “OH MY GOD what are you doing in my house!?” My blood curdling scream broke the silence of my kitchen. I was standing at the fridge, the door hanging open. Standing in front of me was a grungy, dirt-covered, teen boy. “Are you trying to break into my house?!?” I screamed again as the figure moved closer to me and laid a dirty hand over my mouth. “Can you please stop screaming? You are going got wake your parents and I would hate to wear out my welcome.” A sweet and sultry voice whispered into my ear. “w-who are you?” I stammered as he removed his hand. “I’m a guest invited in by your parents so I didn’t need to spend the night in the cold.” My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness if the kitchen, extremely dark since the closing of the fridge. Now I could make out long shaggy hair, dirt smudged features, tattered ill-fitting clothes but against it all piercing blue eyes stared at me through the darkness. “You’re staying here?” I asked in a nervous whisper. “That’s what I said; now if you’ll excuse me I’ll just go back to sleeping.” “Ummm…” I nodded slowly. The mysterious boy faded into the darkness of the hallway. Well one thing I can tell you is that I am NOT staying here! Even though it was 2 a.m. I called up my best friend Rose. She answered the phone on the third ring with some grunts and a thump. “This had better be good because I just fell off of my bed and I’m positive I’m getting a plum- sized bruise on my a*s!” She mumbled angrily. “I’m sorry but apparently my parents are letting some random guy stay here and I don’t feel comfortable staying here too.” “Oh my gosh! Is he HOT?!” “Leave it to you to ask that! Can I come over and stay with you while the possible axe- murder is sleeping on my couch? “You watch waayyy too many crime shows hun! Sure you can stay over but you’re going to have to up the tree and through the window.” Rose giggled. “No problem be there soon and put some ice on your a*s!” I replied grabbing my keys. “I want details when you get here!” She squealed quickly. “Yeah yeah yeah…” I hung up and left a note for my parents. I snuck out the front door and drove my Mustang to Rose’s. The hardest part was getting from the tree to Rose’s window. Rose was already waiting for me at her window looking impatient. “You do realize that this isn’t as easy as it looks!” I huffed after climbing through her window. “You take too long! I’m dying to know about the sexy run-in in your kitchen!” She squealed. “Can I catch my breath first?” I replied breathlessly my hand on my heart. “NO! Spill!” Rose pushed. “Fine he looked homeless, dirty, his clothes didn’t fit…” I began. “No what did he LOOK like?!” “I don’t really know. You know how dark my kitchen is and by the time I could get a good look at him the fridge had closed. It was pitch black!” I explained. “Ugh! So you have NO idea what this guy looks like?” “None whatsoever…well except…” I paused as the striking blue eyes flashed through my mind. “Except WHAT?!! Come on don’t leave me hanging!” Rose bounced up and down excitedly. “His eyes… they were the most striking color of blue…” I sighed dreamily. “OMG are we talking like Lucas Till blue or Zac Efron sky blue?” Rose asked thrusting two posters at me. I looked over them silently and then answered. “They’re closer to Zac’s color but even those don’t hold a candle to the color and intensity. They seemed to glow in the darkness…” I must’ve dazed because soon Rose was waving her hand in front of my face. “You’re so lucky! You get a supposedly gorgeous guy for your seventeenth birthday! All I got was a 5000 dollar shopping spree to Rodeo Drive!” Yeah that’s right 5000 dollars; Rose’s family is rich and well so is mine. “Oh my god! My birthday’s in three days! And I have a possible axe-murderer sleeping in my house!” I nearly screamed. “Duh! I cannot wait for your big bash! Who’s your date?” Rose asked so full of enthusiasm. Oh s**t my party! I’m supposed to have a house full of guests in less than 3 days! “Ohmygod the party! I don’t even have a date!” “Ask…ohh he needs a nickname!” Rose began and then became frustrated. “Hmm…TEDDY BEAR!” She whispered loudly after a moments thought. “Teddy Bear?! Yeah I’ll ask Teddy Bear the homeless possible serial killer teenage boy, to be my date to my high society party. That’s a great idea!!” I laughed so hard I fell off the bed. “Where do you come up with these nicknames?” I giggled at an angry Rose. “Seriously though, invite him… let him see how the other half lives.” Rose returned. “If he’s even still there by the time the party starts…” I replied in a hushed voice. After another half an hour of mindless babble about Teddy Bear, yes we did decided to call him that, Rose finally dozed off and I was able to get some sleep. 