![]() The Boy from the Streets (2)A Chapter by SarahRyker’s P.O.V. Her high pitched scream woke me from the trance I had been in. She was, of course, the source of that trance in many ways. “Jesus Christ woman! Stop screaming every time we run into each other!” Her scream died in her throat and she stared at me curiously. “Ryker? Is that you?” Her golden brown eyes grew in surprise and suddenly I understood… she didn’t recognize me. I had gotten my haircut since I had seen her half naked three hours ago. “Who else would it be?” I asked raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know, you just startled me…You cut your hair…” she responded in awe. “Yeah your mom thought since I’m your date for your party I would need to clean up a bit.” I replied and the unexpected happened. “YOU’RE GOING TO BE MY DATE!?” She yelled. “Um…uh oh… Your mother said you were okay with this…” I paused and raked a hand through my shortened hair. “I was not aware of this now please excuse me!” She brewed like a storm and then began to stalk off. “Scarlette wait…” I grabbed her wrist but she pulled away. “I need to go have a word with my mother.” With that she stomped off. I counted to thirty and followed her down the grand staircase. I really miss stuff like this…I sighed. But there’s no going back now… Scarlette can never know who I really am, I thought. My mind flashed back to a memory of a time long ago. *Flashback* “Ryker! Come down here darling! We have new neighbors!” A blonde little boy came toddling down the big spiral staircase into the open arms of a slim brunette woman. “Here I am mommy!” The young child giggled as her was led to the big foyer. At the door stood two adults. A man with green eyes and a caring façade towered over little Ryker. Next to him was a slim golden blonde haired woman. In her arms was a little pink bundle that, to Ryker, seemed to wiggle. “Mommy what’s that lady holding?” Oh honey that’s a baby,” Mrs. Nottingham cooed to her newly two year old son. “A baby? How old is it?” Ryker walked towards the pretty lady holding the bundle. She bent down to show the baby to Ryker. “She’s four months old honey. My name is Mrs. Harris… what’s your name?” “My name is Ryker…” He replied shyly. “Oh Michelle he’s a darling!” Mrs. Harris cooed. “I know Violet! They will be a perfect match!” Mrs. Nottingham giggled. Ryker stared up at them in confusion. *End Flashback* “Mom I cannot believe you invited a homeless boy to my high society party! And as my date no less!” Scarlette’s voice rang through the spacious area. “Darling he is our guest… We can’t just lock him up in his room like a dog in its cage.” Mrs. Harris’ calm voice answered. Little does Scarlette know that I had a life just like hers at one point. “But Mom! His behavior is atrocious!” “Looks can be very deceiving Scarlette… remember that ma cherie.” I heard Scarlette sigh and then footsteps. “But Mom! Mom! Why do you always walk away from me?” Scarlette whined. I knew Mrs. Harris was walking towards me so I tried to hide. All I achieved was a face to face with Mrs. Harris. “Ryker darling, please don’t take anything Scarlette says to heart. She just needs some time to adjust.” She put a hand on my cheek. “That’s understandable Mrs. Harris, I mean we do come from different worlds.” I smiled weakly. “Oh Ryker you look so much like my old friend Michelle’s Ryker…” She sighed and I felt a panic rise inside of me. Does she know who I really am? Mrs. Harris gave me a knowing smile and walked away. “Oh and Ryker?” “Yes?” I croaked. “My husband Cole will take you to get an outfit for the party. He should be here any minute.” Her hand rested on the banister. “Thank you so much for everything Mrs. Harris.” “No problem dear…” She smiled and ascended the stairs. I turned around right into Scarlette. “Watch where you’re going scumbag!” She spat, her face blotchy from crying, somehow it made her prettier. Shut up you don’t like her! “Sorry your Royal Highness but I’m not the one crying over a stupid party…” I retorted not at all liking the sour taste in my mouth. “Yes you’re not the one with 200 high society guests coming over and a hobo as a