7:00 a.m. my phone rings and wakes me up. “S**t it’s my mom!” I whispered, Rose only groaned. “Hey mom! Yeah I’m fine; no I’m at Rose’s. I left a note. Yes I’m sure! It’s on the counter! Told you, I’ll be home in half an hour… Bye” I flopped back onto the extra mattress and sighed loudly. “Must you be so loud when you’re on the phone with you’re mother?” Rose groaned from under her thirty blankets. “It’s not my fault that she can’t see a bright neon green notepad on the counter and thinks I’ve gone missing.” I replied. “Ughhh… So you have to be home in half an hour?” “Yeah so I better get going… I can use the front door this time right?” “Yes of course darling. Sebastian will let you out.” Rose yawned and snuggled back under her covers. “See you at the party Rose!” I mumbled and she groaned in response. I swiftly and quietly left Rose’s house after being let out by Sebastian. It only took me 15 minutes to get back to my house and Martina opened the door. “Thank you Martina!” “Where did you go last night? Your mother was worried sick!” Martina scolded. “It’s not my fault my parents invited a possible axe-murderer stay here! Speaking of which where is the scraggly beast?” “Miss I have no idea of what you speak of?” Martina eyed me warily, and put a hand on my forehead. “Never mind he must be gone then…” I muttered and walked away. I headed upstairs and to my shower. I really needed to start getting ready for my party. I undressed but left on my bra and underwear and went to the bathroom in my wing of the house. Before I could turn the door knob, the door opened and I was face to face with some god. I stared at the floor for a second and then raised my eyes. I saw tan skin, flexed muscles and I finally looked the god in the eyes. They were a startling electric blue and then suddenly something in my mind clicked. Hey wait I know those eyes! “Oh my god! What are you still doing here?” I shrieked. “Must you scream every time I see you?” He scoffed, his hands pressed to his ears. “Yes! Mister- Mister… oh what the hell is your name?!” I asked trying to look at his face and not his abs. “It’s Ryker, Scarlette…” he chuckled. “Okay Mister Ryk- wait how do you know my name?” My heart fluttered, my name sounded so nice when he said it. What the heck are you doing? He’s homeless remember?! “Your parents told me silly…” Ryker replied whilst staring at me. “What the hell are you staring at?” I asked angrily. “I just like what you’re wearing…” he smirked and I followed his gaze downward. S**T! I’ve been standing here in my bra and underwear conversing with a possible serial killer! “Oh my gosh you perv! Move! Get out of my way!” I began slapping him and I pushed my way into the bathroom. I then slammed the door in his face. “Well Princess it’s not my fault you have great assets worth staring at…” Ryker chuckled and I heard him walk away. I scoffed and shed the last of my clothing. I ran the hot water and stepped into the shower. The water seemed to melt away the past few hours of trauma. Half an hour later I was all pruned and ready to get out of the shower. I turned of the water and reached for a towel. I wrapped the warm plush towel around my chest as I stepped out. I wrapped another towel around my dripping hair, turban-style. Once covered I opened the door slightly and stuck my head out. Good no Teddy Bear in sight! I opened the door all the way and quickly made my way to my suite. Once I was safely inside I locked the door. Reaching into my drawers I grabbed a pair of underwear and a strapless bra. I quickly unwrapped the towel and dressed. With my body scandalously covered I walked into my walk-in closet. Hanging in my closet, in the section full of new clothes was a new dress. It was a cream bodice with pleats, a black beaded empire waist and a tight black bottom half. I grabbed the hanger and went in search of shoes. So many pars to pick from so little time! But yet sitting in front was my favorite pair of strappy black heels. Grabbing them I went back out into my room and laid my dress and shoes on the bed. I swiftly dressed and put on my shoes. Finally after blow-drying my blonde locks I finished my makeup. Earthy eye shadow, purple eyeliner, black mascara, and a pale lip-gloss completed the look. I didn’t need any blush because my skin colors easily. My cell phone buzzed letting me no that it was almost time for the party planner to be here for the last minute check. I opened my door and walked into the hall. I was on my way to be the good hostess that I am when who should I run into? Someone I barely recognized, of course. And then I did the last thing I should’ve done…I screamed.© 2010 Sarah |
1 Review Added on November 28, 2010 Last Updated on November 28, 2010 AuthorSarahAboutI absolutely LOVE to write!! I love romances and cute love stories.. I am SUCH a girlygirl its not even funny... I spend entirely too much time with my best friends but that's okay because th.. more..Writing