date!” She screamed. “Better a hobo than a homeless person…” I smirked, egging her on. “What the hell is the difference?” Scarlette boiled like a volcano. “Well hobos are a lot jollier and friendlier than homeless people.” I stated and watched the light dance across her eyes. Then the unexpected happened, she burst out laughing. I looked at her quizzically and she roared with laughter. “Please explain what is so very funny?” A smile twitched at my lips as I watched her try to regain her composure. “You…said…jolly…homeless…person… and all I could think… about was a homeless Santa Claus!” Her laughter continued and I soon joined in. Scarlette started to walk away, laughing, but stumbled into me and I caught her. Our laughter subsided into silence and we both there grasping each other’s arms for balance. “Your eyes are the most startlingly amazing color of blue…” Scarlette whispered and my breath caught. “They seem so familiar but yet…” She paused again and I felt my heart thumping against my rib cage. Scarlette’s right hand had migrated to my cheek and her left hand was over my heart. My hands had somehow found their way to her waist. “Am I interrupting something?” A tiny female voice broke the silence. Scarlette and I turned at the same time and standing in the doorway was a sporty looking brunette. “Oh my god Nicole! You’re early!” Scarlette squealed and tore herself out of my grasp. I immediately felt cold without her near. “Honey it’s your seventeenth birthday party last minute planning! One can never be to early!” The girl named Nicole giggled. I cleared my throat slightly to get their attention. “Oh! Nicole this is Ryker my ummm… house… uhh… date for the party.” Scarlette decided. “He’s yummy but what about Jayson?” Who the hell is Jayson? “Well I still really like him… My parents set Ryker up as my date…” Scarlette blushed. “Wait your parents set up a date for you? Awkward…” Nicole paused. “Hey I take offense to that!” An older man’s voice interjected. “Oh Mister Harris!” Nicole blushed. Scarlette was giggling like crazy and I began to laugh as well. “It’s okay Nicole… Well are you ready to get a suit for Friday?” “Yes sir…” “Well let’s get a move on then. Oh and Scarlette Mr. & Mrs. Nottingham said they could make it tonight!” My heart plummeted into my stomach. They cannot see me tonight! “Yay! I haven’t seen them in forever!” “Well Scarlette you know that after their Ryker ran away they’re not for socializing…” Mr. Harris trailed off and I could’ve sworn he looked at me as he said that. “Wait… their Ryker?” Nicole asked, confusion evident. “Well Ryker here…” Mr. Harris continued and put a hand on my shoulder, “…is not Ryker Nottingham, who is the Ryker I was just referring to.” “Ohh…” Nicole nodded as Scarlette giggled. “Come on Ryker let’s go. The tailor’s will be closing soon and you still don’t have a suit.” Mr. Harris changed the subject. “Coming! Bye Nicole nice meeting you! Bye Scarlette see you soon!” I said as I walked after Mr. Harris. “Bye Teddy-Bear!” Scarlette said quietly but not quiet enough for it to escape my notice. “Bye Princess, you can explain Teddy- Bear later…” I winked and closed the door behind me. The whole time I spent shopping I couldn’t help but think of Scarlette’s face just before I closed the door. Her golden brown eyes sparkled in amusement, her cheeks pinked with embarrassment and her mouth formed the perfect “O” of surprise. No matter what I did I couldn’t get her out of my head. No you can’t fall for her! This is why you ran away! To escape all this! That was when it wasn’t my choice…it could be different… It would still be what your parents wanted…You would still be loving the girl they wanted you to love… Remember why you left! The voices in my head stopped arguing and faded. I soon realized what I had to do.© 2010 SarahAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on November 28, 2010 Last Updated on November 28, 2010 AuthorSarahAboutI absolutely LOVE to write!! I love romances and cute love stories.. I am SUCH a girlygirl its not even funny... I spend entirely too much time with my best friends but that's okay because th.. more..Writing